

begin   if a<b || a + 1<b then begin a = 10 end   else if a>b then begin a = 20 end    else if a >= b thenbegin a = 50 end    else begin a = 32 end   end";









#pragma once
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>#define KEYWORDNUM 12
{ { "if$" }, { "then$" }, { "else$" },
{ "while$" }, { "do$" }, { "begin$" },
{ "end$" }, { "int$" }, { "double$" } };
enum Symbols
};struct _id//标识符表
{char name[32];int isdef;int value;//代表标识符定义的值,或者四元式行号
struct _int
{char value[32];
struct _token
{int value;int loca;
struct _out//四元表
{enum Symbols opr;struct _token value1;struct _token value2;int result; //填对应ID表行号
};struct _id idtable[32] = { 0 };
struct _int inttable[32] = { 0 };
struct _token tokentable[128] = { 0 };
struct _out out4table[128] = { 0 };//int idtable[32][32] = { 0 };
int ctoken = 0;//tokentable尾部
int cid = 0;//idtable尾部
int cint = 0;//inttable尾部
int cout4 = 0;//四元式底部
int iskeyword(char *pt)
{int i = 0;int j = 0;int isequ = 1;for (i = 0; i < KEYWORDNUM; i++){isequ = 1;j = -1;do{j++;if ((*(pt + j)) != keyword[i][j] )//有不同位,排除该词{isequ = 0;}else if ((*(pt + j)) == '$' && keyword[i][j] == '$')//成功找到{tokentable[ctoken].value = (i + 100);ctoken++;return j-2;//返回位数}} while ((*(pt + j)) != '$' && keyword[i][j] != '$' && isequ==1);//都未到词尾且暂时相等}return -1;
int isininttable(char *pt)
{int i = 0;int j = 0;int isfind = 0;for (i = 0; i < cint; i++){while (inttable[i].value[j] == *(pt + j) && isfind == 0 && inttable[i].value[j] != '$' && *(pt + j) != '$'){j++;if (inttable[i].value[j] == '$' && *(pt + j) == '$'){isfind = 1;}}if (isfind == 1){return i;}j = 0;}return -1;
int isinidtable(char *pt)
{int i = 0;int j = 0;int isfind = 0;for (i = 0; i < cid; i++)//查找是否存在{while (idtable[i].name[j] == *(pt + j) && isfind == 0 && idtable[i].name != '$' && *(pt + j) != '$')//继续循环条件,否则单词不相同{j++;if (idtable[i].name[j] == '$' && *(pt + j) == '$')//确定单词相同条件{isfind = 1;}}if (isfind == 1){return i;}j = 0;}return -1;
}int isRight(char * ch)//词法自动机
{char * pt = NULL;pt = ch;int isok = 0;int state = 1;while (isok == 0){switch (state){case 1:if (isdigit(*pt)){state = 2;pt++;}else if (isalpha(*pt)){state = 3;pt++;}else{return 0;}break;case 2:if (isdigit(*pt)){state = 2;pt++;}else if ((*pt) == '$'){state = 4;}else{return 0;}break;case 3:if (isalnum(*pt)){state = 3;pt++;}else if ((*pt) == '$'){state = 4;}else{return 0;}break;case 4:return 1;}}}
int lexer(char *c)
{int i = 1;//取词位数计算char token[32] = { 0 };char *pt = NULL;pt = &token;int j = 0;int a = -1 ;//表中位置,通过is函数返回,不存在返回-1if ((*c) == 32 || (*c) == 13 || (*c) == 10 || (*c) == 9){return i;}else if (isdigit(*c))//是一串数字{token[j] = *c;//遍历至单词结尾,填tokenj++;c++;while (isdigit(*c)){token[j] = *c;c++;j++;i++;}token[j] = '$';if (isRight(pt)!=1)//词法自动机判断正误{return 0;}tokentable[ctoken].value = INT;//填 token表 和 (id或int表)a = isininttable(pt);if (a==-1)//如果不在int表中{j = 0;inttable[cint].value[j] = (int)token[j];j++;while (token[j] != '$'){inttable[cint].value[j] = (int)token[j];j++;}inttable[cint].value[j] = '$';tokentable[ctoken].loca = cint;cint++; }else{tokentable[ctoken].loca = a;}ctoken++;}else if (isalpha(*c))//是定义的变量{int k = -1;token[j] = *c;//遍历至单词结尾,填tokenj++;c++;while (isalnum(*c)){token[j] = *c;c++;j++;i++;}token[j] = '$';if (isRight(pt) != 1)//词法自动机判断正误{return 0;}char *ptoken;ptoken = token;k = iskeyword(ptoken);if (k != -1){return i;}else{tokentable[ctoken].value = ID;//填 token表 和 (id或int表)a = isinidtable(pt);if (a == -1)//如果不在int表中{j = 0;idtable[cid].name[j] = (int)token[j];j++;while (token[j] != '$'){idtable[cid].name[j] = (int)token[j];j++;}idtable[cid].name[j] = '$';tokentable[ctoken].loca = cid;cid++;}else{tokentable[ctoken].loca = a;}ctoken++;}}else{switch (*c)//是其他符号{case'(':tokentable[ctoken].value = L_PARENS;break;case')':tokentable[ctoken].value = R_PARENS;break;case'+':tokentable[ctoken].value = PLUS;break;case'-':tokentable[ctoken].value = SUB;break;case'*':tokentable[ctoken].value = MULT;break;case'/':tokentable[ctoken].value = DIV;break;case'!':tokentable[ctoken].value = NEGA;break;case'<':if ((*(c+1)) == '='){c++;i++;tokentable[ctoken].value = LE;}else{tokentable[ctoken].value = LT;}break;case'>':if ((*(c + 1)) == '='){c++;i++;tokentable[ctoken].value = GE;}else{tokentable[ctoken].value = GT;}break;case'=':if ((*(c + 1)) == '='){c++;i++;tokentable[ctoken].value = EQUL;}else{tokentable[ctoken].value = ASSIGN;}break;case'&':if ((*(c + 1)) == '&'){c++;i++;tokentable[ctoken].value = AND;}else{printf("错误字符!");return 0;}break;case'|':if ((*(c + 1)) == '|'){c++;i++;tokentable[ctoken].value = OR;}else{printf("错误字符!");return 0;}break;case';':tokentable[ctoken].value = SEMICOLON;break;case'$':tokentable[ctoken].value = EOS;break;default:printf("错误字符!");return 0;}c++;ctoken++;}return i;
int pstack = 0;//语法栈顶
int sstack = 0;//语义栈顶
enum Symbols popP(enum Symbols *stack)//语法栈
{pstack--;enum Symbols a = *(stack + pstack);return a;
enum Symbols pushP(enum Symbols *stack, enum Symbols i)
{*(stack + pstack) = i;pstack++;return 0;
struct _token* popS(struct _token *stack)//语义栈
{sstack--;struct _token *a = (stack + sstack);return a;
int pushS(struct _token *stack,int value,int loca)
{(*(stack + sstack)).value = value;(*(stack + sstack)).loca = loca;sstack++;return 0;
int outs(enum Symbols *stack)
{int * p = NULL;p = stack;int i = 0;while (p<(stack+pstack)){i = (*p);switch (i){case INT: printf("INT "); break;case ID: printf("ID "); break;case PLUS: printf("+"); break;case SUB: printf("-"); break;case MULT: printf("*"); break;case DIV: printf("/"); break;case L_PARENS: printf("("); break;case R_PARENS: printf(")"); break;case LT: printf("<"); break;case LE: printf("<="); break;case GT: printf(">"); break;case GE: printf(">="); break;case EQUL: printf("=="); break;case NEGA: printf("!"); break;case AND: printf("&&"); break;case OR: printf("||"); break;case ASSIGN: printf("="); break;case SEMICOLON: printf(";"); break;case IF: printf("IF "); break;case THEN: printf("THEN "); break;case ELSE: printf("ELSE "); break;case WHILE: printf("WHILE "); break;case DO: printf("DO "); break;case BEGIN: printf("BEGIN "); break;case END: printf("END "); break;case TYPE_INT: printf("TYPE_INT "); break;case TYPE_DOUBLE: printf("TYPE_DOUBLE "); break;case EOS: printf("$"); break;case NTS_E: printf("E "); break;case NTS_T: printf("T "); break;case NTS_B: printf("B "); break;case NTS_S: printf("S "); break;case NTS_FA: printf("FA "); break;case NTS_FB: printf("FB "); break;case NTS_FC: printf("FC "); break;case NTS_CA: printf("CA "); break;case NTS_CBE: printf("CBE "); break;case NTS_CB: printf("CB "); break;case NTS_CE: printf("CE "); break;case NTS_W: printf("W "); break;case NTS_WD: printf("WD "); break;default:printf("outerr");return 0;}p++;}//for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)//{//    printf("%d", idtable[i][0]);//}printf("\n");return 0;
int gen(enum Symbols opr, struct _token value1, struct _token value2, int result)//不输入result填-1
{out4table[cout4].opr = opr;out4table[cout4].value1 = value1;out4table[cout4].value2 = value2;if (result != -1){out4table[cout4].result = result;}else{idtable[cid].name[0] = '$';//该ID表项为4元式idtable[cid].value = cout4;//ID表值填入4元式位置out4table[cout4].result = cid;//在该4元式result中填入ID表位置cid++;}cout4++;return (cid - 1);//返回填入ID表的位置
int tchain = 0;
int fchain = 0;//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int ptid = 0;//token表指针,指向 | 后一个元素
int arithredu(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst,int opr)
{int r = -1;//暂存gen()返回的行号struct _token *t;struct _token *s;//暂存popS(),用于gen()switch (opr){case 99://跳过return 0;case -1:printf("算术语法错误!\n");return -1;case 0://不操作,等待入栈pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;break;case 1://归约完成,暂时没用return 1;break;case 2://E->TpopP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_E);break;case 3://E->T+EpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_E);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(PLUS, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 4://E->T-EpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_E);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(SUB, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 5://T->(E)popP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_T);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca);break;case 6://T->INT*TpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_T);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s= popS(sst);r = gen(MULT, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 7://T->INT/TpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_T);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(DIV, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 8://T->INTpopP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_T);break;}return 1;
int boolredu(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst, int opr)
{int r = -1;//暂存gen()返回的四元式行号struct _token *t;struct _token *s;//暂存popS(),用于gen()switch (opr){case 99://跳过return 0;case -1:printf("布尔语法错误!\n");return -1;case 0://不操作,等待入栈pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;break;case 1://归约完成,暂时没用return 1;break;case 2://B->!BpopP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);popS(sst);t=popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca );break;case 3://B->EpopP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);break;case 4://B->E<EpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(LT, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 5://B->E>EpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(GT, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 6://B->E<=EpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(LE, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 7://B->E>=EpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(GE, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 8://B->E==EpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(EQUL, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 9://B->B||BpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(OR, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 10://B->B&&BpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(AND, (*s), (*t), -1);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;case 11://B->(B)popP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_B);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca);break;}return 1;
int assignredu(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst, int opr)
{int r = -1;//暂存gen()返回的四元式行号struct _token *t;struct _token *s;//暂存popS(),用于gen()int rb = 0;//暂存popP返回的符号switch (opr){case 99://跳过return 0;case -1:printf("赋值语法错误!\n");return -1;case 0://不操作,等待入栈pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;break;case 1://归约完成,暂时没用return 1;break;case 2://s->ID = BpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);s = popS(sst);r = gen(ASSIGN, (*s), (*t), 0);pushS(sst, ID, r);break;}return 1;
int defredu(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst, int opr)
{int r = -1;//暂存gen()返回的四元式行号struct _token *t;struct _token *s;//暂存popS(),用于gen()switch (opr){case 99://跳过return 0;case -1:printf("定义语法错误!\n");return -1;case 0://不操作,等待入栈pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;break;case 1://归约完成,暂时没用return 1;break;case 2://S->TYPE_INT IDpopP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca);break;case 3://S->TYPE_INT SpopP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);break;}return 1;
int whileredu(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst, int opr)
{int r = -1;//暂存gen()返回的四元式行号int i = 0;struct _token *t;struct _token *s;//暂存popS(),用于gen()int rb = 0;//暂存popP返回的符号switch (opr){case 99://跳过return 0;case -1:printf("while语法错误!\n");return -1;case 0://不操作,等待入栈pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;break;case 1://归约完成,暂时没用return 1;break;case 2://W->while  ,预存true链跳转行数popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_W);tchain = cout4 ;break;case 3://WD>W B do  ,拉false链popP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_WD);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca);gen(JFALSE, (*t), (*t), -2);fchain = cout4 - 1;break;case 4://S->WD SpopP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);pushS(sst, 0, 0);gen(JUMP, (*t), (*t), tchain);out4table[fchain].result = cout4;break;}return 1;
int ifredu(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst, int opr)
{int r = -1;//暂存gen()返回的四元式行号int i = 0;struct _token *t;struct _token *s;//暂存popS(),用于gen()int rb = 0;//暂存popP返回的符号switch (opr){case 99://跳过return 0;case -1:printf("if语法错误!\n");return -1;case 0://不操作,等待入栈pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;break;case 1://归约完成,暂时没用return 1;break;case 2://CA->if B then ,有then拉false链popP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_CA);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca);gen(JFALSE, (*t), (*t), -2);fchain = cout4-1;break;case 3://FA->CA S  ,第一个S,有S拉true链popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_FA);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca);gen(JUMP, (*t), (*t), -2);tchain = cout4 - 1;break;case 4://CE->ELSEpopP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_CE);popS(sst);pushS(sst, 0, 0);out4table[fchain].result = cout4;break;case 5://CBE->else if  ,有else回填false链popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_CBE);popS(sst);popS(sst);pushS(sst, 0, 0);out4table[fchain].result = cout4;break;case 6://CB->CBE B thenpopP(pst);popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_CB);popS(sst);t = popS(sst);popS(sst);pushS(sst, (*t).value, (*t).loca);gen(JFALSE, (*t), (*t), 0);fchain = cout4 - 1;break;case 7://FB->CB S 拉true链popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_FB);popS(sst);t=popS(sst);pushS(sst, 0, 0);gen(JUMP, (*t), (*t), tchain);tchain = cout4-1;break;case 8://FC->CE S ,最后一个S,回填所有true链popP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_FC);popS(sst);popS(sst);pushS(sst, 0, 0);while (tchain!=-2){r = tchain;tchain = out4table[tchain].result;out4table[r].result = cout4;}r = tchain;tchain = out4table[tchain].result;out4table[r].result = cout4;break;case 9://S->FA FB...FB FCi = 0;popP(pst);popP(pst);i++;if ((*(pst+pstack-1)) == NTS_FB){i++;popP(pst);}popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);popS(sst);for (int j = 0; j < i; j++){popS(sst);}popS(sst);pushS(sst, 0, 0);break;case 10://S->FApopP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);case 11://S->FA FCpopP(pst);popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);popS(sst, 0, 0);break;  case 12://S->FAFB...FBpopP(pst);popP(pst);i++;if ((*(pst + pstack - 1)) == NTS_FB){popP(pst);i++;}pushP(pst, NTS_S);popS(sst);for (int j = 0; j < i; j++){popS(sst);}popS(sst);pushS(sst, 0, 0);break;}return 1;
int mainredu(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst, int opr)//(语法栈,语义栈,操作码)
{int r = -1;//暂存gen()返回的四元式行号struct _token *t;struct _token *s;//暂存popS(),用于gen()int rb = 0;//暂存popP返回的符号switch (opr){case 99://跳过return 0;case -1:printf("总语法错误!\n");return -1;case 0://不操作,等待入栈pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;break;case 1://归约完成,暂时没用return 1;break;case 2://S->begin S...S endpopP(pst);popP(pst);if ((*(pst + pstack - 1)) == NTS_S){popP(pst);}popP(pst);pushP(pst, NTS_S);popS(sst);popS(sst);if ((*(pst + pstack - 1)) == NTS_S){popS(sst);}popS(sst);pushS(sst, NTS_S,0);break;}return 1;
int arithautomat(enum Symbols * pst, enum Symbols * tpst, struct _token *sst)//(语法栈,语法栈当前位置,语义栈,)
{int * ppst = NULL;//栈指针,用来遍历栈,返回操作码ppst = tpst;int state = 1;//状态int isok = 0;//结束?int opr = 0;while (isok == 0){//不在栈顶switch (state){case 1://开始态switch (*ppst){case NTS_T:state = 2;break;case INT:state = 3;break;case ID:state = 3;break;case L_PARENS:state = 4;break;case NTS_E:state = 15;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 2://E->T|T.+E|T.-Eswitch (*ppst){case PLUS:state = 5;break;case SUB:state = 6;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 3://T->INT.*T|INT./T|INTswitch (*ppst){case MULT:state = 7;break;case DIV:state = 8;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 4://T->(.E)|E->|T->|switch (*ppst){case INT:state = 3;break;case ID:state = 3;break;case NTS_T:state = 2;break;case NTS_E:state = 13;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 5://T->INT|INT*T|INT/T|(E)|E->T-.E|T+.E|Tswitch (*ppst){case NTS_E:state = 9;break;case NTS_T:state = 2;break;case INT:state = 3;break;case ID:state = 3;break;case L_PARENS:state = 4;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 6://同5,-推导出6状态switch (*ppst){case NTS_E:state = 10;break;case NTS_T:state = 2;break;case INT:state = 3;break;case ID:state = 3;break;case L_PARENS:state = 4;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 7://T->INT*.T|INT/.T|INT|.INT*T|.INT/Tswitch (*ppst){case INT:state = 3;break;case ID:state = 3;break;case NTS_T:state = 11;break;case L_PARENS:state = 4;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 8://同7,/推导出8状态switch (*ppst){case INT:state = 3;break;case ID:state = 3;break;case NTS_T:state = 12;break;case L_PARENS:state = 4;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 13://E->(E.)switch (*ppst){case R_PARENS:state = 14;break;default:state = -1;}break;}ppst++;if (ppst == (pst + pstack))//指针在栈顶{switch (state){case -1:opr=-1;break;case 2://预读+.-switch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case PLUS:opr = 0;break;case SUB:opr = 0;break;case L_PARENS:opr = -1;break;default:opr = 2;break;}break;case 3://预读*./switch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case MULT:opr = 0;break;case DIV:opr = 0;break;case L_PARENS:opr = -1;break;default:opr = 8;break;}break;case 9://T+E.opr = 3;break;case 10://T-E.opr = 4;break;case 11://INT*T.opr = 6;break;case 12://INT/T.opr = 7;break;case 14://T->(E).opr = 5;break;case 15://E.归约完成return 1;default:opr = 0;//其他情况均请求归约器入栈}int ok=arithredu(pst, sst, opr);if (ok == -1){return 0;//错误,返回0}state = 1;ppst = tpst;//栈指针归位outs(pst);}}
int boolautomat(enum Symbols * pst, enum Symbols * tpst, struct _token *sst)
{int * ppst = NULL;//栈指针,用来遍历栈,返回操作码ppst = tpst;int state = 1;//状态int isok = 0;//结束?int opr = 0;while (isok == 0){switch (state){case 1://开始态switch (*ppst){case NEGA:state = 2;break;case NTS_E:state = 4;break;case NTS_B:state = 15;break;case L_PARENS:state = 20;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 2://B->!Bswitch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 3;break;default:state = 1;}break;case 4://B->E||E rop Eswitch (*ppst){case LT:state = 5;break;case GT:state = 6;break;case LE:state = 7;break;case GE:state = 8;break;case EQUL:state = 9;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 5://B->E<.Eswitch (*ppst){case NTS_E:state = 10;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 6://B->E>.Eswitch (*ppst){case NTS_E:state = 11;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 7://B->E<=.Eswitch (*ppst){case NTS_E:state = 12;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 8://B->E>=.Eswitch (*ppst){case NTS_E:state = 13;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 9://B->E==.Eswitch (*ppst){case NTS_E:state = 14;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 15://B->B.||B |B.&&B |B.switch (*ppst){case OR:state = 16;break;case AND:state = 18;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 16://B->B||.Bswitch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 17;break;case NEGA:state = 2;break;case NTS_E:state = 4;break;case L_PARENS:state = 20;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = 1;}break;case 18://B->B&&.Bswitch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 19;break;case NEGA:state = 2;break;case NTS_E:state = 4;break;case L_PARENS:state = 20;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = 1;}break;case 20://B->(.B)switch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 21;break;case NEGA:state = 2;break;case NTS_E:state = 4;break;case L_PARENS:state = 20;break;case INT:state = 23;break;case ID:state = 23;break;default:state = 1;}break;case 21://B->(B.)switch (*ppst){case R_PARENS:state = 22;break;default:state = -1;}break;}ppst++;if (ppst == (pst + pstack))//指针在栈顶{int z = 0;switch (state){case -1:opr = -1;break;case 3:opr= 2;break;case 4://预读 ropswitch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case LE:opr = 0;break;case LT:opr = 0;break;case GE:opr = 0;break;case GT:opr = 0;break;case EQUL:opr = 0;break;case L_PARENS:opr = -1;break;default:opr = 3;break;}break;case 10://B->E<Eopr = 4;break;case 11://B->E>Eopr = 5;break;case 12://B->E<=Eopr = 6;break;case 13://B->E>=Eopr = 7;break;case 14://B->E==Eopr = 8;break;case 15://预读 || && switch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case AND:opr = 0;break;case OR:opr = 0;break;case L_PARENS:opr = -1;break;default://结束状态return 1;break;}break;case 17://B->B||Bopr = 9;break;case 19://B->B && Bopr = 10;break;case 22://B->(B)opr = 11;break;case 23://调用算术自动机z = 0;z = arithautomat(pst,(ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;default:opr = 0;//其他情况均请求归约器入栈}int ok = boolredu(pst, sst, opr);if (ok == -1){return 0;}state = 1;ppst = tpst;//栈指针归位outs(pst);}}
int assignautomat(enum Symbols * pst, enum Symbols * tpst, struct _token *sst)
{int * ppst = NULL;//栈指针,用来遍历栈,返回操作码ppst = tpst;int state = 1;//状态int isok = 0;//结束?int opr = 0;while (isok == 0){switch (state){case 1://开始态switch (*ppst){case ID:state = 2;break;case NTS_S:state = 6;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 2://S->ID.=Bswitch (*ppst){case ASSIGN:state = 3;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 3://S->ID=.Bswitch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 5;break;default:state = 4;}break;}ppst++;if (ppst == (pst + pstack))//指针在栈顶{int z = 0;switch (state){case -1:opr = -1;break;case 4://调用布尔自动机z = 0;z = boolautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 5:opr = 2;break;case 6:return 1;default:opr = 0;//其他情况均请求归约器入栈}int ok = assignredu(pst, sst, opr);if (ok == -1){return 0;}state = 1;ppst = tpst;//栈指针归位outs(pst);}}
int defautomat(enum Symbols * pst, enum Symbols * tpst, struct _token *sst)
{int * ppst = NULL;//栈指针,用来遍历栈,返回操作码ppst = tpst;int state = 1;//状态int isok = 0;//结束?int opr = 0;while (isok == 0){switch (state){case 1://开始态switch (*ppst){case TYPE_INT:state = 2;break;case NTS_S:return 1;default:state = -1;}break;case 2://S->TYPE_INT. ID ||TYPE_INT Sswitch (*ppst){case NTS_S:state = 5;break;default:state = 4;}break;}ppst++;if (ppst == (pst + pstack))//指针在栈顶{int z = 0;switch (state){case -1:opr = -1;break;case 3://调用赋值自动机z = 0;z = assignautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 4:switch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case ASSIGN:z = 0;z = assignautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;default:opr = 2;break;}break;case 5:opr = 3;break;default:opr = 0;//其他情况均请求归约器入栈}int ok = defredu(pst, sst, opr);if (ok == -1){return 0;}state = 1;ppst = tpst;//栈指针归位outs(pst);}}
int whileautomat(enum Symbols * pst, enum Symbols * tpst, struct _token *sst)
{int * ppst = NULL;//栈指针,用来遍历栈,返回操作码ppst = tpst;int state = 1;//状态int isok = 0;//结束?int opr = 0;while (isok == 0){switch (state){case 1://开始态switch (*ppst){case WHILE:state = 2;break;case NTS_W:state = 3;break;case NTS_WD:state = 6;break;case NTS_S:return 1;default:state = -1;}break;case 3://WD->W.B doswitch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 4;break;default:state = 8;}break;case 4://WD->W B. doswitch (*ppst){case DO:state = 5;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 6://S->WD.Sswitch (*ppst){case NTS_S:state = 7;break;default:state = 9;}break;}ppst++;if (ppst == (pst + pstack))//指针在栈顶{int z = 0;switch (state){case -1:opr = -1;break;case 2:opr = 2;break;case 5://WD->W B doopr = 3;break;case 7://S->WD Sopr = 4;break;case 8://调用bool自动机z = 0;z = boolautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 9://调用主自动机z = 0;z = mainautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;default:opr = 0;//其他情况均请求归约器入栈}int ok = whileredu(pst, sst, opr);if (ok == -1){return 0;}state = 1;ppst = tpst;//栈指针归位outs(pst);}}
int ifautomat(enum Symbols * pst, enum Symbols * tpst, struct _token *sst)
{int * ppst = NULL;//栈指针,用来遍历栈,返回操作码ppst = tpst;int state = 1;//状态int isok = 0;//结束?int opr = 0;while (isok == 0){switch (state){case 1://开始态switch (*ppst){case IF:state = 2;break;case NTS_CA:state = 5;break;case NTS_FA:state = 17;break;case NTS_S:return 1;default:state = -1;}break;case 2://CA->if. B themswitch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 3;break;default:state = 18;}break;case 3://CA->if B. themswitch (*ppst){case THEN:state = 4;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 5://FA->CA.Sswitch (*ppst){case NTS_S:state = 6;break;case BEGIN:state = 19;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 7://CBE->else. ifswitch (*ppst){case IF:state = 9;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 10://CB->CBE. B thenswitch (*ppst){case NTS_B:state = 11;break;default:state = 18;}break;case 11://CB->CBE B. thenswitch (*ppst){case THEN:state = 12;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 13://FB->CB. Sswitch (*ppst){case NTS_S:state = 14;break;case BEGIN:state = 19;default:state = 19;}break;case 15://FC->CE.Sswitch (*ppst){case NTS_S:state = 16;break;case BEGIN:state = 19;break;default:state = 19;}break;case 17://S->FA.***switch (*ppst){case ELSE:state = 7;break;case NTS_CBE:state = 10;break;case NTS_CB:state = 13;break;case NTS_CE:state = 15;break;case NTS_FB:state = 20;break;case NTS_FC:state = 22;break;default:state = -1;}break;case 20://S->FA FB...FB FCswitch (*ppst){case NTS_FB:state = 20;break;case NTS_FC:state = 21;break;default:state = 17;ppst--;}break;}ppst++;if (ppst == (pst + pstack))//指针在栈顶{int z = 0;switch (state){case -1:opr = -1;break;case 4://CA->if B thenopr = 2;break;case 6://FA->CA Sopr = 3;break;case 7://预读 IFswitch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case IF:opr = 0;break;default:opr = 4;//CE->elsebreak;}break;case 9://CBE->else ifopr = 5;break;case 12://CB->CBE B thenopr = 6;break;case 14://FB->CB Sopr = 7;break;case 16://FC->CE Sopr = 8;break;case 17://预读 switch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case ELSE:opr = 0;break;case NTS_CBE:opr = 0;break;case NTS_CB:opr = 0;break;case NTS_CE:opr = 0;break;case NTS_FB:opr = 0;break;default:opr = 10;//S->FAbreak;}break;case 18://调布尔自动机z = 0;z = boolautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 19://调主自动机z = 0;z = mainautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 20://预读 switch (tokentable[ptid].value)//预读{case ELSE:opr = 0;break;case NTS_FB:opr = 0;break;case NTS_FC:opr = 0;break;default:opr = 12;//S->FAFB...FBbreak;}break;case 21://S->FA FB...FB FC opr = 9;break;case 22:opr = 11;break;default:opr = 0;//其他情况均请求归约器入栈}int ok = ifredu(pst, sst, opr);if (ok == -1){return 0;}state = 1;ppst = tpst;//栈指针归位outs(pst);}}
int mainautomat(enum Symbols * pst, enum Symbols * tpst, struct _token *sst)//主自动机,归约代码块
{int * ppst = NULL;//栈指针,用来遍历栈,返回操作码ppst = tpst;int state = 1;//状态int isok = 0;//结束?int opr = 0;int z = 0;while (isok == 0){//不在栈顶switch (state){case 1://开始态switch (*ppst){case BEGIN:state = 2;break;case IF:state = 4;break;case TYPE_INT:state = 5;break;case WHILE:state = 6;break;case ID:state = 7;break;case NTS_S:return 1;default:state = -1;}break;case 2://S->begin S...S endswitch (*ppst){case NTS_S:state = 2;break;case END:state = 3;break;default:state = 1;ppst--;}break;}ppst++;if (ppst == (pst + pstack))//指针在栈顶{switch (state){case -1:if ((tokentable[ptid - 1].value) == EOS){return 0;}opr = -1;break;case 3://S->begin S...S endopr = 2;break;case 4://调用if自动机z = 0;z = ifautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 5://调用def自动机z = 0;z = defautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 6://调用while自动机z = 0;z = whileautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;case 7://调用assign自动机z = 0;z = assignautomat(pst, (ppst - 1), sst);if (z == 0){return 0;}opr = 99;break;default:opr = 0;//其他情况均请求归约器入栈}int ok = mainredu(pst, sst, opr);if (ok == -1){return 0;//错误,返回0}state = 1;ppst = tpst;//栈指针归位outs(pst);}}
int redu_se(enum Symbols *pst, struct _token *sst)
{int isok = 0;pushP(pst, tokentable[ptid].value);pushS(sst, tokentable[ptid].value, tokentable[ptid].loca);ptid++;int rb = 0;mainautomat(pst,pst, sst);return 0;
int btparser(char * str)//传入待编译代码
{int iserr = 0;char *c = NULL;//str文档指针c = str;while ((*c) != 0)//将符号转化成对应编码{iserr = lexer(c);if (iserr == 0)//有错误字符,停止运行{printf("词法错误!");return 0;}c = c + iserr;}printf("正确录入。\n");enum Symbols pStack[64];enum Symbols *pst;//代表语法栈pst = pStack;struct _token sStack[64];struct _token *sst;//代表语义栈sst = sStack;redu_se(pst, sst);printf("ok");



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  5. openTSDB详解之Writing Data
  6. 【大厂算法系列】学数据结构与算法有用吗?时间与空间复杂度的定义与计算
  7. python 云服务器 网站
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