

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position


Answer: The strings (words) stored in your model are not valid utf8. By default, gensim decodes the words using the strict encoding settings, which results in the above exception whenever an invalid utf8 sequence is encountered.
The fix is on your side and it is to either:
a) Store your model using a program that understands unicode and utf8 (such as gensim). Some C and Java word2vec tools are known to truncate the strings at byte boundaries, which can result in cutting a multi-byte utf8 character in half, making it non-valid utf8, leading to this error.
b) Set the unicode_errors flag when running load_word2vec_model, e.g. load_word2vec_model(…, unicode_errors=‘ignore’). Note that this silences the error, but the utf8 problem is still there – invalid utf8 characters will just be ignored in this case.


def get_word_vectors(model_path, dim, words):wordVec = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(model_path, binary=True, unicode_errors='ignore')wordEmbedding = []for word in words:try:if "<PAD>" == word:wordEmbedding.append(np.zeros(dim))else:vector = wordVec.wv[word]wordEmbedding.append(vector)except:print(word + "不存在于词向量中")wordEmbedding.append(np.random.randn(dim))return np.array(wordEmbedding)

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