
  • [6 kyu] Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split
  • [6 kyu] Kebabize
  • [6 kyu] Decipher this!
  • [6 kyu] A Rule of Divisibility by 13
  • [6 kyu] Array Helpers
[6 kyu] Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split

Implement a pseudo-encryption algorithm which given a string S and an integer N concatenates all the odd-indexed characters of S with all the even-indexed characters of S, this process should be repeated N times.


encrypt(“012345”, 1) => “135024”
encrypt(“012345”, 2) => “135024” -> “304152”
encrypt(“012345”, 3) => “135024” -> “304152” -> “012345”
encrypt(“01234”, 1) => “13024”
encrypt(“01234”, 2) => “13024” -> “32104”
encrypt(“01234”, 3) => “13024” -> “32104” -> “20314”

Together with the encryption function, you should also implement a decryption function which reverses the process.

If the string S is an empty value or the integer N is not positive, return the first argument without changes.


function encrypt (text, n) {if (text == null) return nullfor (let k = 0; k < n; k++) {let odd = text.split('').filter((x, i) => i % 2 != 0)let even = text.split('').filter((x, i) => i % 2 == 0)text = odd.concat(even).join('')}return text
}function decrypt (encryptedText, n) {if (!encryptedText) {return encryptedText}var char = encryptedText.split('')for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {var odd = char.slice(0, char.length / 2)var even = char.slice(char.length / 2)char = []while (odd.length || even.length) {if (even.length) {char.push(even.shift())}if (odd.length) {char.push(odd.shift())}}}return char.join('')


function encrypt(text, n) {for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {text = text && text.replace(/.(.|$)/g, '$1') + text.replace(/(.)./g, '$1') }return text
}function decrypt(text, n) {let l = text && text.length / 2 | 0for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {text = text.slice(l).replace(/./g, (_, i) => _ + (i < l ? text[i] : ''))}return text
[6 kyu] Kebabize

Modify the kebabize function so that it converts a camel case string into a kebab case.

kebabize(‘camelsHaveThreeHumps’) // camels-have-three-humps
kebabize(‘camelsHave3Humps’) // camels-have-humps


function kebabize(str) {let newstr = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '') // 将所有非字母元素删掉for (let i = 0; i < newstr.length; i++) {if (newstr[i] >= 'A' && newstr[i] <= 'Z')newstr = newstr.replace(newstr[i], '-' + newstr[i].toLowerCase())else if (newstr[i] >= 'a' && newstr[i] <= 'z')continueelsenewstr = newstr.replace(newstr[i], '')}if (newstr[0] == '-') newstr = newstr.substring(1)return newstr


function kebabize(str) {return str.replace(/[^a-z]/ig, '').replace(/^[A-Z]/, c => c.toLowerCase()).replace(/[A-Z]/g, c => `-${c.toLowerCase()}`);
[6 kyu] Decipher this!

You are given a secret message you need to decipher. Here are the things you need to know to decipher it:
For each word:
the second and the last letter is switched (e.g. Hello becomes Holle)
the first letter is replaced by its character code (e.g. H becomes 72)
Note: there are no special characters used, only letters and spaces

decipherThis(‘72olle 103doo 100ya’); // ‘Hello good day’
decipherThis(‘82yade 115te 103o’); // ‘Ready set go’


function decipherThis(str) {let brr = str.split(' ').map(x => x.replace(x.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''), String.fromCharCode(x.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''))))  //字符替换return brr.map(function (y) {  //交换位置let b = y.split('')let temp = b[1]b[1] = b[b.length - 1]b[b.length - 1] = tempreturn b.join('')}).join(' ')


function decipherThis(str) {return str.split(" ").map(w =>w.replace(/^\d+/, c => String.fromCharCode(c)).replace(/^(.)(.)(.*)(.)$/, "$1$4$3$2")).join(" ")
[6 kyu] A Rule of Divisibility by 13

From Wikipedia:

“A divisibility rule is a shorthand way of determining whether a given integer is divisible by a fixed divisor without performing the division, usually by examining its digits.”

When you divide the successive powers of 10 by 13 you get the following remainders of the integer divisions:

1, 10, 9, 12, 3, 4 because:

10 ^ 0 ->  1 (mod 13)
10 ^ 1 -> 10 (mod 13)
10 ^ 2 ->  9 (mod 13)
10 ^ 3 -> 12 (mod 13)
10 ^ 4 ->  3 (mod 13)
10 ^ 5 ->  4 (mod 13)

Then the whole pattern repeats. Hence the following method:


  • the right most digit of the number with the left most number in the sequence shown above,
  • the second right most digit with the second left most digit of the number in the sequence.

The cycle goes on and you sum all these products. Repeat this process until the sequence of sums is stationary.


What is the remainder when 1234567 is divided by 13?

7      6     5      4     3     2     1  (digits of 1234567 from the right)
×      ×     ×      ×     ×     ×     ×  (multiplication)
1     10     9     12     3     4     1  (the repeating sequence)

Therefore following the method we get:

7×1 + 6×10 + 5×9 + 4×12 + 3×3 + 2×4 + 1×1 = 178

We repeat the process with the number 178:

8x1 + 7x10 + 1x9 = 87

and again with 87:

7x1 + 8x10 = 87

From now on the sequence is stationary (we always get 87) and the remainder of 1234567 by 13 is the same as the remainder of 87 by 13 ( i.e 9).


Call thirt the function which processes this sequence of operations on an integer n (>=0). thirt will return the stationary number.

thirt(1234567) calculates 178, then 87, then 87 and returns 87.

thirt(321) calculates 48, 48 and returns 48
(个人理解)大意就是将例数(例如:1234567)的倒序(7654321)的每一位数和 数列1,10,9,12,3,4,1 (该数列由10的连续幂除以13取模 则取余数所得 固定的)的每一位数相乘再相加,再循环操作所得结果,直到循环前后结果相同,输出最终值

function thirt(n) {var arr=[1,10,9,12,3,4]while(n>=100){var sum = nn=0for(let i=0;sum!=0;n=n+Math.floor(sum%10) * arr[i%6],sum=sum/10,i++);}return n


function thirt(n) {const nums = [1,10,9,12,3,4]var sum = (''+n).split('').reverse().reduce((sum,v,i) => sum + v * nums[i%nums.length], 0)return sum === n ? n : thirt(sum)
[6 kyu] Array Helpers

This kata is designed to test your ability to extend the functionality of built-in classes. In this case, we want you to extend the built-in Array class with the following methods: square(), cube(), average(), sum(), even() and odd().


square() must return a copy of the array, containing all values squared
cube() must return a copy of the array, containing all values cubed
average() must return the average of all array values; on an empty array must return NaN (note: the empty array is not tested in Ruby!)
sum() must return the sum of all array values
even() must return an array of all even numbers
odd() must return an array of all odd numbers
Note: the original array must not be changed in any case!


var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
numbers.square(); // must return [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
numbers.cube(); // must return [1, 8, 27, 64, 125]
numbers.average(); // must return 3
numbers.sum(); // must return 15
numbers.even(); // must return [2, 4]
numbers.odd(); // must return [1, 3, 5]


Object.assign(Array.prototype, {square() {return this.map(n => n * n);},cube() {return this.map(n => Math.pow(n, 3));},sum() {return this.reduce((p,n) => p + n, 0);},average() {return this.reduce((p,n) => p + n, 0) / this.length;},even() {return this.filter(n => !(n % 2));},odd() {return this.filter(n => n % 2);}


Array.prototype.square  = function () { return this.map(function(n) { return n*n; }); }
Array.prototype.cube    = function () { return this.map(function(n) { return n*n*n; }); }
Array.prototype.average = function () { return this.sum() / this.length; }
Array.prototype.sum     = function () { return this.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0); }
Array.prototype.even    = function () { return this.filter(function(item) { return 0 == item % 2; }); }
Array.prototype.odd     = function () { return this.filter(function(item) { return 0 != item % 2; }); }

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