



1.1 c++初识

1.1.1 hello world

1.1.2 常量和变量

1.1.3 数据类型

1.1.4 运算符

1.2 程序结构

1.2.1 选择结构

1.2.2 循环结构

1.3 数组

1.4 函数

1.5 指针变量

1.6 结构体


2.1 内存分区

2.1.1 内存分区模型

2.1.2 程序运行前分区

2.1.3 程序运行后分区

2.2 引用

2.2.1 引用做函数参数

2.2.2 引用做函数返回值

2.2.3 引用本质

2.2.4 常量引用

2.3 函数提高

2.3.1 函数默认参数

2.3.2 函数占位参数

2.3.3 函数重载

2.4 类和对象

2.4.1 封装

2.4.2 对象的初始化和清理

2.4.3 初始化列表

2.4.4 静态成员

2.4.5 c++对象模型和this指针

2.4.6 const修饰成员函数

2.4.7 友元

2.4.8 运算符重载

2.5 继承

2.6 多态

2.7 文件操作


3.1 模板

3.1.1 函数模板

3.1.2 类模板

3.2 STL标准模板库

3.2.1 STL 基本概念

3.2.2 容器算法迭代器

3.3 STL常用容器

3.3.1 string容器

3.3.2 vector容器

3.3.3 deque容器

3.3.4 stack堆栈

3.3.5 queue队列

3.3.6 list链表

3.3.7 set/ multiset容器

3.3.8 map/multimap

3.4 STL函数对象

3.4.1 函数对象使用

3.4.2 谓词

3.4.3 内建函数对象

3.5 STL常用算法

3.5.1 常用遍历算法

3.5.2 常用查找算法

3.5.3 常用排序算法

3.5.4 常用拷贝和替换算法

3.5.5 常用算术生成算法

3.5.6 常用集合算法


1.1 c++初识

1.1.1 hello world

using namespace std;
int main() {
​cout << "Hello world" << endl;
​return 0;
//多行注释:鼠标选中内容,ctrl+k+c完成注释,ctrl+k+u放开注释/*多行注释用斜杠星号开始斜杠星号结束*/// using namespace std;是标准命名空间,作用如
// std::cout<< "Hello world" <<std::endl; 变 cout<< "Hello world" <<endl;//system("pause");的作用是请按任意键继续

1.1.2 常量和变量


#define day 7                //宏常量      语法 #define 常量名 常量值
int main() {
​cout << "一周里总共有 " << day << " 天" << endl;//day = 8; 报错,宏常量不可以修改
​const int month = 12;   //const修饰变量作为常量cout << "一年里总共有 " << month << " 个月份" << endl;//month = 24; 报错,常量是不可以修改的system("pause");​return 0;


int a = 10;             //语法:数据类型  变量名 = 初始值//c++变量必须赋初始值



1.1.3 数据类型



//sizeof语法              sizeof( 数据类型 / 变量)
cout << "int 类型所占内存空间为: " << sizeof(int) << endl;
cout << "变量a所占内存空间为:    " << sizeof(a) << endl;


cout <<“hello world”<< endl;
cout <<“hello world\n” ;             // \n换行,与endl作用一样cout <<"\\"<< endl;                  // \\输出一个反斜杠\cout <<“aaa\thello world”<< endl;    //  \t水平制表aaa     hello world// aaa占三位\t自动补5个空格凑够八位


#include<string>                    //使用字符串需要包含字符串的头文件,字符不用
int main() {char ch='a';                    //字符占一个字节string str = "hello world";     //字符用单引号,字符串用双引号cout << str << endl;cout << ch << endl;system("pause"); return 0;


 cout << (int)ch << endl;  //强制转换int数据类型,查看字符a对应的ASCII码ch = 97;                  //可以直接用ASCII给字符型变量赋值,97对应acout << ch << endl;


int main() {bool flag = true;cout << flag << endl; // 1flag = false;cout << flag << endl; // 0cout << "size of bool = " << sizeof(bool) << endl; //bool类型占1字节system("pause");return 0;


int a = 0;cout << "请输入整型变量:" << endl;cin >> a;cout << a << endl;

1.1.4 运算符


int main() {int a1 = 10;int b1 = 3;cout << a1 + b1 << endl;cout << a1 - b1 << endl;cout << a1 * b1 << endl;cout << a1 / b1 << endl;  //两个整数相除结果依然是整数,3double d1 = 0.5;double d2 = 0.25;int d3=0;cout << d1 / d2 << endl;  //两个小数可以相除//cout << d1 / d3 << endl;   报错,除数不可以为0cout << 10 % 3 << endl;   //取模,结果为1double d4 = 3.14;double d5 = 1.1;//cout << d4 % d5 << endl;//小数不可以取模system("pause");return 0;



int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;cout << (a == b) << endl; // 0 cout << (a != b) << endl; // 1cout << (a > b) << endl; // 0cout << (a <= b) << endl; // 1system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int a = 10;int b = 10;cout << !a << endl; // 0            逻辑非 真变假,假变真cout << !!a << endl; // 1int c = 10;int d = 0;cout << (c && d) << endl;// 0       逻辑与 同真为真,其它为假cout << (c || d) << endl;// 1       逻辑或 有一个真,就为真system("pause");return 0;

1.2 程序结构

  • 顺序结构:程序按顺序执行

  • 选择结构:依据条件是否满足,有选择的执行代码

  • 循环结构:依据条件是否满足,循环多次执行某段代码

1.2.1 选择结构



int main() {int score = 0;cout << "请输入一个分数:" << endl;cin >> score;cout << "您输入的分数为: " << score << endl;if (score > 600)            //if判断语句后面不要加分号{cout << "我考上了一本大学!!!" << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int score = 0;cout << "请输入考试分数:" << endl;cin >> score;if (score > 600){cout << "我考上了一本大学" << endl;}else{cout << "我未考上一本大学" << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


 int main() {int score = 0;cout << "请输入考试分数:" << endl;cin >> score;if (score > 600){cout << "我考上了一本大学" << endl;}else if (score > 500){cout << "我考上了二本大学" << endl;}else if (score > 400){cout << "我考上了三本大学" << endl;}else{cout << "我未考上本科" << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int score = 0;cout << "请输入考试分数:" << endl;cin >> score;if (score > 600){cout << "我考上了一本大学" << endl;if (score > 700){cout << "我考上了北大" << endl;}else if (score > 650){cout << "我考上了清华" << endl;}else{cout << "我考上了人大" << endl;}}else if (score > 500){cout << "我考上了二本大学" << endl;}else if (score > 400){cout << "我考上了三本大学" << endl;}else{cout << "我未考上本科" << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;int c = 0;c = a > b ? a : b;                   //?为真执行a否则执行bcout << "c = " << c << endl;         //20(a > b ? a : b) = 100;               //C++中三目运算符返回的是变量,可以继续赋值cout << "b = " << b << endl;         //b=100system("pause");return 0;


int main() { //请给电影评分 //10 ~ 9   经典   // 8 ~ 7   非常好// 6 ~ 5   一般// 5分以下 烂片int score = 0;cout << "请给电影打分" << endl;cin >> score;switch (score){case 10:                     //用的冒号不是分号case 9:cout << "经典" << endl;break;case 8:cout << "非常好" << endl;break;case 7:case 6:cout << "一般" << endl;break;default:                     //以上条件都不满足时default退出cout << "烂片" << endl;break;}system("pause");return 0;

1.2.2 循环结构



int main() { int num = 0;while (num < 10)            //满足条件就一直执行,直到num >= 10{cout << "num = " << num << endl;  //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 num++;}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int num = 0;do                           //do while 先执行后判断{cout << num << endl;     //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9num++;} while (num < 10);system("pause");return 0;


int main() {for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){cout << i << endl;       // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++){cout << "*" << " ";}cout << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++){if (j == 5){break;           //在嵌套循环语句中使用break,退出内层循环,继续外循环}cout << "*" << " ";}cout << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){if (i % 2 == 0){continue;        //跳过本次循环中当前步,继续执行循环}cout << i << endl;   // 1 3 5 7 9 11...}system("pause");return 0;

go to跳转

int main() {cout << "1" << endl;goto FLAG;               //只输出1 5cout << "2" << endl;cout << "3" << endl;cout << "4" << endl;FLAG:cout << "5" << endl;system("pause");return 0;

1.3 数组


int main() {int score[10];   //方式1   数据类型 数组名[元素个数]score[0] = 100;  //方式1   利用下标赋值score[1] = 99;score[2] = 85;cout << score[0] << endl;  //方式1  利用下标输出,注意数组下标从0开始的cout << score[1] << endl;cout << score[2] << endl;//第二种定义方式//数据类型 数组名[元素个数] =  {值1,值2 ,值3 ...};//如果{}内不足10个数据,剩余数据用0补全int score2[10] = { 100, 90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10 };//逐个输出//cout << score2[0] << endl;//cout << score2[1] << endl;//可以利用循环进行输出for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){cout << score2[i] << endl;}//定义方式3//数据类型 数组名[] =  {值1,值2 ,值3 ...};int score3[] = { 100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10 };for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){cout << score3[i] << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


int main() {//数组名用途//1、可以获取整个数组占用内存空间大小int arr[10] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 };cout << "整个数组所占内存空间为: " << sizeof(arr) << endl;cout << "每个元素所占内存空间为: " << sizeof(arr[0]) << endl;cout << "数组的元素个数为: " << sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) << endl;//2、可以通过数组名获取到数组首地址cout << "数组首地址为: " << (int)arr << endl;cout << "数组中第一个元素地址为: " << (int)&arr[0] << endl;cout << "数组中第二个元素地址为: " << (int)&arr[1] << endl;//arr = 100; 错误,数组名是常量,因此不可以赋值system("pause");return 0;


int main() {//方式1  //数组类型 数组名 [行数][列数]int arr[2][3];arr[0][0] = 1;arr[0][1] = 2;arr[0][2] = 3;arr[1][0] = 4;arr[1][1] = 5;arr[1][2] = 6;for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){cout << arr[i][j] << " ";}cout << endl;}//方式2 //数据类型 数组名[行数][列数] = { {数据1,数据2 } ,{数据3,数据4 } };int arr2[2][3] ={{1,2,3},                //用逗号不是分号{4,5,6}};//方式3//数据类型 数组名[行数][列数] = { 数据1,数据2 ,数据3,数据4  };int arr3[2][3] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6 }; //方式4 //数据类型 数组名[][列数] = { 数据1,数据2 ,数据3,数据4  };int arr4[][3] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6 };system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int arr[2][3] ={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};cout << "二维数组大小: " << sizeof(arr) << endl;cout << "二维数组一行大小: " << sizeof(arr[0]) << endl;cout << "二维数组元素大小: " << sizeof(arr[0][0]) << endl;cout << "二维数组行数: " << sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) << endl;cout << "二维数组列数: " << sizeof(arr[0]) / sizeof(arr[0][0]) << endl;//地址cout << "二维数组首地址:" << arr << endl;cout << "二维数组第一行地址:" << arr[0] << endl;cout << "二维数组第二行地址:" << arr[1] << endl;cout << "二维数组第一个元素地址:" << &arr[0][0] << endl;cout << "二维数组第二个元素地址:" << &arr[0][1] << endl;system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int scores[3][3] ={{100,100,100},{90,50,100},{60,70,80},};string names[3] = { "张三","李四","王五" };for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){int sum = 0;for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){sum += scores[i][j];}cout << names[i] << "同学总成绩为: " << sum << endl;}system("pause");return 0;

1.4 函数

返回值类型 函数名 (参数列表)
int add(int num1, int num2)                //定义函数时括号内为形参
{int a = num1 + num2;return a;
}int main() {int a = 10;int b = 10;
//函数调用int sum = add(a, b);                   //调用函数时括号内为实参cout << "sum = " << sum << endl;system("pause");return 0;


void swap(int num1, int num2)
{cout << "交换前:" << endl;                // 10  20cout << "num1 = " << num1 << endl;cout << "num2 = " << num2 << endl;int temp = num1;num1 = num2;num2 = temp;cout << "交换后:" << endl;                // 20  10cout << "num1 = " << num1 << endl;cout << "num2 = " << num2 << endl;//return ; 不需要返回值,可以不写return
}int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;swap(a, b);cout << "mian中的 a = " << a << endl;            //值传递形参修饰不了实参,a还是10cout << "mian中的 b = " << b << endl;            //a=10  b=20system("pause");return 0;


//1、 无参无返
void test01()
{//void a = 10; 报错 无参无返类型不可以创建变量,原因无法分配内存cout << "this is test01" << endl;
}//2、 有参无返
void test02(int a)
{cout << "this is test02" << endl;cout << "a = " << a << endl;
int test03()
{cout << "this is test03 " << endl;return 10;
int test04(int a, int b)
{cout << "this is test04 " << endl;int sum = a + b;return sum;


int max(int a, int b);     //声明后,函数定义可以写在main函数的后面了
int max(int a, int b);     //声明可以多次,定义只能一次int main() {int a = 100;int b = 200;cout << max(a, b) << endl;system("pause");return 0;
int max(int a, int b)
{return a > b ? a : b;


using namespace std;//实现两个数字交换的函数声明
void swap(int a, int b);
#include "swap.h"void swap(int a, int b)
{int temp = a;a = b;b = temp;cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;


#include"swap.h"int main() {int a = 100;int b = 200;swap(a, b);system("pause");return 0;

1.5 指针变量

指针变量定义语法: 数据类型 * 变量名;


指针变量可以通过 * 操作符操作指针变量指向的内存空间,这个过程称为解引用

int main() {int a = 10; //定义整型变量a//指针定义语法: 数据类型 * 变量名 ;int * p;p = &a; //指针变量赋值指针指向变量a的地址,&是取址符//以上两行等价于 int * p=&a;cout << &a << endl; //打印数据a的地址   010FF968cout << p << endl;  //打印指针变量p     010FF968//指针的使用 通过*操作指针变量指向的内存cout << "*p = " << *p << endl;       //10system("pause");return 0;


int main() {//指针变量p指向内存地址编号为0x1100的空间int * p = (int *)0x1100;//访问野指针报错 cout << *p << endl;int * p1 =NULL;       //空指针,NULL是c++自带的空指针无需定义直接使用cout << *p1 << endl;  //访问空指针报错 system("pause");return 0;





int main() {int a = 10;int b = 10;//常量指针,const修饰的是常量,指针指向可以改,指针指向的值不可以更改const int * p1 = &a; p1 = &b; //正确//*p1 = 100;  报错//指针常量,const修饰的是指针,指针指向不可以改,指针指向的值可以更改int * const p2 = &a;//p2 = &b; //错误*p2 = 100; //正确//const既修饰指针又修饰常量const int * const p3 = &a;//p3 = &b; //错误//*p3 = 100; //错误system("pause");return 0;


int main() {int arr[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 };int * p = arr;  //指向数组的指针,没有取地址符&cout << "第一个元素: " << arr[0] << endl;cout << "指针访问第一个元素: " << *p << endl;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){//利用指针遍历数组cout << *p << endl;p++;}system("pause");return 0;


void swap1(int a ,int b)
{int temp = a;a = b; b = temp;
void swap2(int * p1, int *p2)
{int temp = *p1;*p1 = *p2;*p2 = temp;
}int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;swap1(a, b); // 值传递不会改变实参,a还是10swap2(&a, &b); //地址传递会改变实参cout << "a = " << a << endl;     //a通过地址传递变20了cout << "b = " << b << endl;system("pause");return 0;

指针 函数 数组 组合例子

void bubbleSort(int * arr, int len)  //int * arr 也可以写为int arr[]
{for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++){for (int j = 0; j < len - 1 - i; j++){if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]){int temp = arr[j];arr[j] = arr[j + 1];arr[j + 1] = temp;}}}
void printArray(int arr[], int len)
{for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){cout << arr[i] << endl;}
}int main() {int arr[10] = { 4,3,6,9,1,2,10,8,7,5 };int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);bubbleSort(arr, len);printArray(arr, len);system("pause");return 0;

1.6 结构体

struct student
{//成员列表string name;  //姓名int age;      //年龄int score;    //分数
}stu3; //结构体变量创建方式3,定义的时候就创建一个结构体变量。定义结构体需要加分号;int main() {//结构体变量创建方式1struct student stu1; //struct 关键字可以省略stu1.name = "张三";stu1.age = 18;stu1.score = 100;cout << "姓名:" << stu1.name << " 年龄:" << stu1.age  << " 分数:" << stu1.score << endl;//结构体变量创建方式2struct student stu2 = { "李四",19,60 };cout << "姓名:" << stu2.name << " 年龄:" << stu2.age  << " 分数:" << stu2.score << endl;stu3.name = "王五";stu3.age = 18;stu3.score = 80;   cout << "姓名:" << stu3.name << " 年龄:" << stu3.age  << " 分数:" << stu3.score << endl;system("pause");return 0;


struct student
{//成员列表string name;  //姓名int age;      //年龄int score;    //分数
};int main() {//结构体数组struct student arr[3]={{"张三",18,80 },{"李四",19,60 },{"王五",20,70 }};for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){cout << "姓名:" << arr[i].name << " 年龄:" << arr[i].age << " 分数:" << arr[i].score << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


struct student
{//成员列表string name;  //姓名int age;      //年龄int score;    //分数
};int main() {struct student stu = { "张三",18,100, };struct student * p = &stu;p->score = 80; //指针通过 -> 操作符可以访问成员cout << "姓名:" << p->name << " 年龄:" << p->age << " 分数:" << p->score << endl;system("pause");return 0;


struct student
{//成员列表string name;  //姓名int age;      //年龄int score;    //分数
struct teacher
{//成员列表int id; //职工编号string name;  //教师姓名int age;   //教师年龄struct student stu; //子结构体 学生
};int main() {struct teacher t1;t1.id = 10000;t1.name = "老王";t1.age = 40;t1.stu.name = "张三";t1.stu.age = 18;t1.stu.score = 100;cout << "教师 职工编号: " << t1.id << " 姓名: " << t1.name << " 年龄: " << t1.age << endl;cout << "辅导学员 姓名: " << t1.stu.name << " 年龄:" << t1.stu.age << " 考试分数: " << t1.stu.score << endl;system("pause");return 0;


struct student
{//成员列表string name;  //姓名int age;      //年龄int score;    //分数
void printStudent(student stu )
{stu.age = 28;cout << "子函数中 姓名:" << stu.name << " 年龄: " << stu.age  << " 分数:" << stu.score << endl;
}void printStudent2(student *stu){stu->age = 28;cout << "子函数中 姓名:" << stu->name << " 年龄: " << stu->age  << " 分数:" << stu->score << endl;
}int main() {student stu = { "张三",18,100};//值传递                 //还是18printStudent(stu);cout << "主函数中 姓名:" << stu.name << " 年龄: " << stu.age << " 分数:" << stu.score << endl;cout << endl;//地址传递               //变28了printStudent2(&stu);cout << "主函数中 姓名:" << stu.name << " 年龄: " << stu.age  << " 分数:" << stu.score << endl;system("pause");return 0;


struct student
{//成员列表string name;  //姓名int age;      //年龄int score;    //分数
void printStudent(const student *stu) //加const防止函数体中的误操作
{//stu->age = 100; //操作失败,因为加了const修饰cout << "姓名:" << stu->name << " 年龄:" << stu->age << " 分数:" << stu->score << endl;}int main() {student stu = { "张三",18,100 };printStudent(&stu);system("pause");return 0;


2.1 内存分区

2.1.1 内存分区模型




栈区:由编译器自动分配释放, 存放函数的参数值,局部变量等


2.1.2 程序运行前分区

代码区:存放 CPU 执行的机器指令,代码区是共享的,共享的目的是对于频繁被执行的程序,只需要在内存中有一份代码即可;代码区是只读的,使其只读的原因是防止程序意外地修改了指令;

全局区:存放全局变量和静态变量;全局区还包含了常量区, 字符串常量和其他常量;该区域的数据在程序结束后由操作系统自动释放;

int g_a = 10;
int g_b = 10;//全局常量
const int c_g_a = 10;
const int c_g_b = 10;int main() {//局部变量int a = 10;int b = 10;//打印地址cout << "局部变量a地址为: " << (int)&a << endl;cout << "局部变量b地址为: " << (int)&b << endl;cout << "全局变量g_a地址为: " <<  (int)&g_a << endl;cout << "全局变量g_b地址为: " <<  (int)&g_b << endl;//静态变量static int s_a = 10;static int s_b = 10;cout << "静态变量s_a地址为: " << (int)&s_a << endl;cout << "静态变量s_b地址为: " << (int)&s_b << endl;cout << "字符串常量地址为: " << (int)&"hello world" << endl;cout << "字符串常量地址为: " << (int)&"hello world1" << endl;cout << "全局常量c_g_a地址为: " << (int)&c_g_a << endl;cout << "全局常量c_g_b地址为: " << (int)&c_g_b << endl;const int c_l_a = 10;const int c_l_b = 10;cout << "局部常量c_l_a地址为: " << (int)&c_l_a << endl;cout << "局部常量c_l_b地址为: " << (int)&c_l_b << endl;system("pause");return 0;

2.1.3 程序运行后分区



int * func()
{int a = 10;return &a;
}int main() {int *p = func();cout << *p << endl;   //10cout << *p << endl;  //264616928,第一次跟第二次输出不同,局部变量编译器只保留了一次system("pause");return 0;



int* func()
{int* a = new int(10);        //new 类型();return a;
}int main() {int *p = func();cout << *p << endl;          //10cout << *p << endl;          //10system("pause");return 0;


int* func()
{int* a = new int(10);return a;
}int main() {int *p = func();cout << *p << endl;cout << *p << endl;delete p;             //利用delete释放堆区数据//cout << *p << endl; 报错,释放的空间不可访问int* arr = new int[10];//堆区开辟数组delete[] arr;          //释放数组delete后多加一个[]system("pause");return 0;

2.2 引用

语法: 数据类型 &别名 = 原名


int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;//int &c;          错误,引用必须初始化int &c = a;        //初始化c = b;             //这是赋值操作,不是更改引用,改引用是int &c =b;cout << "a = " << a << endl;    //20cout << "b = " << b << endl;    //20cout << "c = " << c << endl;    //20system("pause");return 0;

2.2.1 引用做函数参数

引用作函数参数时,形参可以修饰实参 ,引用可以看作简化指针

//1. 值传递
void mySwap01(int a, int b) {int temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
}//2. 地址传递
void mySwap02(int* a, int* b) {int temp = *a;*a = *b;*b = temp;
}//3. 引用传递
void mySwap03(int& a, int& b) {int temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
}int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;mySwap01(a, b);cout << "a:" << a << " b:" << b << endl;     //a=10 b=20mySwap02(&a, &b);cout << "a:" << a << " b:" << b << endl;     //a=20 b=10mySwap03(a, b);cout << "a:" << a << " b:" << b << endl;     //a=20 b=10system("pause");return 0;

2.2.2 引用做函数返回值

int& test01() {int a = 10; //局部变量return a;
int& test02() {static int a = 20;return a;
}int main() {//不能返回局部变量的引用int& ref = test01();cout << "ref = " << ref << endl;     //10cout << "ref = " << ref << endl;     //不是10//如果函数做左值,那么必须返回引用int& ref2 = test02();cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;   //20cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;   //20test02() = 1000;                     //函数做为左值可以重新赋值cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;   //1000cout << "ref2 = " << ref2 << endl;   //1000system("pause");return 0;

2.2.3 引用本质

//引用本质是指针常量 int &ref=a;自动转换为 int* const ref = &a;
void func(int& ref){ref = 100;      // ref是引用,转换为*ref = 100
int main(){int a = 10;int& ref = a;  //自动转换为 int* const ref = &a; //指针常量是指针指向不可改,也说明为什么引用不可更改ref = 20;      //内部发现ref是引用,自动转换为: *ref = 20;cout << "a:" << a << endl;cout << "ref:" << ref << endl;func(a);return 0;

2.2.4 常量引用


void showValue(const int& v) {//v += 10;            错误,常量引用不可修改cout << v << endl;
}int main() {//int& ref = 10;  引用本身需要一个合法的内存空间,因此这行错误//加入const就可以了,编译器优化代码,int temp = 10; const int& ref = temp;const int& ref = 10;//ref = 100;  //加入const后不可以修改变量cout << ref << endl;//函数中利用常量引用防止误操作修改实参int a = 10;showValue(a);system("pause");return 0;

2.3 函数提高

2.3.1 函数默认参数

int func(int a, int b = 10, int c = 10) {return a + b + c;
int func2(int a = 10, int b = 10);
int func2(int a, int b) {return a + b;
}int main() {cout << "ret = " << func(20, 20) << endl;        //50cout << "ret = " << func(100) << endl;           //120cout << "ret = " << func2(20, 20) << endl;       //40system("pause");return 0;

2.3.2 函数占位参数


//函数占位参数 ,占位参数也可以有默认参数
void func(int a, int ,b=10) {            //int类型占位,b是默认参数cout << "this is func" << endl;
}int main() {func(10,10); //占位参数必须填补system("pause");return 0;

2.3.3 函数重载



void func()
{cout << "func 的调用!" << endl;
void func(int a)
{cout << "func (int a) 的调用!" << endl;
void func(double a)
{cout << "func (double a)的调用!" << endl;
void func(int a ,double b)
{cout << "func (int a ,double b) 的调用!" << endl;
void func(double a ,int b)
{cout << "func (double a ,int b)的调用!" << endl;
//int func(double a, int b)
//  cout << "func (double a ,int b)的调用!" << endl;
//}int main() {func();func(10);func(3.14);func(10,3.14);func(3.14 , 10);system("pause");return 0;
//1、引用作为重载条件void func(int &a)
{cout << "func (int &a) 调用 " << endl;
}void func(const int &a)
{cout << "func (const int &a) 调用 " << endl;
}//2、函数重载碰到函数默认参数void func2(int a, int b = 10)
{cout << "func2(int a, int b = 10) 调用" << endl;
}void func2(int a)
{cout << "func2(int a) 调用" << endl;
}int main() {int a = 10;func(a); //调用无constfunc(10);//调用有const//func2(10); //碰到默认参数产生歧义,需要避免system("pause");return 0;

2.4 类和对象



2.4.1 封装

语法: class 类名{ 访问权限: 属性 / 行为 };



const double PI = 3.14;//封装一个圆类,求圆的周长
class Circle
public:                      //访问权限  公共的权限//属性int m_r;//半径//行为double calculateZC()      //获取到圆的周长{//获取圆的周长 2 * pi  * rreturn  2 * PI * m_r;}
};int main() {Circle c1;                //通过圆类,创建圆的对象 c1就是一个具体的圆c1.m_r = 10;            //给圆对象的半径 进行赋值操作cout << "圆的周长为: " << c1.calculateZC() << endl;system("pause");return 0;


class Student {
public:void setName(string name) {m_name = name;}void setID(int id) {m_id = id;}void showStudent() {cout << "name:" << m_name << " ID:" << m_id << endl;}
public:string m_name;int m_id;
};int main() {Student stu;               //创建一个具体的学生stu.setName("德玛");stu.setID(250);stu.showStudent();system("pause");return 0;


1公共权限 public 类内可以访问 类外可以访问

2保护权限 protected 类内可以访问 类外不可以访问

3私有权限 private 类内可以访问 类外不可以访问(看着与保护权限相同,但是保护权限在继承的类中可以访问,私有的不可以访问,仅类内可以访问)

class C1
{int  m_A; //默认是私有权限
};struct C2
{int m_A;  //默认是公共权限
};int main() {C1 c1;c1.m_A = 10; //错误,访问权限是私有C2 c2;c2.m_A = 10; //正确,访问权限是公共system("pause");return 0;


class Person {
public:void setName(string name) {              //姓名设置可读可写m_Name = name; }string getName(){return m_Name;}//获取年龄 int getAge() {return m_Age;}//设置年龄void setAge(int age) {if (age < 0 || age > 150) {cout << "你个老妖精!" << endl;return;}m_Age = age;}//情人设置为只写void setLover(string lover) {m_Lover = lover;}private:string m_Name; //可读可写  姓名int m_Age; //只读  年龄string m_Lover; //只写  情人
};int main() {Person p;//姓名设置p.setName("张三");cout << "姓名: " << p.getName() << endl;//年龄设置p.setAge(50);cout << "年龄: " << p.getAge() << endl;//情人设置p.setLover("苍井");//cout << "情人: " << p.m_Lover << endl;   错误,只写属性,不可以读取system("pause");return 0;

2.4.2 对象的初始化和清理


构造函数语法: 类名 (){}

析构函数语法: ~类名 (){}

class Person
public://构造函数Person(){cout << "Person的构造函数调用" << endl;}//析构函数~Person(){cout << "Person的析构函数调用" << endl;}};void test01()
{Person p;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


// 按照参数分类分为 有参和无参构造 无参又称为默认构造函数
// 按照类型分类分为 普通构造和拷贝构造class Person {
public:Person() {                               //无参(默认)构造函数cout << "无参构造函数!" << endl;}Person(int a) {                         //有参构造函数age = a;cout << "有参构造函数!" << endl;}Person(const Person& p) {               //拷贝构造函数age = p.age;cout << "拷贝构造函数!" << endl;}//析构函数~Person() {cout << "析构函数!" << endl;}
public:int age;
};void test01() {Person p; //调用无参构造函数
}void test02() {Person p1(10);                         //调用有参的构造函数(1括号法,常用)//调用无参构造函数不能加括号,否则认为这是一个函数声明
//Person(10)单独写就是匿名对象  当前行结束之后,马上析构Person p2 = Person(10);                //调用有参的构造函数(2显式法)Person p3 = Person(p2);Person p4 = 10; // Person p4 = Person(10);//调用有参的构造函数(隐式转换法)Person p5 = p4; // Person p5 = Person(p4);//调用有参的构造函数(隐式转换法)}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


class Person {
public:Person() {cout << "无参构造函数!" << endl;mAge = 0;}Person(int age) {cout << "有参构造函数!" << endl;mAge = age;}Person(const Person& p) {cout << "拷贝构造函数!" << endl;mAge = p.mAge;}//析构函数在释放内存之前调用~Person() {cout << "析构函数!" << endl;}
public:int mAge;
void test01() {Person man(100); //p对象已经创建完毕Person newman(man); //调用拷贝构造函数,使用一个已经创建完毕的对象来初始化一个新对象Person newman2 = man; //拷贝构造,使用一个已经创建完毕的对象来初始化一个新对象//Person newman3;    //newman3 = man; 不是调用拷贝构造函数,是赋值操作
void doWork(Person p1) {}
void test02() {Person p; //无参构造函数doWork(p);
Person doWork2()
{Person p1;cout << (int *)&p1 << endl;return p1;
}void test03()
{Person p = doWork2();       //p具有和p1相同的属性和行为cout << (int *)&p << endl;
}int main() {//test01();//test02();test03();system("pause");return 0;





class Person {
public:Person() {                               //无参(默认)构造函数cout << "无参构造函数!" << endl;}Person(int age ,int height) {            //有参构造函数cout << "有参构造函数!" << endl;m_age = age;m_height = new int(height);          //有堆区数据,拷贝需要深拷贝}Person(const Person& p) {                //拷贝构造函数cout << "拷贝构造函数!" << endl;//如果不利用深拷贝在堆区创建新内存,会导致浅拷贝带来的重复释放堆区问题m_age = p.m_age;m_height = new int(*p.m_height);}//析构函数~Person() {cout << "析构函数!" << endl;if (m_height != NULL){delete m_height;}}
public:int m_age;int* m_height;
};void test01()
{Person p1(18, 180);Person p2(p1);cout << "p1的年龄: " << p1.m_age << " 身高: " << *p1.m_height << endl; //18 180cout << "p2的年龄: " << p2.m_age << " 身高: " << *p2.m_height << endl; //18 180
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.4.3 初始化列表

class Person {
public://传统方式初始化//Person(int a, int b, int c) {//   m_A = a;// m_B = b;// m_C = c;//}//初始化列表方式初始化Person(int a, int b, int c) :m_A(a), m_B(b), m_C(c) {}void PrintPerson() {cout << "mA:" << m_A << endl;cout << "mB:" << m_B << endl;cout << "mC:" << m_C << endl;}
private:int m_A;int m_B;int m_C;
};int main() {Person p(1, 2, 3);p.PrintPerson();system("pause");return 0;


class A {}
class B
{A a;
class Phone
public:Phone(string name){m_PhoneName = name;cout << "Phone构造" << endl;}~Phone(){cout << "Phone析构" << endl;}string m_PhoneName;};class Person
public://初始化列表可以告诉编译器调用哪一个构造函数Person(string name, string pName) :m_Name(name), m_Phone(pName){cout << "Person构造" << endl;}~Person(){cout << "Person析构" << endl;}void playGame(){cout << m_Name << " 使用" << m_Phone.m_PhoneName << " 牌手机! " << endl;}string m_Name;Phone m_Phone;              //类对象做为类成员};
void test01()
{//当类中成员是其他类对象时,我们称该成员为对象成员//构造的顺序是:先调用对象成员的构造再调用本类构造//析构顺序与构造相反Person p("张三" , "苹果X");p.playGame();}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.4.4 静态成员



class Person
{public:static int m_A;         //静态成员变量private:static int m_B;
int Person::m_A = 10;
int Person::m_B = 10;       //作用域的方式“类外”写私有权限的m_B,不是静态成员不可以void test01()
{//静态成员变量两种访问方式//1通过对象Person p1;p1.m_A = 100;cout << "p1.m_A = " << p1.m_A << endl; //100Person p2;p2.m_A = 200;cout << "p1.m_A = " << p1.m_A << endl; //共享同一份数据,现在是200cout << "p2.m_A = " << p2.m_A << endl; //200//2、通过类名cout << "m_A = " << Person::m_A << endl;//200//cout << "m_B = " << Person::m_B << endl; //私有权限访问不到
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


class Person
{public:static void func(){cout << "func调用" << endl;m_A = 100;//m_B = 100; //错误,不可以访问非静态成员变量}static int m_A; //静态成员变量int m_B; //
private:static void func2(){cout << "func2调用" << endl;}
int Person::m_A = 10;void test01()
{//静态成员函数两种访问方式//通过对象Person p1;p1.func();//2通过类名Person::func();//Person::func2(); //私有权限访问不到
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.4.5 c++对象模型和this指针


class Person {
public:Person() {mA = 0;}//非静态成员变量占对象空间int mA;//静态成员变量不占对象空间static int mB; //函数也不占对象空间,所有函数共享一个函数实例,多个同类型的对象会共用一块代码void func() {cout << "mA:" << this->mA << endl;}//静态成员函数也不占对象空间static void sfunc() {}
};int main() {cout << sizeof(Person) << endl;system("pause");return 0;




this指针指向被调用的成员函数所属的对象 ,p1调用就指向p1,p2调用就指向p2


this指针的用途:1当形参和成员变量同名时用this指针来区分;2在类的非静态成员函数中返回对象本身时可使用return *this

class Person
public:Person(int age){//1当形参和成员变量同名时,可用this指针来区分this->age = age;}Person& PersonAddPerson(Person p){this->age += p.age;//2返回对象本身return *this;}int age;
};void test01()
{Person p1(10);cout << "p1.age = " << p1.age << endl;Person p2(10);p2.PersonAddPerson(p1).PersonAddPerson(p1).PersonAddPerson(p1);  //40cout << "p2.age = " << p2.age << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;



class Person {
public:void ShowClassName() {cout << "我是Person类!" << endl;}void ShowPerson() {if (this == NULL) {return;}cout << mAge << endl;   }public:int mAge;
};void test01()
{Person * p = NULL;p->ShowClassName(); //空指针,可以调用成员函数p->ShowPerson();  //但是如果成员函数中用到了this指针,就不可以了
}                      //没有输出mAge,this为空返回了,没有输出mAgeint main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.4.6 const修饰成员函数



class Person {
public:Person() {m_A = 0;m_B = 0;}//this指针的本质是一个指针常量,指针的指向不可修改//如果想让指针指向的值也不可以修改,需要声明常函数void ShowPerson() const {//this = NULL; //不能修改指针的指向 Person* const this;//this->m_A = 100; //但是this指针指向的对象的数据是可以修改的//const修饰成员函数,表示指针指向的内存空间的数据不能修改,除了mutable修饰的变量this->m_B = 100;}void MyFunc() const {//m_A = 10000;}public:int m_A;mutable int m_B; //可修改 可变的
};//const修饰对象  常对象
void test01() {const Person person; //常对象,只能调用常函数  cout << person.m_A << endl;//person.m_A = 100; //常对象不能修改成员变量的值,但是可以访问person.m_B = 100; //但是常对象可以修改mutable修饰成员变量//常对象访问成员函数person.MyFunc(); //常对象只能调用后面加const的常函数}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.4.7 友元

友元的目的就是让一个函数或者类访问另一个类中私有成员;友元的关键字为 friend



class Building
{//告诉编译器 全局函数 goodGay是 Building类的好朋友,可以访问类中的私有内容friend void goodGay(Building * building);public:Building(){this->m_SittingRoom = "客厅";this->m_BedRoom = "卧室";}public:string m_SittingRoom; //客厅private:string m_BedRoom; //卧室
};void goodGay(Building * building)
{cout << "好基友正在访问: " << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;cout << "好基友正在访问: " << building->m_BedRoom << endl;
}void test01()
{Building b;goodGay(&b);
}int main(){test01();system("pause");return 0;


class Building;          //先告诉编译器有个Building类
class goodGay
public:goodGay();void visit();private:Building *building;  //指针!!!
};class Building
{//告诉编译器 goodGay类是Building类的好朋友,可以访问到Building类中私有内容friend class goodGay;public:Building();public:string m_SittingRoom; //客厅
private:string m_BedRoom;//卧室
};Building::Building()      //成员函数类外实现(写私有变量),私有成员变量不行需要加static
{this->m_SittingRoom = "客厅";this->m_BedRoom = "卧室";
}goodGay::goodGay()        //成员函数类外实现需要类内声明 goodGay();
{building = new Building;     //building是指针,堆区创建一个Building返回给他
}void goodGay::visit()
{cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_BedRoom << endl;
}void test01()
{goodGay gg;gg.visit();}int main(){test01();system("pause");return 0;


class Building;
class goodGay
public:goodGay();void visit(); //只让visit函数作为Building的好朋友,可以发访问Building中私有内容void visit2(); //visit2不可以访问private:Building *building;  //友元的指针!!!
};class Building
{//告诉编译器  goodGay类中的visit成员函数 是Building好朋友,可以访问私有内容friend void goodGay::visit();public:Building();public:string m_SittingRoom; //客厅
private:string m_BedRoom;//卧室
{this->m_SittingRoom = "客厅";this->m_BedRoom = "卧室";
{building = new Building;
}void goodGay::visit()
{cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_BedRoom << endl;
}void goodGay::visit2()
{cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_SittingRoom << endl;//cout << "好基友正在访问" << building->m_BedRoom << endl;
}void test01()
{goodGay  gg;gg.visit();}int main(){test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.4.8 运算符重载



class Person {
public:Person() {};Person(int a, int b){this->m_A = a;this->m_B = b;}//成员函数实现 + 号运算符重载Person operator+(const Person& p) {Person temp;temp.m_A = this->m_A + p.m_A;temp.m_B = this->m_B + p.m_B;return temp;}public:int m_A;int m_B;
};//全局函数实现 + 号运算符重载
//Person operator+(const Person& p1, const Person& p2) {
//  Person temp(0, 0);
//  temp.m_A = p1.m_A + p2.m_A;
//  temp.m_B = p1.m_B + p2.m_B;
//  return temp;
//}//运算符重载 可以发生函数重载
Person operator+(const Person& p2, int val)
{Person temp;temp.m_A = p2.m_A + val;temp.m_B = p2.m_B + val;return temp;
}void test() {Person p1(10, 10);Person p2(20, 20);//成员函数方式Person p3 = p2 + p1;  //相当于 p2.operator+(p1)cout << "mA:" << p3.m_A << " mB:" << p3.m_B << endl;Person p4 = p3 + 10; //相当于 operator+(p3,10)cout << "mA:" << p4.m_A << " mB:" << p4.m_B << endl;}int main() {test();system("pause");return 0;


class Person {friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p);    //全局函数做友元public:Person(int a, int b){this->m_A = a;this->m_B = b;}private:int m_A;int m_B;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p) { //ostream对象只能有一个所以用引用的方式outout << "a:" << p.m_A << " b:" << p.m_B;return out;
}void test() {Person p1(10, 20);cout << p1 << "hello world" << endl;
//链式编程,如果是void operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p),就不能追加endl了
}int main() {test();system("pause");return 0;


class MyInteger {friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, MyInteger myint);  //友元public:MyInteger() {m_Num = 0;}MyInteger& operator++() {      //前置++m_Num++;                    //先++       return *this;               //再返回}MyInteger operator++(int) {     //后置++//先返回MyInteger temp = *this;
//记录当前本身的值,然后让本身的值加1,但是返回的是以前的值,达到先返回后++;m_Num++;return temp;}private:int m_Num;
};ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, MyInteger myint) {      out << myint.m_Num;           //左移运算符重载return out;
}void test01() {                   //前置++ 先++ 再返回MyInteger myInt;cout << ++myInt << endl;cout << myInt << endl;
}void test02() {                   //后置++ 先返回 再++MyInteger myInt;cout << myInt++ << endl;cout << myInt << endl;
}int main() {test01();//test02();system("pause");return 0;


class Person
public:Person(int age){m_Age = new int(age);             //将年龄数据开辟到堆区//指针m_Age接收}Person& operator=(Person &p)          //重载赋值运算符 {if (m_Age != NULL){delete m_Age;m_Age = NULL;}//m_Age = p.m_Age;                编译器提供的代码是浅拷贝m_Age = new int(*p.m_Age);        //提供深拷贝 解决浅拷贝的问题return *this;                     //返回自身}~Person(){if (m_Age != NULL){delete m_Age;m_Age = NULL;}}int *m_Age;                           //年龄的指针
};void test01()
{Person p1(18);Person p2(20);Person p3(30);p3 = p2 = p1;                         //赋值操作cout << "p1的年龄为:" << *p1.m_Age << endl;   //解引用cout << "p2的年龄为:" << *p2.m_Age << endl;cout << "p3的年龄为:" << *p3.m_Age << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


class Person
public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;};bool operator==(Person & p){if (this->m_Name == p.m_Name && this->m_Age == p.m_Age){return true;}else{return false;}}bool operator!=(Person & p){if (this->m_Name == p.m_Name && this->m_Age == p.m_Age){return false;}else{return true;}}string m_Name;int m_Age;
};void test01()
{Person a("孙悟空", 18);Person b("孙悟空", 18);if (a == b){cout << "a和b相等" << endl;}else{cout << "a和b不相等" << endl;}if (a != b){cout << "a和b不相等" << endl;}else{cout << "a和b相等" << endl;}
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


class MyPrint
public:void operator()(string text){cout << text << endl;}};
void test01()
{MyPrint myFunc;                   //创建类 myFunc("hello world");            //重载的()操作符 也称为仿函数
}class MyAdd
public:int operator()(int v1, int v2){return v1 + v2;}
};void test02()
{MyAdd add;int ret = add(10, 10);              //放实参的括号()重载为仿函数cout << "ret = " << ret << endl;    //20cout << "MyAdd()(100,100) = " << MyAdd()(100, 100) << endl;//200,匿名对象调用:类名() ,匿名对象调完就释放
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;

2.5 继承

继承的语法:class 子类 : 继承方式 父类         继承方式3种:1公共继承;2保护继承;3私有继承


class Java
public:void header(){cout << "首页、公开课、登录、注册...(公共头部)" << endl;}void footer(){cout << "帮助中心、交流合作、站内地图...(公共底部)" << endl;}void left(){cout << "Java,Python,C++...(公共分类列表)" << endl;}void content(){cout << "JAVA学科视频" << endl;}
class Python
public:void header(){cout << "首页、公开课、登录、注册...(公共头部)" << endl;}void footer(){cout << "帮助中心、交流合作、站内地图...(公共底部)" << endl;}void left(){cout << "Java,Python,C++...(公共分类列表)" << endl;}void content(){cout << "Python学科视频" << endl;}
class CPP
public:void header(){cout << "首页、公开课、登录、注册...(公共头部)" << endl;}void footer(){cout << "帮助中心、交流合作、站内地图...(公共底部)" << endl;}void left(){cout << "Java,Python,C++...(公共分类列表)" << endl;}void content(){cout << "C++学科视频" << endl;}
};void test01()
{//Java页面cout << "Java下载视频页面如下: " << endl;Java ja;ja.header();ja.footer();ja.left();ja.content();cout << "--------------------" << endl;//Python页面cout << "Python下载视频页面如下: " << endl;Python py;py.header();py.footer();py.left();py.content();cout << "--------------------" << endl;//C++页面cout << "C++下载视频页面如下: " << endl;CPP cp;cp.header();cp.footer();cp.left();cp.content();}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


class BasePage
public:void header(){cout << "首页、公开课、登录、注册...(公共头部)" << endl;}void footer(){cout << "帮助中心、交流合作、站内地图...(公共底部)" << endl;}void left(){cout << "Java,Python,C++...(公共分类列表)" << endl;}};//Java页面
class Java : public BasePage                   //公共继承
public:void content(){cout << "JAVA学科视频" << endl;}
class Python : public BasePage
public:void content(){cout << "Python学科视频" << endl;}
class CPP : public BasePage
public:void content(){cout << "C++学科视频" << endl;}
};void test01()
{//Java页面cout << "Java下载视频页面如下: " << endl;Java ja;ja.header();ja.footer();ja.left();ja.content();cout << "--------------------" << endl;//Python页面cout << "Python下载视频页面如下: " << endl;Python py;py.header();py.footer();py.left();py.content();cout << "--------------------" << endl;//C++页面cout << "C++下载视频页面如下: " << endl;CPP cp;cp.header();cp.footer();cp.left();cp.content();}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;



class Base1
public: int m_A;
protected:int m_B;
private:int m_C;
};class Son1 :public Base1                 //公共继承
public:void func(){m_A;                             //可访问 public权限m_B;                             //可访问 protected权限//m_C;                           不可访问}
};void myClass()
{Son1 s1;s1.m_A;                              //其他类只能访问到公共权限
}class Base2                              //保护继承
public:int m_A;
protected:int m_B;
private:int m_C;
class Son2:protected Base2
public:void func(){m_A;                            //可访问 protected权限m_B;                            //可访问 protected权限//m_C;                          //保护权限类外不可访问}
void myClass2()
{Son2 s;//s.m_A;                            //不可访问
}class Base3                             //私有继承
public:int m_A;
protected:int m_B;
private:int m_C;
class Son3:private Base3
public:void func(){m_A;                          //可访问 private权限m_B;                          //可访问 private权限//m_C;                         不可访问}
class GrandSon3 :public Son3
public:void func(){//Son3是私有继承,所以继承Son3的属性在GrandSon3中都无法访问到//m_A;//m_B;//m_C;}

继承关系中,子类构造和析构会调用父类 构造和析构顺序是:先调用父类构造函数,再调用子类构造函数,析构顺序与构造相反



class Base {
public:Base(){m_A = 100;}void func(){cout << "Base - func()调用" << endl;}void func(int a){cout << "Base - func(int a)调用" << endl;}public:int m_A;
};class Son : public Base {
public:Son(){m_A = 200;}//当子类与父类拥有同名的成员函数,子类会隐藏父类中所有版本的同名成员函数//如果想访问父类中被隐藏的同名成员函数,需要加父类的作用域void func(){cout << "Son - func()调用" << endl;}
public:int m_A;
};void test01()
{Son s;cout << "Son下的m_A = " << s.m_A << endl;cout << "Base下的m_A = " << s.Base::m_A << endl;s.func();s.Base::func();s.Base::func(10);}
int main() {test01();system("pause");return EXIT_SUCCESS;    //等同 return 0;


void test01()
{//通过对象访问cout << "通过对象访问: " << endl;Son s;cout << "Son  下 m_A = " << s.m_A << endl;cout << "Base 下 m_A = " << s.Base::m_A << endl;//通过类名访问cout << "通过类名访问: " << endl;cout << "Son  下 m_A = " << Son::m_A << endl;cout << "Base 下 m_A = " << Son::Base::m_A << endl;

多继承方式,一个类继承多个类,语法:class 子类:继承方式 父类1 ,继承方式 父类2

多继承容易同名不建议使用( 多继承中如果父类中出现了同名情况,子类使用时候要加作用域)

class Son : public Base2, public Base1 ,protected Base3



class Animal
public:int m_Age;
class Sheep : virtual public Animal {};
class Tuo   : virtual public Animal {};
class SheepTuo : public Sheep, public Tuo {};void test01()
{SheepTuo st;st.Sheep::m_Age = 100;st.Tuo::m_Age = 200;                 //假如这行注释掉,st.m_Age就是100cout << "st.Sheep::m_Age = " << st.Sheep::m_Age << endl;    //100cout << "st.Tuo::m_Age = " <<  st.Tuo::m_Age << endl;       //200cout << "st.m_Age = " << st.m_Age << endl;                  //200
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.6 多态


静态多态: 函数重载和运算符重载复用函数名属于静态多态,静态多态函数地址早绑定 - 编译阶段确定函数地址

动态多态: 派生类(子类)和虚函数实现运行时多态,动态多态的函数地址晚绑定 - 运行阶段确定函数地址

多态条件: 1有继承关系;2子类重写父类中的虚函数;多态使用:父类指针或引用指向子类对象

class Animal
public://函数前面加上virtual关键字,变成虚函数,那么编译器在编译的时候就不能确定函数调用了virtual void speak()                 //Speak函数是虚函数{cout << "动物在说话" << endl;}
};class Cat :public Animal
public:void speak(){cout << "小猫在说话" << endl;}
};class Dog :public Animal
public:void speak(){cout << "小狗在说话" << endl;}};
//如果函数地址在运行阶段才能确定,就是动态联编void DoSpeak(Animal & animal)      //父类指针或引用指向子类对象
void test01()
{Cat cat;DoSpeak(cat);                   //父类指针或引用指向子类对象Dog dog;DoSpeak(dog);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;



class Calculator {
public:int getResult(string oper){if (oper == "+") {return m_Num1 + m_Num2;}else if (oper == "-") {return m_Num1 - m_Num2;}else if (oper == "*") {return m_Num1 * m_Num2;}//如果要提供新的运算,需要此处添加源码}
public:int m_Num1;int m_Num2;
};void test01()
{//普通实现测试Calculator c;c.m_Num1 = 10;c.m_Num2 = 10;cout << c.m_Num1 << " + " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("+") << endl;cout << c.m_Num1 << " - " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("-") << endl;cout << c.m_Num1 << " * " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("*") << endl;
class AbstractCalculator
public :virtual int getResult(){return 0;}int m_Num1;int m_Num2;
class AddCalculator :public AbstractCalculator
public:int getResult(){return m_Num1 + m_Num2;}
class SubCalculator :public AbstractCalculator
public:int getResult(){return m_Num1 - m_Num2;}
class MulCalculator :public AbstractCalculator
public:int getResult(){return m_Num1 * m_Num2;}
};void test02()
{//创建加法计算器//new加类名创建出一个类的指针,前面类做友元碰到过这个知识点//父类指针或引用指向子类对象AbstractCalculator *abc = new AddCalculator;abc->m_Num1 = 10;abc->m_Num2 = 10;cout << abc->m_Num1 << " + " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;delete abc;               //new创建的,用完了记得销毁//创建减法计算器abc = new SubCalculator;  //new创建对象,一次初始化多次使用//为什么不是AbstractCalculator *abc = new SubCalculator?abc->m_Num1 = 10;abc->m_Num2 = 10;cout << abc->m_Num1 << " - " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;delete abc;  //创建乘法计算器abc = new MulCalculator;abc->m_Num1 = 10;abc->m_Num2 = 10;cout << abc->m_Num1 << " * " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;delete abc;
}int main() {//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


纯虚函数语法:virtual 返回值类型 函数名 (参数列表)= 0 ; 当类中有纯虚函数这个类称为抽象类

class Base
public://纯虚函数//类中只要有一个纯虚函数就称为抽象类//抽象类无法实例化对象//子类必须重写父类中的纯虚函数,否则也属于抽象类virtual void func() = 0;
};class Son :public Base
public:virtual void func() {cout << "func调用" << endl;};
};void test01()
{Base * base = NULL;//base = new Base;                错误,抽象类无法实例化对象base = new Son;base->func();delete base;                      //记得销毁
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

多态示例2 制作饮品

class AbstractDrinking {
public://烧水virtual void Boil() = 0;//冲泡virtual void Brew() = 0;//倒入杯中virtual void PourInCup() = 0;//加入辅料virtual void PutSomething() = 0;//规定流程void MakeDrink() {Boil();Brew();PourInCup();PutSomething();}
class Coffee : public AbstractDrinking {
public://烧水virtual void Boil() {cout << "煮农夫山泉!" << endl;}//冲泡virtual void Brew() {cout << "冲泡咖啡!" << endl;}//倒入杯中virtual void PourInCup() {cout << "将咖啡倒入杯中!" << endl;}//加入辅料virtual void PutSomething() {cout << "加入牛奶!" << endl;}
class Tea : public AbstractDrinking {
public://烧水virtual void Boil() {cout << "煮自来水!" << endl;}//冲泡virtual void Brew() {cout << "冲泡茶叶!" << endl;}//倒入杯中virtual void PourInCup() {cout << "将茶水倒入杯中!" << endl;}//加入辅料virtual void PutSomething() {cout << "加入枸杞!" << endl;}
void DoWork(AbstractDrinking* drink) {drink->MakeDrink();       delete drink;
}void test01() {DoWork(new Coffee);        DoWork(new Tea);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


解决方式:将父类中的析构函数改为虚析构virtual ~类名(){}或者纯虚析构virtual ~类名() = 0;


class Animal {
public:Animal(){cout << "Animal 构造函数调用!" << endl;}virtual void Speak() = 0;//virtual ~Animal()                  析构函数加上virtual关键字,变成虚析构函数//{//  cout << "Animal虚析构函数调用!" << endl;//}
//父类可能也有堆区的数据,所以虚析构和纯虚析构必须要有具体实现,具体实现就是花括号{}virtual ~Animal() = 0;              //纯虚析构函数
};Animal::~Animal()         //纯虚析构函数的具体实现(上面定义了是virtual此处不用virtual)
{cout << "Animal 纯虚析构函数调用!" << endl;
}//和包含普通纯虚函数的类一样,包含了纯虚析构函数的类也是一个抽象类。不能够被实例化。class Cat : public Animal {
public:Cat(string name){cout << "Cat构造函数调用!" << endl;m_Name = new string(name);}virtual void Speak(){cout << *m_Name <<  "小猫在说话!" << endl;}~Cat(){cout << "Cat析构函数调用!" << endl;if (this->m_Name != NULL) {delete m_Name;m_Name = NULL;}}public:string *m_Name;
};void test01()
{Animal *animal = new Cat("Tom");animal->Speak();//通过父类指针去释放,会导致子类对象可能清理不干净,造成内存泄漏//解决方法给基类增加一个虚析构函数//虚析构函数就是用来解决通过父类指针释放子类对象delete animal;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


using namespace std;//抽象CPU类
class CPU
public://抽象的计算函数virtual void calculate() = 0;
class VideoCard
public://抽象的显示函数virtual void display() = 0;
class Memory
public://抽象的存储函数virtual void storage() = 0;
class Computer
public:Computer(CPU * cpu, VideoCard * vc, Memory * mem){m_cpu = cpu;m_vc = vc;m_mem = mem;}//提供工作的函数void work(){//让零件工作起来,调用接口m_cpu->calculate();m_vc->display();m_mem->storage();}//提供析构函数 释放3个零件~Computer(){//释放CPU零件if (m_cpu != NULL){delete m_cpu;m_cpu = NULL;}//释放显卡零件if (m_vc != NULL){delete m_vc;m_vc = NULL;}//释放内存条零件if (m_mem != NULL){delete m_mem;m_mem = NULL;}}
private:CPU * m_cpu;          //CPU的零件指针VideoCard * m_vc;    //显卡零件指针Memory * m_mem;      //内存条零件指针
class IntelCPU :public CPU
public:virtual void calculate(){cout << "Intel的CPU开始计算了!" << endl;}
class IntelVideoCard :public VideoCard
public:virtual void display(){cout << "Intel的显卡开始显示了!" << endl;}
class IntelMemory :public Memory
public:virtual void storage(){cout << "Intel的内存条开始存储了!" << endl;}
class LenovoCPU :public CPU
public:virtual void calculate(){cout << "Lenovo的CPU开始计算了!" << endl;}
class LenovoVideoCard :public VideoCard
public:virtual void display(){cout << "Lenovo的显卡开始显示了!" << endl;}
class LenovoMemory :public Memory
public:virtual void storage(){cout << "Lenovo的内存条开始存储了!" << endl;}
};void test01()
{//首台电脑零件CPU * intelCpu = new IntelCPU;              //父类指针指向子类,多态VideoCard * intelCard = new IntelVideoCard; //父类指针指向子类,多态Memory * intelMem = new IntelMemory;        //父类指针指向子类,多态cout << "第一台电脑开始工作:" << endl;//创建第一台电脑Computer * computer1 = new Computer(intelCpu, intelCard, intelMem);computer1->work();delete computer1;cout << "-----------------------" << endl;cout << "第二台电脑开始工作:" << endl;//第二台电脑组装Computer * computer2 = new Computer(new LenovoCPU, new LenovoVideoCard, new LenovoMemory);computer2->work();delete computer2;cout << "-----------------------" << endl;cout << "第三台电脑开始工作:" << endl;//第三台电脑组装Computer * computer3 = new Computer(new LenovoCPU, new IntelVideoCard, new LenovoMemory);computer3->work();delete computer3;
int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

2.7 文件操作


文件类型分为两种:1文本文件以ASCII码形式存储;2 二进制文件以二进制形式存储,不便阅读

操作文件的三大类: 1 ofstream写操作;2 ifstream读操作;3 fstream读写操作

文件打开方式利用|操作符可以配合使用,例如:用二进制方式写文件 ios::binary | ios:: out


#include <fstream>                    //包含头文件void test01()
{ofstream ofs;                     //创建流对象ofs.open("test.txt", ios::out);   //路径和打开方式ofs << "姓名:张三" << endl;      //写内容ofs << "性别:男" << endl;        //写内容ofs << "年龄:18" << endl;        //写内容ofs.close();                      //关闭
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <fstream>                          //包含头文件
#include <string>
void test01()
{ifstream ifs;                           //创建流ifs.open("test.txt", ios::in);          //路径和打开方式if (!ifs.is_open())                     //is_open()可以判断是否打开{cout << "文件打开失败" << endl;return;}//第一种方式//char buf[1024] = { 0 };             //用一个长为1024字节字符串数组接收读的内容//while (ifs >> buf)//{//   cout << buf << endl;//}//第二种//char buf[1024] = { 0 };//while (ifs.getline(buf,sizeof(buf)))//成员函数getline读取一行,两个参数//{                           //一个是读到的内容放到哪儿(buf),一个是(buf)长度//  cout << buf << endl;      //sizeof(buf)可以改为1024//}//第三种//string buf;                 //要包含string头文件//while (getline(ifs, buf))//{// cout << buf << endl;//}char c;                       //一个字符一个字符的读while ((c = ifs.get()) != EOF)//EOF end of file文件尾{cout << c;}ifs.close();                           //关闭文件}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <fstream>
#include <string>class Person
public:char m_Name[64];int m_Age;
};//二进制文件  写文件
void test01()
{//1包含头文件//2创建输出流对象ofstream ofs("person.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);//3打开文件//ofs.open("person.txt", ios::out | ios::binary); 这一步可以合并到步骤2,括号复制过去Person p = {"张三"  , 18};//4写文件                         //语法 ostream& write(const char * buffer,int len);ofs.write((const char *)&p, sizeof(p));//ostream& write(const char * buffer,int len);//5关闭文件ofs.close();
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <fstream>
#include <string>class Person
public:char m_Name[64];int m_Age;
};void test01()
{ifstream ifs("person.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);if (!ifs.is_open()){cout << "文件打开失败" << endl;}Person p;ifs.read((char *)&p, sizeof(p));   //语法 istream& read(char *buffer,int len);cout << "姓名: " << p.m_Name << " 年龄: " << p.m_Age << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


学习C++泛型编程和STL(Standard Template Library,标准模板库)探讨C++更深层的使用

3.1 模板


3.1.1 函数模板


template<typename T>


void swapInt(int& a, int& b) {int temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
void swapDouble(double& a, double& b) {double temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
template<typename T>         //在函数的上一行写模板声明,告诉编译器这是个模板函数
void mySwap(T& a, T& b)      //注意使用模板a,b数据类型必须一致
{T temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
}void test01()
{int a = 10;int b = 20;//swapInt(a, b);                    普通实现//利用模板实现交换//1自动类型推导mySwap(a, b);                       //注意使用模板a,b数据类型必须一致//2显示指定类型,前面加尖括号和数据类型mySwap<int>(a, b);                  //注意使用模板a,b数据类型必须一致cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


template<typename T>
void mySwap(T &a, T&b)
{T temp = a;a = b;b = temp;
}template<class T>                       //class也可以替换成typename
void mySort(T arr[], int len)
{for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){int max = i;                    //最大数的下标for (int j = i + 1; j < len; j++){if (arr[max] < arr[j]){max = j;}}if (max != i)                   //如果最大数的下标不是i,交换两者{mySwap(arr[max], arr[i]);}}
template<typename T>
void printArray(T arr[], int len) {for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {cout << arr[i] << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{//测试char数组char charArr[] = "bdcfeagh";int num = sizeof(charArr) / sizeof(char);mySort(charArr, num);printArray(charArr, num);
}void test02()
{//测试int数组int intArr[] = { 7, 5, 8, 1, 3, 9, 2, 4, 6 };int num = sizeof(intArr) / sizeof(int);mySort(intArr, num);printArray(intArr, num);
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


模板函数自动类型推导方式不会发生自动类型转换 ,显式指定类型方式会

int myAdd01(int a, int b)
{return a + b;
template<class T>
T myAdd02(T a, T b)       //返回值类型也用T,因为不确定要传进去什么,所以返回也不定
{return a + b;
void test01()
{int a = 10;int b = 20;char c = 'c';cout << myAdd01(a, c) << endl; //正确,将char类型的'c'隐式转换为int类型ASCII码 99//myAdd02(a, c); // 报错,使用自动类型推导时,不会发生隐式类型转换myAdd02<int>(a, c); //正确,如果用显示指定类型,可以发生隐式类型转换
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


void myPrint(int a, int b)
{cout << "调用的普通函数" << endl;
}template<typename T>
void myPrint(T a, T b)
{ cout << "调用的模板" << endl;
}template<typename T>
void myPrint(T a, T b, T c)
{ cout << "调用重载的模板" << endl;
}void test01()
{//1如果函数模板和普通函数都可以实现,优先调用普通函数//如果告诉编译器有普通函数但只是声明没有实现或者不在当前文件内实现,会报错找不到int a = 10;int b = 20;myPrint(a, b);                //同时满足,优先调用普通函数//2可以通过空模板参数列表来强制调用函数模板myPrint<>(a, b); //调用函数模板//3函数模板也可以发生重载int c = 30;myPrint(a, b, c);            //调用重载的函数模板//4如果函数模板可以产生更好的匹配,优先调用函数模板char c1 = 'a';char c2 = 'b';myPrint(c1, c2);             //调用函数模板
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

模板不是万能的,如果T是自定义类型(class、数组) 就无法使用模板,需要重载模板为自定义数据类型提供具体化模板

using namespace std;
#include <string>class Person
public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}string m_Name;int m_Age;
template<class T>
bool myCompare(T& a, T& b)
{if (a == b){return true;}else{return false;}
template<> bool myCompare(Person &p1, Person &p2)
{if ( p1.m_Name  == p2.m_Name && p1.m_Age == p2.m_Age){return true;}else{return false;}
}void test01()
{int a = 10;int b = 20;//内置数据类型可以直接使用通用的函数模板bool ret = myCompare(a, b);if (ret){cout << "a == b " << endl;}else{cout << "a != b " << endl;}
}void test02()
{Person p1("Tom", 10);Person p2("Tom", 10);//自定义数据类型,不会调用普通的函数模板//可以创建具体化的Person数据类型的模板,用于特殊处理这个类型bool ret = myCompare(p1, p2);if (ret){cout << "p1 == p2 " << endl;}else{cout << "p1 != p2 " << endl;}
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;

3.1.2 类模板

#include <string>
template<class NameType, class AgeType>       //类一般不止一个数据类型,此处两个T
class Person
public:Person(NameType name, AgeType age){this->mName = name;this->mAge = age;}void showPerson(){cout << "name: " << this->mName << " age: " << this->mAge << endl;}
public:NameType mName;                          //对应两个TAgeType mAge;                            //对应两个T
};void test01()
{// 指定NameType 为string类型,AgeType 为 int类型Person<string, int>P1("孙悟空", 999);P1.showPerson();
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <string>
template<class NameType, class AgeType = int>
class Person
public:Person(NameType name, AgeType age){this->mName = name;this->mAge = age;}void showPerson(){cout << "name: " << this->mName << " age: " << this->mAge << endl;}
public:NameType mName;AgeType mAge;
void test01()
{// Person p("孙悟空", 1000); // 错误 类模板使用时候,不可以用自动类型推导Person <string ,int>p("孙悟空", 1000); //必须使用显示指定类型的方式,使用类模板p.showPerson();
void test02()
{Person <string> p("猪八戒", 999); //类模板中的模板参数列表 可以指定默认参数p.showPerson();
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


class Person1
public:void showPerson1(){cout << "Person1 show" << endl;}
};class Person2
public:void showPerson2(){cout << "Person2 show" << endl;}
};template<class T>
class MyClass
public:T obj;                           //T可以是上面的Person1或者Person2//写的时候不出错说明类模板中的成员函数不是一开始就创建而是在模板调用时创建void fun1() { obj.showPerson1(); }void fun2() { obj.showPerson2(); }};void test01()
{MyClass<Person1> m;m.fun1();//m.fun2();                      //编译会出错,说明函数调用才会去创建成员函数
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;



#include <string>
template<class NameType, class AgeType = int>
class Person
public:Person(NameType name, AgeType age){this->mName = name;this->mAge = age;}void showPerson(){cout << "name: " << this->mName << " age: " << this->mAge << endl;}
public:NameType mName;AgeType mAge;
void printPerson1(Person<string, int> &p)
void test01()
{Person <string, int >p("孙悟空", 100);printPerson1(p);
template <class T1, class T2>
void printPerson2(Person<T1, T2>&p)
{p.showPerson();cout << "T1的类型为: " << typeid(T1).name() << endl;cout << "T2的类型为: " << typeid(T2).name() << endl;
void test02()
{Person <string, int >p("猪八戒", 90);printPerson2(p);
template<class T>
void printPerson3(T & p)
{cout << "T的类型为: " << typeid(T).name() << endl;p.showPerson();}
void test03()
{Person <string, int >p("唐僧", 30);printPerson3(p);
}int main() {test01();test02();test03();system("pause");return 0;



template<class T>
class Base
{T m;
};//class Son:public Base        //错误,必须知道父类中T的类型才可以向下继承
class Son :public Base<int>    //必须指定一个类型
void test01()
{Son c;
}//类模板继承类模板 ,可以用T指定父类中的T类型
template<class T1, class T2>
class Son2 :public Base<T2>
public:Son2(){cout << typeid(T1).name() << endl;   //typeid().name() 模板类自带的cout << typeid(T2).name() << endl;}
};void test02()
{Son2<int, char> child1;        //传入类型,一个T1一个T2
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


#include <string>
template<class T1, class T2>
class Person {
public://成员函数类内声明Person(T1 name, T2 age);void showPerson();public:T1 m_Name;T2 m_Age;
};//构造函数 类外实现
template<class T1, class T2>
Person<T1, T2>::Person(T1 name, T2 age) {this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;
}//成员函数 类外实现
template<class T1, class T2>
void Person<T1, T2>::showPerson() {  //类模板中成员函数类外实现时,需要加上模板参数列表cout << "姓名: " << this->m_Name << " 年龄:" << this->m_Age << endl;
}void test01()
{Person<string, int> p("Tom", 20);    p.showPerson();
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;






#pragma once                      //避免重复包含头文件
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string>template<class T1, class T2>
class Person {
public:Person(T1 name, T2 age);void showPerson();
public:T1 m_Name;T2 m_Age;
};//构造函数 类外实现
template<class T1, class T2>
Person<T1, T2>::Person(T1 name, T2 age) {this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;
}//成员函数 类外实现
template<class T1, class T2>
void Person<T1, T2>::showPerson() {cout << "姓名: " << this->m_Name << " 年龄:" << this->m_Age << endl;


using namespace std;//#include "person.h"
#include "person.cpp" //解决方式1,包含cpp源文件//解决方式2,将声明和实现写到一起,文件后缀名改为.hpp
#include "person.hpp"
void test01()
{Person<string, int> p("Tom", 10);p.showPerson();
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;




#include <string>//2全局函数配合友元  类外实现 - 先做函数模板声明
template<class T1, class T2> class Person;      //类外实现需要告诉模板类存在//如果声明了函数模板,可以将实现写到main后面
//template<class T1, class T2> void printPerson2(Person<T1, T2> & p); template<class T1, class T2>                   //类外实现需要告诉模板类存在
void printPerson2(Person<T1, T2> & p)          //类外实现需要告诉模板类存在
{                                              //类外实现需要告诉模板类存在cout << "类外实现 ---- 姓名: " << p.m_Name << " 年龄:" << p.m_Age << endl;
}                                              //类外实现需要告诉模板类存在template<class T1, class T2>
class Person
{//1全局函数配合友元   类内实现friend void printPerson(Person<T1, T2> & p){cout << "姓名: " << p.m_Name << " 年龄:" << p.m_Age << endl;}//全局函数配合友元  类外实现friend void printPerson2<>(Person<T1, T2> & p);public:Person(T1 name, T2 age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}private:T1 m_Name;T2 m_Age;};//1全局函数在类内实现
void test01()
{Person <string, int >p("Tom", 20);printPerson(p);
void test02()
{Person <string, int >p("Jerry", 30);printPerson2(p);
}int main() {//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;

3.2 STL标准模板库

3.2.1 STL 基本概念

STL(Standard Template Library,标准模板库) 广义上分为: 容器(container) 算法(algorithm) 迭代器(iterator) ,容器和算法之间通过迭代器进行连接; STL 几乎所有的代码都采用了模板类或者模板函数;








3.2.2 容器算法迭代器


#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>          //包含标准算法头文件void MyPrint(int val)
{cout << val << endl;
}void test01() {vector<int> v;            //创建vector容器对象,并且通过模板参数指定容器中存放的数据类型//向容器中放数据v.push_back(10);v.push_back(20);v.push_back(30);v.push_back(40);//每一个容器都有自己的迭代器,迭代器是用来遍历容器中的元素//v.begin(),返回迭代器,这个迭代器指向容器中第一个数据//v.end()返回迭代器,这个迭代器指向容器元素最后一个元素的下一个位置//vector<int>::iterator 拿到vector<int>这种容器的迭代器类型vector<int>::iterator pBegin = v.begin(); //pBegin与pEnd是指针类型,输出需要解引用vector<int>::iterator pEnd = v.end();//第一种遍历方式:while (pBegin != pEnd) {cout << *pBegin << endl;pBegin++;}//第二种遍历方式:for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << endl;}//第三种遍历方式://使用STL提供标准遍历算法,头文件algorithmfor_each(v.begin(), v.end(), MyPrint);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <vector>
#include <string>//自定义数据类型
class Person {
public:Person(string name, int age) {mName = name;mAge = age;}
public:string mName;int mAge;
void test01() {vector<Person> v;//创建数据Person p1("aaa", 10);Person p2("bbb", 20);Person p3("ccc", 30);Person p4("ddd", 40);Person p5("eee", 50);v.push_back(p1);v.push_back(p2);v.push_back(p3);v.push_back(p4);v.push_back(p5);for (vector<Person>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << "Name:" << (*it).mName << " Age:" << (*it).mAge << endl;}
void test02() {vector<Person*> v;//创建数据Person p1("aaa", 10);Person p2("bbb", 20);Person p3("ccc", 30);Person p4("ddd", 40);Person p5("eee", 50);v.push_back(&p1);v.push_back(&p2);v.push_back(&p3);v.push_back(&p4);v.push_back(&p5);for (vector<Person*>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {Person * p = (*it);cout << "Name:" << p->mName << " Age:" << (*it)->mAge << endl;}
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;

3.3 STL常用容器

3.3.1 string容器

string类内部封装了很多成员方法例如:查找find,拷贝copy,删除delete 替换replace,插入insert

#include <string>
void test01()
{string s1; //创建空字符串,调用无参构造函数cout << "str1 = " << s1 << endl;          // str1=const char* str = "hello world";string s2(str);                           //hello worldcout << "str2 = " << s2 << endl;string s3(s2);                            //调用拷贝构造函数cout << "str3 = " << s3 << endl;string s4(10, 'a');cout << "str4 = " << s4 << endl;          //aaaaaaaaaa
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


string& operator=(const char* s); char*类型字符串赋值给当前的字符串
string& operator=(const string &s);把字符串s赋给当前的字符串
string& operator=(char c); 字符赋值给当前的字符串
string& assign(const char *s);把字符串s赋给当前的字符串
string& assign(const char *s, int n);把字符串s的前n个字符赋给当前的字符串
string& assign(const string &s);把字符串s赋给当前字符串
string& assign(int n, char c);用n个字符c赋给当前字符串

void test01()
{string str1;str1 = "hello world";cout << "str1 = " << str1 << endl;string str2;str2 = str1;cout << "str2 = " << str2 << endl;string str3;str3 = 'a';cout << "str3 = " << str3 << endl;string str4;str4.assign("hello c++");cout << "str4 = " << str4 << endl;string str5;str5.assign("hello c++",5);cout << "str5 = " << str5 << endl;string str6;str6.assign(str5);cout << "str6 = " << str6 << endl;string str7;str7.assign(5, 'x');cout << "str7 = " << str7 << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


void test01()
{string str1 = "我";str1 += "爱玩游戏";cout << "str1 = " << str1 << endl;string str2 = "LOL DNF";str1 += str2;cout << "str1 = " << str1 << endl;string str3 = "I";str3.append("love");str3.append("game abcde", 6);                //game a,截取6个字符//str3.append(str2);str3.append(str2, 4, 3);//从下标4位置开始 ,截取3个字符,从下标0开始数,空格也算一位cout << "str3 = " << str3 << endl;
int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;



//int find(const string& str, int pos = 0) const; //查找str第一次出现位置,从pos开始查找
//int find(const char* s, int pos = 0) const;     //查找s第一次出现位置,从pos开始查找
//int find(const char* s, int pos, int n) const;  //从pos位置查找s的前n个字符第一次位置
//int find(const char c, int pos = 0) const;      //查找字符c第一次出现位置
//int rfind(const string& str,int pos = npos) const;//查找str最后一次位置,从pos开始查找
//int rfind(const char* s, int pos = npos) const; //查找s最后一次出现位置,从pos开始查找
//int rfind(const char* s, int pos, int n) const; //从pos查找s的前n个字符最后一次位置
//int rfind(const char c, int pos = 0) const;     //查找字符c最后一次出现位置
//string& replace(int pos, int n, const string& str);//替换从pos开始n个字符为字符串str
//string& replace(int pos, int n,const char* s);  //替换从pos开始的n个字符为字符串s//查找和替换
void test01()
{//查找string str1 = "abcdefgde";int pos = str1.find("de");if (pos == -1){cout << "未找到" << endl;}else{cout << "pos = " << pos << endl;}pos = str1.rfind("de");cout << "pos = " << pos << endl;
}void test02()
{//替换string str1 = "abcdefgde";str1.replace(1, 3, "1111");cout << "str1 = " << str1 << endl;
}int main() {//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


= 返回 0

> 返回 1

< 返回 -1

//int compare(const string &s) const;       //与字符串s比较
//int compare(const char *s) const;        //与字符串s比较//字符串比较
void test01()
{string s1 = "hello";string s2 = "aello";int ret = s1.compare(s2);if (ret == 0) {cout << "s1 等于 s2" << endl;}else if (ret > 0){cout << "s1 大于 s2" << endl;}else{cout << "s1 小于 s2" << endl;}}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


void test01()
{string str = "hello world";for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++){cout << str[i] << " ";}cout << endl;for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++){cout << str.at(i) << " ";}cout << endl;//字符修改str[0] = 'x';str.at(1) = 'x';cout << str << endl;}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


void test01()
{string str = "hello";str.insert(1, "666");cout << str << endl;     //h666ellostr.erase(1, 3);         //从1号位置开始3个字符cout << str << endl;     //hello
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


void test01()
{string str = "abcdefg";string subStr = str.substr(1, 3);cout << "subStr = " << subStr << endl;string email = "hello@sina.com";int pos = email.find("@");                   //5string username = email.substr(0, pos);cout << "username: " << username << endl;}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.3.2 vector容器


#include <vector>                          //包含头文件void printVector(vector<int>& v) {for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}void test01()
{vector<int> v1; //无参构造for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v1.push_back(i);}printVector(v1);vector<int> v2(v1.begin(), v1.end());   //v2从v1的头部开始到v1的尾部结束printVector(v2);vector<int> v3(10, 100);                //10个100printVector(v3);vector<int> v4(v3);printVector(v4);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <vector>void printVector(vector<int>& v) {for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{vector<int> v1; //无参构造for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v1.push_back(i);}printVector(v1);vector<int>v2;v2 = v1;printVector(v2);vector<int>v3;v3.assign(v1.begin(), v1.end());printVector(v3);vector<int>v4;v4.assign(10, 100);printVector(v4);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


//empty();                     判断容器是否为空//capacity();                  容器的容量//size();                      返回容器中元素的个数//resize(int num);             重新指定容器的长度为num,若容器变长,则以默认值填充新位置​                              //如果容器变短,则末尾超出容器长度的元素被删除//resize(int num, elem);      重新指定容器的长度为num,若容器变长,则以elem值填充新位置
​                              //如果容器变短,则末尾超出容器长度的元素被删除#include <vector>void printVector(vector<int>& v) {for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}void test01()
{vector<int> v1;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v1.push_back(i);}printVector(v1);if (v1.empty()){cout << "v1为空" << endl;}else{cout << "v1不为空" << endl;cout << "v1的容量 = " << v1.capacity() << endl;cout << "v1的大小 = " << v1.size() << endl;}//resize 重新指定大小 ,若指定的更大,默认用0填充新位置,可以利用重载版本替换默认填充v1.resize(15,10);            //15个数,用10补齐printVector(v1);//resize 重新指定大小 ,若指定的更小,超出部分元素被删除v1.resize(5);                //0 1 2 3 4五个数printVector(v1);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


push_back(ele);                                                //尾部插入元素ele
pop_back();                                                      //删除最后一个元素
insert(const_iterator pos, ele); //迭代器指向位置pos插入元素ele
insert(const_iterator pos, int count,ele);           //迭代器指向位置pos插入count个元素ele
erase(const_iterator pos);                                //删除迭代器指向的元素
erase(const_iterator start, const_iterator end);//删除迭代器从start到end之间的元素
clear();                                                              //删除容器中所有元素

#include <vector>void printVector(vector<int>& v) {for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{vector<int> v1;  v1.push_back(10);                   //尾插push_backv1.push_back(20);v1.push_back(30);v1.push_back(40);v1.push_back(50);printVector(v1);//尾删v1.pop_back();                      //尾删pop_backprintVector(v1);                    //10 20 30 40 //插入v1.insert(v1.begin(), 100);printVector(v1);                    //100 10 20 30 40 50v1.insert(v1.begin(), 2, 1000);printVector(v1);                    //1000 1000 100 10 20 30 40//删除v1.erase(v1.begin());               //1000 100 10 20 30 40printVector(v1);//清空v1.erase(v1.begin(), v1.end());v1.clear();printVector(v1);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

vector数据存取(除了用迭代器获取vector容器中元素,[ ]和at也可以)

#include <vector>void test01()
{vector<int>v1;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v1.push_back(i);}for (int i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++){cout << v1[i] << " ";}cout << endl;for (int i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++){cout << v1.at(i) << " ";}cout << endl;cout << "v1的第一个元素为: " << v1.front() << endl;cout << "v1的最后一个元素为: " << v1.back() << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <vector>void printVector(vector<int>& v) {for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}void test01()
{vector<int>v1;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v1.push_back(i);}printVector(v1);vector<int>v2;for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--){v2.push_back(i);}printVector(v2);//互换容器cout << "互换后" << endl;v1.swap(v2);printVector(v1);printVector(v2);
}void test02()
{vector<int> v;for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {v.push_back(i);}cout << "v的容量为:" << v.capacity() << endl;    //138255cout << "v的大小为:" << v.size() << endl;        //100000v.resize(3);cout << "v的容量为:" << v.capacity() << endl;    //138255cout << "v的大小为:" << v.size() << endl;        //3//收缩内存vector<int>(v).swap(v);                          //匿名对象cout << "v的容量为:" << v.capacity() << endl;    //3cout << "v的大小为:" << v.size() << endl;        //3
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


#include <vector>void test01()
{vector<int> v;//预留空间v.reserve(100000);int num = 0;int* p = NULL;for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {v.push_back(i);if (p != &v[0]) {             //num统计动态扩展几次p = &v[0];num++;}}cout << "num:" << num << endl;    //num=1,若预留空间为10000则为7
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.3.3 deque容器



#include <deque>void printDeque(const deque<int>& d)
{for (deque<int>::const_iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01() {deque<int> d1; //无参构造函数for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){d1.push_back(i);}printDeque(d1);deque<int> d2(d1.begin(),d1.end());printDeque(d2);deque<int>d3(10,100);                //10个100printDeque(d3);deque<int>d4 = d3;printDeque(d4);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <deque>void printDeque(const deque<int>& d)
{for (deque<int>::const_iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{deque<int> d1;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){d1.push_back(i);}printDeque(d1);deque<int>d2;d2 = d1;printDeque(d2);deque<int>d3;d3.assign(d1.begin(), d1.end());printDeque(d3);deque<int>d4;d4.assign(10, 100);printDeque(d4);}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <deque>void printDeque(const deque<int>& d)
{for (deque<int>::const_iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{deque<int> d1;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){d1.push_back(i);}printDeque(d1);//判断容器是否为空if (d1.empty()) {cout << "d1为空!" << endl;}else {cout << "d1不为空!" << endl;//统计大小cout << "d1的大小为:" << d1.size() << endl;    //10}//重新指定大小d1.resize(15, 1);     //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1,15位不够的用1补齐printDeque(d1); d1.resize(5);                                     // 0 1 2 3 4printDeque(d1);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


push_back(elem);            //在容器尾部添加一个数据
push_front(elem);            //在容器头部插入一个数据
pop_back();                     //删除容器最后一个数据
pop_front();                     //删除容器第一个数据
insert(pos,elem);            //在pos位置插入一个elem元素的拷贝,返回新数据的位置
insert(pos,n,elem);         //在pos位置插入n个elem数据,无返回值
insert(pos,beg,end);       //在pos位置插入[beg,end)区间的数据,无返回值
clear();                           //清空容器的所有数据
erase(beg,end);             //删除[beg,end)区间的数据,返回下一个数据的位置
erase(pos);                    //删除pos位置的数据,返回下一个数据的位置

#include <deque>void printDeque(const deque<int>& d)
{for (deque<int>::const_iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{deque<int> d;//尾插d.push_back(10);d.push_back(20);//头插d.push_front(100);d.push_front(200);printDeque(d);//尾删d.pop_back();//头删d.pop_front();printDeque(d);
void test02()
{deque<int> d;d.push_back(10);d.push_back(20);d.push_front(100);d.push_front(200);printDeque(d);d.insert(d.begin(), 1000);printDeque(d);d.insert(d.begin(), 2,10000);printDeque(d);deque<int>d2;d2.push_back(1);d2.push_back(2);d2.push_back(3);d.insert(d.begin(), d2.begin(), d2.end());printDeque(d);}//删除
void test03()
{deque<int> d;d.push_back(10);d.push_back(20);d.push_front(100);d.push_front(200);printDeque(d);d.erase(d.begin());printDeque(d);d.erase(d.begin(), d.end());d.clear();printDeque(d);
}int main() {//test01();//test02();test03();system("pause");return 0;

deque 数据存取

#include <deque>void printDeque(const deque<int>& d)
{for (deque<int>::const_iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{deque<int> d;d.push_back(10);d.push_back(20);d.push_front(100);d.push_front(200);for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) {cout << d[i] << " ";}cout << endl;for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) {cout << d.at(i) << " ";}cout << endl;cout << "front:" << d.front() << endl;cout << "back:" << d.back() << endl;}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>void printDeque(const deque<int>& d)
{for (deque<int>::const_iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}void test01()
{deque<int> d;d.push_back(10);d.push_back(20);d.push_front(100);d.push_front(200);printDeque(d);sort(d.begin(), d.end());printDeque(d);}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


class Person
public:Person(string name, int score){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Score = score;}string m_Name; //姓名int m_Score;  //平均分
};void createPerson(vector<Person>&v)   //创建五个选手插入vector
{string nameSeed = "ABCDE";for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){string name = "选手";name += nameSeed[i];int score = 0;Person p(name, score);//将创建的person对象放入到容器中v.push_back(p);}
void setScore(vector<Person>&v)
{for (vector<Person>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){//将评委的分数 放入到deque容器中deque<int>d;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){int score = rand() % 41 + 60;  // 60 ~ 100d.push_back(score);}//cout << "选手: " << it->m_Name << " 打分: " << endl;//for (deque<int>::iterator dit = d.begin(); dit != d.end(); dit++)//{//    cout << *dit << " ";//}//cout << endl;//排序sort(d.begin(), d.end());//去除最高和最低分d.pop_back();d.pop_front();//取平均分int sum = 0;for (deque<int>::iterator dit = d.begin(); dit != d.end(); dit++){sum += *dit; //累加每个评委的分数}int avg = sum / d.size();//将平均分 赋值给选手身上it->m_Score = avg;}
}void showScore(vector<Person>&v)
{for (vector<Person>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){cout << "姓名: " << it->m_Name << " 平均分: " << it->m_Score << endl;}
}int main() {//随机数种子srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));//1 创建5名选手vector<Person>v;  //存放选手容器createPerson(v);//测试//for (vector<Person>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++)//{//   cout << "姓名: " << (*it).m_Name << " 分数: " << (*it).m_Score << endl;//}//2 给5名选手打分setScore(v);//3 显示最后得分showScore(v);system("pause");return 0;

3.3.4 stack堆栈



#include <stack>                     //包含stack头文件
void test01()
{//构造函数stack<int> s;//向栈中添加元素叫做 压栈/入栈s.push(10);s.push(20);s.push(30);while (!s.empty()) {//输出栈顶元素cout << "栈顶元素为: " << s.top() << endl;//弹出栈顶元素s.pop();}cout << "栈的大小为:" << s.size() << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.3.5 queue队列


#include <queue>                    //包含queue头文件
#include <string>
class Person
public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}string m_Name;int m_Age;
};void test01() {//创建队列queue<Person> q;//准备数据Person p1("唐僧", 30);Person p2("孙悟空", 1000);Person p3("猪八戒", 900);Person p4("沙僧", 800);//向队列中添加元素  入队操作q.push(p1);q.push(p2);q.push(p3);q.push(p4);//队列不提供迭代器,更不支持随机访问 while (!q.empty()) {//输出队头元素cout << "队头元素-- 姓名: " << q.front().m_Name<< " 年龄: " << q.front().m_Age << endl;cout << "队尾元素-- 姓名: " << q.back().m_Name<< " 年龄: " << q.back().m_Age << endl;cout << endl;//弹出队头元素q.pop();}cout << "队列大小为:" << q.size() << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.3.6 list链表


#include <list>                      //包含头文件
void printList(const list<int>& L)
{for (list<int>::const_iterator it = L.begin(); it != L.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{list<int>L1;                    //构造函数L1.push_back(10);               //尾插L1.push_back(20);L1.push_back(30);L1.push_back(40);printList(L1);list<int>L2(L1.begin(),L1.end());//构造函数printList(L2);list<int>L3(L2);                 //拷贝构造printList(L3);list<int>L4(10, 1000);           //构造函数,10个1000printList(L4);
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <list>
void printList(const list<int>& L)
{for (list<int>::const_iterator it = L.begin(); it != L.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{list<int>L1;L1.push_back(10);L1.push_back(20);L1.push_back(30);L1.push_back(40);printList(L1);//赋值list<int>L2;L2 = L1;printList(L2);list<int>L3;L3.assign(L2.begin(), L2.end());  //assign赋值printList(L3);list<int>L4;L4.assign(10, 100);               //10个100printList(L4);
void test02()
{list<int>L1;L1.push_back(10);L1.push_back(20);L1.push_back(30);L1.push_back(40);list<int>L2;L2.assign(10, 100);cout << "交换前: " << endl;printList(L1);printList(L2);cout << endl;L1.swap(L2);cout << "交换后: " << endl;printList(L1);printList(L2);
}int main(){//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


#include <list>
void printList(const list<int>& L)
{for (list<int>::const_iterator it = L.begin(); it != L.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{list<int>L1;L1.push_back(10);L1.push_back(20);L1.push_back(30);L1.push_back(40);if (L1.empty()){cout << "L1为空" << endl;}else{cout << "L1不为空" << endl;cout << "L1的大小为: " << L1.size() << endl;}//重新指定大小L1.resize(10);printList(L1);L1.resize(2);printList(L1);
}int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <list>//数据存取
void test01()
{list<int>L1;L1.push_back(10);L1.push_back(20);L1.push_back(30);L1.push_back(40);//cout << L1.at(0) << endl;           //错误 不支持at访问数据//cout << L1[0] << endl;              //错误  不支持[]方式访问数据cout << "第一个元素为: " << L1.front() << endl;cout << "最后一个元素为: " << L1.back() << endl;//list容器的迭代器是双向迭代器,不支持随机访问list<int>::iterator it = L1.begin();//it = it + 1;                       //错误,不可以跳跃访问,即使是+1
}int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;


push_back(ele) :尾部插入元素ele
insert(pos, ele):在pos位置插elem元素的拷贝,返回新数据的位置
insert(pos, int count,ele):在pos位置插入n个elem数据,无返回值

#include <list>
void printList(const list<int>& L){for (list<int>::const_iterator it = L.begin(); it != L.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;}
void test01()
{list<int> L;//尾插L.push_back(10);L.push_back(20);L.push_back(30);//头插L.push_front(100);L.push_front(200);L.push_front(300);printList(L);//尾删L.pop_back();printList(L);//头删L.pop_front();printList(L);//插入list<int>::iterator it = L.begin();L.insert(++it, 1000);printList(L);//删除it = L.begin();L.erase(++it);printList(L);//移除L.push_back(10000);L.push_back(10000);L.push_back(10000);printList(L);L.remove(10000);printList(L);//清空L.clear();printList(L);
int main()
{test01();system("pause");return 0;


void printList(const list<int>& L) {for (list<int>::const_iterator it = L.begin(); it != L.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}bool myCompare(int val1 , int val2)
{return val1 > val2;
void test01()
{list<int> L;L.push_back(90);L.push_back(30);L.push_back(20);L.push_back(70);printList(L);//反转容器的元素L.reverse();printList(L);//排序L.sort();            //默认的排序规则 从小到大printList(L);L.sort(myCompare);   //指定规则,从大到小printList(L);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.3.7 set/ multiset容器


#include <set>                       //包含头文件
void printSet(set<int> & s)
{for (set<int>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++){cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{set<int> s1;                    //构造函数s1.insert(10);s1.insert(30);s1.insert(20);s1.insert(40);printSet(s1);set<int>s2(s1);                //拷贝构造printSet(s2);set<int>s3;               s3 = s2;                       //赋值printSet(s3);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <set>
void printSet(set<int> & s)
{for (set<int>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++){cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{set<int> s1;s1.insert(10);s1.insert(30);s1.insert(20);s1.insert(40);if (s1.empty()){cout << "s1为空" << endl;}else{cout << "s1不为空" << endl;cout << "s1的大小为: " << s1.size() << endl;}
void test02()
{set<int> s1;s1.insert(10);s1.insert(30);s1.insert(20);s1.insert(40);set<int> s2;s2.insert(100);s2.insert(300);s2.insert(200);s2.insert(400);cout << "交换前" << endl;printSet(s1);printSet(s2);cout << endl;cout << "交换后" << endl;s1.swap(s2);printSet(s1);printSet(s2);
}int main() {//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


#include <set>
void printSet(set<int> & s)
{for (set<int>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++){cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
void test01()
{set<int> s1;//插入s1.insert(10);s1.insert(30);s1.insert(20);s1.insert(40);printSet(s1);//删除s1.erase(s1.begin());printSet(s1);s1.erase(30);printSet(s1);//清空s1.clear();             //s1.erase(s1.begin(), s1.end());printSet(s1);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <set>//查找和统计
void test01()
{set<int> s1;//插入s1.insert(10);s1.insert(30);s1.insert(20);s1.insert(40);//查找set<int>::iterator pos = s1.find(30);if (pos != s1.end()){cout << "找到了元素 : " << *pos << endl;}else{cout << "未找到元素" << endl;}//统计int num = s1.count(30);cout << "num = " << num << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


//pair<type, type> p ( value1, value2 )
//pair<type, type> p = make_pair( value1, value2 )#include <string>//对组创建
void test01()
{pair<string, int> p(string("Tom"), 20);cout << "姓名: " <<  p.first << " 年龄: " << p.second << endl;pair<string, int> p2 = make_pair("Jerry", 10);cout << "姓名: " << p2.first << " 年龄: " << p2.second << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


//默认数据类型示例#include <set>
class MyCompare                             //包含仿函数的类
public:bool operator()(int v1, int v2) {       //仿函数return v1 > v2;}
void test01()
{    set<int> s1;s1.insert(10);s1.insert(40);s1.insert(20);s1.insert(30);s1.insert(50);//默认从小到大for (set<int>::iterator it = s1.begin(); it != s1.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;//指定排序规则set<int,MyCompare> s2;s2.insert(10);s2.insert(40);s2.insert(20);s2.insert(30);s2.insert(50);for (set<int, MyCompare>::iterator it = s2.begin(); it != s2.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;
//自定义数据类型示例#include <set>
#include <string>class Person
public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}string m_Name;int m_Age;};
class comparePerson
public:bool operator()(const Person& p1, const Person &p2){//按照年龄进行排序  降序return p1.m_Age > p2.m_Age;}
};void test01()
{set<Person, comparePerson> s;Person p1("刘备", 23);Person p2("关羽", 27);Person p3("张飞", 25);Person p4("赵云", 21);s.insert(p1);s.insert(p2);s.insert(p3);s.insert(p4);for (set<Person, comparePerson>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++){cout << "姓名: " << it->m_Name << " 年龄: " << it->m_Age << endl;}
int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.3.8 map/multimap



#include <map>
void printMap(map<int,int>&m)
{for (map<int, int>::iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++){cout << "key = " << it->first << " value = " << it->second << endl;}cout << endl;
}void test01()
{map<int,int>m; //默认构造m.insert(pair<int, int>(1, 10));m.insert(pair<int, int>(2, 20));m.insert(pair<int, int>(3, 30));printMap(m);map<int, int>m2(m); //拷贝构造printMap(m2);map<int, int>m3;m3 = m2;            //赋值printMap(m3);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <map>void printMap(map<int,int>&m)
{for (map<int, int>::iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++){cout << "key = " << it->first << " value = " << it->second << endl;}cout << endl;
}void test01()
{map<int, int>m;m.insert(pair<int, int>(1, 10));m.insert(pair<int, int>(2, 20));m.insert(pair<int, int>(3, 30));if (m.empty()){cout << "m为空" << endl;}else{cout << "m不为空" << endl;cout << "m的大小为: " << m.size() << endl;}
void test02()
{map<int, int>m;m.insert(pair<int, int>(1, 10));m.insert(pair<int, int>(2, 20));m.insert(pair<int, int>(3, 30));map<int, int>m2;m2.insert(pair<int, int>(4, 100));m2.insert(pair<int, int>(5, 200));m2.insert(pair<int, int>(6, 300));cout << "交换前" << endl;printMap(m);printMap(m2);cout << "交换后" << endl;m.swap(m2);printMap(m);printMap(m2);
}int main() {test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


#include <map>void printMap(map<int,int>&m)
{for (map<int, int>::iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++){cout << "key = " << it->first << " value = " << it->second << endl;}cout << endl;
}void test01()
{//插入map<int, int> m;//第一种插入方式m.insert(pair<int, int>(1, 10));//第二种插入方式m.insert(make_pair(2, 20));//第三种插入方式m.insert(map<int, int>::value_type(3, 30));//第四种插入方式m[4] = 40; printMap(m);//删除m.erase(m.begin());printMap(m);m.erase(3);printMap(m);//清空m.erase(m.begin(),m.end());m.clear();printMap(m);
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <map>//查找和统计
void test01()
{map<int, int>m; m.insert(pair<int, int>(1, 10));m.insert(pair<int, int>(2, 20));m.insert(pair<int, int>(3, 30));//查找map<int, int>::iterator pos = m.find(3);if (pos != m.end()){cout << "找到元素 key = " << (*pos).first << " value = " << (*pos).second ;}else{cout << "未找到元素" << endl;}//统计int num = m.count(3);cout << "num = " << num << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <map>class MyCompare {
public:bool operator()(int v1, int v2) {return v1 > v2;}
};void test01()
{//默认从小到大排序//利用仿函数实现从大到小排序map<int, int, MyCompare> m;m.insert(make_pair(1, 10));m.insert(make_pair(2, 20));m.insert(make_pair(3, 30));m.insert(make_pair(4, 40));m.insert(make_pair(5, 50));for (map<int, int, MyCompare>::iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) {cout << "key:" << it->first << " value:" << it->second << endl;}
int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


员工信息有: 姓名 工资组成;
通过multimap进行信息的插入 key(部门编号) value(员工)

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#define CEHUA 0   //策划
#define MEISHU 1  //美术
#define YANFA 2   //研发
using namespace std;
class Worker
public:Worker(string name,int salary){this->name = name;this->salary = salary;}string name;//姓名int salary;//工资
void CreatWorker(vector<Worker>& w,int n)
{string name;int salary;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){name= "员工";char temp = (char)('A' + i);name = name + temp;           //员工 ABCDEFG...salary = rand() % 1000 + 1000;//salary:1000-1999Worker worker(name, salary);//用name和salary实例化类w.push_back(worker);//将实例化的类放入vector容器中}}
void ClassifyWorker(multimap<int, Worker>& m, vector <Worker> &w,int n)
{for (int i = 0;i < n; i++){int id = rand() % 3;//0 1 2m.insert(make_pair(id, w.at(i)));}
void ShowWorkerByGourp(multimap<int, Worker>& m)
{cout << "策划部门:" << endl;multimap<int, Worker>::iterator pos = m.find(CEHUA);int count = m.count(CEHUA); // 统计具体人数int index = 0;for (; pos != m.end() && index < count; pos++, index++){cout << "姓名: " << pos->second.name << " 工资: " << pos->second.salary << endl;}cout << "----------------------" << endl;cout << "美术部门: " << endl;pos = m.find(MEISHU);count = m.count(MEISHU); // 统计具体人数index = 0;for (; pos != m.end() && index < count; pos++, index++){cout << "姓名: " << pos->second.name << " 工资: " << pos->second.salary << endl;}cout << "----------------------" << endl;cout << "研发部门: " << endl;pos = m.find(YANFA);count = m.count(YANFA); // 统计具体人数index = 0;for (; pos != m.end() && index < count; pos++, index++){cout << "姓名: " << pos->second.name << " 工资: " << pos->second.salary << endl;}
int main()
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));//随机数种子,为了产生随机工资和部门编号vector <Worker> w;              //员工信息multimap<int, Worker> m;        //部门编号 + 员工信息int number;                     //员工数目cout << "please input the number of employees:";cin >> number;//创建员工CreatWorker(w,number);//员工分部门ClassifyWorker(m,w, number);//按部门输出ShowWorkerByGourp(m);return 0;

3.4 STL函数对象


3.4.1 函数对象使用

函数对象在使用时,可以像普通函数那样调用, 可以有参数,可以有返回值

class MyAdd
public:MyAdd(){count = 0;}int count;//普通函数共性:可以有参数,返回值int operator()(int a, int b){//仿函数特性:可以有自己的状态count++;return a + b;}
void test(MyAdd& ma, int a, int b)
{cout<<ma(a, b)<<endl;
int main()
{MyAdd ma;cout << ma(10, 10) << endl;cout << ma(10, 20) << endl;cout << ma.count << endl;test(ma, 10, 30);return 0;

3.4.2 谓词


#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>//一元谓词
struct GreaterFive{bool operator()(int val) {return val > 5;}
};void test01() {vector<int> v;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v.push_back(i);}vector<int>::iterator it = find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), GreaterFive());if (it == v.end()) {cout << "没找到!" << endl;}else {cout << "找到:" << *it << endl;}}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
class MyCompare
public:bool operator()(int num1, int num2){return num1 > num2;}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(10);v.push_back(40);v.push_back(20);v.push_back(30);v.push_back(50);//默认从小到大sort(v.begin(), v.end());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;cout << "----------------------------" << endl;//使用函数对象改变算法策略,排序从大到小sort(v.begin(), v.end(), MyCompare());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++){cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.4.3 内建函数对象

用法:和一般函数完全相同,需要引入头文件 #include<functional>


//template<class T> T plus<T>        //加法仿函数
//template<class T> T minus<T>       //减法仿函数
//template<class T> T multiplies<T>  //乘法仿函数
//template<class T> T divides<T>     //除法仿函数
//template<class T> T modulus<T>     //取模仿函数
//template<class T> T negate<T>      //取反仿函数void test1()
{//取反negate<int> n;cout << n(10) << endl;
void test2()
{//相加plus<int>p;cout << p(1, 2) << endl;
int main()
{test1();test2();return 0;


//template<class T> bool equal_to<T>                                 //等于
//template<class T> bool not_equal_to<T> emplate<class T> T minus<T> //不等于
//template<class T> bool greater<T>                                  //大于
//template<class T> bool greater_equal<T>                            //大于等于
//template<class T> bool less<T>                                     //小于
//template<class T> bool less_equal<T>                               //小于等于#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>class MyCompare
public:bool operator()(int v1,int v2){return v1 > v2;}
void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(10);v.push_back(30);v.push_back(50);v.push_back(40);v.push_back(20);for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;//自己实现仿函数//sort(v.begin(), v.end(), MyCompare());//STL内建仿函数  大于仿函数sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>());for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it++) {cout << *it << " ";}cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


//template<class T> bool logical_and<T>   //逻辑与
//template<class T> bool logical_or<T>    //逻辑或
//template<class T> bool logical_not<T>   //逻辑非int main()
{vector<bool> v1;v1.push_back(true);v1.push_back(false);v1.push_back(true);v1.push_back(false);for (vector<bool>::iterator it = v1.begin(); it != v1.end(); it++){cout << *it;}cout << endl;//将v的元素放在v1中而且元素取反vector<bool> v2;v2.resize(v1.size());transform(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), logical_not<bool>());for (vector<bool>::iterator it = v2.begin(); it != v2.end(); it++){cout << *it;}cout << endl;

3.5 STL常用算法

stl常用算法主要是由头文件<algorithm> <functional> <numeric>组成
<algorithm>比较多,涉及到比较、 交换、查找、遍历操作、复制、修改等

3.5.1 常用遍历算法

for_each              //遍历容器

class  MyPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
void Print1(int val)
{cout << val << " ";
int main()
{vector<int> v;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v.push_back(i);}for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), Print1);cout << endl;for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), MyPrint());return 0;

transform            //搬运容器到另一个容器中

class TransForm
public:int operator()(int val){return val+10;             //返回原数据+10结果}
void print(int val)
{cout << val << " ";
int main()
{vector<int> v;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)v.push_back(i);vector<int> TargetV;          //目标容器TargetV.resize(v.size());     // 目标容器需要提前开辟空间transform(v.begin(), v.end(), TargetV.begin(), TransForm());for_each(TargetV.begin(), TargetV.end(), print);

3.5.2 常用查找算法

find                    //查找元素
find_if                //按条件查找元素
adjacent_find    //查找相邻重复元素
binary_search  //二分查找法
count                //统计元素个数
count_if            //按条件统计元素个数


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
void test01() {vector<int> v;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {v.push_back(i + 1);}//查找容器中是否有 5 这个元素vector<int>::iterator it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), 5);if (it == v.end()) {cout << "没有找到!" << endl;}else {cout << "找到:" << *it << endl;}
}class Person {
public:Person(string name, int age) {this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}bool operator==(const Person& p)            //重载等号==运算符{if (this->m_Name == p.m_Name && this->m_Age == p.m_Age) {return true;}return false;}public:string m_Name;int m_Age;
};void test02() {vector<Person> v;//创建数据Person p1("aaa", 10);Person p2("bbb", 20);Person p3("ccc", 30);Person p4("ddd", 40);v.push_back(p1);v.push_back(p2);v.push_back(p3);v.push_back(p4);vector<Person>::iterator it = find(v.begin(), v.end(), p2);if (it == v.end()) {cout << "没有找到!" << endl;}else {cout << "找到姓名:" << it->m_Name << " 年龄: " << it->m_Age << endl;}


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>//内置数据类型
class GreaterFive
public:bool operator()(int val){return val > 5;}
};void test01() {vector<int> v;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {v.push_back(i + 1);}vector<int>::iterator it = find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), GreaterFive());if (it == v.end()) {cout << "没有找到!" << endl;}else {cout << "找到大于5的数字:" << *it << endl;}
class Person {
public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}
public:string m_Name;int m_Age;
};class Greater20
public:bool operator()(Person &p){return p.m_Age > 20;}};void test02() {vector<Person> v;//创建数据Person p1("aaa", 10);Person p2("bbb", 20);Person p3("ccc", 30);Person p4("ddd", 40);v.push_back(p1);v.push_back(p2);v.push_back(p3);v.push_back(p4);vector<Person>::iterator it = find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), Greater20());if (it == v.end()){cout << "没有找到!" << endl;}else{cout << "找到姓名:" << it->m_Name << " 年龄: " << it->m_Age << endl;}
}int main() {//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(1);v.push_back(2);v.push_back(5);v.push_back(2);v.push_back(4);v.push_back(4);v.push_back(3);//查找相邻重复元素vector<int>::iterator it = adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end());if (it == v.end()) {cout << "找不到!" << endl;}else {cout << "找到相邻重复元素为:" << *it << endl;}



#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>void test01()
{vector<int>v;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v.push_back(i);}//二分查找bool ret = binary_search(v.begin(), v.end(),2);if (ret){cout << "找到了" << endl;}else{cout << "未找到" << endl;}
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>//内置数据类型
void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(1);v.push_back(2);v.push_back(4);v.push_back(5);v.push_back(3);v.push_back(4);v.push_back(4);int num = count(v.begin(), v.end(), 4);cout << "4的个数为: " << num << endl;
class Person
public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}bool operator==(const Person & p){if (this->m_Age == p.m_Age){return true;}else{return false;}}string m_Name;int m_Age;
};void test02()
{vector<Person> v;Person p1("刘备", 35);Person p2("关羽", 35);Person p3("张飞", 35);Person p4("赵云", 30);Person p5("曹操", 25);v.push_back(p1);v.push_back(p2);v.push_back(p3);v.push_back(p4);v.push_back(p5);Person p("诸葛亮",35);int num = count(v.begin(), v.end(), p);cout << "num = " << num << endl;
int main() {//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>class Greater4
public:bool operator()(int val){return val >= 4;}
void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(1);v.push_back(2);v.push_back(4);v.push_back(5);v.push_back(3);v.push_back(4);v.push_back(4);int num = count_if(v.begin(), v.end(), Greater4());cout << "大于4的个数为: " << num << endl;
class Person
public:Person(string name, int age){this->m_Name = name;this->m_Age = age;}string m_Name;int m_Age;
};class AgeLess35
public:bool operator()(const Person &p){return p.m_Age < 35;}
void test02()
{vector<Person> v;Person p1("刘备", 35);Person p2("关羽", 35);Person p3("张飞", 35);Person p4("赵云", 30);Person p5("曹操", 25);v.push_back(p1);v.push_back(p2);v.push_back(p3);v.push_back(p4);v.push_back(p5);int num = count_if(v.begin(), v.end(), AgeLess35());cout << "小于35岁的个数:" << num << endl;
}int main() {//test01();test02();system("pause");return 0;

3.5.3 常用排序算法

sort                       //对容器内元素进行排序
random_shuffle    //洗牌 指定范围内的元素随机调整次序
merge                  // 容器元素合并,并存储到另一容器中
reverse                // 反转指定范围的元素


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>void myPrint(int val)
{cout << val << " ";
}void test01() {vector<int> v;v.push_back(10);v.push_back(30);v.push_back(50);v.push_back(20);v.push_back(40);//sort默认从小到大排序sort(v.begin(), v.end());for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint);cout << endl;//从大到小排序sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>());for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint);cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));           //随机种子vector<int> v;for(int i = 0 ; i < 10;i++){v.push_back(i);}for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;//打乱顺序random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v1;vector<int> v2;for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {v1.push_back(i);v2.push_back(i + 1);}vector<int> vtarget;//目标容器需要提前开辟空间vtarget.resize(v1.size() + v2.size());//合并  需要两个有序序列merge(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end(), vtarget.begin());for_each(vtarget.begin(), vtarget.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(10);v.push_back(30);v.push_back(50);v.push_back(20);v.push_back(40);cout << "反转前: " << endl;for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;cout << "反转后: " << endl;reverse(v.begin(), v.end());for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.5.4 常用拷贝和替换算法

copy            // 容器内指定范围的元素拷贝到另一容器中
replace        // 将容器内指定范围的元素修改为新元素
replace_if    // 容器内指定范围满足条件的元素替换为新元素
swap           // 互换两个容器的元素


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v1;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {v1.push_back(i + 1);}vector<int> v2;v2.resize(v1.size());copy(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin());for_each(v2.begin(), v2.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(20);v.push_back(30);v.push_back(20);v.push_back(40);v.push_back(50);v.push_back(10);v.push_back(20);cout << "替换前:" << endl;for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;cout << "替换后:" << endl;replace(v.begin(), v.end(), 10,11);      //将容器中的10 替换成 11for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};class ReplaceGreater30
public:bool operator()(int val){return val >= 30;}};void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.push_back(20);v.push_back(30);v.push_back(20);v.push_back(40);v.push_back(50);v.push_back(10);v.push_back(20);cout << "替换前:" << endl;for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;//将容器中大于等于的30 替换成 3000cout << "替换后:" << endl;replace_if(v.begin(), v.end(), ReplaceGreater30(), 3000);for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v1;vector<int> v2;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {v1.push_back(i);v2.push_back(i+100);}cout << "交换前: " << endl;for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;for_each(v2.begin(), v2.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;cout << "交换后: " << endl;swap(v1, v2);for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;for_each(v2.begin(), v2.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.5.5 常用算术生成算法

算术生成算法使用时包含的头文件为 #include <numeric>
accumulate                                       //计算容器内元素累加总和
fill                                                      // 向容器中添加元素


#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
void test01()
{vector<int> v;for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {v.push_back(i);}int total = accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);cout << "total = " << total << endl;     //5050
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v;v.resize(10);fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 100);            //填充for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

3.5.6 常用集合算法

set_intersection              // 求两个容器的交集

set_union                       // 求两个容器的并集

set_difference                // 求两个容器的差集

set_intersection 求交集

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v1;vector<int> v2;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){v1.push_back(i);v2.push_back(i+5);}vector<int> vTarget;//取两个里面较小的值给目标容器开辟空间vTarget.resize(min(v1.size(), v2.size()));//返回目标容器的最后一个元素的迭代器地址vector<int>::iterator itEnd = set_intersection(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end(), vTarget.begin());for_each(vTarget.begin(), itEnd, myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

set_union 求并集

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v1;vector<int> v2;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {v1.push_back(i);v2.push_back(i+5);}vector<int> vTarget;//取两个容器的和给目标容器开辟空间vTarget.resize(v1.size() + v2.size());//返回目标容器的最后一个元素的迭代器地址vector<int>::iterator itEnd = set_union(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end(), vTarget.begin());for_each(vTarget.begin(), itEnd, myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;

set_difference 求差集


#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>class myPrint
public:void operator()(int val){cout << val << " ";}
};void test01()
{vector<int> v1;vector<int> v2;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {v1.push_back(i);v2.push_back(i+5);}vector<int> vTarget;//取两个里面较大的值给目标容器开辟空间vTarget.resize( max(v1.size() , v2.size()));//返回目标容器的最后一个元素的迭代器地址cout << "v1与v2的差集为: " << endl;     //0 1 2 3 4vector<int>::iterator itEnd = set_difference(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end(), vTarget.begin());for_each(vTarget.begin(), itEnd, myPrint());cout << endl;cout << "v2与v1的差集为: " << endl;     //10 11 12 13 14itEnd = set_difference(v2.begin(),v2.end(),v1.begin(),v1.end(),vTarget.begin());for_each(vTarget.begin(), itEnd, myPrint());cout << endl;
}int main() {test01();system("pause");return 0;


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