
There are different types of editors used to change the context of the given file. Most of the computer users aware of text editors. But there are other less-known editors used by different professions. Hex editors are mainly used by reverse engineers, system administrators, application developers, etc.

有多种类型的编辑器用于更改给定文件的上下文。 大多数计算机用户都知道文本编辑器。 但是,还有其他不太知名的不同行业的编辑器。 十六进制编辑器主要由反向工程师,系统管理员,应用程序开发人员等使用。

什么是十六进制或十六进制编辑器? (What is Hex or Hexadecimal Editor?)

Hex editors used to edit files where these files are generally structured in a hexadecimal format. The logic is the same as text files where they are structured in ASCII/text format. Hexadecimal numbering system like decimal where we use in our daily life.

十六进制编辑器用于编辑文件,这些文件通常以十六进制格式组织。 其逻辑与以ASCII /文本格式组织的文本文件相同。 我们在日常生活中使用的十六进制编号系统(例如十进制)。

免费十六进制编辑器(法语) (Free Hex Editor (frehed))

Free Hex Editor is provided by HHD software. It is especially good in editing large files in hexadecimal mode. It is distributed in the freemium model and provides basic features for free. It allows you to find data patterns in multi-gigabyte files in seconds. Supports expression rich regular expressions. Easily create file patches just one click. The flexible user interface can easily be configured for your convenience. Supports multiple cores to make it exceedingly faster. Can be downloaded from the following link.

HHD软件提供了免费的Hex编辑器。 在以十六进制模式编辑大型文件时特别有用。 它以免费增值模式分发,并免费提供基本功能。 它使您可以在几秒钟内找到多GB文件中的数据模式。 支持丰富的表达式正则表达式。 一键轻松创建文件补丁。 为方便起见,可以轻松配置灵活的用户界面。 支持多个内核,以使其速度更快。 可以从以下链接下载。



Free Hex Editor (frehed)

高度 (HxD)

HxD is developed by Mh-Nexus. HxD is a popular hex editor between reverse engineers. It has a rich feature set. It provides install-able and portable editions. It has the ability to edit RAM or main memory contents but as you expect it requires Administrator privileges. It can editor disk drives like hard disks, floppy disks, zip-disks, cd, etc. HxD has a flexible and fast search engine. Edited content can be exported in several data formats like Pascal, C, Java, C# source, Plain text, Hex files, etc.  HxD can provide basic data analytics or statistics about the hex file. HxD can be downloaded from the following link.

HxD由Mh-Nexus开发。 HxD是反向工程师之间流行的十六进制编辑器。 它具有丰富的功能集。 它提供了可安装和便携式版本。 它具有编辑RAM或主存储器内容的功能,但是正如您期望的那样,它需要管理员权限。 它可以编辑硬盘,软盘,zip磁盘,cd等磁盘驱动器。HxD具有灵活而快速的搜索引擎。 可以以多种数据格式(例如Pascal,C,Java,C#源,纯文本,十六进制文件等)导出已编辑的内容。HxD可以提供有关十六进制文件的基本数据分析或统计信息。 可以从以下链接下载HxD。

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了解更多Linux od命令教程,并附带示例以转储文件八进制数字格式

ftp://wa651f5:[email protected]/HxDSetupEN.zip

ftp:// wa651f5: [受电子邮件保护] /HxDSetupEN.zip



UltraEdit has a rich feature set like previous examples. It has also a shiny and modern look. UltraEdit support themes that will give different look to the hex editor. It supports multi-caret or multi-select where we can add the same characters into multiple places single type. Like other hex editors fast search. It supports integrated FTP, Ssh, Telnet connections, and remote files. It supports Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.  UltraEdit can be downloaded from the following link.

UltraEdit具有与前面的示例类似的丰富功能。 它也具有闪亮和现代的外观。 UltraEdit支持主题将赋予十六进制编辑器不同的外观。 它支持多插入符号或多选,我们可以将相同的字符添加到单个类型的多个位置。 像其他十六进制编辑器一样,可以快速搜索。 它支持集成的FTP,Ssh,Telnet连接和远程文件。 它支持Windows,Mac和Linux操作系统。 可以从以下链接下载UltraEdit。





ZTreeWin is a command-line or MS-DOS-based hex editor. It has fewer features than other hex editor but has the ability to work from the command line or MS-DOS. It supports Unicode applications. Enhanced color configuration. Extended status information about system and login. The history list for marked entries which has no limit.

ZTreeWin是命令行或基于MS-DOS的十六进制编辑器。 它的功能少于其他十六进制编辑器,但具有从命令行或MS-DOS运行的能力。 它支持Unicode应用程序。 增强的色彩配置。 有关系统和登录的扩展状态信息。 标记条目的历史记录列表没有限制。


PSPad (PSPad)

PSPad is a freeware text and code editor. It can edit multiple files at the same time. Ability to save current work in order to open later. Ftp client to edit remote files directly. Macro recorder which can record, save, and run macros. diff functionality with coloring. Syntax highlighting according to file type. RTF, HTML, TeX export capability. It has an installer and portable versions. PSPad can be downloaded from the following link.

PSPad是一个免费软件,文本和代码编辑器。 它可以同时编辑多个文件。 保存当前工作以便以后打开的能力。 ftp客户端直接编辑远程文件。 宏记录器,可以记录,保存和运行宏。 差异功能与着色。 根据文件类型突出显示语法。 RTF,HTML,TeX导出功能。 它具有安装程序和便携式版本。 可以从以下链接下载PSPad。




Notepad ++ Hexeditor插件 (Notepad++ Hexeditor Plugin)

Notepad++ is actually a text editor but it has plugin that provides additional features. Hex editor plugin is one of them. Hex editor can be installed from Plugin -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager-> Available .Notepadd++ provides simple features as Hex editor. We can view change the content of the current file.

Notepad ++实际上是一个文本编辑器,但是它具有提供附加功能的插件。 十六进制编辑器插件就是其中之一。 十六进制编辑器可以从Plugin -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available 。Notepadd++提供了一些简单的功能,如十六进制编辑器。 我们可以查看更改当前文件的内容。

Notepad++ Hexeditor Plugin
Notepad ++ Hexeditor插件

HexEd.it(基于Web)(HexEd.it (Web Based))

With the advancement of the web and internet most of the services, applications are provided web-based. HexEd.it is a web-based hex editor which provides very clean and simple GUI via the web browser. As you expect there is no need to install software to exit hex files. Just navigate to the https://hexed.it URL. As a web-based hex editor, it provides useful features about the display, date format, hex area settings, data type visibility, Address and text search, etc. As you expect in order to display and edit a file as hex you need to upload it with the Open file button. There is no fee about usage but you make a donation to this app or project via bitcoin or PayPal.

随着Web和Internet的发展,大多数服务都基于Web提供了应用程序。 HexEd.it是一个基于Web的十六进制编辑器,可通过Web浏览器提供非常干净和简单的GUI。 如您所愿,无需安装软件即可退出十六进制文件。 只需导航到https://hexed.it URL。 作为基于Web的十六进制编辑器,它提供了有关显示,日期格式,十六进制区域设置,数据类型可见性,地址和文本搜索等的有用功能。如您所期望的,以十六进制显示和编辑文件时,您需要使用“打开文件”按钮上传。 使用不收取任何费用,但您可以通过比特币或PayPal向此应用或项目捐款。

HexEd.it (Web Based)

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/best-free-hex-editors-windows/



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