Erode and Dilate




  • The larger the pixel value of the image, the brighter the image, and corrosion and expansion is the process of finding the local minimum and local maximum of the image pixel
  • Dilate: Dilate the highlighted part of the image, equivalent to the field expansion of the highlighted part
  • Erode: The edge of the image is eroded, or the edge of the image becomes less intense after the erosion operation





  • 1. Principles of expansion and corrosion:
  • First of all, in the process of corrosion and the expansion of the operation, we have to give a window, it has a separate defined reference point, we call it the anchor, (this window shows we usually getStructuringElement used in combination with functions, the function of usage to introduce to you soon), then we put this window sliding on the original image, calculate the original image under the window covering part of the value, then the most value assigned to the reference point specified pixel
  • If the maximum value is the maximum, then the above operation is dilate dilate, which will gradually expand the highlighted area of the original image
  • If this maximum is the minimum, the above operation is the erode erode, which erode the areas highlighted by the original image



void dilate( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& element,Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1,int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT,

const Scalar& borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue() );




第四个参数:锚点位置,有默认值Point(-1, -1)



第七个参数:const Scalar类型的 borderValue,一般不用管他


  • 2. Use of DILate function:
  • Let's take a look at its functional prototype:
  • Void dilate(const Mat& SRC, Mat& DST, Const Mat& Element,Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1,int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT,
  • Const Scalar & borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue ());
  • The first parameter: Enter the image
  • Second parameter: output image with the same size and type as the original image
  • Third argument: element of the original image type, core of the expansion operation, when NULL means that the 3x3 core with the reference point in the center is used (usually calculated using the function getStructuringElement)
  • Fourth parameter: anchor position with default value Point(-1, -1)
  • The fifth parameter: the number of times dilate is used in the iteration, with the default value of 1
  • Parameter 6: Has the default value, BORDER_DEFAULT
  • The seventh parameter: the Const Scalar type's borderValue, which will generally leave him alone
  • In fact, when we use it, most of us only need to fill in the first three parameters, and the last four have default values

3. getStructuringElement函数的使用方法:






Point类型的锚点的位置,有默认值Point(-1, -1)


Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(5, 5), Point(-1, -1));

  • 3. Use method of getStructuringElement function:
  • The first parameter is the shape of the kernel. There are three shapes to choose from:
  • MORPH_RECT: rectangle
  • Ellipse: An ellipse
  • Size the Size of the kernel
  • The location of an anchor Point of type Point, with the default value Point(-1, -1)
  • Note: Cross-shaped element shapes depend solely on the location of anchor points. In other cases, the location of anchor points only affects the deviation of morphological operations
  • Here's an example:
  • Mat Element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(5, 5), Point(-1, -1));



void dilate( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& element,Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1,int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT,

const Scalar& borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue() );




第四个参数:Point类型的锚点的位置,有默认值(-1, -1)



第七个参数:const Scalar类型的 borderValue,一般不用管他

  • 3. Use of DILate function
  • Here is the function prototype:
  • Void dilate(const Mat& SRC, Mat& DST, Const Mat& Element,Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1,int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT,

  • Const Scalar & borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue ());

  • The first parameter: the original image

  • Second parameter: Output image

  • Third argument: a core of the same type as the input image, usually used with the getStructuringElement function

  • Fourth parameter: the location of the anchor Point of type Point, with default value (-1, -1)

  • Parameter 5: The number of times an int iteration USES the DILate function, with the default value of 1

  • Parameter 6: Has the default value, BORDER_DEFAULT

  • The seventh parameter: the Const Scalar type's borderValue, which will generally leave him alone

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