英语四级 词根+例句

  1. multi (很多) multiply乘,繁殖

    ten multiply by eight is 80(eighty)
  2. flu (流动)

  3. ent(具有…的)

  4. ial(…的)adj形容词

    He is such a influential star and many people copy his look

    (他是一个很有影响力的明星 很多人模仿他的穿着)

  5. —ition (名词后缀)

  6. —al (形容词后缀)

    Each additional scoop made the ice cream more delicious


  7. infer(推断)’

  8. ior(表形容词 较 …的)

    He makes me feel I’m inferior to him


  9. con(共同的)

  10. gress(行走)

    A congress is a large meeting that is held to discuss national policies


  11. relat=relate(关联)

  12. ion(名词后缀)

    They have built a business relation,they’re partners from on


  13. –ly (形容词后缀)

    The tea egg is ridiculously costly!


  14. sal(盐)

  15. –ary(名词后缀)

    They’re receiving their monthly salaries from Lord Bao


  16. self(自己)

  17. ish(形容词后缀)

    The selfish boy doesn’t share the candies with other kids.


  18. ob(朝向)

  19. ject(扔)

    UFO is the short form of Unidentified Flying Object


  20. veloc(快的)

  21. ity(表名词)

    The velocity of the free kick was over 100km/h


  22. centr(中心)

  23. ation(表名词后缀)

    Repairing watches requires a great deal of concentration


  24. ad(名词后缀)

    I’m on a diet, so I’ll just have a salad! Thanks!

    (我正在减肥,所以我将只吃沙拉! 谢谢)

  25. cre(增长,产生)

  26. ate(造成)

    I create the painting all by myself


  27. regul (规则 ,统治)

    The rules and regulations of our school drive us mad


  28. reg(国王)

    Mike is produced in these region


  29. front(前面)

    The two men confront each other with anger


  30. amb(大)

  31. it(行走)

  32. ious(形容词后缀)

    Although he isn’t young anymore ,the businessman is still ambitious.


  33. cap(拿)

  34. acity(名词后缀)

    The capacity of this cup is 2 liters


  35. with(向后,相反)

  36. draw(拉)

    I’d like to withdraw 500 dollars from the machine.


  37. ary(…的)

  38. ex(完全)

  39. haust(抽出)

    Doing housework exhaust me


  40. reli(依靠)

  41. able(表形容词)

    My mobile phone is very reliable


42.duct(引导 ,带来)

  1. or(表名词,人)

    The conductor is leading the band


  2. install(安装)

    The installation of the air conditioning was a little difficult


  3. dictat(口授)

  4. ion(名词后缀)

    As he could not write ,he needed someone to help him with his dictation.


  5. sub(在下面)

  6. ive(形容词后缀)

    The taste in art is a highly subjective matter


  7. ab(一再)

  8. sorb(吸收)

  9. ed(…的)

    My daughter is absorbed in her story book.


  10. re (向后,相反)(重新)

  11. verse(转)

    She can reverse her car into a parking space.


  12. dec(合适的)

  13. ent(形容词后缀)

    The man in suit looks very decent


  14. sym(共同)

  15. pathy(感情)

    He felt a lot of sympathy for the dog and gave it a bone.


  16. satis(足够,饱足)

  17. faction(名词后缀)

    I gave their service a good rating to show my satisfaction.


  18. mov=move(移动)

    The hair removal roller is very useful.


  19. meas(计量,测量)

  20. ure(名词后缀)

    He measure himself to see how tall he is


  21. sist(站)

  22. ant(…的)

    This watch is water resistant.


  23. **gest(**带来产生)

    You look terrible! Isuggest you go see a doctor!

    (你看起来糟透了! 我建议你去看医生)

  24. rac(e)(种族)

  25. ial(形容词后缀)

    Racial equality is the foundation of world peace


  26. pro(向前)

  27. pose(放置)

    He proposed to his girlfriend with a diamond


  28. chew(嚼)

    Please don’t chew and speak at the same time


  29. solv(松的)

    He helped the girl to solve the math problem




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