
by Daniel Lopes

丹尼尔·洛佩斯(Daniel Lopes)

我重新设计了Tinder。 这是我在此过程中学到的。 (I redesigned Tinder. Here’s what I learned in the process.)

挑战 (The challenge)

I set out to see how far I could push myself creatively as a designer by rebuilding an App I frequently use.


I chose Tinder because I’ve used it a few times, and realized a few modifications to the design would be helpful. Of course I’m not suggesting that my design should be used instead of the current Tinder design. It’s just a different point of view from the current design of the App.

我选择Tinder是因为我已经使用了几次,并且意识到对设计进行一些修改会有所帮助。 当然,我不建议使用我的设计代替当前的Tinder设计。 这与当前应用程序设计的观点不同。

My Goals:


  • Create a better user experience创造更好的用户体验
  • Facilitate the use of the application促进应用程序的使用
  • As a personal goal, to complete my first design project作为个人目标,完成我的第一个设计项目

了解应用程序 (Understanding the App)

Tinder is a location-based social App that is most commonly used as a dating App with a target audience from 18 to 34. Since its debut in 2012, Tinder has undergone rapid growth thanks to its extremely simple way of use and amazing organic strategy.


主页 (The Home Page)

问题1:底部按钮和刷卡 (Problem 1: Bottom buttons and Card swiping)

As soon as a user opens the App, Tinder users have two prime features to indicate whether they like a profile or not:


  • the bottom buttons底部按钮
  • the card swiping刷卡

So which of these should they use?


Both options are very good, but the card swiping provides a much smoother experience. If you compare it to other Apps that are increasingly implementing the card swiping feature, Tinder is far ahead. We should take 100% advantage of it.

两种选择都非常好,但是刷卡可以提供更加流畅的体验。 如果将其与其他越来越实现刷卡功能的应用程序进行比较,则Tinder处于领先地位。 我们应该100%利用它。

After analysing the existing design, the “super like”, “like” and “nope” buttons were removed, with the card swiping gestures for these actions.


The following new buttons were added.


取消个人资料 (Dismiss Profile)

Let’s say you come across a profile that interests you and at the same time does not, you can dismiss it and go to the next one.


信息 (Message)

Feature for Tinder gold that would allow you to send a message to any profile, even if they have not yet liked you.

Tinder gold的功能,即使他们尚未喜欢您,也可以将其发送到任何个人资料。

新的刷卡-朋友 (New swiping card - Friends)

Tinder is listed under “Lifestyle” in the App store. Although Tinder isn’t marketed as a dating App, most people see it as one. Browsing through the profiles, I saw plenty of bios with something like “Just looking for friends!”.

Tinder在App Store中的“生活方式”下列出。 尽管Tinder并未作为约会应用程序销售,但大多数人将其视为一个应用程序。 浏览个人资料时,我看到了很多个人简介,例如“ Just寻找朋友!”。

So swiping down on the new swiping cards allows you to be friend of someone.


问题2:更改页面以查看个人资料 (Problem 2: Changing pages to see a profile)

This modification was something more personal. I didn’t like the way a user would navigate to a person’s profile. I did not consider the process fluid in the eyes of the user as we are constantly changing pages and it does not become very intuitive or practical if we want to go back after seeing the profile.

此修改更个人化。 我不喜欢用户导航到个人资料的方式。 在我们不断更改页面的过程中,我没有考虑过用户眼中的处理流程,如果希望在查看配置文件后返回,它就不会变得非常直观或实用。

So I decided to implement the function of being able to see the profile of the user without leaving the main page. Swiping up would display the user’s profile and swiping down would return the user to the main page.

因此,我决定实现无需离开主页即可查看用户个人资料的功能。 向上滑动将显示用户的个人资料, 向下滑动将使用户返回主页。

重新设计火种饲料 (Redesigning the Tinder Feed)

Tinder introduced the Feed feature that shows you real-time updates of your matches all in one place. Is a very good idea that will take you beyond “It’s a Match!” and help you make a real connection.

Tinder引入了Feed功能,可在一处显示所有比赛的实时更新。 这是一个非常好的主意,它将带您超越“这是一场比赛!” 并帮助您建立真正的联系。

But to access this new feature you need to go to the messages. As I think we should take advantage of this I decided to remove it from the messages and put it on the main screen.

但是要访问此新功能,您需要转到消息。 我认为我们应该利用此优势,因此决定将其从消息中删除,并将其放在主屏幕上。

A user would just need to click on the feed button on the main screen to access all the news from their matches.


To navigate within the feed, I decided to implement two buttons:


  • New - Clicking on “New” at the bottom of the screen on the right side would create a new post.

    新建 -单击右侧屏幕底部的“新建”将创建一个新帖子。

  • Old - Clicking on “Old” at the bottom of the screen on the left side would navigate to the oldest post until we reach the last one.

    旧的 -单击左侧屏幕底部的“旧”将导航到最旧的帖子,直到我们找到最后一个。

The buttons:


  • Message - Instant message to the connection without leaving the feed.

    消息 -发送给连接的即时消息,而无需离开源。

  • Share - Sharing on social media.

    分享 -在社交媒体上分享

新功能:火种体验 (New Feature: Tinder Experiences)

Most people see Tinder as a dating App. But it’s much more, the experience can be more powerful. I implemented a new feature called “Tinder Experiences”, a way to take dates and meetings with friends to another level.

大多数人将Tinder视为约会应用程序。 不仅如此,体验还可以更加强大。 我实施了一项名为“ Tinder体验”的新功能,该功能可以将约会和与朋友的会议带到另一个层次。

Discover places of the city where you are, meet people who share your passions, open up to new experiences.


状态 (Status)

There are a few other things that can be implemented to improve the user experience a lot. One of them is to know the status of the user. So in a simple and minimalistic way I inserted the staus of users within the messages. This improvement allows us to know if a user is online, offline or inactive.

还有一些其他事情可以实现,以极大地改善用户体验。 其中之一是了解用户的状态。 因此,我以一种简单而简约的方式在消息中插入了用户的地位。 这项改进使我们能够知道用户是在线,离线还是不活跃。

Another possible feature is to Filter users by when they were last active. This would allow a user to set a range in your “Discovery Preferences”, For example, display users that have been active within the last 30 minutes.

另一个可能的功能是按用户上次活动的时间对其进行筛选。 这将允许用户在“发现首选项”中设置范围,例如,显示最近30分钟内处于活动状态的用户。

结论 (Conclusion)

Going into this project, I knew that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to improve my design skills and push myself creatively. I’m studying computer engineering and at the same time studying design alone at home as I want to pursue a career in product design. I figured out that the best way for me to learn would be to just throw myself into a project.

进入这个项目,我知道这对我来说是提高我的设计技能和创造性地推动自己的绝好机会。 我正在学习计算机工程,与此同时,我想在家从事产品设计工作,因此独自在家学习设计。 我发现最好的学习方法是将自己投入到项目中。

So for me this is not the end of redesigning a mobile App and only the beginning.


Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it. ?

谢谢阅读。 我希望你喜欢它。 ?

I would appreciate your feedback.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-day-i-redesigned-tinder-3ee6445b9a06/


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