
  • (〇)前言——【先看看】
  • (一) 【Basic operation(introduce MATLAB)】——【基本操作(介绍MATLAB)】:
  • (二) 【Matlab as calculator】,【Array operation】——【Matlab作为计算器】、【数组运算】:
  • (三) 【Script writing】,【structured programming】,【User-defined function】——【脚本编写】、【结构化编程】、【自定义函数】:
  • (四) 【Variables:string,strcture,cell】,【Date access】——【变量:字符串、结构、单元格】、【数据库访问】:
  • (五) 【Basic plotting】,【Graphical object properties】——【基础绘图】、【图形对象属性】:
  • (六) 【Advanced 2D plots】,【Color space】,【3D plots】——【高级2D绘图】、【色彩空间】、【3D绘图】:
  • (七) 【Graphical user interface】——【图形用户界面】:
  • (八) 【introduction to digital image】,【read and show images】,【image arithmetic】——【数字图像概论】、【图像读取与显示】、【图像算法】:
  • (九) 【Image thresholding】,【Background estimation】,【Connected-component labeling】——【图像阈值化】、【背景估计】、【连通分量标注】:
  • (十) 【Polynomial differentiation and integration】,【Numerical differentiation and integration】——【多项式微分与积分】、【数值微分与积分】:
  • (十一) 【symbolic approach】,【numeric root solvers】,【recursive function】——【符号法】、【数值根求解】、【递归函数】:
  • (十二) 【Statistics】——【统计】:


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(一) 【Basic operation(introduce MATLAB)】——【基本操作(介绍MATLAB)】:

i. search Function name by online or help
ii. variable,and search its type in double click or input whos(which is more
in detail than who)
iii. π=pi,∞=Infinitely small=eps,NaN:not a number,i,j=complex number
iv. sqrt: square root
v. no use built-in function or keyword as variable name, if you use it, must clear this variable name
vi. format+bank(short/long/shortE/rat and so on)
bank: two decimal places
short: four decimal places
long: many decimal places
scientific notation +E
traction rat
vii. command line terminal:use ;
viii. Press the arrow key to bring it up and down command history
ix. Input “clear”to remove all workspace,input”clc”to remove all command window

(二) 【Matlab as calculator】,【Array operation】——【Matlab作为计算器】、【数组运算】:

i. Basic:use “[ ]”to express array
ii. Row vector—[ ];column vector—[ ; ; ; ; ]
iii. Inner product;outer product This like this:[1 1 1][1;1;1]is inner product, [1;1;1] [1 1 1]is outer product.
iv. Matrix:use semicolon to divide each row
v. Indexing:input array name with(row,column)
Addition:input A(1,:) to index all value in third row

vi. Replace entries:

If want to delect which row or column,using A(x,:)=[ ]
vii. Colon operator:equal difference series
Like A=1(first number value):1(equal difference):50(final number value)
viii. Array concatenation:use F=[A(array one) B(array another)]
ix. Array manipulation:look out:AB different with A.B
Array +constant:Ax Array transposition:A’
x. Some special Matrix
 eye(n):nn identity matrix
 zeros(n1,n2):n1n2 zero matrix
 ones(n1,n2):n1
n2matrix with every entry as 1
 diag( ):diagonal matrix
xi. Some Matrix related functions
 max(A):index and show max entry in every column
 max(max(A)): index and show max entry in array
 sum(A):sum each entry in every column
 mean(A):mean in every column
 sort(A):sort entry’s size in each column
 sortrows(A):sort first column’s entries and sort it with rows
 size(A):the size of matrix
 length(A):the column’s length
 find(A==x)
xii. some operation
 Matrix determinant: det(A)
 Inverse matrix: inv(A) or A^-1
 adjoint matrix: A*=det(A)inv(A)
 prod(1:n)=n!
 1e100=1

(三) 【Script writing】,【structured programming】,【User-defined function】——【脚本编写】、【结构化编程】、【自定义函数】:

i. Script editor: % as annotation,%% to divide section
Debug: use breakpoint
Smart indent: inverse blank space
ii. Script flow: typically scripts run from the first line to the last
Flow control,
relational operators: ~=:not equal to
&&:and ||:or
It is logical, because it belong to Boolean

iii. If/elseif/else: ,”elseif”and”else” are optional
[‘even’ even number ’odd’ odd number]
iv. Edit grammar
‘disp’ is means ‘printf’which in C language
‘input_(xxx)’ is means ‘int()’
v. Switch :

vi. While:

vii. For:

viii. Pre-allocating space to variables: if not pre-allocating space to variables will spend more
time to debug. Can record time.

ix. Break:
x. Tips for script writing:
 Use semicolon(

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