


'm trying to load an email attachment in my application. I can get the content, but I cannot get the file name.

Here's how my intent filter looks like:

    <intent-filter><actionandroid:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /><categoryandroid:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /><dataandroid:mimeType="image/jpeg" /></intent-filter>

Here is what I get:

INFO/ActivityManager(97): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://gmail-ls/messages/john.doe%40gmail.com/42/attachments/0.1/SIMPLE/false typ=image/jpeg flg=0x3880001 cmp=com.myapp/.ui.email.EmailDocumentActivityJpeg } from pid 97

In my activity I get the Uri and use it to get the input stream for the file content:

InputStream is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);

Where can I find the file name in this scenario?

I had the same problem to solve today and ended up finding the solution in another post :Android get attached filename from gmail appThe main idea is that the URI you get can be used both for retrieving the file content and for querying to get more info. I made a quick utility function to retrieve the name :

public static String getContentName(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri){Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null);cursor.moveToFirst();int nameIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME);if (nameIndex >= 0) {return cursor.getString(nameIndex);} else {return null;}

You can use it this way in your activity :

Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
String name = getContentName(getContentResolver(), uri);

That worked for me (retrieving the name of PDF files).

Shit 按照上面的步骤来,在我的HTC的手机上是好的,可是跑到联想和魅族的手机上就出问题那个nameIndex返回的是-1,折腾了一下午终于解决了,其实很简单:

public static String getEmailFileName(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri){Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, new String[]{"_display_name"}, null, null, null);cursor.moveToFirst();int nameIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex("_display_name");if (nameIndex >= 0) {return cursor.getString(nameIndex);} else {return null;}}

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