一、从Asset Store获取kinect包



How to Use Gestures or Create Your Own Gestures

如何使用手势 | 创建你自己的手势

There are two ways to add gesture detection and gesture recognition to your Unity-project.

For the first one look at KinectManager – a component of MainCamera in the example scene. There are two lists - “Player1 Gestures” (these are the gestures expected from player 1) and “Player2 Gestures” (expected from player 2).
-方法一:浏览KinectManager(示例场景中MainCamera的一个组件)。上面有两个列表——“Player1 Gestures”(玩家1的手势预测)和“Player2 Gestures”(玩家2的手势预测)。

The gestures in these lists will be detected during the entire game.

The second way is to specify user specific gestures programmatically. To add such gestures or to handle any of the specified gestures (in 1. or 2. way), you need to implement KinectGestures.GestureListenerInterface. For an example look at the KinectScripts/Extras/SimpleGestureListener.cs-script. Here is a short description of its methods:

UserDetected() can be used to start gesture detection programmatically. UserLost() can be used to clear variables or to free the allocated resources. You don’t need to remove the gestures added by UserDetected()-method explicitly. They are removed automatically, before the invocation of UserLost().

GestureInProgress()-method is invoked when a gesture is started, but not yet completed or cancelled. GestureCompleted() is invoked when the gesture is completed. You can add your own code there to handle the completed gestures. GestureCancelled() is invoked, if the gesture is cancelled.

Currently Recognized Gestures


The following gestures are currently recognized:

  • RaiseRightHand / RaiseLeftHand – left or right hand is raised over the shoulder and stays so for at least 1.0 second. 举左手 /举右手 ——左 / 右手举过肩保持1.0s以上
  • Psi – both hands are raised over the shoulder and the user stays in this pose for 1.0 seconds. Psi(这个暂时不知道翻译成啥,目前翻译成Ψ,动作象形)——双手举过肩,保持这个姿势1.0s以上
  • Tpose – the hands are to the sides, perpendicular to the body (T-pose), for 1.0 seconds. T型动作——双手两侧平举,与身体垂直(T-型),1.0s。
  • Stop – right hand is down and left hand is slightly to the side, but below the waist, or left hand is down and right hand is slightly to the side, but below the waist. 停——右手向下,左手稍偏,但是要在腰部以下(或者互换,同样)。
  • Wave – right hand is waved left and then back right, or left hand is waved right and then back left. 挥手——右手朝左挥动然后回到右侧(左手亦然)。
  • SwipeLeft – right hand swipes left.左滑——右手向左滑动。
  • SwipeRight – left hand swipes right.右滑——左手向右滑动
  • SwipeUp / SwipeDown – swipe up or down with left or right hand下滑 / 上滑——左手或右手滑上或者滑下
  • Click – left or right hand stays in place for at least 2.5s. Useful in combination with cursor control.点击——左/右手在一个地方保持至少2.5s。结合光标控制非常有用。
  • RightHandCursor / LeftHandCursor – pseudo gesture, used to provide cursor movement with the right or left hand. 右手光标 / 左手光标——模拟手势,提供左/右手的移动光标
  • ZoomOut – left and right hands are to the front and put together at the beginning, then the hands move in different directions.放大——左右手朝前,一开始时放在一起,然后双手朝不同方向移动
  • ZoomIn - left and right hands are at least 0.7 meter apart and to the front at the beginning, then the hands get closer to each other.缩小——左右手朝前,至少相隔0.7m,然后相互靠近。
  • Wheel - left and right hands are shoulder size apart and to the front at the beginning, then the hands start to turn an imaginary wheel left (positive angle) or right (negative angle). 旋转——左右手朝前,一肩之距,然后双手开始绕假想轮盘转动。左转为正角,右转为负角。
  • Jump – the hip center gets at least 15cm above its last position within 1.5 seconds.跳——骨骼中心点在1.5s之内比原位置高15cm以上
  • Squat - the hip center gets at least 15cm below its last position within 1.5 seconds蹲——骨骼中心点在1.5s之内比原位置低15cm以上
  • Push – push forward with left or right hand within 1.5 seconds推——1.5s之内,左手或右手向前推
  • Pull - pull backward with left or right hand within 1.5 seconds拉——1.5s之内,左手或右手往后拉

How to Add Your Own Gestures


Here are some hints on how to add your own gestures to the Kinect gesture-detection procedure. You need some C# coding skills and a bit of basic understanding on how the sensor works. It reports the 3d-coordnates of the tracked body parts in the Kinect coordinate system, in meters.

To add detection of custom gesture, open Assets/KinectScripts/KinectGestures.cs. Then:

  1. Find the Gestures-enum. First you need to add the name of your gesture at the end of this enum.
  2. Find the CheckForGesture()-function. There is a long switch() there, and its cases process the detection of each gesture, defined in the Gestures-enum. You need to add a case for your gesture at the end of this switch(), near the end of the script. There you will implement the gesture detection.
  3. For an example on how to do that, look at the processing of some simple gestures, like RaiseLeftHand, RaiseRightHand, SwipeLeft or SwipeRight.
    -想找怎样实现的例子,可以参照比如RaiseLeftHand, RaiseRightHand, SwipeLeft or SwipeRight这些处理一些简单手势的样本。
  4. As you see, each gesture has its own internal switch() to check and change the gesture’s current state. Each gesture is like a state machine with numerical states (0, 1, 2, 3…). Its current state along with other data, is stored in an internal structure of type GestureData. This data-structure is created for each gesture that needs to be detected in the scene.
  5. The initial state of each gesture is 0. At this state, the code needs to detect if the gesture is starting or not. To do this, it checks and stores the position of a joint, usually the left or right hand. If the joint position is suitable for a gesture start, it increments the state. At the next state, it checks if the joint has reached the needed position (or distance from the previous position), usually within a time interval, let’s say within 1.0 - 1.5 seconds.
  6. If the joint has reached its target position (or distance) within the time interval, the gesture is considered completed. Otherwise - it is considered cancelled. Then, the gesture state may be reset back to 0 and the gesture-detection procedure will start again.

    To add detection of your own gestures, first try to understand how relatively simple gestures, like RaiseHand or Swipes, work. Then find a gesture similar to the one you need. Copy and modify its code to fit your needs. Hope this helps for a start ;)

Support, Examples and Feedback

E-mail: rumen.filkov@gmail.com;

Web: http://rfilkov.com

Skype: roumenf

Twitter: roumenf


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