已解决(Python安装报错)One or more ssues caused the setup to fail Please fx the sses and
then retry setup. For more information see the 1og file.
At least Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 are required to install Python 3.9.6 (64-bit)
Visit python.org to download an earlier version of Python.


  • 报错信息
  • 报错翻译
  • 报错原因
  • 解决方法




One or more ssues caused the setup to fail Please fx the sses and
then retry setup. For more information see the 1og file.
At least Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 are required to install Python 3.9.6 (64-bit)
Visit python.org to download an earlier version of Python.


报错内容翻译:一个或多个问题导致设置失败,请检查SSE和然后重试安装。有关更多信息,请参阅1og文件。至少需要安装Windows 8.1或Windows Server 2012 Python 3.9.6(64位)访问python。org下载Python的早期版本。






已解决(Python安装报错)Visit python.org to download an earlier version of Python.相关推荐

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