
Are you too old to compete in the Olympics? Maybe you’re not as bendy as those 16-year-old figure skaters, but there might be other sports with athletes about your age.

您年纪大了,无法参加奥运会吗? 也许您不像那些16岁的花样滑冰运动员那么弯曲,但是与您年龄相同的运动员可能还会进行其他运动。

Athlete bios are posted on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games website, and I compiled that data, then created a few Excel pivot tables, to analyze the athletes’ ages.


  • Which Winter Olympic sports have the oldest athletes?哪些冬季奥林匹克运动会的运动员年龄最大?
  • Which countries send the youngest participants?哪个国家/地区最年轻的参与者?
  • Do similar age groups compete in different sports?相似年龄段的人参加不同的运动吗?
  • Who wears the wildest pants?谁穿最荒唐的裤子?

With our Excel pivot tables, and some pivot table grouping, we can find the answers to those pressing questions. Well, maybe not the pants issue, but let’s look at the age questions.

通过我们的Excel数据透视表和一些数据透视表分组,我们可以找到那些紧迫问题的答案。 好吧,也许不是裤子问题,但让我们看一下年龄问题。

在数据透视表中显示最大值 (Show Maximum Values in a Pivot Table)

Using the Olympic athlete biographical data, I created an Excel pivot table with Sport in the Row Labels area, and Age in the Values area. The default is to show the Sum of Age, which isn’t too helpful.

使用奥林匹克运动员的个人资料,我创建了一个Excel数据透视表,其中“行标签”区域中为“运动”,“值”区域中为“年龄”。 默认设置为显示“年龄总和”,但并不太有用。

Instead of a sum, I’d like to see the maximum age for athletes in each sport.


  • To change the summary function in an Excel pivot table Values field, right-click on one of the values in that field.若要在Excel数据透视表的“值”字段中更改汇总功能,请右键单击该字段中的值之一。
  • Click Summarize Data By, then click a different summary function. I’ll click Max, to see the highest age in each sport.单击“汇总数据依据”,然后单击其他汇总功能。 我将点击“最大”,以查看每种运动的最高年龄。

Then, I can sort the list in descending order by Age, to highlight the sports with the oldest competitors.


Alpine skiing is a surprising winner, and as I expected, figure skating and short track have a much lower maximum age.


显示运动员人数 (Show a Count of Athletes)

Maybe there’s only one Alpine skiier, and s/he’s really old. To compare the number of athletes in each sport, I’ll add the athlete’s name field to the Values area, and it will appear as Count of Name.

也许只有一位高山滑雪者,他/她真的很老。 为了比较每个运动项目中的运动员人数,我将运动员的姓名字段添加到“值”区域,该字段将显示为“姓名计数”。

Except for the last two items, there’s a good number of athletes in each sport, with Alpine Skiing as the second largest group.


查看按国家/地区划分的运动员年龄 (See Athlete Age by Country)

If we replace Sport with Nationality in the Row Labels area, we can see the maximum age and athlete count for each country.


That 51-year-old alpine skier is from Mexico, and is the only athlete from that country. Coincidentally, Great Britain sent 51 athletes, but the oldest is 45.

这位51岁的高山滑雪者来自墨西哥,是该国唯一的运动员。 巧合的是,英国派出了51名运动员,但年龄最大的是45名。

To see the average age per country, you can change the summary function to Average, then sort the ages in ascending order. The lowest average ages are from countries with a small number of athletes.

要查看每个国家/地区的平均年龄,您可以将汇总功能更改为平均,然后按升序对年龄进行排序。 平均年龄最低的国家是运动员较少的国家。

To see the average ages for the larger contingents, we can filter the countries by the Count of Name value. Click the drop down arrow for the Nationality field, click Value Filters, then click Top 10. I selected to see the Top 10 items by Count of Name.

要查看较大的特遣队的平均年龄,我们可以通过“姓名计数”值过滤国家/地区。 单击“国籍”字段的下拉箭头,单击“值过滤器”,然后单击“前10名”。我选择按“按姓名计数”查看前10名。

The pivot table now shows only the countries with the largest number of participants, sort by average age. There’s not much difference in the average ages among countries in the top 10 list.

现在,数据透视表仅显示参加人数最多的国家(按平均年龄排序)。 排名前10位的国家/地区之间的平均年龄差异不大。

That’s not too encouraging! If I want to compete in the next Winter Olympics, I should move to Mexico, and take up alpine skiing.

这不太令人鼓舞! 如果我想参加下届冬季奥运会,我应该去墨西哥,从事高山滑雪。

选定运动的年龄范围 (Age Range in Selected Sports)

Finally, let’s see the age range in a few of the ice sports. I removed Nationality from the Row Labels, and added Sports. Then, I filtered the list, to show only four of the sports – curling, figure skating, ice hockey and speed skating.

最后,让我们看看一些冰上运动的年龄范围。 我从“行标签”中删除了“国籍”,并添加了“体育”。 然后,我过滤了该列表,仅显示了其中的四个运动-冰壶,花样滑冰,冰球和速滑。

Figure skating has the narrowest age range, and curling has the widest. Maybe I can stay in Canada, and learn how to curl.

花样滑冰的年龄范围最窄,而冰壶的年龄范围最广。 也许我可以留在加拿大,学习如何卷曲。

Instead of showing the individual ages on the chart, I can group the ages into 5 year bands. Right-click on an Age, and click Group. Then enter 5 in the By box, and click OK.

我可以将年龄分为5年范围,而不是在图表上显示各个年龄段。 右键单击“年龄”,然后单击“组”。 然后在“依据”框中输入5,然后单击“确定”。

The chart looks less like the Rocky Mountains, and it’s easier to see the age ranges for each sport.


下载资料 (Download the Data)

I’ve saved the athlete bio data in a zipped text file that you can download, and use it to create your own pivot table. Let me know if you make any surprising discoveries.

我已经将运动员的生物数据保存在一个可下载的压缩文本文件中,并用它来创建自己的数据透视表。 如果您有任何令人惊讶的发现,请告诉我。

Download the athlete data


恭喜啦 (Congratulations)

And congratulations to Alexandre Bilodeau, from Canada, for winning a gold medal in Men’s Moguls at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.

并祝贺加拿大的亚历山大·比洛多(Alexandre Bilodeau)在2010年温哥华冬季奥运会中赢得了男子大人物的金牌。

Yes, it was the first Olympic gold ever won by a Canadian on home soil.


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/02/19/excel-pivot-tables-at-the-olympics/




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