android 设备序列号

Your device’s serial number is a unique code that the manufacturer gives the phone. No two serial numbers are the same. Should you need to find your phone’s, there are a few places you can look.

设备的序列号是制造商提供给手机的唯一代码。 没有两个序列号相同。 如果您需要查找手机,可以在一些地方找到。

A serial number is usually a combination of letter and numbers. There’s no set length— the manufacturer determines that. The serial number will usually be denoted by an “S/N:” on the box, as you’ll see below. As with all things Android, the path to your serial number may have different routes, but this guide should give you a general idea of where to look.

序列号通常是字母和数字的组合。 没有设定长度,由制造商确定。 序列号通常在包装盒上用“ S / N:”表示,如下所示。 与所有Android设备一样,序列号的路径可能具有不同的路径,但是本指南应使您大致了解该查找的位置。

选项一:在设备的零售包装上 (Option One: On Your Device’s Retail Packaging)

Often, the box your device came in will carry the serial number. It’s usually located on the outside of the box on a sticker that also contains several bar codes, your device’s IMEI number, etc. It’ll either be on the back or the side of the box.

通常,设备随附的包装盒中会包含序列号。 它通常位于包装盒外框的贴纸上,该标签还包含多个条形码,设备的IMEI号码等。它可以在包装盒的背面或侧面。

选项二:在设备的电池下 (Option Two: Under Your Device’s Battery)

These days, most Android devices come with non-removable batteries. But if you have a device with a removable battery, you will often be able to find the serial number printed underneath.

如今,大多数Android设备都配有不可拆卸的电池。 但是,如果您的设备带有可拆卸电池,则通常可以找到印在下面的序列号。

选项三:在设备的系统设置中 (Option Three: In Your Device’s System Settings)

To find your device’s serial number in the software, go to Settings > System.


Then jump into About Phone > Status.


Your device’s serial number will generally be located toward the bottom of this screen.


If you don’t see your device’s serial number here, you may need to poke around in the About Phone section a bit more—it may be in a slightly different place depending on the manufacturer. Gotta love Android.

如果您在此处看不到设备的序列号,则可能需要在“关于电话”部分中多翻一些,具体位置可能因制造商而略有不同。 一定喜欢Android。

序列号有什么用途,应保持私有状态? (What is the Serial Number Used For and Should It Stay Private?)

Your serial number is generally used by the manufacturer to track device inventory—mainly for things like repairs and warranty claims. Since it’s usually printed on the outside of the box, you can infer it’s not terribly important that it stays completely private. However, there are certain situations where sharing a serial number can cause you grief down the road. For example, if you share your serial number and someone uses it to file a false warranty repair on a device, you may suddenly find yourself with a phone that is out of warranty.

制造商通常使用您的序列号来跟踪设备库存-主要用于维修和保修索赔之类的事情。 由于它通常印在包装盒外面,你可以推断出它不是非常重要的是,它保持完全私人的。 但是,在某些情况下,共享序列号可能会导致您后悔不已。 例如,如果您共享序列号,并且有人使用它在设备上进行虚假的保修,则您可能会突然发现自己的手机不在保修范围内。

OEM’s generally recommend against making your device’s serial number public—it is unique to your device after all, and there’s no reason to share it. So no tweeting, please.

OEM通常建议不要公开设备的序列号-毕竟它是设备唯一的,并且没有理由共享它。 所以请不要发推文。


android 设备序列号

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