
Given a string s, reverse only all the vowels in the string and return it.
The vowels are ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’, and they can appear in both cases.
s consist of printable ASCII characters




   public String reverseVowels(String s) {int left=0;int right=s.length()-1;char temp = ' ';StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(s);boolean stopSign_left = false;boolean stopSign_right = false;//when any pointer detects a vowel, stop, and do not move until the other pointer detects a vowelwhile(left<right){if (isVowel(ans.charAt(left))){stopSign_left = true;}else{left++;}if (isVowel(ans.charAt(right))){stopSign_right = true;}else{right--;}if ((stopSign_left)&&(stopSign_right)){temp = ans.charAt(left);ans.setCharAt(left, s.charAt(right));ans.setCharAt(right, temp);stopSign_left = false;stopSign_right = false;left++;right--;}}return ans.toString();}public boolean isVowel(char something){if ((something=='a')||(something=='e')||(something=='i')||(something=='o')||(something=='u')||(something=='A')||(something=='E')||(something=='I')||(something=='O')||(something=='U')){return true;}return false;}


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