Be honest: you’re reading this instead of working, right? I’m thankful, because that’s how I make my living, but for your sake you should really try to focus. It’s too easy to quickly open Twitter or IM for “just one minute”, especially when they’re sitting open in the background. Quitter is a Mac app that can help.

老实说:您是在读这篇文章而不是在工作,对吗? 我很感激,因为这就是我赖以生存的方式,但是为了您的缘故,您应该真正集中精力。 快速打开Twitter或IM仅“一分钟”就太容易了,尤其是当它们在后台打开时。 Quitter是可以提供帮助的Mac应用程序。

This free download automatically closes or hides applications after they sit idle for a certain amount of time, meaning you would see an oh-so-compelling icon for Twitter and other addictions every time you look at the dock. Whether you’re trying to stay productive while working from home or an office drone tempted by social media, closing tempting applications makes it slightly more difficult to be distracted.

这项免费下载会在应用程序闲置一定时间后自动关闭或隐藏应用程序,这意味着您每次查看扩展坞时,都会看到Twitter和其他上瘾的令人信服的图标。 无论您是要在家中工作还是在社交媒体极力吸引的办公室无人机上保持工作效率 ,关闭诱人的应用程序都使分心变得更加困难。

第一步:在Mac上安装Quitter (Step One: Install Quitter On Your Mac)

To get started, download Quitter from The application comes in a ZIP file, which you can unzip on a Mac simply by double-clicking it. Once you do that, drag the program to your “Applications” folder.

首先,请从Marco.org下载Quitter 。 该应用程序包含一个ZIP文件,您只需在Mac上双击即可将其解压缩。 完成后,将程序拖到“ Applications”文件夹中。

Quitter is now installed, so let’s fire it up. Go ahead and open Quitter by double-clicking it in your Applications folder.

现在已安装Quitter,因此启动它。 继续并通过在“应用程序”文件夹中双击“ Quitter”来打开它。

第二步:添加使您分心的应用程序 (Step Two: Add Applications That Distract You)

Quitter lives in your Mac’s menu bar. Clicking the icon brings up a small menu. From here you can set the application to automatically open when you log into your Mac. Do that if you want, then click “Edit Rules” to get started settings things up.

退出器位于Mac的菜单栏中。 单击该图标将弹出一个小菜单。 您可以从此处将应用程序设置为在登录Mac时自动打开。 如果需要,请执行此操作,然后单击“编辑规则”以开始进行设置。

You’ll see a window like the one below, with your current list of applications that quit over time. To add something new, click the “+” button at bottom-right. You’ll be shown your applications folder.

您将看到一个类似于下面的窗口,其中包含随着时间的推移退出的当前应用程序列表。 要添加新内容,请点击右下角的“ +”按钮。 将显示您的应用程序文件夹。

Choose an application you’d like to automatically close after a certain amount of idle time. Note that, if you’d rather not close an application entirely, that there’s also an option to hide it.

选择您想要在空闲一段时间后自动关闭的应用程序。 请注意,如果您不想完全关闭应用程序,则还可以选择隐藏它。

Repeat this process for all the applications that suck away your time.


避免分心很难 (Avoiding Distractions Is Hard)

Quitter is a great first step, but there are a few other things you can do to avoid distractions. For example, you could learn how to configure notifications center on your Mac and disable any notifications that aren’t vital (most notifications aren’t vital). You could give the Pomodoro method a try, working for 25 minutes straight then taking a break for five minutes. The Reminders app on your Mac can help keep you organized too.

戒烟是迈出伟大的第一步,但是您还可以做其他一些事情来避免分心。 例如,您可以学习如何在Mac上配置通知中心并禁用所有不重要的通知(大多数通知都不重要)。 您可以尝试一下Pomodoro方法,连续工作25分钟,然后休息五分钟。 Mac上的“提醒”应用程序也可以帮助您保持井井有条。

There are a lot of options, so get to work. Or stay a little longer, reading quality articles at, because I have your best interest in mind and not my own. Yes sir.

有很多选择,因此开始工作。 或者停留更长的时间,在HowToGeek.com上阅读高质量的文章,因为我最关心的是您的利益,而不是我自己的。 是的先生。



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