srio 门铃

It’s pretty rare when devices allow you to change the color of their LED lights, but with the SkyBell HD video doorbell, you can. Here’s how to do it.

当设备允许您更改其LED灯的颜色时,这种情况很少见,但是有了SkyBell HD视频门铃,您就可以做到。 这是操作方法。

By default, the SkyBell HD’s LED color is green, which is actually a practical color to use in this case (green means go, so go ahead and ring on the doorbell…right?). However, if you want to make your SkyBell a bit more original, you can change it to just about any color or shade you want.

默认情况下,SkyBell HD的LED颜色为绿色,在这种情况下实际上是一种实用的颜色(绿色意味着可以,因此继续前进并在门铃上敲响……对吗?)。 但是,如果要使SkyBell更具原始性,可以将其更改为几乎所需的任何颜色或阴影。

Start by opening up the SkyBell app on your smartphone.


From the main screen, tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen.


Select “LED” right under “SkyBell Configuration”.

在“ SkyBell配置”下选择“ LED”。

From this menu, you can also completely turn off the LED lights on the doorbell if you wish, or change the brightness of the LEDs to either Low, Medium, or High. I find that the “Low” setting is plenty bright, though, especially at night.

通过此菜单,您还可以根据需要完全关闭门铃上的LED灯,或将LED的亮度更改为“低”,“中”或“高”。 我发现“低”设置非常明亮,尤其是在夜晚。

In any case, go ahead and tap on “Color”.


You can choose pretty much any color you want by moving the round dot anywhere on the color palette. Unfortunately, the SkyBell doorbell won’t change its LED light color in real time as you change the color in the app.

通过将圆点移动到调色板上的任意位置,您几乎可以选择任何所需的颜色。 不幸的是,当您在应用程序中更改颜色时,SkyBell门铃不会实时更改其LED灯颜色。

Instead, you’ll have to hit “Save” in the top-right corner of the screen in order to see the color you chose show up on the SkyBell unit.


Once you hit save, your new color is ready to go and whenever your SkyBell is idling (when no one is at the door), the button and the light bar on the top will illuminate with the custom color that you chose.



srio 门铃

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