
第九章 战斗系统(Combat System)


  • 地图中直接战斗;

  • 有专门的战斗场景。





  • 第九章 战斗系统(Combat System)
    • 一 战斗属性(Combat Properties)
      • 1 角色战斗属性(Role Fight Properties)
        • 1.1 物品属性叠加(Sum of Item Properties)
        • 1.2 战斗属性(Fight Properties)
      • 2 战斗单位(Combat Unit)

一 战斗属性(Combat Properties)



  • 物理攻击力(attack) = 武器攻击力 + 角色力量(STR) + 道具力量

  • 魔法攻击力(mage attack) = 武器攻击力 + 角色魔力(MAG) + 道具魔力

  • 物理防御力(defence) = 角色防御(DEF) + 道具防御

  • 魔法防御力(mage defence) = 角色魔防(MDF) + 道具魔防

  • 攻速(speed) = 角色速度(SPD) + 道具速度 - 武器重量(weight)

  • 命中(hit rate) = (角色技巧(SKL) + 道具技巧) * 2 + 武器命中(hit rate)

  • 回避(avoidance) = (角色速度 + 道具速度) * 2 + 角色幸运 + 道具幸运

  • 爆击(crit):暂不考虑

  • 攻击范围(attack range):来自武器

  • 生命值(hp)与最大生命值(max hp)


1 角色战斗属性(Role Fight Properties)


1.1 物品属性叠加(Sum of Item Properties)


        /// <summary>/// 物品属性叠加/// </summary>/// <param name="type"></param>/// <returns></returns>public int GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType type){if (type == FightPropertyType.MaxLength){return 0;}int value = 0;// 如果装备武器不为null,则叠加武器属性if (equipedWeapon != null){value += equipedWeapon.uniqueInfo.fightProperties[type];}// 叠加所有饰品属性foreach (Item item in items){if (item != null && item.itemType == ItemType.Ornament){value += (item as Ornament).uniqueInfo.fightProperties[type];}}return value;}


        /// <summary>/// 物品幸运叠加/// </summary>/// <returns></returns>public int GetItemLukSum(){int value = 0;// 如果装备武器不为null,则叠加武器幸运if (equipedWeapon != null){value += equipedWeapon.uniqueInfo.luk;}// 叠加所有饰品幸运foreach (Item item in items){if (item != null && item.itemType == ItemType.Ornament){value += (item as Ornament).uniqueInfo.luk;}}return value;}

1.2 战斗属性(Fight Properties)


        /// <summary>/// 物理攻击力/// </summary>public int attack{get{if (equipedWeapon == null){return 0;}int atk = equipedWeapon.uniqueInfo.attack;atk += fightProperties[FightPropertyType.STR];atk += GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType.STR);return atk;}}/// <summary>/// 魔法攻击力/// </summary>public int mageAttack{get{if (equipedWeapon == null){return 0;}int mag = equipedWeapon.uniqueInfo.attack;mag += fightProperties[FightPropertyType.MAG];mag += GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType.MAG);return mag;}}/// <summary>/// 物理防御力/// </summary>public int defence{get{int def = fightProperties[FightPropertyType.DEF];def += GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType.DEF);return def;}}/// <summary>/// 魔法防御力/// </summary>public int mageDefence{get{int mdf = fightProperties[FightPropertyType.MDF];mdf += GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType.MDF);return mdf;}}/// <summary>/// 攻速/// </summary>public int speed{get{if (equipedWeapon == null){return 0;}int spd = fightProperties[FightPropertyType.SPD];spd += GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType.SPD);spd -= equipedWeapon.uniqueInfo.weight;return spd;}}/// <summary>/// 命中率/// </summary>public int hit{get{if (equipedWeapon == null){return 0;}int skl = fightProperties[FightPropertyType.SKL];skl += GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType.SKL);int hit = equipedWeapon.uniqueInfo.hit + skl * 2;return hit;}}/// <summary>/// 回避率/// </summary>public int avoidance{get{int spd = fightProperties[FightPropertyType.SPD];spd += GetItemFightPropertySum(FightPropertyType.SPD);int avd = spd * 2 + luk + GetItemLukSum();return avd;}}

2 战斗单位(Combat Unit)


  • 边战斗(播放战斗动画)边计算属性变化;

  • 一次性将战斗数据都计算完,然后播放战斗动画。




using System;namespace DR.Book.SRPG_Dev.CombatManagement
{using DR.Book.SRPG_Dev.Models;using DR.Book.SRPG_Dev.Maps;public class CombatUnit : IDisposable{public MapClass mapClass { get; private set; }public Role role { get { return mapClass.role; } }/// <summary>/// 战斗中的位置/// </summary>public int position { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 生命值/// </summary>public int hp { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 最大生命值/// </summary>public int maxHp { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 魔法值/// </summary>public int mp { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 最大魔法值/// </summary>public int maxMp { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 攻击/// </summary>public int atk { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 魔法攻击/// </summary>public int mageAtk { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 防御/// </summary>public int def { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 魔法防御/// </summary>public int mageDef { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 攻速/// </summary>public int speed { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 命中率/// </summary>public int hit { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 爆击率/// </summary>public int crit { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 回避率/// </summary>public int avoidance { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 武器类型/// </summary>public WeaponType weaponType { get; private set; }/// <summary>/// 武器耐久度/// </summary>public int durability { get; private set; }public CombatUnit(int position){this.position = position;}public bool Load(MapClass mapClass){if (mapClass == null){return false;}if (mapClass.role == null){return false;}this.mapClass = mapClass;this.hp = role.hp;this.mp = role.mp;this.maxHp = role.maxHp;this.maxMp = role.maxMp;this.atk = role.attack;this.mageAtk = role.mageAttack;this.def = role.defence;this.mageDef = role.mageDefence;this.speed = role.speed;this.hit = role.hit;//this.crit = role.crit;this.avoidance = role.avoidance;if (role.equipedWeapon == null){this.weaponType = WeaponType.Unknow;this.durability = 0;}else{this.weaponType = role.equipedWeapon.uniqueInfo.weaponType;this.durability = role.equipedWeapon.durability;}return true;}public void Dispose(){this.mapClass = null;this.position = -1;}public void ClearMapClass(){this.mapClass = null;}}

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