以前通过书本学过用“Thank you”, "Thank you very much","Thanks"等来表达谢谢的含义。但是老用这两个词,总觉得单调,所以就想是否能说的更多样一些,更专业一些呢。而且不同的情况,感谢时用的词也会不一样。下面就列出了20中表达”谢谢“的英文表达方式,我们可以尝试着去用这些不同的方式和客户老外说”谢谢“。

If your goal is simply to bring a touch of warmth and humanity into your message, a simple “thank you” may suffice, but if you really want to express your thanks, “thank you” probably won’t feel like enough.
“Thank you very much” has been a long-time go-to for emphasizing thanks, but with its formal tone it won’t always be the best choice for conveying feelings in a personal way.
“Thank you so much” has become a popular phrase for email sign-offs and to express gratitude—it’s colloquial, and feels personal and sincere—but all that (over)use may be lessening its impact.
While your go-to may always be “thank you so much” or “thank you very much,” if you’re looking to branch out and explore other meaningful ways of saying “thank you” in your writing, we have some suggestions to get you started.

1 Thank you for all your hard work on this

Who wouldn’t love the one-two punch of gratitude and praise? Show your appreciation by recounting the awesome thing they did—the more customized, the better! “Thank you for all your… incredible work on our project…. invaluable insights on my manuscript… kind words during this difficult time…”
2 Thanks again, we couldn’t have pulled this off without you
Share the impact they’ve made. “Thanks again… your help made a huge difference… you’re the main reason we were able to launch on time… you’re a lifesaver…”
3 Thank you, you’re amazing!
A little praise can go a long way. “Thank you, you’re… a gem… a real peach… a rock star… a genius… seriously incredible… the bee’s knees… the best…
4 I’m so thankful for everything you bring to the table
What are you thankful for about this person? “I’m so thankful for… your amazing sense of humor, even when things are hard… the way you jumped in and started contributing right away… everything you’ve done for this monster-size project…
5 Thank you kindly
6 Thanks a million
Use this fun phrase with folks you have a close relationship with (probably not your boss). Other variations include “Thanks a ton” and “Thanks a bunch.”
7 Many thanks
8 Warmest thanks
9 I truly appreciate your hard work
What do you appreciate? Customize this phrase for your wonderful recipient. “I truly appreciate… all your time spent on this… your energy and passion for the launch… your invaluable guidance on my thesis…”
10 I truly appreciate you
Sometimes a message that says “I see you” is all that’s needed.
11 From the bottom of my heart, thank you
Did you just receive a huge favor? Show how grateful you are.
12 Please accept my deepest thanks
Navigating a formal situation? A formal phrase may be in order.
13 I can’t thank you enough
14 Eternally grateful
15 Beyond grateful
16 Grateful for your support
What are you grateful for? “Grateful for… your help… your input… your assistance… your undying loyalty… your genius grammar skills”
17 I appreciate your thoughtfulness, you’ve made my day!
Whether you received a physical gift, or the gift of words, let them know how they made a difference.
18 Thank you for going above and beyond!
Let them know you see and appreciate their effort.
19 Thanks for being in my corner
20 So glad you’re on my team
Let them know how valuable they are. “So glad… you’re partnering with us… we’re friends… I have you in my life…”

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