



Author        :DarkTong
Created Time  :2016/7/18 14:01:14
File Name     :d.cpp
*************************************************/#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>#define INF 0x3fffffffffffffff
#define esp 1e-9
typedef long long LL;
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 100000 + 100;typedef LL Int;
struct Node
{Int x, y;int id;Node(Int x=0, Int y=0, int i=-1):x(x), y(y), id(i){}bool operator==(Node &a){return x==a.x&&y==a.y;}
vector<Node> poi;
Int dis(Node &a, Node &b){ return (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y); }
int cmpx(const Node &a, const Node &b){ return a.x==b.x ? a.y<b.y : a.x<b.x;}
int cmpy(const Node &a, const Node &b){ return a.y==b.y ? a.x<b.x : a.y<b.y;}
int cmpi(const Node &a, const Node &b){ return a.id<b.id;}int ans1, ans2;
int n, xxx;
LL ansd;/*****************************************/
/*合并两个集合的点,找出最短距离的两个点 */
void Merger(int L, int R, int m, Int &ans)
{int tl, tr, t;//选出右边离中心线距离<=max(dl, dr)的点tl=tr=m;while(tr<R&&poi[tr].x-poi[tl].x<=ans) tr++;sort(poi.begin()+tl, poi.begin()+tr, cmpy);int ta1, ta2;//枚举左边的点,选出与其最近的点。for(int i=L;i<m;++i){if(poi[i].id==xxx) continue;int l, r;r = upper_bound(poi.begin()+tl, poi.begin()+tr, poi[i], cmpy) - poi.begin();l = max(tl, r-3); r = min(tr, r+3);for(int j=l; j<r;++j){if(poi[j].id==xxx) continue;if(dis(poi[j], poi[i]) < ans){ans = dis(poi[j], poi[i]);ta1=poi[i].id; ta2=poi[j].id;}}}//为了得到最近两点的id值if(ans < ansd) { ansd = ans; ans1 = ta1; ans2 = ta2;}//恢复sort(poi.begin()+tl, poi.begin()+tr, cmpx);
Int MergerSolve(int L, int R)
{int m;Int dl, dr;//边界条件if(R-L<=3){int ta1, ta2;Int ans=INF;for(int i=L;i<R;++i) {if(poi[i].id==xxx) continue;for(int j=i+1;j<R;++j){if(poi[j].id==xxx) continue;if(dis(poi[i], poi[j])<ans) { ans=dis(poi[i], poi[j]); ta1=poi[i].id; ta2=poi[j].id;}}}//用于记录最短距离的那两个点的坐标if(ans < ansd){ ansd=ans; ans1=ta1; ans2=ta2;}return ans;}m = (L+R)>>1;dl=MergerSolve(L, m);dr=MergerSolve(m, R);Int ans = min(dl, dr);//合并操作
    Merger(L, R, m, ans);return ans;
}int main()
{int ca;scanf("%d", &ca);while(ca--){scanf("%d", &n);int x, y;for(int i=0;i<n;++i){scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);poi.push_back(Node(x, y, i));}sort(poi.begin(), poi.end(), cmpx);xxx = -1; ansd = INF;LL ttans = MergerSolve(0, n)*(n-2);int ta1 = ans1, ta2 = ans2;xxx = ta1; ansd=INF;ttans += MergerSolve(0, n);xxx = ta2; ansd=INF;ttans += MergerSolve(0, n);cout<<ttans<<endl;poi.clear();}return 0;


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