
After more than 2 months without publish, I returned! Now, I wanna divide with you my last experiences studying Reinforcement Learning and solving some problems.

经过两个多月没有发表,我回来了! 现在,我想与大家分享我在学习强化学习和解决某些问题上的最后经验。

The first algorithm for any any newbie in Reinforcement Learning usually is Q-Learning, and why? Because it’s a very simple algorithm, easy to understand and powerful for a many problems!

强化学习中任何新手的第一个算法通常是Q学习 ,为什么? 因为它是一个非常简单的算法,所以对于许多问题而言,它易于理解且功能强大!

In this post, we’ll build together a agent to play the Taxi-V3 game from OpenAI Gym just using numpy and a few lines of code. After this article, you’ll be able to apply Q-Learning to solve other problems in different environments.

在本文中,我们将建立一个代理 ,使用numpy和几行代码从OpenAI Gym玩Taxi-V 3游戏。 在本文之后,您将可以应用Q-Learning解决不同环境中的其他问题。

But first, we need to understand what is Reinforcement Learning?


强化学习的简短简历 (A Short Resume of Reinforcement Learning)


The image above resume the core idea of Reinforcement Learning where we have:


  • Agent: Think of the agent as our model, he is responsible for making the magic happen, like playing Pacman like a professional.

    特工:将特工视为我们的模型 ,他负责使魔术成为现实,就像像专家一样扮演吃豆人

  • Environment: The Environment is where the magic happens, in this example will be the Taxi-V3 game.

    环境:环境是神奇的地方,在此示例中将是Taxi-V 3游戏。

  • Reward: Is the feedback given by the Environment to say if the action taken from agent was good or bad. The reward can be positive or negative.

    奖励:环境给出的反馈,用于说明从代理采取的行动是好是坏。 奖励可以是正面的或负面的。

  • Action: The action taken by the Agent.

    行动: 代理采取的行动。

  • State: Is the current situation of the Agent in Environment such: low life, without ammunition or facing a wall.


The main goal of the Agent is take actions that will maximize your future reward. So the flow is:

代理商的主要目标是采取能使您将来获得最大回报的行动。 因此,流程为:

  • Take an action;采取行动;
  • Receive a feedback from environment;接收环境反馈;
  • Receive the new state;接收新状态;
  • Take a new Action;采取新的行动;

Our Agent have 2 ways to take a decision in determined situation: Exploration and Exploitation. In the Exploration, our Agent will take random decisions, this is useful to learn about the environment. In the Exploitation, our Agent will take actions based on what he already knows.

我们的代理人有两种在确定的情况下做出决定的方式: 探索利用 。 在探索中,我们的探员将做出随机决定,这对于了解环境非常有用。 在“剥削”中,我们的代理将根据他已经知道的情况采取行动。

In the amazing video below, you can visualize the Reinforcement Learning in practice where we have 4 agents playing hide and seek. Don’t forget to check this!

在下面的精彩视频中,您可以在实践中可视化“强化学习”,其中我们有4个探员在玩捉迷藏。 别忘了检查一下!

Now, you already know what is Reinforcement Learning and why it’s so amazing field from the Artificial Intelligence!


Let’s see how Q-Learning works.


Q学习简历 (Q-Learning Resume)

Like I said before, Q-Learning is a very simple to understand algorithm and very recommended to beginners in Reinforcement Learning, because it’s powerful and can be apply in a few lines of code.

就像我之前说的, Q学习是一种非常简单易懂的算法,并且非常推荐给强化学习的初学者,因为它功能强大并且可以应用在几行代码中。

Basically in Q-Learning, our we create a table with actions and states, called Q-Table. This table will help our agent to take the best action for the moment. The table looks like this:

基本上在Q-Learning中 ,我们创建一个带有动作和状态的表 ,称为Q-Table 。 该表将帮助我们的代理暂时采取最佳措施。 该表如下所示:


But in the beginning, we start this table with 0 in all values. The idea is leave the agent explore the environment taking random actions and after, use the rewards received from these actions to populate the table, this is the Exploration.

但首先,我们以所有值都为0的表格开始。 想法是让代理人探索环境并采取随机行动,然后,使用从这些行动中获得的奖励来填充表格,这就是探索

After that, we start the Exploitation, where the agent use the table to take actions who will maximize him future reward. But in the Exploitation, the Q-Table still changing with the states, a good action in some state don’t necessary will be a good action in other state.

之后,我们开始利用,代理人在桌子上采取行动,以使他将来的报酬最大化。 但是在开发中,Q表仍然随状态而变化,在某些状态下不需要执行的好动作将在其他状态下执行。

To decide the action to maximize the future reward, we use the formula below



After that, our agent will receive a reward from the environment, that can be negative or positive. And we’ll use the formula below to update our Q-Table:

之后,我们的代理商将从环境中获得奖励,可以是正面的,也可以是负面的。 我们将使用以下公式更新我们的Q表:


This is how the Q-Learning Algorithm works, remember that flow:



了解环境 (Understanding the Environment)

First of all, we need to understand the problem and how our environment works, let’s do that.


In the Taxi-V3, we have 4 locations and a taxi, who will be our Agent. The task is pick a passenger in a location and drop him in another. Our agent’ll receive +20 points for a successful dropoff and lose 1 point for every timestep it takes, beyond that, our agent’ll lose 10 points for illegal pickup and drop-off actions, for example, try to pick a passenger in a invalid location.

在Taxi-V 3中,我们有4个地点和一辆出租车,他们将成为我们的代理商。 任务是在某个地点接一名乘客,然后将其放在另一个地点。 我们的代理人成功下车将获得+20积分,并且每花费1步便会损失1点,除此之外,我们的代理人会因非法上落下车操作而失去10点,例如,尝试在无效的位置。

The video below show how our environment works:


Now, we already know our environment and we’re ready to start our to build our initial Q-Table (with all 0).


建立我们的初始Q表 (Building our Initial Q-Table)

First, we need to import our libraries and start our environment to visualize some information, we’ll do that by using the code below:


import gymimport numpy as npimport randomenv = gym.make(‘Taxi-v3’)env.render()

Now, we need to build our Q-Table. As I said before, the Q-Table starts with zero for all the values. We will build a Q-Table based on number of possible states X number of actions, let’s do this:

现在,我们需要构建我们的Q表。 就像我之前说的,Q表的所有值都从零开始。 我们将基于可能的状态数X动作数来构建Q表,让我们这样做:

# Values for Q Table:action_size = env.action_space.nprint(‘Action Space: ‘, action_size)state_size = env.observation_space.nprint(‘State Size: ‘, state_size)# Build Q Table:q_table = np.zeros((state_size, action_size))q_table

We already have our Q-Table initialized with 0, now, we can start to implement our Q-Learning Algorithm!


实施Q学习 (Implement Q-Learning)

First, we need to set our Hyperparameters for the Algorithm, I really encourage you to test and find the best parameters for the Algortihm. I wanna use these values:

首先,我们需要为算法设置超参数,我真的鼓励您测试并找到算法的最佳参数。 我想使用这些值:

# Hyper params:total_ep = 1500total_test_ep = 100max_steps = 100lr = 0.81gamma = 0.96# Exploration Params:epsilon = 0.9max_epsilon = 1.0min_epsilon = 0.01decay_rate = 0.01

The second step is use a loop to iterate the number of episodes (I putted 1500), and reset the environment in every episode start.


Epsilon is our way to balance actions between Exploration and Exploitation, the idea here is according the epsilon number decrease, our agent will take more Exploitation actions and vice versa.


An episode start when you start the environment and end when your agent arrives in a terminal action such lost the game.


for episode in range(total_ep):  # Reset Environment:  state = env.reset()  step = 0  done = False

And inside this loop, we’ll create other loop to control the actions of our agent:


for step in range(max_steps):  # Choose an action a in the current world state(s) (step 3)  # First we randomize a number  exp_exp_tradeoff = random.uniform(0, 1)  # If this number > greater than epsilon → exploitation (taking the      biggest q value for the current state):  if exp_exp_tradeoff > epsilon:    action = np.argmax(q_table[state, :])  # Else, doing random choice:  else:    action = env.action_space.sample()  # Take the action (a) and observe the outcome state (s’) and the reward (r)  new_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)  # Update Q(s,a):= Q(s,a) + lr [R(s,a) + gamma * max Q(s’,a’) — Q(s,a)]  q_table[state, action] = q_table[state, action] + lr * (reward + gamma *  np.max(q_table[new_state, :]) — q_table[state, action])  # Our new state:  state = new_state  # If done True, finish the episode:  if done == True:    break

All the step are commented in the code, but I’ll explain it. First we create a loop to control our actions(steps) inside the environment, after that use take a random number, if this number > than epsilon, our agent will take a the action who have the biggest value of Q-Table by using:

在代码中注释了所有步骤,但我将对其进行解释。 首先,我们创建一个循环来控制环境中的操作(步骤),在该操作之后使用一个随机数,如果该数字> epsilon,我们的代理将通过使用以下操作来执行具有最大Q表值的操作:

np.argmax(q_table[state, :])

If the random number < than epsilon, our agent will take a random action by using:



After that we use Update our Q-Values using our formula. After update the values we verify if we finished the episode or not. If yes, we increment 1 in the number of episodes and reduce our epsilon number by using:

之后,我们使用公式来更新我们的Q值。 更新值后,我们验证是否完成了该情节。 如果是,我们通过以下步骤增加情节数1并减少epsilon数:

# Reduce epsilon (because we need less and less exploration):epsilon = min_epsilon + (max_epsilon — min_epsilon) *np.exp(-decay_rate*episode)

After run all the code, we’ll have our Q-Table ready to use by our agent, now, we can apply the algorithm!


First, we reset our environment, to make sure our agent will start from the beginning, and besides that, we create an array to store our total reward and visualize it in the end of the train:


env.reset()rewards = []

After that, we create a loop with a very similar structure from the previous, in this loop we will iterate the episodes from test (100).


for episode in range(total_test_ep):  state = env.reset()  step = 0  done = False  total_rewards = 0  print(‘=========================’)  print(‘EPISODE: ‘, episode)

As you can see, we start the rewards with 0. Now, we need to create other loop to control the actions of the agent inside our environment:


for step in range(max_steps):  env.render()  # Take the action based on the Q Table:  action = np.argmax(q_table[state, :])  new_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)  total_rewards += reward  # If episode finishes:  if done:   rewards.append(total_rewards)   print(‘Score: ‘, total_rewards)   break  state = new_state

Again, this loop is very similar with the previous. Here, we render our environment to visualize our agent in action. But different from previous, here, our agent’ll use Exploitation to take actions, that is, in the every state, he’ll take the action with the biggest reward from the Q-Table.

同样,此循环与之前的循环非常相似。 在这里,我们渲染环境以可视化行动中的特工。 但是与以前不同,在这里,我们的代理将使用Exploitation采取行动,也就是说,在每个州,他都会从Q表中获得最大的回报。

When our episode finishes, we append the score to total_rewards and print the total rewards until the moment.


After finish all the 100 test episodes, we close the environment and print our score over the time.


Very nice score =)

Congratulations, you trained a agent to play Taxi-V3 using Reinforcement Learning and Q-Learning!

恭喜,您已经训练了特工使用“强化学习”和“ Q学习”来玩Taxi-V 3!

You can access the notebook with full code of this article here.


I hope you have managed to understand How Q-Learning Works and How to apply into a Problem!


This was my first article about Reinforcement Learning, so your feedback is very important to improve the next contents =)


For now, this is all!


See you next time!


在社交网络上与我联系 (Connect with Me on Social Networks)

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriel-mayer-779b5a162/

✅Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriel-mayer-779b5a162/

GitHub: https://github.com/gabrielmayers

✅GitHub https //github.com/gabrielmayers

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabrielmayerl/

✅Instagram https : //www.instagram.com/gabrielmayerl/

翻译自: https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/reinforcement-learning-using-q-learning-to-drive-a-taxi-5720f7cf38df




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  8. AAtitit 项目管理 提升开发效率的项目流程方法模型 哑铃型  橄榄型 直板型titi
  9. Atitit 查找轮廓 findContours
  10. atitit. 浏览器插件 控件 applet 的部署,签名总结 浏览器 插件 控件 的签名安全机制o9o