今天要给大家展示一个游戏,一个小小的程序啦!这个游戏玩的时候有音乐!很有趣的哦! 废话不多说,我们直接上代码!!
有图片 ,有音频,有它css样式,有js 哈哈哈哈 !! 有点啰嗦了,,上代码 上代码 !!!


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};_getSoundIds: function(b) {if ("undefined" === typeof b) {b = [];for (var c = 0; c < this._sounds.length; c++) b.push(this._sounds[c]._id);return b}return [b]},_refreshBuffer: function(b) {b._node.bufferSource = c.ctx.createBufferSource();b._node.bufferSource.buffer = f[this._src];b._panner ? b._node.bufferSource.connect(b._panner) : b._node.bufferSource.connect(b._node);if (b._node.bufferSource.loop = b._loop) b._node.bufferSource.loopStart = b._start || 0, b._node.bufferSource.loopEnd = b._stop;b._node.bufferSource.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(b._rate, c.ctx.currentTime);return this},_cleanBuffer: function(b) {if (c._scratchBuffer && b.bufferSource) {b.bufferSource.onended = null;b.bufferSource.disconnect(0);try {b.bufferSource.buffer = c._scratchBuffer} catch (d) {}}b.bufferSource = null;return this}};var e = function(b) {this._parent = b;this.init()};e.prototype = {init: function() {var b = this._parent;this._muted = b._muted;this._loop = b._loop;this._volume = b._volume;this._rate = b._rate;this._seek = 0;this._ended = this._paused = !0;this._sprite = "__default";this._id = ++c._counter;b._sounds.push(this);this.create();return this},create: function() {var b = this._parent,d = c._muted || this._muted || this._parent._muted ? 0 : this._volume;b._webAudio ? (this._node = "undefined" === typeof c.ctx.createGain ? c.ctx.createGainNode() : c.ctx.createGain(), this._node.gain.setValueAtTime(d, c.ctx.currentTime), this._node.paused = !0, this._node.connect(c.masterGain)) : (this._node = new Audio, this._errorFn = this._errorListener.bind(this), this._node.addEventListener("error", this._errorFn, !1), this._loadFn = this._loadListener.bind(this), this._node.addEventListener(c._canPlayEvent, this._loadFn, !1), this._node.src = b._src, this._node.preload = "auto", this._node.volume = d * c.volume(), this._node.load());return this},reset: function() {var b = this._parent;this._muted = b._muted;this._loop = b._loop;this._volume = b._volume;this._rate = b._rate;this._rateSeek = this._seek = 0;this._ended = this._paused = !0;this._sprite = "__default";this._id = ++c._counter;return this},_errorListener: function() {this._parent._emit("loaderror", this._id, this._node.error ? this._node.error.code : 0);this._node.removeEventListener("error", this._errorFn, !1)},_loadListener: function() {var b = this._parent;b._duration = Math.ceil(10 * this._node.duration) / 10;0 === Object.keys(b._sprite).length && (b._sprite = {__default: [0, 1E3 * b._duration]});"loaded" !== b._state && (b._state = "loaded", b._emit("load"), b._loadQueue());this._node.removeEventListener(c._canPlayEvent, this._loadFn, !1)}};var f = {},g = function(b, d) {c.ctx.decodeAudioData(b, function(b) {b && 0 < d._sounds.length && (f[d._src] = b, m(d, b))}, function() {d._emit("loaderror", null, "Decoding audio data failed.")})},m = function(b, c) {c && !b._duration && (b._duration = c.duration);0 === Object.keys(b._sprite).length && (b._sprite = {__default: [0, 1E3 * b._duration]});"loaded" !== b._state && (b._state = "loaded", b._emit("load"), b._loadQueue())},l = function() {try {"undefined" !== typeof AudioContext ? c.ctx = new AudioContext : "undefined" !== typeof webkitAudioContext ? c.ctx = new webkitAudioContext : c.usingWebAudio = !1} catch (b) {c.usingWebAudio = !1}var d = /iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(c._navigator && c._navigator.platform),e = c._navigator && c._navigator.appVersion.match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/),e = e ? parseInt(e[1], 10) : null;if (d && (e && 9 > e) && (d = /safari/.test(c._navigator && c._navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()), c._navigator && c._navigator.standalone && !d || c._navigator && !c._navigator.standalone && !d)) c.usingWebAudio = !1;c.usingWebAudio && (c.masterGain = "undefined" === typeof c.ctx.createGain ? c.ctx.createGainNode() : c.ctx.createGain(), c.masterGain.gain.setValueAtTime(c._muted ? 0 : 1, c.ctx.currentTime), c.masterGain.connect(c.ctx.destination));c._setup()};"function" === typeof define && define.amd && define([], function() {return {Howler: c,Howl: d}});"undefined" !== typeof exports && (exports.Howler = c, exports.Howl = d);"undefined" !== typeof window ? (window.HowlerGlobal = b, window.Howler = c, window.Howl = d, window.Sound = e) : "undefined" !== typeof global && (global.HowlerGlobal = b, global.Howler = c, global.Howl = d, global.Sound = e)
(function() {HowlerGlobal.prototype._pos = [0, 0, 0];HowlerGlobal.prototype._orientation = [0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0];HowlerGlobal.prototype.stereo = function(b) {if (!this.ctx || !this.ctx.listener) return this;for (var c = this._howls.length - 1; 0 <= c; c--) this._howls[c].stereo(b);return this};HowlerGlobal.prototype.pos = function(b, c, d) {if (!this.ctx || !this.ctx.listener) return this;c = "number" !== typeof c ? this._pos[1] : c;d = "number" !== typeof d ? this._pos[2] : d;if ("number" === typeof b) this._pos = [b, c, d], "undefined" !== typeof this.ctx.listener.positionX ? (this.ctx.listener.positionX.setTargetAtTime(this._pos[0], Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1), this.ctx.listener.positionY.setTargetAtTime(this._pos[1], Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1), this.ctx.listener.positionZ.setTargetAtTime(this._pos[2], Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1)) : this.ctx.listener.setPosition(this._pos[0], this._pos[1], this._pos[2]);else return this._pos;return this};HowlerGlobal.prototype.orientation = function(b, c, d, e, j, q) {if (!this.ctx || !this.ctx.listener) return this;var z = this._orientation;c = "number" !== typeof c ? z[1] : c;d = "number" !== typeof d ? z[2] : d;e = "number" !== typeof e ? z[3] : e;j = "number" !== typeof j ? z[4] : j;q = "number" !== typeof q ? z[5] : q;if ("number" === typeof b) this._orientation = [b, c, d, e, j, q], "undefined" !== typeof this.ctx.listener.forwardX ? (this.ctx.listener.forwardX.setTargetAtTime(b, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1), this.ctx.listener.forwardY.setTargetAtTime(c, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1), this.ctx.listener.forwardZ.setTargetAtTime(d, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1), this.ctx.listener.upX.setTargetAtTime(b, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1), this.ctx.listener.upY.setTargetAtTime(c, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1), this.ctx.listener.upZ.setTargetAtTime(d, Howler.ctx.currentTime, 0.1)) : this.ctx.listener.setOrientation(b, c, d, e, j, q);else return z;return this};var b = Howl.prototype.init;Howl.prototype.init = function(c) {this._orientation = c.orientation || [1, 0, 0];this._stereo = c.stereo || null;this._pos = c.pos || null;this._pannerAttr = {coneInnerAngle: "undefined" !== typeof c.coneInnerAngle ? c.coneInnerAngle : 360,coneOuterAngle: "undefined" !== typeof c.coneOuterAngle ? c.coneOuterAngle : 360,coneOuterGain: "undefined" !== typeof c.coneOuterGain ? c.coneOuterGain : 0,distanceModel: "undefined" !== typeof c.distanceModel ? c.distanceModel : "inverse",maxDistance: "undefined" !== typeof c.maxDistance ? c.maxDistance : 1E4,panningModel: "undefined" !== typeof c.panningModel ? c.panningModel : "HRTF",refDistance: "undefined" !== typeof c.refDistance ? c.refDistance : 1,rolloffFactor: "undefined" !== typeof c.rolloffFactor ? c.rolloffFactor : 1};this._onstereo = c.onstereo ? [{fn: c.onstereo}] : [];this._onpos = c.onpos ? [{fn: c.onpos}] : [];this._onorientation = c.onorientation ? [{fn: c.onorientation}] : [];return b.call(this, c)};Howl.prototype.stereo = function(b, c) {var d = this;if (!d._webAudio) return d;if ("loaded" !== d._state) return d._queue.push({event: "stereo",action: function() {d.stereo(b, c)}}), d;var l = "undefined" === typeof Howler.ctx.createStereoPanner ? "spatial" : "stereo";if ("undefined" === typeof c)if ("number" === typeof b) d._stereo = b, d._pos = [b, 0, 0];else return d._stereo;for (var j = d._getSoundIds(c), q = 0; q < j.length; q++) {var z = d._soundById(j[q]);if (z)if ("number" === typeof b) z._stereo = b, z._pos = [b, 0, 0], z._node && (z._pannerAttr.panningModel = "equalpower", (!z._panner || !z._panner.pan) && e(z, l), "spatial" === l ? "undefined" !== typeof z._panner.positionX ? (z._panner.positionX.setValueAtTime(b, Howler.ctx.currentTime), z._panner.positionY.setValueAtTime(0, Howler.ctx.currentTime), z._panner.positionZ.setValueAtTime(0, Howler.ctx.currentTime)) : z._panner.setPosition(b, 0, 0) : z._panner.pan.setValueAtTime(b, Howler.ctx.currentTime)), d._emit("stereo", z._id);else return z._stereo}return d};Howl.prototype.pos = function(b, c, d, l) {var j = this;if (!j._webAudio) return j;if ("loaded" !== j._state) return j._queue.push({event: "pos",action: function() {j.pos(b, c, d, l)}}), j;c = "number" !== typeof c ? 0 : c;d = "number" !== typeof d ? -0.5 : d;if ("undefined" === typeof l)if ("number" === typeof b) j._pos = [b, c, d];else return j._pos;for (var q = j._getSoundIds(l), z = 0; z < q.length; z++) {var y = j._soundById(q[z]);if (y)if ("number" === typeof b) y._pos = [b, c, d], y._node && ((!y._panner || y._panner.pan) && e(y, "spatial"), "undefined" !== typeof y._panner.positionX ? (y._panner.positionX.setValueAtTime(b, Howler.ctx.currentTime), y._panner.positionY.setValueAtTime(c, Howler.ctx.currentTime), y._panner.positionZ.setValueAtTime(d, Howler.ctx.currentTime)) : y._panner.setOrientation(b, c, d)), j._emit("pos", y._id);else return y._pos}return j};Howl.prototype.orientation = function(b, c, d, l) {var j = this;if (!j._webAudio) return j;if ("loaded" !== j._state) return j._queue.push({event: "orientation",action: function() {j.orientation(b, c, d, l)}}), j;c = "number" !== typeof c ? j._orientation[1] : c;d = "number" !== typeof d ? j._orientation[2] : d;if ("undefined" === typeof l)if ("number" === typeof b) j._orientation = [b, c, d];else return j._orientation;for (var q = j._getSoundIds(l), z = 0; z < q.length; z++) {var y = j._soundById(q[z]);if (y)if ("number" === typeof b) y._orientation = [b, c, d], y._node && (y._panner || (y._pos || (y._pos = j._pos || [0, 0, -0.5]), e(y, "spatial")), y._panner.orientationX.setValueAtTime(b, Howler.ctx.currentTime), y._panner.orientationY.setValueAtTime(c, Howler.ctx.currentTime), y._panner.orientationZ.setValueAtTime(d, Howler.ctx.currentTime)), j._emit("orientation", y._id);else return y._orientation}return j};Howl.prototype.pannerAttr = function() {var b = arguments,c, d;if (!this._webAudio) return this;if (0 === b.length) return this._pannerAttr;if (1 === b.length)if ("object" === typeof b[0]) c = b[0], "undefined" === typeof d && (c.pannerAttr || (c.pannerAttr = {coneInnerAngle: c.coneInnerAngle,coneOuterAngle: c.coneOuterAngle,coneOuterGain: c.coneOuterGain,distanceModel: c.distanceModel,maxDistance: c.maxDistance,refDistance: c.refDistance,rolloffFactor: c.rolloffFactor,panningModel: c.panningModel}), this._pannerAttr = {coneInnerAngle: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.coneInnerAngle ? c.pannerAttr.coneInnerAngle : this._coneInnerAngle,coneOuterAngle: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.coneOuterAngle ? c.pannerAttr.coneOuterAngle : this._coneOuterAngle,coneOuterGain: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.coneOuterGain ? c.pannerAttr.coneOuterGain : this._coneOuterGain,distanceModel: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.distanceModel ? c.pannerAttr.distanceModel : this._distanceModel,maxDistance: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.maxDistance ? c.pannerAttr.maxDistance : this._maxDistance,refDistance: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.refDistance ? c.pannerAttr.refDistance : this._refDistance,rolloffFactor: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.rolloffFactor ? c.pannerAttr.rolloffFactor : this._rolloffFactor,panningModel: "undefined" !== typeof c.pannerAttr.panningModel ? c.pannerAttr.panningModel : this._panningModel});else return (b = this._soundById(parseInt(b[0], 10))) ? b._pannerAttr : this._pannerAttr;else 2 === b.length && (c = b[0], d = parseInt(b[1], 10));d = this._getSoundIds(d);for (var l = 0; l < d.length; l++)if (b = this._soundById(d[l])) {var j = b._pannerAttr,j = {Number.prototype.toDeg = function() {return 180 * this / Math.PI};Array.prototype.erase = function(b) {for (var c = this.length; c--;) this[c] === b && this.splice(c, 1);return this};Array.prototype.random = function() {return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)]};Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind || function(b) {if ("function" !== typeof this) throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable");var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),d = this,e = function() {},f = function() {return d.apply(this instanceof e && b ? this : b, c.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)))};e.prototype = this.prototype;f.prototype = new e;return f};b.ig = {game: null,debug: null,version: "1.23",global: b,modules: {},resources: [],ready: !1,baked: !1,nocache: "",ua: {},prefix: b.ImpactPrefix || "",lib: "lib/",_current: null,_loadQueue: [],_waitForOnload: 0,$: function(b) {return "#" == b.charAt(0) ? document.getElementById(b.substr(1)) : document.getElementsByTagName(b)},$new: function(b) {return document.createElement(b)},copy: function(b) {if (!b || "object" != typeof b || b instanceof HTMLElement || b instanceof ig.Class) return b;if (b instanceof Array)for (var c = [], d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) c[d] = ig.copy(b[d]);elsefor (d in c = {}, b) c[d] = ig.copy(b[d]);return c},merge: function(b, c) {for (var d in c) {var e = c[d];if ("object" != typeof e || e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof ig.Class || null === e) b[d] = e;else {if (!b[d] || "object" != typeof b[d]) b[d] = e instanceof Array ? [] : {};ig.merge(b[d], e)}}return b},ksort: function(b) {if (!b || "object" != typeof b) return [];var c = [],d = [],e;for (e in b) c.push(e);c.sort();for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) d.push(b[c[e]]);return d},setVendorAttribute: function(b, c, d) {var e = c.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + c.substr(1);b[c] = "undefined" !== typeof b.imageSmoothingEnabled ? b["ms" + e] = b["moz" + e] = b["o" + e] = d : b["ms" + e] = b["moz" + e] = b["webkit" + e] = b["o" + e] = d},getVendorAttribute: function(b, c) {var d = c.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + c.substr(1);return "undefined" !== typeof b.imageSmoothingEnabled ? b[c] || b["ms" + d] || b["moz" + d] || b["o" + d] : b[c] || b["ms" + d] || b["moz" + d] || b["webkit" + d] || b["o" + d]},normalizeVendorAttribute: function(b, c) {var d = ig.getVendorAttribute(b, c);!b[c] && d && (b[c] = d)},getImagePixels: function(b, c, d, e, f) {var g = ig.$new("canvas");g.width = b.width;g.height = b.height;var m = g.getContext("2d");ig.System.SCALE.CRISP(g, m);var E = ig.getVendorAttribute(m, "backingStorePixelRatio") || 1;ig.normalizeVendorAttribute(m, "getImageDataHD");var F = b.width / E,s = b.height / E;g.width = Math.ceil(F);g.height = Math.ceil(s);m.drawImage(b, 0, 0, F, s);return 1 === E ? m.getImageData(c, d, e, f) : m.getImageDataHD(c, d, e, f)},module: function(b) {if (ig._current) throw "Module '" +ig._current.name + "' defines nothing";var e = !1,f = /xyz/.test(function() {xyz}) ? /\bparent\b/ : /.*/,g = 0;b.ig.Class = function() {};var m = function(b) {var c = this.prototype,d = {},e;for (e in b) "function" == typeof b[e] && "function" == typeof c[e] && f.test(b[e]) ? (d[e] = c[e], c[e] = function(b, c) {return function() {var e = this.parent;this.parent = d[b];var f = c.apply(this, arguments);this.parent = e;return f}}(e, b[e])) : c[e] = b[e]};b.ig.Class.extend = function(c) {function d() {if (!e) {if (this.staticInstantiate) {var b = this.staticInstantiate.apply(this, arguments);if (b) return b}for (var c in this) "object" == typeof this[c] && (this[c] = ig.copy(this[c]));this.init && this.init.apply(this, arguments)}return this}var q = this.prototype;e = !0;var z = new this;e = !1;x: c,y: B,nx: y,ny: z};return !0}return !1}});var b = 1 / 3,c = 2 / 3;ig.CollisionMap.defaultTileDef = {5: [0, 1, 1, c, !0],6: [0, c, 1, b, !0],7: [0, b, 1, 0, !0],3: [0, 1, 1, 0.5, !0],4: [0, 0.5, 1, 0, !0],2: [0, 1, 1, 0, !0],10: [0.5, 1, 1, 0, !0],21: [0, 1, 0.5, 0, !0],32: [c, 1, 1, 0, !0],43: [b, 1, c, 0, !0],54: [0, 1, b, 0, !0],27: [0, 0, 1, b, !0],28: [0, b, 1, c, !0],29: [0, c, 1, 1, !0],25: [0, 0, 1, 0.5, !0],26: [0, 0.5, 1, 1, !0],24: [0, 0, 1, 1, !0],11: [0, 0, 0.5, 1, !0],22: [0.5, 0, 1, 1, !0],33: [0, 0, b, 1, !0],44: [b, 0, c, 1, !0],55: [c, 0, 1, 1, !0],16: [1, b, 0, 0, !0],17: [1, c, 0, b, !0],18: [1, 1, 0, c, !0],14: [1, 0.5, 0, 0, !0],15: [1, 1, 0, 0.5, !0],13: [1, 1, 0, 0, !0],8: [0.5, 1, 0, 0, !0],19: [1, 1, 0.5, 0, !0],30: [b, 1, 0, 0, !0],41: [c, 1, b, 0, !0],52: [1, 1, c, 0, !0],38: [1, c, 0, 1, !0],39: [1, b, 0, c, !0],40: [1, 0, 0, b, !0],36: [1, 0.5, 0, 1, !0],37: [1, 0, 0, 0.5, !0],35: [1, 0, 0, 1, !0],9: [1, 0, 0.5, 1, !0],20: [0.5, 0, 0, 1, !0],31: [1, 0, c, 1, !0],42: [c, 0, b, 1, !0],53: [b, 0, 0, 1, !0],12: [0, 0, 1, 0, !1],23: [1, 1, 0, 1, !1],34: [1, 0, 1, 1, !1],45: [0, 1, 0, 0, !1]};ig.CollisionMap.staticNoCollision = {trace: function(b, c, f, g) {return {collision: {x: !1,y: !1,slope: !1},pos: {x: b + f,y: c + g},tile: {x: 0,y: 0}}}}
ig.baked = !0;
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