


班次   发车时间   起点站   终点站   行车时间   额定载量      已定票人数

1      8:00       郫县      广汉     2       .   45            30

2      6:30       郫县      成都     0.5          40            40

3      7:00       郫县      成都     0.5          40            20

4      10:00      郫县      成都     0.5          40            2




(3)查询路线:可按班次号查询 ,可按终点站查询







①.    可以对输入的数据进行判定,如果输入的数据类型不符合要求,会提示输入错误;

②.    系统经过加密,只有管理员才能使用所有的功能,而游客只能使用部分功能;

③.    程序界面可以显示当前的系统时间,然后根据当前时间来判断能否定购车票;

④.    为了防止修改车票信息后,忘记保存信息,系统将会自动提示保存与否;

⑤.    车票信息以文本文档格式保存在程序文件夹下,可以用记事本查看信息

  1 #include<iostream>          //数据流输入/输出
  2 #include<fstream>            //文件输入/输出
  3 #include<string>                //字符串操作
  4 #include<iomanip>            //参数化输入/输出
  5 #include<time.h>                //时间库函数
  6 using namespace std;        //命名空间
  8 class Bus_infor
  9 {
 10 private:    
 11     static int Bus_No;        //静态数据成员,统计当前所有的Bus_infor对象的数目
 12     char start[20];            //起点站
 13     char end[20];            //终点站
 14     int Bus_order;            //班次号
 15     int all_tickted;            //额定载量
 16     int tickted;                //已定票人数
 17     int  Hour_start,Minute_start;            //发车时间
 18     float GoHour;            //行车时间
 20 public:    
 21     Bus_infor();
 22     ~Bus_infor();
 23     Bus_infor *next;
 24     void input();                //录入函数
 25     void input(ifstream & is);            //读取函数
 26     void output();            //输出函数
 27     void output(ofstream & os);        //写入函数
 28     void Order_tickt(int n);                //定票函数
 29     void Unorder_tickt(int n);            //退票函数
 30     void GetTime_start();                //获取发车时间函数
 31     bool GetTime();                        //判断当前班次状况函数
 32     int Get_all_tickted()  { return all_tickted;  }            //内联函数,返回额定载量
 33     int Get_tickted()  {    return tickted; }                //返回已定票人数
 34     int Get_bus_order()  { return Bus_order;  }            //返回班次号
 35     string Get_end()const;                //返回终点站的字符串
 36 };
 38 int Bus_infor::Bus_No=1;
 40 Bus_infor::Bus_infor()
 41 {
 42     Bus_No++;
 43     tickted=0;
 44 }
 46 Bus_infor::~Bus_infor()
 47 { 
 48     Bus_No--;
 49 }
 51 void Bus_infor::input()
 52 {
 53     cout<<"\t\t\t按提示输入:"<<endl;
 54         cout<<"输入班次: ";
 55         while(1)
 56         {
 57             cin>>Bus_order;
 58             if (cin.fail())                        //判断输入的数据类型是否有错
 59             {
 60                 cout << "\n班次输入错误,请重新输入:";
 61                 cin.clear();
 62                 cin.get();            
 63             }
 64             else 
 65                 break;
 66         }
 67         cout<<"请输入车的额定座位数: ";        
 68         while(1)
 69         {
 70             cin>>all_tickted;
 71             if (cin.fail())                        //判断输入的数据类型是否有错
 72             {
 73                 cout << "\n座位数输入错误,请重新输入:";
 74                 cin.clear();
 75                 cin.get();            
 76             }
 77             else 
 78                 break;
 79         }
 80         GetTime_start();
 81         cout<<"请输入行车时间:";        
 82         while(1)
 83         {
 84             cin>>GoHour;
 85             if (cin.fail())                        //判断输入的数据类型是否有错
 86             {
 87                 cout << "\n行车时间输入错误,请重新输入:";
 88                 cin.clear();
 89                 cin.get();            
 90             }
 91             else 
 92                 break;
 93         }
 94         cout<<"请输入起始站与终点站:";    
 95         cin>>start;cin>>end;        
 96         cout<<"是否清空售票(y/n)?";
 97         char a;cin>>a;
 98         if(a=='y'||a=='Y') tickted=0;
 99 }
101 void Bus_infor::input(ifstream & is)                           
102 {
103     is>>Bus_order>>Hour_start>>Minute_start>>start>>end>>GoHour>>all_tickted>>tickted;
104     is.get();                                    
105 }
107 void  Bus_infor::output()
108 {
110     cout<<" "<<Bus_order<<"\t";
111     if(Minute_start==0)                        //判断发车时的分钟时刻,若为0分则在后面多显示个0,以符合时间格式
112     {
113         cout<<Hour_start<<":"<< Minute_start<<"0\t";
114     }
115     else
116     {
117         cout<<Hour_start<<":"<< Minute_start<<"\t";
118     }
119     cout<<start<<"\t"<<end<< "\t"<<GoHour<<"\t   "<<all_tickted<<"\t     "<<tickted;         
120     if(!GetTime())
121         cout<<"\t   此班已出发"<<endl;
122     else
123         cout<<"\t   此班未出发"<<endl;
124 }
126 void Bus_infor::output(ofstream & os)                      
127 {
128     os<<setw(6)<<Bus_order                //setw()设置输出宽度
129         <<setw(15)<<Hour_start
130         <<setw(15)<<Minute_start
131         <<setw(15)<<start
132         <<setw(6)<<end
133         <<setw(15)<<GoHour
134         <<setw(15)<<all_tickted
135         <<setw(15)<<tickted        
136         <<endl;
137 }
139 void Bus_infor::GetTime_start()
140 {    
141     cout<<"请输入始发时间(时 分):";
142     while(1)
143     {        
144         cin>>Hour_start>>Minute_start;
145         if (cin.fail())                        //判断输入的数据类型是否有错
146             {
147                 cout << "\n时间输入错误,请重新输入:";
148                 cin.clear();
149                 cin.get();            
150             }            
151         else if(Hour_start<0||Hour_start>24||Minute_start<0||Minute_start>60)                
152             cout<<"\n时间格式出错,请重新输入:";            ////判断时间格式是否出错,小时不能小于0大于24,分钟不能小于0大于60
153         else
154             break;
155     }    
156 }
158 bool Bus_infor::GetTime()
159 {
160     struct tm *local;  
161     time_t t;
162     t=time(NULL);
163     local=localtime(&t);            //获取当前系统时间
164     if(local->tm_hour<Hour_start||(local->tm_hour==Hour_start && local->tm_min<=Minute_start))
165         return 1;                      //比较当前时间与发车时间,获得班次的当前状况,返回1表示班次未出发
166     else
167         return 0;                        //返回0表示班次已出发
168 }
170 void Bus_infor::Order_tickt(int n)
171 {
172     tickted=tickted+n;
173 }
175 void Bus_infor::Unorder_tickt(int n)
176 {
177     tickted=tickted-n;
178 }
180 string Bus_infor::Get_end()const
181 {
182     string s=end;
183     return s;
184 }
186 class Bus_link
187 {
188 public:
189     Bus_link(){head=new Bus_infor;head->next=NULL;key=0;}            //带参数的构造函数
190     ~Bus_link(){delete head;}            //析构函数
191     void input();            //录入车票信息    
192     void mend();            //修改车票信息
193     void del();                //删除车票信息
194     int find(Bus_infor **p1,int num,char *pn);        //查找函数,找出所有符合的    
195     int find1(Bus_infor **p1,int num,char *pn);   //查找函数,找到符合的返回  
196     void found();            //查询车票信息
197     void show();            //显示车票信息
198     void Order();            //定购车票信息
199     void Unorder();        //退还车票信息
200     void save();            //保存车票信息
201     void begin();            //初始化车票信息
202     void clear();            //清除函数
203     void about();        //关于车票信息
204     char mainmenu();                //主菜单函数
205     void setkey(int k){ key=k; }            //设置系统修改标志
206      int getkey(){ return key;}            //返回系统修改标志
207 private:                                            
208     Bus_infor *head;       //链表指针                      
209     int key;                        //系统修改标志
210     int password;            //管理员登陆标志
211 };
213 void Bus_link::input()
214 {
215     if(password==1)
216     {
217         Bus_infor *p,*p2=NULL;
218         p=head;                                          
219         int n=1;   
220         while(p->next)
221             p=p->next;
222         while(n)
223         {
224             p2=new Bus_infor;
225             p2->input();
226             p->next=p2;
227             p2->next=NULL;
228             p=p->next;                                   
229             Bus_link::setkey(1);
230             cout<<"\t\t\t按1继续,按0返回 : ";
231             cin>>n;
232             if(!cin)
233                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
234             Bus_link::setkey(1);
235         }
236     }
237     else
238         cout<<"\n\t\t对不起,游客不能录入车票信息"<<endl;
239 }
241 void Bus_link::show()
242 {
243     cout<<"客车基本信息如下:"<<endl
244            <<"班次 发车时间  起点站  终点站  行车时间 额定载量 已定票人数 当前状况"<<endl;
245     Bus_infor *p;
246     p=head;
247     while(p->next)
248     {
249         (p->next)->output();
250         p=p->next;
251     }
252 }
254 void Bus_link::found()
255 {
256     Bus_infor *p;
257     int num,n;
258     char name[20];
259     do
260     {
261         cout<<"\t\t1:按班次查找,2:按终点站查找: ";
262         cin>>n;
263         if(!cin)
264                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
265     }while(n<1||n>2);
266     if(n==1)
267     {
268         cout<<"\t\t\t输入班次: ";
269         cin>>num;
270         if(!cin)
271                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
272     }
273     if(n==2)
274     {
275         cout<<"\t\t\t输入终点站: ";
276         cin>>name;
277     }
278     if(!find(&p,num,name))
279     {
280         cout<<"\t\t找不到你要查找的内容!"<<endl;
281         return;
282     }
283 }
285 int Bus_link::find(Bus_infor **p1,int num,char *pn)
286 {
287     Bus_infor *p;    
288     p=head;    
289     int t=0;    
290     while(p->next)
291     {        
292         (*p1)=p;
293         if( (p->next)->Get_bus_order()==num|| (p->next)->Get_end()==pn )
294         {            
295             cout<<"客车基本信息如下:"<<endl
296                    <<"班次 发车时间  起点站  终点站  行车时间 额定载量 已定票人数 当前状况"<<endl;           
297             (p->next)->output();             
298             t=1;                    
299         }        
300         p=p->next;
301     }
302     return t;
303 }
305 int Bus_link::find1(Bus_infor **p1,int num,char *pn)
306 {
307     Bus_infor *p;    
308     p=head;        
309     while(p->next)
310     {        
311         (*p1)=p;
312         if( (p->next)->Get_bus_order()==num|| (p->next)->Get_end()==pn )
313         {            
314             cout<<"客车基本信息如下:"<<endl
315                    <<"班次 发车时间  起点站  终点站  行车时间 额定载量 已定票人数 当前状况"<<endl;           
316             (p->next)->output();             
317             return 1;                    
318         }        
319         p=p->next;
320     }
321     return 0;
322 }
324 void Bus_link::del()
325 {
326     if(password==1)
327     {
328         Bus_infor *p,*p2;
329         int num;char name[20];
330         cout<<"\t\t\t输入班次号: ";
331         cin>>num;        
332         if(!cin)
333                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
334         if( !find1(&p,num,name) )
335         {
336             cout<<"\t\t找不到你要删除的内容!"<<endl;
337             return;
338         }    
339         cout<<"\n\t\t\t确定删除(y/n)?";
340         char a;cin>>a;
341         if(a=='y'||a=='Y') 
342         {
343             p2=p->next;        
344             p->next=p2->next;
345             delete p2;
346             Bus_link::setkey(1);
347         }
348     }
349     else
350         cout<<"\n\t\t对不起,游客不能删除车票信息"<<endl;
351 }
353 void Bus_link::mend()
354 {
355     if(password==1)
356     {
357         Bus_infor *p;
358         int num;
359         char name[20];        
360         cout<<"\t\t\t输入班次号: ";
361         cin>>num;    
362         if(!cin)
363                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
364         if( !find1(&p,num,name) )
365         {
366             cout<<"\t\t找不到你要修改的内容!"<<endl;
367             return;
368         }        
369         (p->next)->input();
370         Bus_link::setkey(1);
371     }
372     else
373         cout<<"\n\t\t对不起,游客不能修改车票信息"<<endl;
374 }
376 void Bus_link::Order()
377 {
378     if(password==1)
379     {
380         Bus_infor *p;
381         cout<<"\n\t\t\t确定购票(y/n)?";
382         char X;cin>>X;
383         if(X=='y'||X=='Y'){
384             int num;
385             cout<<"\n\t\t\t输入班次号: ";
386             cin>>num;
387             if(!cin)
388                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
389             if( !find1(&p,num,"^") )
390             {
391                 cout<<"\n\t\t找不到你要定票的车辆的内容!"<<endl;
392                 return;
393             }
394             p=p->next;
395             if(!(p->GetTime()))                //判断要定票的车辆是否已经出发,若已经出发则不允许定票
396             {
397                 cout<<"\n\t\t你要订票的车辆已出发!"<<endl;
398                 return;
399             }
400             cout<<"\n\t\t\t输入要定的票数 ";
401             int n;cin>>n;
402             if(!cin)
403                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
404             if((p->Get_tickted()+n)<=p->Get_all_tickted())
405                 p->Order_tickt(n);
406             else cout<<"\n\t\t对不起,没有足够的票数。"<<endl;    
407         }
408         else if(X=='n'||X=='N') cout<<"谢谢使用"<<endl;
409         else cout<<"\n\t\t\t输入字符不确定"<<endl;
410         Bus_link::setkey(1);
411     }
412     else
413         cout<<"\n\t\t对不起,订购车票请在管理员处购买"<<endl;
414 }
416 void Bus_link::Unorder()
417 {
418     if(password==1)
419     {
420         Bus_infor *p;
421         cout<<"\n\t\t\t确定退票(y/n)?";
422         char X;cin>>X;
423         if(X=='y'||X=='Y'){
424             int num;
425             cout<<"\n\t\t\t输入班次号: ";
426             cin>>num;
427             if(!cin)
428                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");
429             if( !find1(&p,num,"^") )
430             {
431                 cout<<"\n\t\t找不到你要退票的车辆的内容!"<<endl;
432                 return;
433             }
434             p=p->next;
435             if(p->GetTime()==0)                        //判断要定票的车辆是否已经出发,若已经出发则不允许定票
436             {
437                 cout<<"\n\t\t你要退票的车辆已出发!"<<endl;
438                 return;
439             }
440             cout<<"\n\t\t\t输入要退的票数 ";
441             int n;cin>>n;
442             if(!cin)
443                 throw string("\n数据输入错误");            
444             if((p->Get_tickted()-n)>=0)
445                 p->Unorder_tickt(n);
446             else cout<<"\n\t\t\t对不起,数据出错!。"<<endl;    
447         }
448         else if(X=='n'||X=='N') cout<<"谢谢使用"<<endl;
449         else cout<<"\n\t\t\t输入字符不确定"<<endl;
450         Bus_link::setkey(1);
451     }
452     else
453         cout<<"\n\t\t对不起,退还车票请在管理员处退还"<<endl;
454 }
456 void Bus_link::save()
457 {
458     if(password==1)
459     {
460         Bus_infor *p;
461         p=head;
462         ofstream os("bus.txt",ios::out);            //文件以输出方式打开
463         if (Bus_link::getkey()==1)
464         {
465             while(p->next)
466             {
467                 (p->next)->output(os);
468                 p=p->next;
469             }
470         }
471         cout<<"\t\t\t文件已保存! "<<endl;
472         Bus_link::setkey(0);
473     }
474     else
475         cout<<"\n\t\t对不起,游客无法保存车票信息"<<endl;
476 }
478 void Bus_link::about()
479 {
480     cout<<endl<<"关于车票管理系统"<<endl<<"────────"<<endl;
481     cout<<"使用说明:"<<endl
482         <<"\t1.请按照操作提示输入正确的格式,以保证系统正常运行;"<<endl
483         <<"\t2.当使用管理员登陆时,需输入密码,可进行对系统的所有操作;"<<endl
484     <<"\t3.当使用游客身份登陆时,无需输入密码,但只能浏览和查询车票信息;"<<endl
485     <<"\t4.车票信息用文本文档格式,保存在本程序文件夹目录下,可以直接打开查看."<<endl<<endl
486     <<"系统说明:"<<endl
487         <<"\t本系统为课程设计作品,可以简易的进行车票管理,欢迎提出意见和建议"<<endl         
488            <<"\t漳州师范学院07级计算机科学与工程系非师四班\t王建设"<<endl<<endl;
489 }
491 void Bus_link::begin()
492 {
493     password=0;
494     Bus_infor *p,*p2;
495     p=head;
496     clear();
497     long t;
498     ifstream is("bus.txt",ios::in);            //文件以输入方式打开
499     if(!is)
500     {
501         ofstream os("bus.txt",ios::out);        //文件以输出方式打开
502         os.close();            //关闭文件
503         return ;
504     }
505     int num=-1;
506     while(1)
507     {
508         num=-1;
509         t=is.tellg();            //记录下当前位置
510         is>>num;
511         is.seekg(t);            //移动到原来位置
512         if(num<0)
513         {   
514             is.close();
515             return;
516         }
517         p2=new Bus_infor;
518         p2->input(is);        //输入is对象内容
519         p->next=p2;
520         p2->next=NULL;
521         p=p->next;
522     }
523 }
525 void Bus_link::clear()
526 {
527     Bus_infor *p,*p2;
528     p=head->next;
529     while( p )
530     {
531         p2=p;
532         p=p->next;
533         delete p2;
534     }
535 }
537 char Bus_link::mainmenu()
538 {
539     struct tm *local;
540      char s1[128];
541     time_t t;
542     t=time(NULL);
543     local=localtime(&t);
544     strftime(s1,128,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M ",local);                //按照指定的格式,把时间保存在s1字符串里面
545     string s;                    //定义字符串s,来判断功能选择是否输入错误
546     cout<<"\n\n          ────欢迎使用车票管理系统────"<<endl<<endl;
547     cout
548         <<"  ┌─────────────────────────┐"<<endl
549         <<"  │ ┌──────────────────────┐ │"<<endl
550         <<"  │ │  1.    录入车票信息    2.    浏览车票信息  │ │"<<endl
551         <<"  │ │  3.    查询车票信息    4.    删除车票信息  │ │"<<endl
552         <<"  │ │  5.    修改车票信息    6.    定购车票信息  │ │"<<endl
553         <<"  │ │  7.    退还车票信息    8.    保存车票信息  │ │"<<endl
554         <<"  │ │  9.    关于车票系统    0.    退出系统      │ │"<<endl
555         <<"  │ └──────────────────────┘ │"<<endl
556         <<"  └─────────────────────────┘"<<endl
557         <<"\t\t\t\t       "<<s1<<endl<<endl;    
558     while(password==0)
559     {
560         cout<<"\t\t请选择用户名(1.管理员;2.游客):  ";
561         string n;    cin>>n;        
562         if(n=="1")
563         {
564             cout<<"\n\t\t请输入管理员密码:  ";
565             string m;cin>>m;                
566             if(m=="123456")
567             {
568                 password=1;
569                 cout<<endl;
570                 break;
571             }
572             else
573             {
574                 cout<<"\n\t\t密码输入不正确\n"<<endl;
575             }
576         }
577         else
578         {
579             password=2;            //游客身份标志
580             break;
581         }
582     }
583     cout<<"                     请选择功能按钮: ";
584     while(true)
585     {
586         cin>>s;
587         if(s.length()!=1||s[0]<'0'||s[0]>'9')          //s.length()返回字符串的长度,即字符个数
588             cout<<"输入错误,请重新选择功能按钮: ";
589         else
590             break;
591     }
592     return s[0];
593 }
595 int main()
596 {    
597     Bus_link pp;
598     int k=1;
599     int i=1;
600     string s;
601     pp.begin();
602     try
603     {
604          while(k==1)
605          {
606              system("cls");
607              s=pp.mainmenu();                       //调用主菜单函数
608              switch(s[0])
609              {
610              case '1':pp.input(); break;            //录入车票信息
611              case '2':pp.show(); break;           //浏览车票信息
612              case '3':pp.found(); break;          //查询车票信息
613              case '4':pp.del(); break;              //删除车票信息
614              case '5':pp.mend(); break;          //修改车票信息
615              case '6':pp.Order(); break;          //保存车票信息
616              case '7':pp.Unorder(); break;      //退还车票信息
617              case '8':pp.save(); break;           //保存车票信息
618              case '9':pp.about();break;           //关于车票系统
619              case '0':k=0;break;                    //退出系统
620              }
621              if(k==1)
622              {
623                  cout<<"\n\t\t\t是否返回主菜单?   1.是  2.不是 : ";
624                  cin>>i;
625                  if(!cin)
626                     throw string("\n数据输入错误");
627              }
628          if(k==0||i==2)
629          {
630              if(pp.getkey()==1)
631              {
632                  cout<<"\t\t\t是否保存?  1 . 保存 0.不保存 : ";
633                  cin>>i;    
634                  if(!cin)
635                     throw string("\n数据输入错误");
636                  if(i==1)
637                      pp.save();
638                  pp.clear();
639                  k=0;
640              }    
641               k=0;
642          }        
643          }
644     }
645     catch(string s)
646     {
647         cout<<s<<",为保护系统不崩溃,将自动退出系统!"<<endl;
648         system("pause");        
649     }
650  return 0;
651 }


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