

给定一个文件 file.txt,转置它的内容。

你可以假设每行列数相同,并且每个字段由 ' ' 分隔。



name age

alice 21

ryan 30


name alice ryan

age 21 30



awk是一个报告生成器,它拥有强大的文本格式化的能力。它是由Alfred Aho 、Peter Weinberger 和 Brian Kernighan这三个人创造的,awk由这个三个人的姓氏的首个字母组成。


gawk - pattern scanning and processing language


gawk [ POSIX or GNU style options ] -f program-file [ -- ]

file ...

gawk [ POSIX or GNU style options ] [ -- ] program-text

file ...


Built-in Variables

Gawk's built-in variables are:

ARGC The number of command line arguments (does not

include options to gawk, or the program


ARGIND The index in ARGV of the current file being


ARGV Array of command line arguments. The array is

indexed from 0 to ARGC - 1. Dynamically chang‐

ing the contents of ARGV can control the files

used for data.

BINMODE On non-POSIX systems, specifies use of “binary”

mode for all file I/O. Numeric values of 1, 2,

or 3, specify that input files, output files,

or all files, respectively, should use binary

I/O. String values of "r", or "w" specify that

input files, or output files, respectively,

should use binary I/O. String values of "rw"

or "wr" specify that all files should use

binary I/O. Any other string value is treated

as "rw", but generates a warning message.

CONVFMT The conversion format for numbers, "%.6g", by


ENVIRON An array containing the values of the current

environment. The array is indexed by the envi‐

ronment variables, each element being the value

of that variable (e.g., ENVIRON["HOME"] might

be "/home/arnold"). Changing this array does

not affect the environment seen by programs

which gawk spawns via redirection or the sys‐

tem() function.

ERRNO If a system error occurs either doing a redi‐

rection for getline, during a read for getline,

or during a close(), then ERRNO will contain a

string describing the error. The value is sub‐

ject to translation in non-English locales.

FIELDWIDTHS A whitespace separated list of field widths.

When set, gawk parses the input into fields of

fixed width, instead of using the value of the

FS variable as the field separator. See

Fields, above.

FILENAME The name of the current input file. If no

files are specified on the command line, the

value of FILENAME is “-”. However, FILENAME is

undefined inside the BEGIN rule (unless set by


FNR The input record number in the current input


FPAT A regular expression describing the contents of

the fields in a record. When set, gawk parses

the input into fields, where the fields match

the regular expression, instead of using the

value of the FS variable as the field separa‐

tor. See Fields, above.

FS The input field separator, a space by default.

See Fields, above.

FUNCTAB An array whose indices and corresponding values

are the names of all the user-defined or exten‐

sion functions in the program. NOTE: You may

not use the delete statement with the FUNCTAB


IGNORECASE Controls the case-sensitivity of all regular

expression and string operations. If IGNORE‐

CASE has a non-zero value, then string compar‐

isons and pattern matching in rules, field

splitting with FS and FPAT, record separating

with RS, regular expression matching with ~ and

!~, and the gensub(), gsub(), index(), match(),

patsplit(), split(), and sub() built-in func‐

tions all ignore case when doing regular

expression operations. NOTE: Array subscript‐

ing is not affected. However, the asort() and

asorti() functions are affected.

Thus, if IGNORECASE is not equal to zero, /aB/

matches all of the strings "ab", "aB", "Ab",

and "AB". As with all AWK variables, the ini‐

tial value of IGNORECASE is zero, so all regu‐

lar expression and string operations are nor‐

mally case-sensitive.

LINT Provides dynamic control of the --lint option

from within an AWK program. When true, gawk

prints lint warnings. When false, it does not.

When assigned the string value "fatal", lint

warnings become fatal errors, exactly like

--lint=fatal. Any other true value just prints


NF The number of fields in the current input


NR The total number of input records seen so far.

OFMT The output format for numbers, "%.6g", by


OFS The output field separator, a space by default.

ORS The output record separator, by default a new‐


PREC The working precision of arbitrary precision

floating-point numbers, 53 by default.

awk的基本语法是awk [options] 'Pattern{Action}' file。


$echoabc > test.txt

$awk '{print}' test.txt




awk '{

for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){

if (NR==1){ # 天坑!之前这里写成了NF,怎么输出每行开头都多1个空格




res[i]=res[i]" "$i





print res[j]


}' file.txt










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