根据需要,同时使用vmplayer和vmrun (说明以下,vmrun后台无界面先启动,之后再启动vmplayer,这样模板加载可以省略模板启动过程,直接跳转到模板使用界面,但由于版本的区别,必定会导致一系列问题)
1,验证版本的兼容性(在debian 9 系统,内核版本:4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64)
VMware-Player-14.1.7-12989993.x86_64.bundle和 VMware-VIX-1.17.0-6661328.x86_64.bundle
# chmod 755 给其文件执行权限
#./VMware-Player-14.1.7-12989993.x86_64.bundle (弹出界面,同意即可,其他自行选择,等待安装完成)
#./VMware-VIX-1.17.0-6661328.x86_64.bundle (弹出界面,同意即可)
安装完上述两个包后,会在/usr/lib/目录下发现:vmware、vmware-installer、vmware-ovftool、vmware-vix 等目录,vmplayer和vmrun会生成。此时可以查看vmplayer 和vmrun版本是否和安装包版本一致。
1.2 启动模板
#vmrun -T player start “模板路径/模板.vmx”
#vmplayer -X “模板路径/模板.vmx”
#vmrun -T player start “模板路径/模板.vmx” nogui
发现 :error:unknown error
经过查看下面资料,发现是VMware-VIX版本问题 导致nogui参数不能正常使用。
https://communities.vmware.com/thread/538478 和 https://communities.vmware.com/message/2561459

https://gns3.com/community/discussion/gns3-doesn-t-work-on-vmware-play 可查看另一篇文章
1.3 更换vmware版本
(查看安装:vmware-installer -l .卸载vmplayer,vix等操作。Uninstall vmware player: vmware-installer -u vmware-player Uninstall vmware-vix: vmware-installer -u vmware-vix)
经过安装测试,发现vmrun 和vmplayer 都可以使用,并且vmrun -T player start “模板路径/模板.vmx” nogui 也可以使用。
不过当第一步:vmrun -T player start “模板路径/模板.vmx” nogui ,第二步:vmplayer -X “模板路径/模板.vmx” 出现了vmware界面固定尺寸问题,不能在启动的瞬间全屏。
经过测试验证,出现了:the operation was canceled。
正式测试,下载VMware-Player-15.1.0-13591040.x86_64.bundle 和VMware-VIX-1.17.0-6661328.x86_64.bundle
安装测试,发现,vmplayer 启动直接全屏,但vmrun是不能使用的,错误如下:
unable to connect to the host ,the virtual machine …(类似错误提示)
解决方案:修改/usr/lib/vmware-vix 下的vixwrapper-config.txt文件

#latest un-versioned
ws 19 vmdb 15.1.0 Workstation-14.0.0
player 19 vmdb 15.1.0 Workstation-14.0.0

同时/usr/lib/vmware-vix/Workstation-14.0.0/64bit/下的libvix.so 库更换为VMware-Workstation-Full-15.1.0-13591040.x86_64.bundle 安装生成的libvix.so ,不然会出现,vmrun 带有nogui参数
运行时unknown error。
#vmrun -T player start "模板路径/模板.vmx"或者 #vmplayer -X “模板路径/模板.vmx”
运行:#vmrun -T player start “模板路径/模板.vmx” nogui 能够后台启动,不再报错。
隔一段时间后: #vmplayer -X “模板路径/模板.vmx” 看到模板开机启动过程已经跳过。

VIX 1.17 does not work for VMware Workstation Player 15

The current standalone VIX version 1.17 that you can download from Download VMware Workspace ONE doesn’t work for VMware Workstation Player 15 vmrun.exe fails with ““Unable to connect to host” Error: the specified version was not found”, vmrun.exe is version 1.17.0 build-6661328. This version of VIX does not contain a directory named “Workstation-15.0.0” and the correct entries in vixwrapper-config.txt

However VIX 1.17 taken from a Workstation Pro 15 installation works, vmrun.exe is version 1.17.0 build-10134415

Is there any downloadable VIX version that supports Player 15?

Please see the following post for details of how we found out about this problem: https://gns3.com/community/discussion/gns3-doesn-t-work-on-vmware-play

I actually think that standalone VIX became incompatible with Workstation version 14.1.2.I launch VMs using the "nogui" option to the vmrun "start" command, and this stopped working ("Error: unknown error") with standalone VIX 1.17 and Workstation 14.1.2However, the good news is that the VIX 1.17 distributed with Workstation 15 fixes the issue (and seems to be compatible) with Workstation 14.1.2 and newer (including 15 obviously).But it is going to be very annoying if incompatible versions (of the same version number) of VIX are maintained.Seems like newer version of VIX still isn't available as a separate download, I could find 1.17 in dowloads list but nothing newer.In the end, I manually extracted files VIX32.cab, VIX64.cab from workstation 15 installation file, extracted those cabs and renamed files according to vix 1.17 existing files (compare file sizes and dll names in file details; and vix and vixd libraries are exact copies). Then I put them in same structure in Workstation-15.0.0 folder, and added workstation 15 strings from txt file (inside VIX32.cab) to vixwrapper-config.txtSeems to be working - started my home web server with vmrun and -nogui, everything's working so far.I didn't want to install full workstation package since I think it'll mess up my player installation.Of course, I am still hoping for a separate download of VIX api...Hello,I have the same problem, does anyone have a solution for this?This resolved.Replace following lines in "vixwrapper-config.txt"# latest un-versioned
ws       19 vmdb e.x.p Workstation-14.0.0
player   19 vmdb e.x.p Workstation-14.0.0to# latest un-versioned
ws       19 vmdb e.x.p Workstation-14.0.0
player   19 vmdb 15.1.0 Workstation-14.0.0It works for GNS3 2.1.11 Workstation Player 15.1.0 and VIX 1.17.0-6661328

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