升级macos beta

I made the impulsive decision to download and install Big Sur on my primary computer, so you don’t have to.

我决定在我的主计算机上下载并安装Big Sur,这是一时冲动的决定,因此您不必这样做。

In this blog, I compare the design language to Catalina while predicting a grim possible future of macOS. We’ll discuss the implications of the transition to ARM for developers. We’ll go into the consequences of Apple’s walled garden, and their affinity for closed-systems like iOS. Finally, we’ll take a look at the reasons this all could paint a grim picture for the future of pro macOS users.

在此博客中,我将设计语言与Catalina进行了比较,同时预测了macOS可能的严峻未来。 我们将讨论向开发人员过渡到ARM的意义。 我们将探讨苹果围墙花园的后果,以及它们对iOS等封闭系统的亲和力。 最后,我们将研究为专业macOS用户的未来描绘一幅惨淡景象的原因。

OS X已死— ARM即将来临 (OS X is Dead — ARM is Coming)

On June 22, 2020, Apple announced a significant bombshell at WWDC 2020: Apple will be switching from Intel X86 processors to Apple Silicon ARM processors over the next two years. During that same conference, they announced that macOS X is finally, after 20 years, at the end of its road. There’s a new macOS on the horizon: MacOS 11 Big Sur.

2020年6月22日,苹果在WWDC 2020上宣布了重大突破:在未来两年内,苹果将从Intel X86处理器转换为Apple Silicon ARM处理器。 在同一次会议上,他们宣布macOS X终于在20年后走到了尽头。 即将推出新的macOS:MacOS 11 Big Sur。

As soon as I heard that, I jumped onto Apple’s Developer site, and downloaded the Big Sur Developer Beta installer.

得知此消息后,我立即跳至Apple的Developer网站,并下载了Big Sur Developer Beta安装程序。

As the computer completed the final restart of the install process, I heard a sound I haven’t heard for a long time: the glorious startup chime blaring, accompanied by the white glow of the Apple logo on the black background.


Immediately upon seeing the home screen, I see the drastic design language changes. It’s a shock to my system after being used to macOS X Catalina’s modern-yet-familiar design language.

看到主屏幕后,我立即看到了剧烈的设计语言变化。 在习惯了macOS X Catalina的现代又熟悉的设计语言之后,这对我的系统来说是一个震惊。

设计语言:内聚不变形 (Design Language: Incohesively Neumorphic)

Neumorphism..? Kind Of.

亚态..? 有点儿。

A big focus for Big Sur’s design is neumorphism. Neumorphism combines flat design and skeuomorphism. A lot of elements appear ‘cleaner’, utilizing drop shadows and transparency to create depth. Neumorphism mimics real-life objects. It breathes life into a clean UI, adding a physical element to the flat UI paradigm.

大苏尔设计的主要重点是同态。 神经形态结合了平面设计和拟态。 许多元素看起来更“干净”,它们利用阴影和透明度来创造深度。 神经态模仿现实生活中的物体。 它为纯净的UI注入了生命,为平面UI范例添加了物理元素。

Apple missed the mark in my opinion, choosing a low contrast design, sacrificing useability; and clashing iOS 6/7 style elements with other neumorphic elements.

在我看来,Apple错过了这一标记,选择了低对比度设计,牺牲了可用性。 并将iOS 6/7样式元素与其他亚变形元素冲突。

嗨,苹果:选择一种设计语言,并坚持使用。 (Hey Apple: Pick a design language, and stick with it.)

A lot of icons clash. Neumorphism consists of flat elements, with realistic textures and shadows. They seem to forget to follow their design language, tacking together, clunky/dated skeuomorphic components with modern neuromorphic/material elements. It’s a haphazard attempt at creating a cleaner UX/UI; dated skeuomorphic elements are jumbled together with neumorphic designs, ultimately resulting in an incohesive, somewhat chaotic design.

很多图标发生冲突。 神经态由平面元素组成,具有逼真的纹理和阴影。 他们似乎忘记了遵循自己的设计语言,将笨拙/过时的拟态组件与现代神经形态/材料元素结合在一起。 这是创建更干净的UX / UI的偶然尝试。 过时的拟态元素与中性设计混杂在一起,最终导致了一种无内聚力,有些混乱的设计。

Here’s a perfect example of a clashing design. The icons look like they belong on iOS 5, sitting right next to neumorphic/material icons. If you haven’t seen the hideous System Preferences battery menu..I’m sorry. I’m speechless by its ugliness and the fact somebody signed off on that horrid design to be released.

这是一个冲突设计的完美示例。 这些图标看起来像它们属于iOS 5一样,就位于神经变形/材质图标旁边。 如果您还没有看到过丑陋的“系统偏好设置”电池菜单。。很抱歉。 我对它的丑陋无言以对,也无人问津。

Big Sur — Ugly battery icon

Big Sur与Catalina设计比较 (Big Sur vs. Catalina Design Comparison)

Big Sur’s design language, at first, seems pretty foreign to me in comparison to the more conventional flat design of OSX. The UI/UX starts to grow on me as I use Big Sur more, but the choice to implement skeuomorphic iOS 6/7 style elements…is not a good one. It’s quite apparent that Apple’s trying to make the design language more like iOS. Many of the sliders look suspiciously like they’re designed for touch. Just looking at this control center, with iOS-Esque sliders, makes me want to touch the screen. I’ve heard that same sneaking suspicion, that Apple may move to a touch interface for macOS, from a variety of tech sites, such as The Verge.

首先,与更传统的OSX平面设计相比,Big Sur的设计语言对我来说似乎很陌生。 随着我更多地使用Big Sur,UI / UX开始对我增长,但是选择实现拟态的iOS 6/7样式元素……并不是一个好选择。 很明显,苹果正在努力使设计语言更像iOS。 许多滑块看起来可疑,好像它们是为触摸而设计的 。 只看这个带有iOS-Esque滑块的控制中心,我就想触摸屏幕。 我也曾听到过同样的怀疑,即苹果可能会从The Verge等各种技术站点转向macOS的触摸界面。

Let’s take a look at the ‘control center,’ compared to Catalina’s menus:


大苏尔控制中心与Catalina菜单控件 (Big Sur Control Center vs. Catalina Menu Controls)

OSX Catalina volume slider
OSX Catalina音量滑块

Above, you can see Big Sur’s addition of simple icons next to dropdown menu options, like the Sound Output. The implementation of new icons brings some life into the otherwise text-only dropdown.

在上方,您可以看到Big Sur在下拉菜单选项(例如声音输出)旁边添加了简单的图标。 新图标的实现为原本仅文本的下拉菜单带来了生气。

Control Center — My favorite addition to the OS


My absolute favorite addition to Big Sur is the control center. I absolutely love the functionality packed into a single, beautiful menu. Notice the proper implementation of Big Sur’s new design: rounded corners, creating multiple layers with varying transparency to create depth and the increased use of the user’s preferred accent color. Every setting you need to access somewhat frequently is right there. The Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Volume options are only one click away now. There’s also the somewhat redundant addition of display/keyboard brightness control, which is already available on the touch bar. Nevertheless, I found myself using the control center for brightness more often than I used the touch bar.

我绝对喜欢的大苏尔是控制中心。 我绝对喜欢单个精美菜单中的功能。 注意Big Sur新设计的正确实现:圆角,创建具有不同透明度的多层以创建深度,并增加了用户偏爱的强调色的使用。 您需要经常访问的每个设置都在那里。 现在,只需单击一下即可完成Wi-Fi,蓝牙,音量选项。 还增加了一些显示/键盘亮度控制的冗余功能,该功能已在触摸栏上提供。 但是,我发现自己使用控制中心获得亮度的频率要高于使用触摸条的频率。

Control Center is a welcome improvement from Catalina’s separate dropdowns for Bluetooth, volume, and network settings.

与Catalina的蓝牙,音量和网络设置的单独下拉列表相比,Control Center是令人欢迎的改进。

Catalina — Menu bar

Do not disturb is no longer hidden at the top of the notification menu, tucked away off-screen until you scroll to reveal it. It’s literally out of view with nothing to let the user know it’s off-screen…good riddance.

请勿打扰不再隐藏在通知菜单的顶部,隐藏在屏幕外,直到滚动显示它为止。 从字面上看,它什么也没让用户知道它在屏幕外……很好的搭档。

Catalina — Inconveniently hidden menu for do not disturb

Side-note: Notice how out-of-place the new slider looks compared to the old one:


Big Sur Sliders — They Belong on a Touch Screen.


As I mentioned prior, although the new menu sliders may be aesthetically pleasing, they look out of place on a non-touchscreen. It’s like they took iOS sliders…and just slapped them into Big Sur. Their functionality is hampered by having to click and drag a long distance. Sometimes I had to click and drag twice because once would’ t move the slider all the way. I almost touched the screen late one-night, my half-asleep brain seeing the touch-enticing slider on the MacBook in front of me. We’ll get into the implications of this move towards iOS later on.

正如我之前提到的,尽管新的菜单滑块在美学上可能令人愉悦,但它们在非触摸屏上看起来格格不入。 就像他们拿了iOS滑块一样……只是将它们拍到Big Sur中。 它们的功能因必须单击并拖动很长的距离而受到阻碍。 有时我不得不单击并拖动两次,因为一次不会完全移动滑块。 一夜深夜,我几乎触摸了屏幕,半睡着的大脑看到了我前面MacBook上的触摸式滑盖。 稍后,我们将探讨这种向iOS迁移的意义。

The design implementation is, visually, very slick. Again, the use of transparency, minimalist icons, and rounded corners — beautiful presentation, lackluster functionality.

在视觉上,设计实现非常流畅。 同样,使用透明度,极简图标和圆角-精美的外观,乏味的功能。

Big Sur — volume slider
Big Sur — Sliders

Catalina Sliders


Looking at the Catalina menu dropdowns after using Big Sur, is jolting. It’s clear the design of Catalina is dated and honestly, kind of ugly, after seeing Big Sur’s implementation. But they did one, crucial, thing right: they used proper sliders.

使用Big Sur后,查看Catalina菜单下拉列表时会感到震撼。 很明显,在看到Big Sur的实现之后,Catalina的设计已经过时且诚实,有点丑陋。 但是他们做的一件至关重要的事情是正确的:他们使用了合适的滑块。

Catalina — Sound
Catalina — Volume Slider

The menu bar and windows both utilize transparency to create depth and push for a more minimalist design. Again, Big Sur is attempting to use neumorphism. One aspect they did pretty well with is the translucent windows with the user’s preferred accent color and smooth rounded corners are pretty consistent throughout…unlike a lot of other design elements in Big Sur.

菜单栏和窗口都利用透明度来创造深度并推动更简约的设计。 再次,大苏尔(Big Sur)正在尝试使用同态性 。 他们做得很好的一个方面是具有用户偏爱的强调色的半透明窗户,光滑的圆角在整个过程中都非常一致 ……这与Big Sur中的许多其他设计元素不同。

Transparent menu bar is a welcome change


Big Sur — Menu Bar is no longer opaque white/black.

Since the menu is continuously visible when not in full-screen mode (in both OSX and Big Sur), it’s a welcome change to make it fully transparent. A simple change, it declutters the screen, as it doesn’t grab your attention as often as the previous opaque menu bar did.

由于在非全屏模式下(在OSX和Big Sur中)菜单始终可见,因此使其完全透明是一项可喜的更改。 一个简单的更改,它使屏幕混乱,因为它不像以前的不透明菜单栏那样吸引您的注意力。

Big Sur — Transparent Menu Bar

Catalina menu bar will not be missed.


Catalina — Menu bar and home screen
Big Sur — Volume Menu

I like the addition of icons next to dropdown menu options, like the Sound Output above. The implementation of new icons brings some life into the otherwise text-only dropdown.

我喜欢在下拉菜单选项旁边添加图标,例如上面的“声音输出”。 新图标的实现为原本仅文本的下拉菜单带来了生气。

The new windows are quite lovely to look at, a stark contrast to OS X windows, which are beginning to look a bit dated.

新窗口看起来很可爱,与OS X窗口形成了鲜明的对比,后者看起来有些过时了。

Notification center looks fantastic — Another Win For Apple


Along with the control center, Apple nailed the notification center and widgets. The minimalist design looks fantastic, no more grey background obstructing the quite stunning dynamic wallpaper. Your eye goes directly to the softly rounded notifications and widgets, unlike my experience with Catalina’s somewhat cluttered notification center. Like the menu bar, merely removing visual clutter like a solid background, can completely change the design’s visual effect.

苹果与控制中心一起,将通知中心和小部件钉牢。 极简主义的设计看起来很棒,没有更多的灰色背景遮住了令人惊叹的动态壁纸。 您的视线直接转向柔和的通知和小部件,这与我对Catalina的通知中心有些混乱的体验不同。 像菜单栏一样,仅消除视觉干扰(如纯色背景),就可以完全改变设计的视觉效果。

Notification Center Catalina(L) vs. Big Sur(R):


Notification center, Catalina vs. Big Sur

macOS的未来:围墙花园和开发人员的不确定未来 (Future of macOS: The Walled Garden & An Uncertain Future for Developers)

Left Source — Right 左来源 —右Source来源

The move to this universal design language, with the transition to ARM, leaves me a bit…worried, for the future of macOS. Now don’t get me wrong; the move away from X86, accompanied by this new macOS, is really exciting. It’s quite clear that Apple wants to make MacOS more and more similar to iOS/iPad OS. For developers who work with primarily macOS, iOS, and iPadOS — the move to a single standard has definite potential.

转向ARM的通用设计语言后,我对MacOS的未来感到有些担忧。 现在不要误会我的意思; 从X86迁移到此新的macOS, 确实令人兴奋。 很显然,苹果希望使MacOS与iOS / iPad OS越来越相似。 对于主要使用macOS,iOS和iPadOS的开发人员来说,转向单一标准具有巨大的潜力。

Right now, Apple-focused developers have to push thru the complexity of all the different standards (SwiftUI vs. Catalyst, etc.), as well as the core methods for making applications across the Apple product lineup (macOS, iOS, iPadOS). With a more concise and versatile way to develop apps across platforms, it’ll save a lot of developers the headache of otherwise making, and re-making, apps for each platform.

目前,以Apple为重点的开发人员必须努力应对所有不同标准(SwiftUI与Catalyst等)的复杂性,以及在整个Apple产品阵容(macOS,iOS,iPadOS)中制作应用程序的核心方法。 通过更简洁和通用的方式跨平台开发应用程序,它将使许多开发人员免去为每个平台制作和重新制作应用程序的麻烦。

开发者的混合意见 (Developer’s Mixed Opinion)

Left Source — 左来源 — Right Source右来源

I’ve heard mixed feedback from developers because many of us work outside of Apple’s walled garden (primarily made of pretty closed-systems). What’s going to happen to all my applications that are built using Objective-C, Electron, Flutter, and React Native? Will everything on Mac eventually look like the boiler-plate iOS/iPad apps.

我听到了开发人员的不同反馈,因为我们中的许多人都在Apple围墙花园之外工作(主要是由封闭的系统组成)。 使用Objective-C,Electron,Flutter和React Native构建的所有应用程序将如何处理? Mac上的所有内容最终都会看起来像样板iOS / iPad应用程序。

Just take a look at all the ugly Catalyst apps, unsuccessfully attempting to emulate touch with a trackpad/mouse for a touch-focused UX/UI — Spoiler: they look out-of-place, butchered, iOS apps, and function horribly.

只需看看所有丑陋的Catalyst应用程序 ,就无法尝试使用触控板/鼠标来模拟触摸式的UX / UI(扰流板)触摸屏—扰流器:它们看起来像是错位的,残酷的iOS应用程序,并且功能异常。

Let’s take a look at the silicon elephant in the room: ARM is fundamentally different from X86. Although Apple says it’ll be a smooth transition, I can’t help but worry a lot of my developer friends and I. I predict a lot of our time will be spent frustratingly trying to port apps to ARM. I foresee headaches from troubleshooting complex bugs and having to rebuild huge parts of codebases to work around ARM’s limits. I think I’ll be seeing a lot of missing/unusable dependencies and a lot of broken industry-specific apps/plugins.

让我们看一下房间里的硅象:ARM与X86根本不同。 尽管Apple 表示这将是一个平稳的过渡 ,但我不禁要担心很多我和我的开发人员朋友。我预计,我们很多时间都将花费很多时间来尝试将应用程序移植到ARM。 我预见到由于对复杂的错误进行故障排除以及必须重建大量代码库以克服ARM的限制而感到头疼。 我想我会看到很多缺失/无法使用的依赖项以及很多损坏的行业特定应用程序/插件。

封闭系统,[无]维修权,MacBook e-Waste (Closed-systems, Right to [NOT] Repair, MacBook e-Waste)

In my opinion: Mac’s need to be kept a somewhat open ecosystem like they are now (emphasis on somewhat). I believe if I pay $3500 for a spec’d out 2020 16" Macbook Pro i9…which I did recently — then I deserve to access, modify, maintain, and repair my system. I’m a developer, I’m a computer enthusiast, I’m responsible for the consequences of actions on my machine; but Apple, please let me tinker with, and fully utilize my purpose-built pro machine.

在我看来:苹果公司需要保持一个有点开放的生态系统,如他们现在(强调有些 )。 我相信,如果我花3500美元购买规格为2020年的16英寸Macbook Pro i9…我最近才做过– 那么我应该可以访问,修改,维护和维修我的系统 。我是开发人员,我是计算机对于发烧友,我对机器上操作的后果负责;但是对于Apple,请让我修正一下,并充分利用我专用的专业机器。

Clearly, Apple has already shown they are trying to lock down the Mac hardware, as seen by their legal action against independent repairs.[source] They have a history of forcing users to pay outrageous prices for simple fixes, or more likely: telling users their fixable machine needs to be replaced entirely, all for massive financial gain at the expense of customers. Their disregard for the environment is a secondary effect of Apple locking down the hardware of their systems. Thousands of perfectly fine ‘16+ T2-chipped Macbooks are destroyed because the past owner fails to remove their old password properly, and Apple refuses to restore access to the current owner[source], making the computers effectively worthless shiny slabs[Source].

显然,苹果公司已经显示出他们正在试图锁定Mac硬件,从针对独立维修的法律诉讼中可以看出。[资料来源]他们有强迫用户为简单修复支付高昂价格的历史,或者更有可能:告诉用户他们的可固定机器需要全部更换,所有这一切都是为了大笔经济利益,而要牺牲客户的钱。 他们无视环境是苹果锁定其系统硬件的次要影响。 成千上万的完美的罚款'16 + T2芯片式的MacBook被销毁,因为在过去业主无法正常删除旧的密码,而苹果拒绝恢复访问当前所有者[来源],使计算机有效地毫无价值闪亮砖[ 来源 ]。

专业用户的不确定未来 (An Uncertain Future for Pro Users)


Another concern, iOS/iPadOS, is very ‘consumer-focused,’ again very closed off from user’ tampering.’ To modify anything even remotely, you need to jailbreak, break out of Apple’s walled garden. The fact that you can’t just install an app via an APK off some site (like Android), but instead have to go through Apple’s monopolized App Store, restricts both developers and users unfairly. I’m quite a bit concerned, as macOS takes on a very iOS feel, as well as transitioning from X86 to ARM, that Apple could lock-down user access to macOS. I can’t help but fear macOS pro-user/developer freedoms will be slowly replaced, in favor of a more ‘consumer-focused’ experience, with ‘ease of use’ taking total priority. I fear Apple’s pro users will eventually be handicapped by Apple’s heavy hand.

iOS / iPadOS的另一个关注点是“以消费者为中心”,再次与用户的篡改隔离。 要远程修改任何内容,您需要越狱,脱离苹果围墙的花园。 您不能只通过某个网站(例如Android)上的APK安装应用程序,而是必须通过Apple独占的App Store进行安装,这不公平地限制了开发人员和用户。 我非常担心,因为macOS具有非常iOS的感觉,并且从X86过渡到ARM,Apple可以锁定用户对macOS的访问权限。 我忍不住担心,macOS的用户/开发人员自由将慢慢被取代,以更加“以消费者为中心”的体验为依托,而“易用性”将成为重中之重。 我担心苹果的专业用户最终将受到苹果沉重的束缚。

This scenario is just conjecture at the moment, but macOS could very-well be approaching the slippery slope proposed above.

目前 ,这种情况只是一个推测,但macOS很有可能正接近上述建议。

结论 (In conclusion)

Big Sur has the potential to be something great. If they fix the lingering skeuomorphism and make everything cohesively neomorphic, it’ll be a stunning OS. As far as for the future of macOS, nobody knows what Apple’s planning, but there’s a definite push to make all OS’s more unified. How far Apple goes with that, only Apple truly knows (or at least I hope they know..).

大苏尔有潜力成为伟大的事物。 如果他们修复了缠绵的拟态,并使所有内容凝聚为新态,那么它将是一个了不起的OS。 至于macOS的未来,没人知道苹果的计划是什么,但是肯定要推动所有OS的统一。 苹果公司在这方面走了多远,只有苹果公司才真正知道(或者至少我希望他们知道..)。


I recently upgraded to a new MacBook as I was working on this blog post. My ‘old’ 2018 MacBook(i7, 12GB RAM) was continually running over 200º, hitting 100% CPU usage, and running out of RAM when I was multitasking and creating applications. I can confidently say my 2020 16" MacBook Pro (Intel i9 2.3Ghz, 32GB RAM, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8GB) is a perfect development powerhouse so far. Apple shocked the tech community as a whole when they astonishingly listened to customer feedback! The keyboard is no longer flawed; I actually like the feel of the new keyboard better. It runs like an absolute beast, dominating benchmark tests, not even breaking a sweat at a cumbersome developer workflow as I simultaneously stream 4K video with an embarrassingly excessive amount of tabs open.

在撰写本博客文章时,我最近升级到了新的MacBook。 我的“旧” 2018 MacBook(i7,12GB RAM)连续运行超过200º,达到100%CPU使用率,并且在执行多任务和创建应用程序时RAM用完。 我可以自信地说,到目前为止,我的2020 16英寸MacBook Pro(英特尔i9 2.3Ghz,32GB RAM,AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8GB)是一个完美的开发动力。当苹果公司惊人地听取客户反馈时,震惊了整个技术社区!键盘不再是有缺陷的;我实际上更喜欢新键盘的感觉,它像绝对的野兽一样运行,在基准测试中占主导地位,在繁琐的开发人员工作流程中,我什至不厌其烦,因为我同时流式传输4K视频,而其中选项卡打开。

This 16" MacBook is a massive win for pro users. Apple has finally shown us they care about the pro users, many of whom previously felt neglected by Apple’s focus on mass-appeal products like the iPhone. It would be a massive mistake to make this well-built powerhouse, only to then kneecap the future lineup of ARM Mac’s. That’s a mistake most pro users would not put up with . I know a ton of developers personally, who’ve switched to Windows in the last couple of years. It may be due to Apple’s neglect to fix a flawed keyboard design for years, or due to Catalina dropping support of legacy applications. But, Apple still has a loyal software-engineer/data science user-base, that they need to keep happy, or there will be a mass developer exodus to Windows.

这款16英寸MacBook对于专业用户来说是一个巨大的胜利。苹果终于向我们展示了他们对专业用户的关心,以前很多人以前对苹果公司专注于iPhone等大众化产品的做法感到无视。这将是一个巨大的错误这个强大的功能强大的引擎,才使ARM Mac的未来产品线屈服了,这是大多数专业用户都不会忍受的错误,我个人知道很多开发人员,他们在过去几年中改用Windows。可能是由于Apple多年以来一直没有修复有缺陷的键盘设计,或者是由于Catalina放弃了对旧版应用程序的支持。但是,Apple仍然拥有忠实的软件工程师/数据科学用户群,他们需要保持满意,否则将有大量开发人员迁往Windows。

I hope as they transition to ARM, that they’ll keep (or even increase) the current standard of functionality and quality that this 2020 MacBook shows in strides — but only time will tell how this plays out.

我希望当他们过渡到ARM时,他们将保持(甚至提高)这台2020 MacBook所展现的当前功能和质量标准,但是只有时间才能证明这一点。

Check out:


Apple’s horrid repair policies are forcing shops to destroy stacks of MacBook Pros — Input Mag

苹果公司严格的维修政策迫使商店销毁大量MacBook Pro 。

The iPadification of MacOS — The Verge

MacOS的iPad化 -边缘

翻译自: https://medium.com/macoclock/big-sur-beta-a-developers-opinion-why-im-worried-for-the-future-of-macos-e1c3acbf7dc1

升级macos beta



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