android 屏幕投射

If you’re anything like me, who has never created a screen-cast app before and want to explore the options to do it, let’s dive in together.


Things you should know already- Creating Android apps (used Kotlin for this post)


屏幕镜像或屏幕投射 (Screen mirroring or screen casting)

For most users, screen mirroring and screen casting might just mean the same thing: presenting the content from phone or any other small device to TV. It’s crucial to know the difference though, if you’re integrating one of these into your own apps.

对于大多数用户而言,屏幕镜像和屏幕投射可能只是同一件事:将内容从电话或任何其他小型设备呈现到电视。 但是,如果您要将其中之一集成到自己的应用程序中,则要知道它们之间的区别至关重要。

Screen Mirroring refers to showing your phone’s display on the TV as is. That means any clutter on the phone, navigation icons, and every other clickable item appears on the TV as well, even though on most TVs you can’t interact with those UI elements.

屏幕镜像是指按原样在电视上显示手机的显示屏。 这意味着电话上的任何杂物,导航图标以及所有其他可单击的项目也会出现在电视上,即使在大多数电视上,您也无法与这些UI元素进行交互。

Screen Casting means showing only the meaningful content on the TV. It’s used when you want to play a full-screen video on TV while your phone is showing controls, or maybe show graphs and charts on TV while your phone displays data in tabular format.

屏幕投射意味着仅在电视上显示有意义的内容。 当您要在手机显示控件时在电视上播放全屏视频,或者当手机以表格格式显示数据时在电视上显示图形和图表时,可以使用此功能。

规约 (Protocols)

The top most common protocols used for casting are:1. ChromeCast (Google Cast)2. MiraCast3. AirPlay4. Amazon Fling5. DLNA6. DIAL7. Samsung SmartTV

用于转换的最常见的协议是:1。 ChromeCast(Google Cast)2。 MiraCast3。 AirPlay4。 亚马逊物流5。 DLNA6。 拨号7。 三星SmartTV

We’ll focus on the first two of the list. I might soon add AirPlay and Amazon Fling also (although AirPlay works on Apple devices only).

我们将重点关注列表的前两个。 我可能很快还会添加AirPlay和Amazon Fling(尽管AirPlay仅适用于Apple设备)。

MiraCast (MiraCast)

MiraCast is essentially a screen-mirroring protocol. The typical use case is to mirror entire screen of your small device (phone or tablet), on a bigger device (TV). It is possible to override system behaviour and display our own (custom) views using MiraCast as well, which from a developer’s perspective will be a second screen being displayed on top of the mirrored screen.

MiraCast本质上是一个屏幕镜像协议。 典型的用例是在较大的设备(TV)上镜像小型设备(电话或平板电脑)的整个屏幕。 也可以使用MiraCast覆盖系统行为并显示我们自己的(自定义)视图,从开发人员的角度来看,这将是第二个屏幕显示在镜像屏幕的顶部。

On Android, MiraCast devices aren’t visible to app unless that MiraCast device is already selected to cast from the system settings (at least from Android 8.0).

在Android上,除非已选择从系统设置(至少从Android 8.0开始)投射MiraCast设备,否则应用程序将看不到MiraCast设备。

Once a MiraCast device is selected from settings, the app can then use MediaRouter API or DisplayManager API to get hold of a Display object, which can then be provided to Presentation object.

从设置中选择MiraCast设备后,应用程序便可以使用MediaRouter API或DisplayManager API来获取Display对象,然后可以将其提供给Presentation对象。

You can look for the selected MiraCast device by checking for selected route in the onResume method of the Activity or a Fragment.


override fun onResume() {    findSelectedDevice()}private fun findSelectedDevice() {    val route = mediaRouter.selectedRoute    if (route.playbackType != PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL && route.presentationDisplay != null) {        selectedDisplay = route.presentationDisplay        showPresentationDialog()}

A Presentation object is just a common Android dialog, when you call its show() method, instead of being presented to screen, this dialog opens in fullscreen mode on the TV. Now you have any layout in that presentation dialog.

Presentation对象只是一个常见的Android对话框,当您调用它的show()方法时,该对话框以全屏模式在电视上打开,而不是显示在屏幕上。 现在,您可以在该演示文稿对话框中进行任何布局。

private fun showPresentationDialog() {    if (selectedDisplay == null)        return    if (presentationDialogFragment != null && presentationDialogFragment!!.presentationDisplay != selectedDisplay) {        dismissPresentationDialog()    }    if (presentationDialogFragment == null) {        presentationDialogFragment = MyCustomPresentation(this, selectedDisplay)        try {            presentationDialogFragment!!.show(activity!!.supportFragmentManager, "MY_PRESENTATION_DIALOG_FRAGMENT")        }        catch (e: WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException) {            Toast.makeText(context, "Invalid cast display", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()        }    }}

Now create your own MyCustomPresentation class that inherits from Presentation.


You can also inherit from DialogFragment and then inside its nnCreateDialog return a Presentation object.

您也可以从 DialogFragment 继承 ,然后在其 nnCreateDialog 内部 返回一个Presentation对象。

class MyCustomPresentation(private val display: Display) : DialogFragment() {    override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceBundle: Bundle?) : Dialog {        return Presentation(context, display)    }override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {        super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState)return inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, container, false)    }}

Then you can add views inside my_layout.xml however you want.


To test this, run the application and go to settings > cast/smart view/or similar name. Choose your MiraCast device, come back to the application and you should see your layout on the TV.

要对此进行测试,请运行该应用程序,然后转到设置>演员表/智能视图/或类似名称。 选择您的MiraCast设备,返回到应用程序,您应该在电视上看到布局。

It’s reasonable to think that all the processing of the views for supporting MiraCast on your app has to be done by the phone itself instead of the TV. Under the hood, the phone is probably rasterizing this Presentation view into a video and then sending it out to TV.

可以合理地认为,为支持您的应用程序上的MiraCast而进行的所有视图处理都必须由手机本身而不是电视来完成。 在引擎盖下,手机可能会将此Presentation视图栅格化为视频,然后将其发送到电视。

ChromeCast (ChromeCast)

ChromeCast until recently supported this behaviour from MiraCast as well. You could get hold of Display object, using CastRemoteDisplayLocalService class. Then provide that Display object to Presentation object, and work in the same way as you did with MiraCast. However, this behaviour is not supported anymore and doesn’t work now.

直到最近,ChromeCast都支持MiraCast的这种行为。 使用CastRemoteDisplayLocalService类可以获取Display对象。 然后将该Display对象提供给Presentation对象,并以与MiraCast相同的方式工作。 但是,此行为不再受支持,现在不起作用。

Instead with ChromeCast, you have two options: one is to use a Default Media Receiver (or a Styled Media Receiver which is the same as Default Media Receiver except it can be styled using CSS), another option is to use Custom Receiver.

取而代之的是使用ChromeCast,您有两种选择:一种是使用默认媒体接收器 (或与默认媒体接收器相同的样式化媒体接收器,但可以使用CSS对其进行样式设置),另一种选择是使用自定义接收器

With the Default Media Receiver, you can present any media content (videos, photos, and audio) in supported formats (mp4, jpeg, and all common formats) to the TV without needing to do any hard work on the TV side. With the Default Media Receiver, you can even present live video content in one of the three supported protocols: HLS, DASH, and SmoothStreaming.

使用默认媒体接收器,您可以将任何支持的格式(mp4,jpeg和所有常见格式)的媒体内容(视频,照片和音频)呈现给电视,而无需在电视方面进行任何艰苦的工作。 使用默认媒体接收器,您甚至可以三种受支持的协议之一呈现实时视频内容:HLS,DASH和SmoothStreaming。

However, if you need to show your own custom content on ChromeCast (this means showing non media elements like text, charts, or virtually anything), you need to create an app for the ChromeCast.


The ChromeCast app is essentially a web-application running inside a Google Chrome instance in a full screen mode without showing address bar, menus, and all other chrome.

ChromeCast应用本质上是一个全屏模式在Google Chrome实例内部运行的网络应用,不显示地址栏,菜单和所有其他镶边。

For creating a ChromeCast application, you need cast application id which you can get by registering on Google Cast Dev Console and creating a new application in that console. The registration fee is US $5 as of date of writing this post. Application URL is also set up here.

要创建ChromeCast应用程序,您需要投放应用程序ID ,该ID可通过在Google Cast Dev Console上注册并在该控制台中创建新应用程序来获得。 截至撰写本文时,注册费为5美元。 应用程序URL也在这里设置。

For your application to be seen by your ChromeCast device while it is not published yet, you also need to register your ChromeCast device’s serial number in the Cast Dev Console.

为了使您的应用程序在尚未发布的情况下仍能被您的ChromeCast设备看到,您还需要在Cast Dev Console中注册ChromeCast设备的序列号。

Once registered, you can start coding from the sender side (phone application) and the TV side (web-application) in order to establish custom communication channels.


发件人应用 (Sender App)

Create a class that inherits from OptionsProvider. This class is referenced from AndroidManifest.xml

创建一个从OptionsProvider继承的类。 此类从AndroidManifest.xml引用

import other importsclass CastOptionsProvider : OptionsProvider {    companion object {        fun getCastAppIdFromContext(context: Context): String {            return context.resources.getString(R.string.cast_app_id)        }    }    override fun getCastOptions(context: Context): CastOptions {        return CastOptions.Builder()            .setReceiverApplicationId(getCastAppIdFromContext(context))            .build()    }    override fun getAdditionalSessionProviders(context: Context?): MutableList<SessionProvider>? {        return null    }}

Add these lines to AndroidManifest.xml. Make sure class paths are matched according to your own project.

将这些行添加到AndroidManifest.xml。 确保根据您自己的项目匹配类路径。

<meta-data android:name=""    android:value="com.mycompany.myapp.utils.CastOptionsProvider" /><meta-data    android:name=""    android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

Create a menu layout which contains cast button. Use AndroidX library’s MediaRouteActionProvider which will handle all the cast related things and change the state of the button automatically.

创建一个包含投射按钮的菜单布局。 使用AndroidX库的MediaRouteActionProvider ,它将处理所有与投射相关的事情,并自动更改按钮的状态。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><menu xmlns:android=""    xmlns:app="">    <item android:id="@+id/media_route_menu_item"        android:title="@string/media_route_menu_title"app:actionProviderClass=""        app:showAsAction="always"        /></menu>

The inside your Fragment or Activity, override onCreateOptionsMenu. You might also need to call setHasOptionsMenu(true) inside onCreate.

在Fragment或Activity的内部,覆盖onCreateOptionsMenu 。 您可能还需要在onCreate内调用setHasOptionsMenu(true)

override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) {    inflater.inflate(, menu)    val mediaRouteMenuItem = menu.findItem(    val mediaActionProvider = MenuItemCompat.getActionProvider(mediaRouteMenuItem) as MediaRouteActionProvider    mediaActionProvider.setAlwaysVisible(true)    mediaRouteSelector.also(mediaActionProvider::setRouteSelector)}

The last line of code will attach this cast button to a MediaRouteSelector object. You can configure the type of devices that should be visible to the app using mediaRouteSelector.

代码的最后一行将将此强制转换按钮附加到MediaRouteSelector对象。 您可以使用mediaRouteSelector配置对应用程序可见的设备类型。

val mediaRouteSelector = MediaRouteSelector.Builder()        .addControlCategory(MediaControlIntent.CATEGORY_LIVE_VIDEO)        .addControlCategory(CastMediaControlIntent.categoryForCast(CAST_APP_ID))        .build()

By using CastMediaControlIntent.categoryForCast(CAST_APP_ID), you’re enabling the devices that you’ve registered from Dev Console to be visible to the app.

通过使用CastMediaControlIntent.categoryForCast(CAST_APP_ID) ,可以使从Dev Console注册的设备对应用程序可见。

Create a MediaRouter item, a SessionManager item and register their callbacks. MediaRouter callbacks will handle when the cast device has been selected, unselected, or switched. SessionManager callbacks will let us know when the ChromeCast receiver app is loading, or loaded, or closing, or closed.

创建一个MediaRouter项,一个SessionManager项并注册其回调。 当选择,取消选择或切换了投射设备时,MediaRouter回调将进行处理。 当加载,加载或关闭或关闭ChromeCast接收器应用程序时,SessionManager回调将通知我们。

val mediaRouter = MediaRouter.getInstance(application.applicationContext)private var castSessionManager: SessionManager = CastContext.getSharedInstance(application.applicationContext).sessionManageroverride fun onResume() {    // ... lines above ...    mediaRouter.addCallback(mediaRouteSelector, mediaRouterCallback, MediaRouter.CALLBACK_FLAG_PERFORM_ACTIVE_SCAN)castSessionManager.addSessionManagerListener(sessionManagerListener)}override fun onPause() {    // ... lines above    mediaRouter.removeCallback(mediaRouterCallback)castSessionManager.removeSessionManagerListener(sessionManagerListener)}

Define MediaRouter callback functions


// You can write your own logic in each of these functionsprivate val mediaRouterCallback = object: MediaRouter.Callback() {        override fun onRouteSelected(router: MediaRouter?, route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo?) {        }override fun onRouteUnselected(router: MediaRouter?, route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo?) {        }override fun onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(router: MediaRouter?, route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo?) {        }override fun onRouteChanged(router: MediaRouter?, route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo?) {        }}

Define SessionManager callback funtions


private val sessionManagerListener = object: SessionManagerListener<Session> {    override fun onSessionStarted(session: Session?, sessionId: String?) {        castSession = session as? CastSession        castSessionEnabled = true        sendTestLogMessage()    }    override fun onSessionResumeFailed(p0: Session?, p1: Int) {    }    override fun onSessionSuspended(p0: Session?, p1: Int) {        castSessionEnabled = false    }    override fun onSessionEnded(p0: Session?, p1: Int) {        castSessionEnabled = false    }    override fun onSessionResumed(p0: Session?, p1: Boolean) {        castSessionEnabled = true    }    override fun onSessionStarting(p0: Session?) {    }    override fun onSessionResuming(p0: Session?, p1: String?) {    }    override fun onSessionEnding(p0: Session?) {    }    override fun onSessionStartFailed(p0: Session?, p1: Int) {    }}

Send message to cast device


// I used Timber for logging. You can just use Log.d(...)fun sendMessageToChromecastDevice(namespace: String, jsonMessage: String, successCallback: (() -> Unit)? = null) {    if (castSessionEnabled == true) {        try {            castSession?.sendMessage(namespace, jsonMessage)                ?.setResultCallback { status ->                    Timber.d("Message to $namespace $status")                    if (status.isSuccess) {                        successCallback?.invoke()                    }                }        }        catch (e: Exception) {            Timber.e(e)        }    }}

Namespaces are crucial for establishing communication channels. For ChromeCast the namespaces must start with “urn:x-cast:”. For example, you can have a namespace defined like this:

命名空间对于建立通信渠道至关重要。 对于ChromeCast,名称空间必须以“ urn:x-cast:”开头。 例如,您可以具有如下定义的名称空间:

val LOG_NAMESPACE = "urn:x-cast:com.mycompany.myapp.Log"

Let’s see how sendTestLogMessage will look like:


// You can call this function on some button click eventsfun sendTestLogMessage() {    val jsonMessage = Gson().toJson(LogMessageOut(message = "Screen touched at ${}"))    sendMessageToChromecastDevice(LOG_NAMESPACE, jsonMessage) {        // success callback code        Toast.makeText(context, "Logged", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()    }}

LogMessageOut class:


data class LogMessageOut (    @SerializedName("message")    var message: String? = null)

At this point, your sender app is able to configuring ChromeCast settings to open the application (web-application whose URL is defined inside Dev Console), responding to cast device select/unselect events, responding to receiver app lifecycle events, creating communication channels using namespaces, and sending test log messages.

此时,您的发送方应用程序可以配置ChromeCast设置以打开应用程序(其URL在Dev Console中定义的Web应用程序),响应演员表选择/取消选择事件,响应接收方应用程序生命周期事件,使用以下方式创建通信渠道命名空间,并发送测试日志消息。

接收器应用 (Receiver app)

Building a receiver app that listens to log messages from the sender app and printing them on the screen is trivial.


First, create an html (preferably index.html) file with the following content:


<html><head><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script></script></head><body><div style="color: red; font-size: 108pt;">My App</div><div id="logger" style="color: white;"></div><script src="cast_script.js"></script></body></html>

Create cast_script.js with the following content:


var LOG_NAMESPACE = "urn:x-cast:com.mycompany.myapp.Log"var castReceiverContext = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();castReceiverContext.addCustomMessageListener(LOG_NAMESPACE, function (customEvent) {logElement.innerText += LOG_NAMESPACE + " - " + + "\n";console.log(LOG_NAMESPACE + " - " +;});var logElement = document.querySelector("#logger");logElement.innerText = "Logging Events\n\n";// JSON is the default type, but you can be sure anywaycastReceiverOptions.customNamespaces = Object.assign({});castReceiverOptions.customNamespaces[LOG_NAMESPACE] = cast.framework.system.MessageType.JSON;castReceiverContext.start(castReceiverOptions);

Host the receiver app files on the URL you have provided to the Dev Console. For hosting on a local server, you can use a localhost tunnelling service like ngrok or pagekite because ChromeCast won’t recognize local servers normally.

将接收器应用程序文件托管在您提供给开发控制台的URL上。 要在本地服务器上托管,您可以使用localhost隧道服务(例如ngrok或pagekite),因为ChromeCast无法正常识别本地服务器。

For debugging the ChromeCast receiver application, you can go to chrome://inspect on Google Chrome, or edge://inspect on Mircosoft Edge. (For me, Chrome inspector wasn’t working fine on 1st gen ChromeCast, but worked fine on Edge.)

要调试ChromeCast接收器应用程序,可以转到Google Chrome上的chrome:// inspect ,或在Mircosoft Edge上访问edge:// inspect 。 (对我来说,Chrome检查器在第一代ChromeCast上运行不正常,但在Edge上运行良好。)

Also, ChromeCast 1st gen wasn’t updated after Chrome 70.x while ChromeCast 2nd gen was running on Chrome 76.x. So, some ES6 features didn’t work on ChromeCast 1st gen and caused a lot of trouble for me. For that purpose, I made use of Babel to convert ES6 code into ES5.

此外,ChromeCast 1st gen在Chrome 70.x之后没有更新,而ChromeCast 2nd gen在Chrome 76.x上运行。 因此,某些ES6功能在ChromeCast 1st gen上不起作用,给我带来了很多麻烦。 为此,我利用Babel将ES6代码转换为ES5。


android 屏幕投射


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