Gallego Cascón P, Matthies D J C, Muthukumarana S, et al. ChewIt. An Intraoral Interface for Discreet Interactions[C]//Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2019: 326.





Key Features




Sensing interfaces relying on head or facial gestures provide efective solutions for hands-free scenarios. Most of these
interfaces utilize sensors attached to the face, as well as into the mouth, being either obtrusive or limited in input bandwidth. In this paper, we propose ChewIt – a novel intraoral input interface. ChewIt resembles an edible object that allows users to perform various hands-free input operations, both simply and discreetly. Our design is informed by a series of studies investigating the implications of shape, size, locations for comfort, discreetness, maneuverability, and obstructiveness. Additionally, we evaluated potential gestures that users could utilize to interact with such an intraoral interface.


To gain a better understanding of the peculiarities of discreetness and general feasibility, we initially ran a series of
user studies (Study 1: spectator’s perception, S2: user’s perceived obstruction, S3: understanding habits and limitations).
Based on the results of these evaluations, we continued investigating potential intraoral interface designs through a
further series of studies (S4: implications on dimension, S5: comparing shapes, S6: volume factor, S7: defning gestures).
Informed by these investigations, we developed a prototype system, ChewIt

In summary, the main contributions of this paper include the design, implementation, and validation of a non-attached
intraoral interface.


ChewIt is a novel intraoral interface, similar to an edible object, ofering new ways to perform hands-free interactions.
ChewIt can be easily inserted and removed whenever the user pleases, as it is not attached to the mouth. ChewIt’s
design enables the user to utilize several tongue and bite gestures that mimic the behavior of interacting with an edible
object so that it does not draw increased attention of others. Furthermore, the device can be hidden in the mouth when
not interacting, making it invisible to spectators. Based on the high level of dexterity and proprioceptive abilities of the
tongue, once being familiar with the enabled input gestures,ChewIt can favour refexive interaction [56] potentially decreasing task load in multitasking scenarios.

Key Features


The main contribution of this paper is the idea of an intraoral interface, which is similar to an interactive edible object.
Such an interface will not only beneft impaired people, but also users in daily hands-busy situations, particularly when
performing high precision tasks that require both hands [13]. Furthermore, we contribute with our design decisions and
fndings on Interaction time, Holding Location, Shape Considerations, Comfort on Shape, Dimensions and Volume Considerations, and Gesture Feasibility.

Minimum Interaction Time: Our studies revealed that participants felt comfortable with holding a small object in their
mouth for at least 15 minutes. This was assessed while the distraction continued with their daily tasks.

Two Holding Locations: We identifed two locations (see Figure 1b) in which the users are able to hide an introal
interface. The frst location (at the Top, Black) is the buccal shelf on the Maxilla, next to the Zigomatic Bone, partially
under the Masseter Muscle, and the second is at the Body of the Lower Jaw Bone, under the Molar area (at the Bottom,
Blue). With the frst location, the device seems to be less visible to others.

Two Basic Shape Considerations: We investigated 4 types of shapes, which are an Asymmetrical Spherical Wedge, a
spherical cut, a rectangular prism, and a triangular prism. We developed 2 conclusions from such fndings: Among those
shapes, we found asymmetry to be an important factor in understanding the orientation of the device; a fat surface on
one side and a rounded surface on the opposite maximizes the grip and the comfort. In future, we aim to specifcally explore into texture perception and weight distribution.

Comfort on Shape: While performing the studies, we discovered that users mostly preferred rounded corners. Sharp corners should be avoided at all cost, as there is a high chance of cutting the soft tissues inside the mouth. This fact is refected by the comments from users, suggesting that pressure exerted by the small corners were irritating and annoying.

Dimensions and Volume Considerations: The dimensions of an object placed inside the buccal cavity can afect the clarity of speech, facial expression, and the self-perception of the face. Smaller sizes seem to be easier to maneuver inside the mouth. Where the size is excessively small, users will fnd it difcult to orient. Likewise, larger sizes are easy to orient but cumbersome to maneuver.

Self-perceived and Spectator-perceived discreetness: Users sufer from a subjective efect when wearing diferent devices, regardless of the size. This could be due to the sensation of having something inside the mouth. However, this was
hardly noticeable by spectators in the user’s vicinity, even with the largest object size.

Gesture Feasibility: We propose 2 gestures that stand out across all the studied parameters: Rolling and Molar Bite.
However, there are 8 more gestures that can be used if aparticular application needs larger input bandwidth, without
compromising the discreetness.

Multitasking. ChewIt allows for multitasking, including gestures with low levels of obstruction (see Figure 9), which
will enable users to perform basic tasks, such as speaking while wearing the interface. We observed that some users were even able to drink and eat while having ChewIt in the mouth. However, we do not recommend this, as there is a high risk of swallowing it. In future, we aim to specifcally explore how users experience drinking, eating, and other physiological activities while wearing the device, and also to fnd implementation alternatives that could beneft the user in case the device is swallowed.


In this paper, we presented ChewIt, an intraoral interface that enables hands-free input operations. Our goal was to strike
a better balance between social acceptability and expanding capabilities beyond merely providing a binary input. We
studied social acceptance from a spectator’s point of view, as well as self-perception, while participants used intraoral objects. We developed a prototype where design decisions were derived by a series of user studies. We view ChewIt as a novel input interface that can assist people with and without impairments.

For future work, we need to investigate ChewIt in public spaces, including among ethnic groups, to gain greater insights on the evolvement of user acceptance during longterm usage. In technical terms, one may consider using Electromagnetic Articulograph (EMA) to further determine the device’s accuracy when performing input gestures or positioning tasks. Related research also indicates that nonattached intraoral devices, such as electric chewing gums [66], could be a new interaction modality infltrating the user’s body in the future.

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