1.原因:由于2018年发布的Android P限制了非加密的流量请求导致出现 not permitted by network security policy






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<network-security-config><base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />



安卓9.0系统出现 CLEARTEXT communication to XX not permitted by network security policy相关推荐

  1. 网络请求未知错误 CLEARTEXT communication to XX not permitted by network security policy 解决方案

    这里简单的用了聚合免费的接口写了一个demo,专门来解决这个bug 搭建完MVP框架后,设置baseUrl开始请求.找了好久感觉没问题,后来查了资料才知道,是我们的baseUrl的问题 因为是内部测试 ...

  2. CLEARTEXT communication to xxx not permitted by network security policy

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Android P http网络请求不通,报出异常:java.net.UnknownServiceException: CLE ...

  3. Android 9.0以上联网报错:CLEARTEXT communication to xxx.xxx.xxx.xx not permitted by network security policy

    Google为了保证用户数据和设备安全,针对Android 系统(Android P) 的应用程序,将要求默认使用加密连接.Android P 将禁止 App 使用所有未加密的连接,因此运行 Andr ...

  4. 关于网络请求报错:CLEARTEXT communication to xx.xx.xx.xx not permitted by network security policy

    问题 高版本Android项目运行报错:CLEARTEXT communication to xx.xx.xx.xx not permitted by network security policy ...

  5. CLEARTEXT communication to “ “ not permitted by network security policy处理办法

    ok http3 + retrofit 网络请求,在Android9.0手机上请求失败,报错:CLEARTEXT communication to " " not permitte ...

  6. 网络请求失败CLEARTEXT communication to “ “ not permitted by network security policy

    ok http3 + retrofit 网络请求,在Android9.0手机上请求失败,报错:CLEARTEXT communication to " " not permitte ...

  7. error:CLEARTEXT communication to api.help.bj.cn not permitted by network security policy

    这个问题出现的原因是Android P系统限制了明文流量的网络请求 处理方法就是 1 首先需要在res 目录下创建一个xml 包然后在创建一个xml  如下图 里面的内容 <?xml versi ...

  8. android 9.0 https 适配,android9.0适配HTTPS:not permitted by network security policy'

    express框架 一.express的使用 安装express 在根目录下输入 npm install express 引入express的包 const express = require(&qu ...

  9. java.net.UnknownServiceException: CLEARTEXT communication ** not permitted by network security polic

    转载仅供本人存档及后续研究使用,请尊重原创. 转载自:https://blog.csdn.net/yonbor605/article/details/82223882 Android P http网络 ...


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