


1. Explain the five parts of an information system .What part do people play in this system?

An information system has five parts: people, procedures, software, hardware and data.

People: Are end users who use computer to make themselves more productive.

Procedures: Specify rules or guidelines for computer operations.

Software: Provides step-by-step instructions for computer hardware.

Hardware: Processes the data to create information.

Data: Consist of unprocessed facts including text, numbers, image and sounds.

People are the most important part of any information system.

2. What is system software? What kinds of programs are included in system software?

System software helps the computer manage its own internal resources. It includes three kinds of programs: operating systems, utilities and device drivers programs.

3. Define and compare basic and specialized application software. Describe some different types of basic application software. Describe some types of specialized applications.

Basic applications are the kinds of programs to be considered computer competent.

Specialized applications are more narrowly focused on specific disciplines and occupations.

Basic applications have some types, such as browser, word processor, spreadsheet ,and so on.

Also specialized applications have many types, some of the best known are graphics, audio and video, multimedia, Web authoring ,and artificial intelligence programs.

4. Describe the different types of computer. What is the most common type? What are the types of microcomputers?

There are four types of computers: supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, and microcomputers. Supercomputers are the most powerful type of computer.

Mainframe computers occupy specially wired, air-conditioned rooms, they are capable of great processing speeds and data storage.

Minicomputers are refrigerator sized machines.

Microcomputers are the least powerful, yet the most widely used and fastest-growing, type of computer. Microcomputers are the most common type of computers.

There are four types of microcomputers: Desktop computers, Notebook computers, Handheld computers and PDA.

5. What is connectivity? How are the wireless revolution and connectivity related? What is a computer network? What is the Internet? What is the Web?

Connectivity is the capability of you microcomputer to share the information with other computers.

Wireless revolution dramatically affect connectivity.

A computer network is a communications system connecting two or more computers.

Internet is the largest network in the world.

The Web provides a multimedia interface to the numerous resources available on the Internet.


1. Discuss the uses of the Internet. Which activities have you participated in? Which one do you think is the most popular?

The most common uses of the Internet are the following: communicating, shopping, searching, entertainment, education, and so on. I have participated in almost all of them. I think communicating is the most popular.

2. Explain the differences between the two most common types of providers.

The two most common types of providers are National and wireless.

National service providers provide access through standard telephone connections.


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