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static uint8_t __g_font_buf[364];//如bin文件存在SPI FLASH可使用此buffstatic uint8_t *__user_font_getdata(int offset, int size){//如字模保存在SPI FLASH, SPIFLASH_Read(__g_font_buf,offset,size);//如字模已加载到SDRAM,直接返回偏移地址即可如:return (uint8_t*)(sdram_fontddr+offset);lv_fs_file_t file;lv_fs_res_t result;result = lv_fs_open(&file, "P:/test/myFont.bin", LV_FS_MODE_RD);if (result != LV_FS_RES_OK)return NULL;lv_fs_seek(&file, offset);uint32_t len;lv_fs_read(&file, __g_font_buf, size, &len);lv_fs_close(&file);return __g_font_buf;


/*** @file lv_tutorial_images.h**//** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Learn how to use images stored internally (in a variable) or externally (e.g. on an SD card)*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*** The basic object to display images is 'lv_img'. The displayed image is called 'image source'.** IMAGE SOURCES* -----------------** 1. IMAGE CONVETED TO C ARRAY*  With the online image converter tool you can convert your images into C arrays:*  https://littlevgl.com/image-to-c-array**  If you have the converted file:*    - Copy the result C file into your project*    - Declare the image variable with 'LV_IMG_DECLARE(image_name);'*    - Set it for an image object: 'lv_img_set_src(img1, &image_name);'**  In this case you don't need to think about color format because*  all color formats are included in the C file and the currently active*  (according to 'LV_COLOR_DEPTH' in 'lv_conf.h') will be enabled.** 2. IMAGE FROM FILE*  With the above mentioned online image converter tool you can convert images to binary files too.*  Now you should choose the right color format.*  The result of the conversion should be a *.bin file which can be copied to any external device (e.g. SD card)**  To read this file you need to provide some functions for LittlevGL. You will see it in the example below.**  To set a file for an image object use: 'lv_img_set_src(img, "S:path/to/image.bin")'** 3. IMAGE FROM SYMBOL FONT*  The symbol fonts are letters however they look like small images.*  To set symbols for an image object use: 'lv_img_set_src(img, LV_SYMBOL_CLOSE)'** TRANSPARENCY* ---------------** The images have 2 features related to pixel level transparency:** 1. CHROMA KEYING*  The LV_COLOR_TRANSP (lv_conf.h) pixels will be transparent.*  This feature can be enabled individually in the images in the online image converter tool.*  Because Chroma keying can only show/hide a pixel edges on the image might be jagged.*  On the other hand it dosn't mean extra memory usage.** 2. ALHPA BYTE*  It will add an extra byte to every pixel to show its opacity.*  This feature also can be enabled in the online converter tool.*  In case of 8 and 16 bit images it means extra 8 bit for every pixel.*  The 24 bit images are stored on 32 bit independently from Alpha byte settings.*  Alpha byte results very smooth edges and high quality images.*//**********************      INCLUDES*********************/
#include "lv_tutorial_images.h"
#if LV_USE_TUTORIALS#include "lvgl/lvgl.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>/**********************      DEFINES*********************/
#define PC_FILES    1       /*If you are on PC you can add PC file function to 'lv_fs'*//***********************      TYPEDEFS**********************/
typedef  FILE * pc_file_t;/***********************  STATIC PROTOTYPES**********************/
/*Interface functions to standard C file functions (only the required ones to image handling)*/
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_open(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, const char * fn, lv_fs_mode_t mode);
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_close(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p);
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_read(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, void * buf, uint32_t btr, uint32_t * br);
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_seek(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, uint32_t pos);
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_tell(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, uint32_t * pos_p);
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_size(struct _lv_fs_drv_t* drv, void* file_p, uint32_t* size_p);
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_write(struct _lv_fs_drv_t* drv, void* file_p, const void* buf, uint32_t btw, uint32_t* bw);
#endif/***********************  STATIC VARIABLES**********************/
/*Declare the "source code image" which is stored in the flash*/
LV_IMG_DECLARE(flower_icon_alpha);/***********************      MACROS**********************//***********************   GLOBAL FUNCTIONS**********************/void init_fs_config(void)
{lv_fs_drv_t pcfs_drv;                         /*A driver descriptor*/memset(&pcfs_drv, 0, sizeof(lv_fs_drv_t));    /*Initialization*/pcfs_drv.file_size = sizeof(pc_file_t);       /*Set up fields...*/pcfs_drv.letter = 'P';pcfs_drv.write_cb = pcfs_write;pcfs_drv.open_cb = pcfs_open;pcfs_drv.close_cb = pcfs_close;pcfs_drv.read_cb = pcfs_read;pcfs_drv.seek_cb = pcfs_seek;pcfs_drv.tell_cb = pcfs_tell;pcfs_drv.size_cb = pcfs_size;lv_fs_drv_register(&pcfs_drv);
/*** Create images from variable and file*/
void lv_tutorial_image(void)
{lv_obj_t * scr = lv_disp_get_scr_act(NULL);     /*Get the current screen*//************************** IMAGE FROM SOURCE CODE*************************/
#if 0lv_obj_t * img_var = lv_img_create(scr, NULL); /*Crate an image object*/lv_img_set_src(img_var, &red_flower);  /*Set the created file as image (a red flower)*/lv_obj_set_pos(img_var, 10, 10);      /*Set the positions*/lv_obj_set_drag(img_var, true);img_var = lv_img_create(scr, NULL); /*Crate an image object*/lv_img_set_src(img_var, &red_rose_16);  /*Set the created file as image (a red rose)*/lv_obj_set_pos(img_var, 10, 100);      /*Set the positions*/lv_obj_set_drag(img_var, true);static lv_style_t style_red;lv_style_copy(&style_red, &lv_style_plain);style_red.image.color = LV_COLOR_RED;img_var = lv_img_create(scr, NULL); /*Crate an image object*/lv_img_set_src(img_var, &flower_icon_alpha);  /*Set the created file as image (a red flower icon)*/lv_img_set_style(img_var, LV_IMG_STYLE_MAIN, &style_red);lv_obj_set_pos(img_var, 10, 200);      /*Set the positions*/lv_obj_set_drag(img_var, true);
#if PC_FILES && LV_USE_FILESYSTEM/*************************** IMAGE FROM BINARY FILE**************************//* Add a simple drive to open images from PC*/lv_fs_drv_t pcfs_drv;                         /*A driver descriptor*/memset(&pcfs_drv, 0, sizeof(lv_fs_drv_t));    /*Initialization*/pcfs_drv.file_size = sizeof(pc_file_t);       /*Set up fields...*/pcfs_drv.letter = 'P';pcfs_drv.open_cb = pcfs_open;pcfs_drv.close_cb = pcfs_close;pcfs_drv.read_cb = pcfs_read;pcfs_drv.seek_cb = pcfs_seek;pcfs_drv.tell_cb = pcfs_tell;pcfs_drv.size_cb = pcfs_size;lv_fs_drv_register(&pcfs_drv);//    lv_obj_t * img_bin = lv_img_create(scr, NULL); /*Create an image object*//* Set the image's file according to the current color depth* a blue flower picture*/
#if LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 8lv_img_set_src(img_bin, "P:/lv_examples/lv_tutorial/6_images/blue_flower_8.bin");
#elif LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 16 && LV_COLOR_16_SWAP == 0//lv_img_set_src(img_bin, "P:/lv_examples/lv_tutorial/6_images/blue_flower_16.bin");
#elif LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 16 && LV_COLOR_16_SWAP == 1//  lv_img_set_src(img_bin, "P:/lv_examples/lv_tutorial/6_images/blue_flower_16_swap.bin");
#elif LV_COLOR_DEPTH == 32//   lv_img_set_src(img_bin, "P:/lv_examples/lv_tutorial/6_images/blue_flower_32.bin");
#endif//  lv_obj_set_pos(img_bin, 150, 10);     /*Align next to the source image*///   lv_obj_set_drag(img_bin, true);lv_obj_t* img_bin = lv_img_create(scr, NULL); /*Crate an image object*/// lv_img_set_src(img_bin, "P:/lv_examples/lv_tutorial/6_images/blue_rose_16.bin");  /*Set the created file as image (a red rose)*/lv_img_set_src(img_bin, "P:/watch1.bin");lv_obj_set_pos(img_bin, 0, 0);      /*Set the positions*/lv_obj_set_drag(img_bin, true);//   static lv_style_t style_blue;//  lv_style_copy(&style_blue, &lv_style_plain);//  style_blue.image.color = LV_COLOR_BLUE;
////  img_bin = lv_img_create(scr, NULL); /*Crate an image object*///   lv_img_set_src(img_bin, "P:/lv_examples/lv_tutorial/6_images/flower_icon_alpha.bin");  /*Set the created file as image (a red flower icon)*///   lv_img_set_style(img_bin, LV_IMG_STYLE_MAIN, &style_blue);//   lv_obj_set_pos(img_bin, 150, 200);      /*Set the positions*///  lv_obj_set_drag(img_bin, true);
#endif// lv_obj_t * img_symbol = lv_img_create(scr, NULL);//   lv_img_set_src(img_symbol, LV_SYMBOL_OK);//  lv_obj_set_drag(img_symbol, true);//  lv_obj_set_pos(img_symbol, 300, 10);      /*Set the positions*/
}/***********************   STATIC FUNCTIONS**********************/#if PC_FILES && LV_USE_FILESYSTEM
/*** Open a file from the PC* @param drv pointer to the current driver* @param file_p pointer to a FILE* variable* @param fn name of the file.* @param mode element of 'fs_mode_t' enum or its 'OR' connection (e.g. FS_MODE_WR | FS_MODE_RD)* @return LV_FS_RES_OK: no error, the file is opened*         any error from lv_fs_res_t enum*/
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_open(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, const char * fn, lv_fs_mode_t mode)
{(void) drv; /*Unused*/errno = 0;const char * flags = "";if(mode == LV_FS_MODE_WR) flags = "wb";else if(mode == LV_FS_MODE_RD) flags = "rb";else if(mode == (LV_FS_MODE_WR | LV_FS_MODE_RD)) flags = "a+";/*Make the path relative to the current directory (the projects root folder)*/char buf[256];sprintf(buf, "./%s", fn);pc_file_t f = fopen(buf, flags);if(f == NULL) return LV_FS_RES_UNKNOWN;else {fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);/* 'file_p' is pointer to a file descriptor and* we need to store our file descriptor here*/pc_file_t * fp = file_p;        /*Just avoid the confusing casings*/*fp = f;}return LV_FS_RES_OK;
}static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_write(struct _lv_fs_drv_t* drv, void* file_p, const void* buf, uint32_t btw, uint32_t* bw)
{(void)drv; /*Unused*/pc_file_t* fp = file_p;        /*Just avoid the confusing casings*/*bw = (uint32_t)fwrite(buf, 1, btw, *fp);return LV_FS_RES_OK;
}/*** Close an opened file* @param drv pointer to the current driver* @param file_p pointer to a FILE* variable. (opened with lv_ufs_open)* @return LV_FS_RES_OK: no error, the file is read*         any error from lv__fs_res_t enum*/
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_close(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p)
{(void) drv; /*Unused*/pc_file_t * fp = file_p;        /*Just avoid the confusing casings*/fclose(*fp);return LV_FS_RES_OK;
}/*** Read data from an opened file* @param drv pointer to the current driver* @param file_p pointer to a FILE variable.* @param buf pointer to a memory block where to store the read data* @param btr number of Bytes To Read* @param br the real number of read bytes (Byte Read)* @return LV_FS_RES_OK: no error, the file is read*         any error from lv__fs_res_t enum*/
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_read(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, void * buf, uint32_t btr, uint32_t * br)
{(void) drv; /*Unused*/pc_file_t * fp = file_p;        /*Just avoid the confusing casings*/*br = (uint32_t)fread(buf, 1, btr, *fp);return LV_FS_RES_OK;
}/*** Set the read write pointer. Also expand the file size if necessary.* @param drv pointer to the current driver* @param file_p pointer to a FILE* variable. (opened with lv_ufs_open )* @param pos the new position of read write pointer* @return LV_FS_RES_OK: no error, the file is read*         any error from lv__fs_res_t enum*/
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_seek(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, uint32_t pos)
{(void) drv; /*Unused*/pc_file_t * fp = file_p;        /*Just avoid the confusing casings*/fseek(*fp, pos, SEEK_SET);return LV_FS_RES_OK;
}/*** Give the position of the read write pointer* @param drv pointer to the current driver* @param file_p pointer to a FILE* variable.* @param pos_p pointer to to store the result* @return LV_FS_RES_OK: no error, the file is read*         any error from lv__fs_res_t enum*/
static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_tell(lv_fs_drv_t * drv, void * file_p, uint32_t * pos_p)
{(void) drv; /*Unused*/pc_file_t * fp = file_p;        /*Just avoid the confusing casings*/*pos_p = ftell(*fp);return LV_FS_RES_OK;
}static lv_fs_res_t pcfs_size(struct _lv_fs_drv_t* drv, void* file_p, uint32_t* size_p)
{(void)drv; /*Unused*/pc_file_t* fp = file_p;        /*Just avoid the confusing casings*/fseek(*fp, 0L, SEEK_END);*size_p = ftell(*fp);fseek(*fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);return LV_FS_RES_OK;
}#endif#endif /*LV_USE_TUTORIALS*/


#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")
int main(int argc, char** argv)
{/*Initialize LittlevGL*/lv_init();init_fs_config();/*Initialize the HAL for LittlevGL*/hal_init();lv_obj_t* scr = lv_scr_act();lv_obj_t* cont = lv_cont_create(scr, NULL);lv_obj_set_size(cont, LV_HOR_RES_MAX, LV_VER_RES_MAX);lv_obj_t* label = lv_label_create(cont, NULL);lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);lv_obj_set_auto_realign(label, true);lv_obj_set_style_local_text_font(label, LV_LABEL_PART_MAIN,  \LV_STATE_DEFAULT, &myFont);lv_obj_set_style_local_text_color(label, LV_LABEL_PART_MAIN,   \LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_COLOR_MAKE(0XFF,0X00,0XFF));lv_label_set_text(label, "华为鸿蒙字体!\r\nHuawei Hongmeng font!");while (1) {/* Periodically call the lv_task handler.* It could be done in a timer interrupt or an OS task too.*/lv_task_handler();Sleep(10);       /*Just to let the system breathe */}return 0;



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