







这部分的内容可以通过 EnDTE.DTE2.events.DocumentEvents 暴露出来的接口来实现

但是上面的方案存在着一定问题,我们的一次键盘事件可能对应着一段输入(参考tab键,copy paste,使用中文输入法输入中文),或者多次键盘事件对应着一次输入(使用中文输入法输入中文和组合键),所以上面的方案存在着缺陷



Let’s start off with a high level view of the events and systems and the order in which they
fire1. PreTranslateMessage – Native windows messages.  May handle and swallow a message2. WPF and TextCompositionManagera. KeyDownb. TranslateAccelatorb. TextInputNow how the components in Visual Studio play together to route key input1. PreTranslateMessage – This is handled in msenv.  It has the first go and will attempt to map keyboard input into a key boarding binding for a Visual Studio command.  It will only attempt to map non-alphanumeric input or alphanumeric input which has a modifier such as Shift, Control, Alt.  If it can find a match then it uses the key stroke otherwise it gets passed on goes to #22. WPFa. VisualElement raises the KeyDown.  KeyProcessor’s now come into play as they indirectly subscribe to this event which they can interpret and handle. b. Translate Acessorator goes through the IVsChain.  This causes problems because certaincomponents (IVsFilterKeysAdapter) will intercept and swallow the keystroke.  c. TextCompositionManager receives the message and after much magic raises the TextInput event on KeyProcessors. i. Note: How the key is entered changes which field on TextComposition has the text.  For normal printable input the text will be on the Text property.  For items like CTRL-M it will be on the ControlText property. ii. One of the key processors is VsKeyProcessor which will turn every character in the Text property of the argument into a TYPECHAR command. Another way to look at it from a component perspective from when a message is recieved - msenv::ProcessMessage- msenv::SCM_MsoStdCompMgr::FPreTranslateMessage- msenv::CMsoComponent::FPreTranslateMessage- msenv::CMsoComponent::MainFTranslateMessage- IVsWindowManager::TranslateAccelerator- IVsCodeWindow::PreTranslateMessage- IVsFilterKeysAdapter::TranslateAccelerator- Visual Studio Commands.- IVsWindowManager::PreTranslateInput- System.Windows.Interop.ComponentDispatcher.RaiseThreadMessage- TextCompositionManager - KeyProcessor.KeyDown- KeyProcessor.TextInput- If that returns true then done- TranslateMessage- DispatchMessage

从 msenv::ProcessMessage至 IVsFilterKeysAdapter::TranslateAccelerator,我在官方文档上面没有找到直接的扩展点,而Commands可以尝试通过EnDTE的DTE.events.CommandEvents接口来实现监听,这里可以直接捕获到一些编辑命令(copy paste save cut redo undo)



我在检索的时候找到了微软团队在github上公开的vs extension样例项目,其中Typing_Speed_Meter项目3中用到监听键盘事件相关的操作,这个与之前的思路不太一样,用的是Io1eCommand命令,来过滤一部分的键盘输入事件。


最后验证了keyProcessor 和 Io1eCommand 两种方式

##keyProcessor 方案

##Io1eCommand 方案
这部分是基于代码窗口的textView监听命令事件,但是由于时间派发机制的问题,转发到这一层的事件只有文本编辑相关的,copy paste和cut相关的命令还是收不到。


由于一些客观上的原因,这里最终选择一种有损的接收方式,我通过keyProcessor 监听普通的键盘事件,而后通过Io1eCommand 方式监听空格和回车事件,在此之外通过CommandEvents接口监听常见的命令事件

  1. https://github.com/jaredpar/VsVim/blob/master/Src/VsVim/KeyboardInputRouting.txt ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/9f0798d5-99a3-43be-91f9-dd09c183bb7b/catching-keyboard-input?forum=vsx ↩︎

  3. https://github.com/Microsoft/VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples/tree/master/Typing_Speed_Meter ↩︎

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