咳咳,从上上期《你该如何证明你是你》漫画,大部分读者可能知道我们漫画的主创 霍炬,现在去 PRESS.one 做CTO了,我也兼职那边产品和设计的工作。厚脸皮替自家人做个招聘广告。

下面列了三个项目,都有非常紧密的关系,比如 PRESS.one 的底层链基于 Mixin。三个项目地理坐标与方向不太一样,大家请根据自己的情况投递简历。

PRESS.one (https://press.one/) 的愿景是重建基于区块链的数字内容交易及分发网络。改变社群组织模式和驱动方式,重建内容的著作权持有者、创作者与消费者之间的关系。最终成为去中心化的开放协议,透明,高效,平等,允许任何人基于我们的数据和基础架构来创建应用及内容。



深圳、北京 或 远程办公。

职责:设计、开发、维护press.one 前端和后端系统,可能独立负责某模块

  • 要求:精通Javascript / typescript / node,熟悉 Angular 和 Material,有使用数据库开发和维护经验,MySQL或PostgreSQL

  • 加分项:熟悉一门纯后端语言(C++,Go, Java, Scala等),有密码学相关知识,较好的算法基础

应聘简历请投递给  huojuhuoju@gmail.com

Mixin (https://mixin.one/) 致力于成长为一个全新的无限容量的 BFT-DAG 网络,并对开发者提供熟悉的分布式开发环境,同时以用户友好的方式达成高效的区块链跨链通讯。我们从应用层入手开发 Mixin Messenger,已经上线测试,底层的分布式网络正在开发中。


目前招聘职位: Android / iOS / Web / Golang 相关的高级开发者

职责:负责 Mixin Messenger 相关的客户端和 API 开发工作。

应聘简历请投递给 join@mixin.one

Mixin: 25566

InBlockchain  (http://inblockchain.com) is one of the most globally influentialinvestment groups in the blockchain space. Our founding partners have deepexperience with blockchain investment, with multiple investments having returnsexceeding one hundred-fold, including our Bitcoin holdings which from 2012 tothe present time have increased six thousand fold.

With 7years of experience as blockchain entrepreneurs, we’ve contacted 2000+projects, invested in 50+ projects, and are in close contact with the 100 mostinfluential people in the space. We have vertical integration from incubator toexchange, horizontally our holdings range from infrastructural projects,applications, analysis and market development.




  • Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve web/mobile back-endsoftwares

  • Manageindividual project priorities, deadlines and deliverables

  • Writerobust, reliable and readable code


  • BSdegree in Computer Science, similar technical field of study or equivalentpractical experience

  • Morethan 2 years experience of Software development with Go programming language

  • Experience working with web/mobile application back-end development

  • Experience working with Unix/Linux systems

  • Experience working with relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite)

  • Solidunderstanding of network programming

  • Working proficiency and communication skills in verbal and written English


  • Experience with other programming languages (C/C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby,Erlang, Lisp, Haskell)

  • Experience with web/mobile application front-end development

  • Experience with Google Cloud Platform

  • Niceprojects on Github

  • Understanding of Cryptography



  • Buildwell-designed user interfaces from ground up in HTML/CSS/JavaScript

  • Workclosely with other engineers and designers

  • Writereadable code using the cutting-edge front-end technologies (e.g. Angular,ES2015+, TypeScript, Webpack)


  • Goodtaste of design

  • Canturn design mockups into realities and make it breathe

  • Solidunderstanding of HTML5/CSS3

  • Solidunderstanding of modern JavaScript (ES2015+)

  • Asolid foundation in computer science (e.g. data structures, algorithms,software engineering practices, etc.)


  • Understanding of UI/UX principles

  • Niceprojects on GitHub

  • 3.Experience with other programming languages (Swift, Ruby, Python, C#, Clojure,etc.)

  • 4.Experience with back-end development

  • 5.Experience with mobile App development

iOS 高级工程师


  • Responsible for the development of products on iOS platform by coordinatingwith the team

  • Assistthe product manager to make innovations and improvements on the user experienceof the products

  • Responsible for the daily maintenance of the products on iOS platform

  • Makesuggestions on user experience tests during the process of product development


  • Morethan 2 years experience in iOS development

  • Familiarity with Swift programming language

  • Familiarity with iOS platform development technology, system frameworkprinciples and the underlying libraries

  • Familiarity with the iOS platform architecture, system mechanisms and commonlyused API

  • Capable of independently developing app

  • Candidates with successful experiences in releasing apps are preferred

  • Have astrong sense of responsibility, good skills in communication and teamwork

Android 高级工程师


  • Develop applications on Android platform

  • Optimize the module structure and process logic of the applications

  • Improve application performance by fixing bugs and upgarding


  • Morethan 2 years Android programming experience

  • Strongknowledge of Java language, familiarity with ideas and design patterns ofobject-oriented programming, basic algorithms and data structures

  • Familiarity with Android system, Android application development, testing,distribution process, the use of Android development tools and testing tools


  • Familiarity with Android memory management, with code optimization andreconstruction experience and a profound understanding of JNI / NDK

  • Solidknowledge of Kotlin language

  • Familiarity with HTML5, JS related technologeis

  • Familiarity with mobile network programming

  • Familiarity with Linux systems, Kernel understanding, with experiences inembedded system or hardware development

应聘简历请投递给 niloop@big.one


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