

The Problem With Logging


A recent Stack Overflow post described one programmer's logging style. Here's what he logs:


INFO Level


The start and end of the method


The start and end of any major loops


The start of any major case/switch statements




Any parameters passed into the method


Any row counts from result sets I retrieve


Any datarows that may contain suspicious data when being passed down to the method


Any "generated" file paths, connection strings, or other values that could get mungled up when being "pieced together" by the environment.




Handled exceptions


Invalid login attempts (if security is an issue)


Bad data that I have intercepted forreporting




Unhandled exceptions.


I don't mean to single out the author here, but this strikes me as a bit .. excessive.


Although I've never been a particularly big logger, myself, one of my teammates on Stack Overflow is. So when building Stack Overflow, we included log4net, and logged a bunch of information at the various levels. I wasn't necessarily a big fan of the approach, but I figured what's the harm.

尽管我从来都不是一个特别大的记录员,但是我自己,我在Stack Overflow上的一个队友是。因此,在构建Stack Overflow时,我们包括了log4net,并记录了各个级别的大量信息。我不一定是这种方法的忠实拥护者,但我知道有什么害处。

Logging does have a certain seductive charm. Why not log as much as you can whenever you can? Even if you're not planning to use it today, who knows, it might be useful for troubleshooting tomorrow. Heck, just log everything! What could it possibly hurt?


Oh, sure, logging seems harmless enough, but let me tell you, it can deal some serious hurt. We ran into a particularly nasty recursive logging bug:


  • On thread #1, our code was doing Log (lock) / DB stuff (lock)
  • 在线程#1上,我们的代码正在执行Log(锁定)/ DB事务(锁定)
  • On thread #2, our code was doing DB stuff (lock) / log stuff (lock)
  • 在线程2上,我们的代码正在执行DB操作(锁定)/日志操作(锁定)

If these things happened close together enough under heavy load, this resulted in -- you guessed it -- a classic out-of-order deadlock scenario. I'm not sure you'd ever see it on a lightly loaded app, but on our website it happened about once a day on average.


I don't blame log4net for this, I blame our crappy code. We spent days troubleshooting these deadlocks by .. wait for it .. adding more logging! Which naturally made the problem worse and even harder to figure out. We eventually were forced to take memory dumps and use dump analysis tools. With the generous assistance of Greg Varveris, we were finally able to identify the culprit: our logging strategy. How ironic. And I mean real irony, not the fake Alanis Morrissette kind.

我不怪log4net,我怪我们糟糕的代码。我们花了几天的时间来解决这些死锁问题通过,..等待它(wait for it 可以忽略)..添加更多日志记录!这自然使问题变得更糟,甚至更难解决。我们最终被迫进行内存转储并使用转储分析工具。在Greg Varveris的慷慨帮助下,我们终于能够找到罪魁祸首:我们的日志记录策略。多讽刺。我的意思是真正的讽刺,而不是假的Alanis Morrissette(人名)那种。

Although I am a strong believer in logging exceptions, I've never been a particularly big fan of logging in the general "let's log everything we possibly can" sense:


  1. Logging means more code. If you're using a traditional logging framework like log4net, every logged event is at least one additional line of code. The more you log, the larger your code grows. This is a serious problem, because code is the enemy. Visible logging code is clutter -- like excessive comments, it actively obscures the code that's doing the real work in the application.记录日志意味着更多代码。如果您使用的是传统的日志记录框架(例如log4net),则每个记录的事件至少要包含一行代码。您记录的越多,代码的增长就越大。这是一个严重的问题,因为代码是敌人。可见的日志记录代码很混乱——就像过多的注释一样,它会使在应用程序中执行实际工作的代码变得模糊。
  2. Logging isn't free. Most logging frameworks are fairly efficient, but they aren't infinitely fast. Every log row you write to disk has an overall performance cost on your application. This can also be tricky if you're dissecting complex objects to place them in the log; that takes additional time.记录不是免费的。大多数日志记录框架都相当高效,但并不是无限快。写入磁盘的每个日志行都会对应用程序造成整体性能损失。如果要剖析复杂的对象以将它们放入日志中,这也会很棘手;这需要额外的时间。
  3. If it's worth saving to a logfile, it's worth showing in the user interface. This is the paradox: if the information you're logging is at all valuable, it deserves to be surfaced in the application itself, not buried in an anonymous logfile somewhere. Even if it's just for administrators. Logfiles are all too often where useful data goes to die, alone, unloved and ignored.如果值得保存到日志文件,则值得在用户界面中显示。这是自相矛盾的:如果您要记录的信息非常有价值,则应将其显示在应用程序本身中,而不是将其隐藏在某个地方的匿名日志文件中。即使仅适用于管理员。日志文件经常是有用数据消失的地方,孤独,不受欢迎和忽视。
  4. The more you log, the less you can find. Log enough things and eventually your logs are so noisy nobody can find anything. It's all too easy to bury yourself in an avalanche of log data. Heck, that's the default: any given computer is perfectly capable of generating more log data than any of us could possibly deal with in our lifetime. The hidden expense here isn't the logging, it's the brainpower needed to make sense of these giant logs. I don't care how awesome your log parsing tools are, nobody looks forward to mining a gigabyte of log files for useful diagnostic information.你记录的越多,你能找到的就越少。记录足够多的东西,最终您的日志太多干扰(噪音),没人能找到任何东西。将自己埋没在大量的日志数据中太容易了。哎呀,这是默认设置:任何给定的计算机都能完美地生成比我们一生中可能处理的日志数据更多的日志数据。这里隐藏的费用不是记录日志,而是理解这些巨大日志所需的智力。我不在乎您的日志解析工具有多棒,没有人期望挖掘出千兆字节的日志文件以获取有用的诊断信息。
  5. The logfile that cried Wolf. Good luck getting everyone on your team to agree on the exact definitions of FATAL, ERROR, DEBUG, INFO, and whatever other logging levels you have defined. If you decide to log only the most heinous serial-killer mass-murderer type problems, evil has a lot less room to lurk in your logfiles -- and it'll be a heck of a lot less boring when you do look.哭狼(幽默)的日志文件。祝您好运,让团队中的每个人都能就FATAL、ERROR、DEBUG、INFO以及您定义的其他日志级别的确切定义达成一致。如果你决定只记录那些最令人发指的连环杀手、大规模杀人犯类型的问题,那么邪恶在你的日志文件中潜伏的空间就小得多了——当你仔细看的时候,它就不会那么无聊了。

So is logging a giant waste of time? I'm sure some people will read about this far and draw that conclusion, no matter what else I write. I am not anti-logging. I am anti-abusive-logging. Like any other tool in your toolkit, when used properly and appropriately, it can help you create better programs. The problem with logging isn't the logging, per se -- it's the seductive OCD "just one more bit of data in the log" trap that programmers fall into when implementing logging. Logging gets a bad name because it's so often abused. It's a shame to end up with all this extra code generating volumes and volumes of logs that aren't helping anyone.


We've since removed all logging from Stack Overflow, relying exclusively on exception logging. Honestly, I don't miss it at all. I can't even think of a single time since then that I'd wished I'd had a giant verbose logfile to help me diagnose a problem.

此后,我们已完全依赖异常日志记录,从Stack Overflow中删除了所有日志记录。我一点也不错过。从那以后,我甚至想不出有没有一次我希望我有一个巨大的详细日志文件来帮助我诊断问题。

When it comes to logging, the right answer is not "yes, always, and as much as possible." Resist the tendency to log everything. Start small and simple, logging only the most obvious and critical of errors. Add (or ideally, inject) more logging only as demonstrated by specific, verifiable needs.


If you aren't careful, those individual log entries, as wafer thin as they might be, have a disturbing tendency to make your logs end up like the unfortunate Mr. Creosote.


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In your example, were you logging to a database? If you were logging to a database, were you using the same connection for the logging and the transactional work?


Using the same connection for both could lead to potential problems - the least of which would be deadlocks. What happens to any log messages when the transactional work get rolled back?



I still haven’t seen a clear root cause of the deadlock error.


Please tell me how your log4net can deadlock if it is only acquiring one lock? There is no chance for deadlock in this case.


In the case where multiple locks are used, the simple solution might be just to disable the logger lock if you can. The logger lock should only be to serialize the output to a non-threadsafe resource.


The real problem here is likely poor documentation in log4net on how to setup logging to a device that implements its own thread-safe locking and/or a discussion on this exact problem which should have been realized before log4net was ever released.



Sometimes logging can be useful as a tool to prove to the customer that he’s doing something wrong.


Our programs interface to large PBX’s and a host of other telephone-related systems. Looking into the log, peering over the different binary exchanges between the systems, and being able to show to the customer that it is, in fact, his PBX that is doing something wrong, has saved us hours and days of unbillable support time.


I’d say that in any situation where you’re communication between different systems, log what’s happening. If not, you’ll have no clue which system that actually malfunctioned.



The code footprint of logging can be greatly reduced by using AOP techniques. It’s pretty much the canonical example of aspect oriented programming. A simple method boundary aspect (straight from the postsharp site) looks something like:


public class SimplestTraceAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect


public override void OnEntry( MethodExecutionEventArgs eventArgs)


Trace.TraceInformation(Entering {0}., eventArgs.Method);



public override void OnExit( MethodExecutionEventArgs eventArgs)



Trace.TraceInformation(Leaving {0}., eventArgs.Method);



In postsharp these aspects can be projected onto your types conditionaly at compilation time using either method/class level attributes or assembly level multicast.


[assembly:SimplestTraceAttribute (AttributeTargetTypes=TypesThatIWantToLog;AndSomeOtherTypes)]

Having these as aspects also allows you to produce versions on the fly with higher levels of instrumentation.


There are also dynamic proxy based techniques that work well in combination with dependency injection to achieve the same result.


I agree with your overall point though,knowing what to log is a fine art; one that I am more than a little amateurish at myself.




  1. 不要滥用日志,会影响到效率,并且是代码可读性变差。
  2. 抵制记录所有内容的倾向。从小而简单开始,仅记录最明显和最关键的错误。
  3. 仅根据特定的,可验证的需求需要,才添加(或理想情况下是注入)更多日志记录。
  4. 团队中约定日志记录的规范,包括内容规范,级别使用规范,使用位置规范等等。。。
  5. 异步记录日志要比同步更好。
  6. 使用aop技术可以减少日志记录的代码占用量


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