B. Mathematical Circus

A new entertainment has appeared in Buryatia — a mathematical circus! The magician shows two numbers to the audience — nn and kk, where nn is even. Next, he takes all the integers from 11 to nn, and splits them all into pairs (a,b) (each integer must be in exactly one pair) so that for each pair the integer (a+k)⋅b is divisible by 4 (note that the order of the numbers in the pair matters), or reports that, unfortunately for viewers, such a split is impossible.
Burenka really likes such performances, so she asked her friend Tonya to be a magician, and also gave him the numbers nn and kk.
Tonya is a wolf, and as you know, wolves do not perform in the circus, even in a mathematical one. Therefore, he asks you to help him. Let him know if a suitable splitting into pairs is possible, and if possible, then tell it.
The first line contains one integer tt (1≤t≤1041≤t≤104) — the number of test cases. The following is a description of the input data sets.
The single line of each test case contains two integers nn and k (2≤n≤2⋅105 , 0≤k≤109≤k≤109
n is even) — the number of integers and the number being added kk.
It is guaranteed that the sum of nn over all test cases does not exceed 2⋅1052⋅105.
For each test case, first output the string “YES” if there is a split into pairs, and “NO” if there is none.
If there is a split, then in the following n2 lines output pairs of the split, in each line print 2 numbers — first the integer a, then the integer b.
4 1
2 0
12 10
14 11
1 2
3 4
3 4
7 8
11 12
2 1
6 5
10 9
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
In the first test case, splitting into pairs (1,2)(1,2) and (3,4)(3,4) is suitable, same as splitting into (1,4)(1,4) and (3,2)(3,2).
In the second test case, (1+0)⋅2=1⋅(2+0)=2(1+0)⋅2=1⋅(2+0)=2 is not divisible by 44, so there is no partition.

B. Promo
The store sells nn items, the price of the ii-th item is pipi. The store’s management is going to hold a promotion: if a customer purchases at least xx items, yy cheapest of them are free.
The management has not yet decided on the exact values of xx and yy. Therefore, they ask you to process qq queries: for the given values of xx and yy, determine the maximum total value of items received for free, if a customer makes one purchase.
Note that all queries are independent; they don’t affect the store’s stock.
The first line contains two integers nn and qq (1≤n,q≤2⋅1051≤n,q≤2⋅105) — the number of items in the store and the number of queries, respectively.
The second line contains nn integers p1,p2,…,pn (1≤pi≤1061≤pi≤106), where pi — the price of the ii-th item.
The following qq lines contain two integers xixi and yiyi each (1≤yi≤xi≤n1≤yi≤xi≤n) — the values of the parameters xx and yy in the ii-th query.
For each query, print a single integer — the maximum total value of items received for free for one purchase.
5 3 5 3 1 5 2 3 2 1 1 5 3
8 5 6
In the first query, a customer can buy three items worth 5,3,5, the two cheapest of them are 3+5=8.
In the second query, a customer can buy two items worth 5 and 5, the cheapest of them is 5.
In the third query, a customer has to buy all the items to receive the three cheapest of them for free; their total price is 1+2+3=6

B. Fun with Even Subarrays
You are given an array aa of nn elements. You can apply the following operation to it any number of times:
● Select some subarray from aa of even size 2k2k that begins at position l 1≤l≤l+2⋅k−1≤n, k≥1k≥1) and for each ii between 00 and k−1k−1 (inclusive), assign the value al+k+ial+k+i to al+i
For example, if a=[2,1,3,4,5,3] , then choose l=1 and k=2 , applying this operation the array will become a=[3,4,3,4,5,3]
Find the minimum number of operations (possibly zero) needed to make all the elements of the array equal.
The input consists of multiple test cases. The first line contains a single integer tt (1≤t≤2⋅104 ) — the number of test cases. Description of the test cases follows.
The first line of each test case contains an integer nn (1≤n≤2⋅105 ) — the length of the array.
The second line of each test case consists of nn integers a1,a2,…,an ( 1≤ai≤n) — the elements of the array aa.
It is guaranteed that the sum of nn over all test cases does not exceed 2⋅105 .
Print tt lines, each line containing the answer to the corresponding test case — the minimum number of operations needed to make equal all the elements of the array with the given operation.
5 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 1 3 1 1
0 1 1 2 0
In the first test, all elements are equal, therefore no operations are needed.
In the second test, you can apply one operation with k=1k=1 and l=1l=1, set a1:=a2a1:=a2, and the array becomes [1,1] with 1 operation.
In the third test, you can apply one operation with k=1k=1 and l=4l=4, set a4:=a5a4:=a5, and the array becomes [4,4,4,4,4].
In the fourth test, you can apply one operation with k=1k=1 and l=3l=3, set a3:=a4a3:=a4, and the array becomes [4,2,3,3], then you can apply another operation with k=2 and l=1, set a1:=a3, a2:=a4, and the array becomes [3,3,3,3].
In the fifth test, there is only one element, therefore no operations are needed.


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