
The Chern number is defined through the integration of the Berry curvature in the Brillouin zone (BZ) as


is the non- vanishing component of the Berry curvature, with the periodic part of the Bloch wavefunction of the nth band.The Chern number is necessarily integer- valued, counting the net number of chiral edge modes that enter and leave a given band.

上式是Berry曲率的非消失分量,ku ()n为第n波段布洛赫波函数的周期部分。Chern数必须是整数值,计算进入和离开一个给定波段的手性边缘模式的净数量。



The chiral edge modes, which are responsible for the quantized Hall conductance, propagate along the edges unidirectionally, and are robust against gap- preserving disorder and defects.


Owing to undesired effects such as non- synchronous rotation and flow instabilities. To overcome these issues, an acoustic ring resonator lattice was designed with optimized structural parameters and a high- order mode with high quality factor, which considerably reduces the required airflow speed. Based on this design (fig. 2e), acoustic chiral edge modes were successfully observed.




Pseudospins and T-preserved topological phases in acoustics



Acoustic analogues of quantum spin Hall insulators.

The QSH insulator, which can be regarded as a system simultaneously supporting two time- reversed copies of the QH insulator, hosts ‘helical’ edge states. The term ‘helical’ refers to the fact that opposite spins counterpropagate along the edge, in contrast to chiral edge states that propagate unidirectionally.


Unlike the QH phase, a QSH insulator does not break T symmetry but is instead protected by T symmetry. This is because T symmetry for an electron satisfies T**2 = − 1 , which enables Kramers doublets, where opposite spins are degenerate at T-invariant momenta. It is thus possible to achieve gapless edge states robust against T- preserving perturbations. However, for sound, which carries intrinsic spin-0, T symmetry satisfies T**2 = 1 .Such a fundamental difference poses a challenge to the implementation of an acoustic analogue.

与QH相不同,QSH绝缘子不破坏T对称,而是受到T对称的保护。这是因为电子的T对称性满足T**2 =−1,这使克雷默斯双态成为可能,其中相反自旋在T不变动量下简并。因此,有可能获得抗保T扰动的无间隙边缘状态。然而,对于具有自旋-0特性的声音,T对称满足T**2 = 1。这样的基本差异给声学模拟的实现带来了挑战。

克服这个问题的一个常用策略是将T修改为TU (U是一个通常由格对称生成的算子),这样(UT)**2 =−1。

Γ(gamma) 点是什么:

Γ 点处的三重简并态是偶然简并形成的,保持介质矩形柱的 ε 不变,改变边长 d ,使它偏离 0.3633a,三重简并态分裂成一个两重简并态和一个单态.当 d=0.353a 时,两重简并态的频率高于单态的频率,如图2(a)所示;当 d=0.373a 时,两重简并态的频率低于单态的频率,如图2(b)所示;当 d=0.3633a时,两重简并态与单态在 Γ 点处对应不同的 d 能带具有反转现象,因此在能带反转的两个不同 d 之间必然存在一个 d 使得三个能带简并,如图2(c)所示.对于二维电介质光子晶体,当波矢 k =0 处存在狄拉克点时,如果狄拉克点是由单极子和偶极子形成,那么在狄拉克点频率的光子晶体可以等效为介电常数和磁导率都为零的材料。


Acoustic valley Hall insulators


Acoustic topological phases with quantized dipole and multipole moments

In this section, we turn our focus to another large class of topological phases that are characterized by a quantized dipole moment, that is, the integration of the Berry connection, and by its generalizations, such as quantized quadrupole and octupole moments.

在前两节中,我们讨论了声学中的QH、QSH和valley Hall相位。这些拓扑相由切恩数及其导数表征,如自旋数和谷切恩数,它们是贝里曲率的积分。在本节中,我们将重点转向另一类拓扑相,它们的特征是一个量子化偶极矩,即Berry连接的积分,以及它的推广,如量子化四极矩和八极矩




Acoustic topological phases in 1D are characterized by quantized bulk dipole polarization.


In the modern theory of polarization, the bulk dipole moment is formulated through the Berry phase as


The dipole moment corresponds to the Wannier centre and in general can take any value within one unit cell. Importantly, the dipole moment can be quantized by symmetries such as mirror and chiral symmetries, making it eligible as a topological invariant. Note that the dipole moment by definition is a gauge- variant quantity that depends on the choice of a unit cell. Nevertheless, the Wannier centre positions are unambiguous. When a 1D system has a non- trivial dipole moment, there are fractional charges at boundaries. The quantized dipole moment, as well as the fractional boundary charge, cannot be removed by perturbations that preserve both the protective symmetry and the bandgap. In realistic acoustic systems, although there is no actual polarization, because there are no charged particles like electrons, the above picture still applies. The dipole polarization can be understood as the Wannier centre, and the fractional boundary charge can be interpreted as a ‘fractional boundary anomaly’.


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