Paraxial means very close to, but not restricted to, the axis  Thus, the paraxial region of an axially centered optical system can be viewed as a tiny channel surrounding the axis. Rays lying everywhere within this channel are called palax-ial lays. Palaxial ray  heights and ray angles arevery small and approach zero in the limit.
 it can be shown that all ray from an object point on the axis are perfectly located at an image point on the axis. There are no aberrations.  For a paraxial off-axis object point and paraxial rays, a perfect point image is similarly achieved.  there is no field curvature and distortion. Even  off-axis, there are  no  abelrations.
A paraxial ray is really only a mathematical abstraction,for if the diaphragm of a real lens were stopped down to a very small aperture in an effort to isolate only paraxial rays, the depth of focus would become so great that no definite image could be located, although the theoretical image
position can be calculated as a mathematical limit. 
Paraxial optics is first-order optics and  yields perfect geometrical  imagnery. It  is important to note that the palaxial description is a limiting case, not an approximation. It  really happens.
 Furthelnrore, the sizes of images and pupils can be estimated by an exterision of the paraxial description to f inite tranverse distance, To  accomrnodate finite apertures and fields, the pralaxial region around the optical axis is transvelsely scaled up by some extremely lalgre number so that all transverse infinitesimal distances becorne finite in size( (thele are ways to handle this mathematically). ). No changes are made to longitudinal positions and distance. Thus. along the axis, the locations of surface vertices and centers ofcurvature are uchangged. 
All  principal planes. cardinal points. and focal lengths are unchanged. And  the locations, rnagnifications, and orientations of all paraxial objects, images, and pupils are unchanged. However, all curved optical surfaces become so stretched out that they resemble planes tangent to the vertices of  the unstretched sulfaces.  Nevertheless, these "planes" retain their optical power to foucs light rays to form images.
如果对角度做适当的处理,然后近轴光线追迹方程仍然适用,当追迹近轴光线时,角度的正弦值直接用角度的弧度代替,这个值是用无限小的光线高度除以有限的纵向成像距离,但是当进行高斯光学计算时,the corresporrding angle is  measuled by  the ratio of  a finite transverse distance to a finite longitudinal distance. Thus, sines of angles are replaced by angles, and then both are replaced by tangents of angles. In other words, ray  angles are replaced by ray  slopes.
When lens designers speak of tracing paraxial fays through an optical system. it  is actually this modifiecl filst-order configuration. free of  infinitesimal,that is used.
The imaging properties of this stretched paraxial configuration were developed by Maxwell  and Abbe and are ploperly called a collinear mapping. The lays traced are properly called collinear rays.
However', over the years, collinear optics has become widely  known  as Gaussian optics, even though Gauss hiruself never considered this case. Although  it  is histolically inaccurrate to speak of  collinear optics as Ganssian, the terms Gaussian optics and Gaussian rays will  be adopted
here as labels for these concepts to conform with  common practice.

Because the Ganssian descliption is merely a huge transverse scaling of  the first-order paraxial description, the Gaussian description also yields perfect geometrical images; that is, all of Maxwell's  criteria are satisfied (neglecting diffraction). But the Gaussian description of an optical systern is cleally  not physically correct. The real lens surfaces are not planes with  power, and the real images are not geometrically perfect. Thus, the Gaussian description is an approximation, not a limiting case.
In  summary, both the paraxial and Gaussian descriptions are filst-older descriptions with  perfect -geometrical imagery  (no  aberrations), but they are not identical. The paraxial descliption applies only  to infinitesimal transverse distances from the axis and is an accurate limiting case. The Gaussian (collinear) description is  an  extension of  the  palaxial descliption, includes the  paraxial descliption, uses finite transverse distances, and is an approximation. Gaussian ray  tracing, not true paraxial ray tracing. is actLrally done in  practice. People sometirnes incorrectly  use the  terms first  older,paraxial, and  Gaussian interchangeably. If  you understand the two concepts. you can recognize whether the limiting case or the approximation is being consicleled.


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