instagram akp

Are you looking for the best Instagram plugins for WordPress?


Whether you want to display your Instagram photo feed, create an Instagram slider, add the Instagram icon with a link to your profile, or create an Instagram giveaway to grow your followers, this list is for you.


In this article, we’ve hand-picked the best Instagram plugins for WordPress to help you increase your followers and boost engagement.


1. Instagram Feed Pro (1. Instagram Feed Pro)

Instagram Feed Pro from Smash Balloon is the best Instagram feed plugin in the market. Over 1.3 million websites use the plugin to create custom Instagram photo feeds.

Smash Balloon的Instagram Feed Pro是市场上最好的Instagram feed插件。 超过130万个网站使用该插件创建自定义的Instagram照片供稿。

There is a free version of the plugin that lets you easily create a custom Instagram social photo feed.

该插件有一个免费版本 ,可让您轻松创建自定义Instagram社交照片供稿。

The free version comes with a lot of features built-in, but you can upgrade to the Pro version to unlock additional features like multiple layout choices: masonry grid, horizontal layout, carousel, and more.


You can also use the Pro version to display several different Instagram feeds on your site from multiple sources including #hashtag feeds. It also lets you create shoppable feeds and has lightbox popup option with built-in social sharing buttons.

您还可以使用Pro版本从多个来源(包括#hashtag提要)在您的网站上显示几个不同的Instagram提要。 它还允许您创建可购物的供稿,并具有带有内置社交共享按钮的灯箱弹出选项。

You can easily add your Instagram feed to any post or page using the block editor or a sidebar widget. The plugin also supports Instagram stories and brings them to your WordPress site.

您可以使用块编辑器或侧边栏小部件轻松将Instagram feed添加到任何帖子或页面。 该插件还支持Instagram故事,并将它们带到您的WordPress网站。

By far the best part about Smash Balloon’s Instagram plugin is their smart feed cache and backup functionality. This allows you to show Instagram photos on your site without slowing your site down, and your photos will show even if Instagram API goes down (which is a huge benefit).

到目前为止,关于Smash Balloon的Instagram插件最好的部分是它们的智能Feed缓存和备份功能。 这样一来,您就可以在网站上显示Instagram照片,而不会降低网站的运行速度,即使Instagram API出现问题,您的照片也可以显示(这是一个很大的好处)。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create custom Instagram photo feeds in WordPress (step by step).


2. RafflePress (2. RafflePress)

RafflePress is a giveaway and rewards plugin for WordPress. You can integrate it with Instagram to grow your followers.

RafflePress是WordPress的赠品和奖励插件。 您可以将其与Instagram集成以增加关注者。

With RafflePress, it’s incredibly easy to set up a contest that prompts your visitors to take specific actions using Instagram. That might mean visiting your Instagram profile or viewing one of your Instagram posts.

使用RafflePress,可以轻松地设置竞赛来提示您的访客使用Instagram采取特定的动作。 这可能意味着访问您的Instagram个人资料或查看您的Instagram帖子之一。

Of course, you can also use RafflePress to get users to take other actions too.


For example, you could run a RafflePress giveaway or contest for your Instagram followers where they need to visit a specific page of your website. You could even ask them to join your email list in order to enter.

例如,您可以为需要关注您网站特定页面的Instagram关注者举办RafflePress赠品或竞赛 。 您甚至可以要求他们加入您的电子邮件列表以进行输入。

RafflePress is extremely to use and it’s by far the most feature-rich giveaway and contest plugin for WordPress. You can try the free version of RafflePress plugin to get started.

RafflePress非常易于使用,它是迄今为止功能最丰富的WordPress赠品和竞赛插件。 您可以尝试免费版本的RafflePress插件开始使用。

3.恢复旧帖子 (3. Revive Old Posts)

Revive Old Posts is a social media scheduling plugin. It lets you easily share both old and new content on social networks, including Instagram.

Revive Old Posts是一个社交媒体计划插件。 它使您可以轻松地在社交网络(包括Instagram)上共享新旧内容。

You can set a custom schedule for your social media posts. If you don’t want to share all your posts, you can leave out content on your blog by setting a date range or by excluding certain categories or tags.

您可以为社交媒体帖子设置自定义时间表。 如果您不想共享所有帖子,则可以通过设置日期范围或排除某些类别或标签来在博客上保留内容。

This plugin also has the ability to share photos from your media library on Instagram. You can even share new posts the moment they’re published and add custom UTM tags to your Instagram posts.

此插件还可以在Instagram上共享您媒体库中的照片。 您甚至可以在新帖子发布后共享它们,并将自定义UTM标签添加到您的Instagram帖子中。

There is a free version of the plugin, too, but that only lets you share content on Facebook pages and Twitter.


4. Envira画廊 (4. Envira Gallery)

Envira Gallery is a fast and easy to use WordPress photo gallery plugin.

Envira Gallery是一个快速且易于使用的WordPress照片画廊插件 。

It lets you create advanced photo and video galleries in WordPress with features like albums, lightbox popups, pagination, tagging, and more.


Envira comes with an Instagram Addon that lets you import your Instagram images into WordPress, so you can add it alongside your other photo galleries.


It’s up to you whether you want to bring the images onto your blog and have them open in a lightbox, or whether you want the images to link to your Instagram posts.


5.自言自语 (5. Soliloquy)

Soliloquy is a very beginner friendly WordPress slider plugin that you can use to create responsive photo and video sliders.

Soliloquy是一个非常入门的WordPress滑块插件 ,您可以使用它创建响应式照片和视频滑块。

It comes with a Dynamic slider addon that lets you add Instagram photos along with your featured blog post thumbnails, testimonials, and others in a single slider.


You can determine exactly what content from Instagram you want to use on your slider. For instance, you could include only photos with specific tags.

您可以确切地确定要在滑块上使用的Instagram内容。 例如,您可以仅包含带有特定标签的照片。

You can also control the speed of your sliders and tweak lots of other settings to match your website layout.


6. 10Web社交照片供稿 (6. 10Web Social Photo Feed)

10Web Social Photo Feed is quick to set up and lets you add Instagram feeds to any of your posts or pages. With the free version, you can choose from thumbnail images or regular sized ones. The premium version offers more options.

10Web Social Photo Feed可以快速设置,并且可以将Instagram feed添加到您的任何帖子或页面中。 使用免费版本,您可以选择缩略图图像或常规尺寸的图像。 高级版本提供更多选择。

You can use 10Web Social Photo Feed to display your Instagram posts in your WordPress sidebar. There’s a built-in widget for this, making it easy and straightforward.

您可以使用10Web社交照片供稿在WordPress边栏中显示Instagram帖子。 有一个内置的小部件 ,使它变得简单明了。

The free version lets you include single feeds from your Instagram account or from a specified hashtag. With the premium version, you can create mixed feeds from multiple hashtags.

免费版可让您包含来自Instagram帐户或指定主题标签的单个提要。 使用高级版本,您可以根据多个主题标签创建混合供稿。

The support team is helpful and quick to get back to queries, even from free users.


7.简单的社交图标 (7. Simple Social Icons)

Simple Social Icons lets you add social media icons in a sidebar widget. These icons have links to your profile on Instagram and other social networks. They make it very easy for your readers to find and follow you there.

简单的社交图标可让您在侧边栏小部件中添加社交媒体图标。 这些图标具有指向您在Instagram和其他社交网络上的个人资料的链接。 它们使您的读者很容易找到并关注您。

Simple Social Icons is a very straightforward plugin that takes just moments to set up. It’s completely free, too.

简单的社交图标是一个非常简单的插件,只需花费一些时间即可设置。 它也是完全免费的。

With this plugin, you can customize the style and color of your icons and choose how to align them. Note that you can’t add more icons or change the order unless you use a filter.

使用此插件,您可以自定义图标的样式和颜色,并选择对齐方式。 请注意,除非使用过滤器,否则不能添加更多图标或更改顺序。

We hope this article helped you find the best Instagram plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of the must have WordPress plugins and our guide on how to increase your blog traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳Instagram插件。 您可能还希望查看我们的必备WordPress插件列表,以及有关如何增加博客流量的指南 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。


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