随着各种新的网络技术的不断应用和迅速发展, 计算机网络的应

用范围变得越来越广泛, 所起的作用越来越重要, 计算机网络与人类

的生活更加密不可分, 社会对其的依赖程度也会随之不断增长。而随

着计算机技术的不断发展, 病毒也变得越来越复杂和高级。。。

Computer network virus and precautions

With the new network technology and application of the continuous rapid development of the computer network should

Use of becoming increasingly widespread, the role played by the increasingly important computer networks and human

More inseparable from the lives of the community's reliance on them will keep growing. With

With the continuous development of computer technology, the virus has become increasingly complex and senior, the new generation of

Computer viruses make full use of certain commonly used operating systems and application software for protection of the weak low

Spots have rampant in recent years as the popularity of the Internet in the world, will be attached document containing the virus

The situation in the mail has been increasing spread of the virus through the Internet, making the spread of the virus speed

Sharp also increased, by an ever-increasing scope of the infection. Therefore, the protection of the security of computer networks will be

Will become increasingly important.

A computer virus

The definition of computer virus computer virus (Computer Virus) in the "people's republic of China

The computer information system security protection regulations "which has been clearly defined, the virus" refers to the preparation or

Computer program inserted in the damage or destruction of computer data functions, affecting computer use

Self-replication and can a group of computer instructions, or code. " Second, network virus

With the development of network and the Internet, a wider spread, the greater New harm

The virus emerged This is the Internet virus. The virus is an emerging concept in the traditional

The virus was not classified network virus this concept, because the development of networks, the traditional virus

The network also has a number of characteristics. Today's Internet virus is a broad notion of a

As as long as it is carried out using the Internet to spread destruction can be known as network viruses, such as:

"Love the back door", "Panda burning incense."

Third, network virus and the distinction between computer virus

The original common computer virus is nothing more than the devastating formatted hard drive, delete system

With the users documents, databases, etc. destruction. The mode of transmission is through nothing but also by virus infection

计算机病毒与防范英文,计算机网络病毒与防范 中英文相关推荐

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    会议论文,完美pfd格式 全国抗恶劣环境计算机第十七届学术年会论文集 ·防信息泄一技术· 计算机网络病毒辐射攻防技术研究 田■.王力,邱扬 (西安电子科技大学机电工程学院,西安710071) ■蔓:本 ...

  3. 计算机病毒中英文,计算机网络病毒与防范 中英文.doc

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