本文翻译自:What is SaaS, PaaS and IaaS? With examples

What do the following terms mean? 以下术语是什么意思?

  • SaaS SaaS
  • PaaS PaaS
  • IaaS? IaaS?

There are various cloud services available today, such as Amazon's EC2 and AWS, Apache Hadoop, Microsoft Azure and many others. 当今有各种可用的云服务,例如亚马逊的EC2和AWS,Apache Hadoop,微软Azure等。 Which category does each belong to and why? 每个属于哪个类别,为什么?




IaaS, PaaS and SaaS are cloud computing service models. IaaS,PaaS和SaaS是云计算服务模型。

  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), as the name suggests, provides you the computing infrastructure, physical or (quite often) virtual machines and other resources like virtual-machine disk image library, block and file-based storage, firewalls, load balancers, IP addresses, virtual local area networks etc. 顾名思义,IaaS(基础设施即服务)为您提供了计算基础架构,物理或(经常)虚拟机以及其他资源,例如虚拟机磁盘映像库,基于块和文件的存储,防火墙,负载均衡器, IP地址,虚拟局域网等

    Examples: Amazon EC2, Windows Azure, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine. 示例:Amazon EC2,Windows Azure,Rackspace,Google Compute Engine。

  • PaaS (Platform as a Service), as the name suggests, provides you computing platforms which typically includes operating system, programming language execution environment, database, web server etc. 顾名思义,PaaS(平台即服务)为您提供了计算平台,通常包括操作系统,编程语言执行环境,数据库,Web服务器等。

    Examples: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku, Force.com, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos. 示例:AWS Elastic Beanstalk,Windows Azure,Heroku,Force.com,Google App Engine,Apache Stratos。

  • While in SaaS (Software as a Service) model you are provided with access to application software often referred to as "on-demand software". 在SaaS(软件即服务)模型中,您可以访问通常称为“按需软件”的应用程序软件。 You don't have to worry about the installation, setup and running of the application. 您不必担心应用程序的安装,设置和运行。 Service provider will do that for you. 服务提供商将为您做到这一点。 You just have to pay and use it through some client. 您只需要通过某些客户付款并使用它即可。

    Examples: Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365. 示例:Google Apps,Microsoft Office 365。

Few additional points regarding your question: 关于您的问题的其他几点:

  1. AWS (Amazon web services) is a complete suite which involves a whole bunch of useful web services. AWS(Amazon Web服务)是一套完整的套件,其中涉及大量有用的Web服务。 Most popular are EC2 and S3 and they belong to IaaS service model. 最受欢迎的是EC2和S3,它们属于IaaS服务模型。

  2. Although Hadoop is based on previous works by Google(GFS and MapReduce), it is not from Google. 尽管Hadoop基于Google之前的作品(GFS和MapReduce),但它并非来自Google。 It is an Apache project. 这是一个Apache项目。 You can find more here . 你可以在这里找到更多。 It is just a distributed computing platform and does not fall into any of these service models, IMHO. 它只是一个分布式计算平台,不属于这些服务模型,恕我直言。

  3. Microsoft's Windows Azure is again an example of IaaS. 微软的Windows Azure再次成为IaaS的一个例子。

As far as popularity of these services is concerned, they all are popular. 就这些服务的受欢迎程度而言,它们都很受欢迎。 It's just that which one fits into your requirements better. 正是这样才能更好地满足您的需求。 For example, if you want to have a Hadoop cluster on which you would run MapReduce jobs, you will find EC2 a perfect fit, which is IaaS. 例如,如果要在其上运行MapReduce作业的Hadoop集群,您会发现EC2非常适合,即IaaS。 On the other hand if you have some application, written in some language, and you want to deploy it over the cloud, you would choose something like Heroku, which is an example of PaaS. 另一方面,如果您有一些用某种语言编写的应用程序,并且想要在云上部署它,则可以选择Heroku之类的东西,这是PaaS的一个示例。


Adding to that, I have used AWS, heroku and currently using Jelastic and found - 除此之外,我使用过AWS,heroku,目前使用的是Jelastic,发现-

Jelastic offers a Java and PHP cloud hosting platform. Jelastic提供了Java和PHP云托管平台。 Jelastic automatically scales Java and PHP applications and allocates server resources, thus delivering true next-generation Java and PHP cloud computing. Jelastic自动扩展Java和PHP应用程序并分配服务器资源,从而提供真正的下一代Java和PHP云计算。 http://blog.jelastic.com/2013/04/16/elastic-beanstalk-vs-jelastic/ or http://cloud.dzone.com/articles/jelastic-vs-heroku-1 http://blog.jelastic.com/2013/04/16/elastic-beanstalk-vs-jelastic/或http://cloud.dzone.com/articles/jelastic-vs-heroku-1

Personally I found - 我个人发现-

  • Jelastic is faster Jelastic更快
  • You don't need to code to any jelastic APIs – just upload your application and select your stack. 您无需编写任何Jelastic API的代码,只需上传应用程序并选择堆栈即可。 You can also mix and match software stacks at will. 您也可以随意混合和匹配软件堆栈。

Try any of them and explore yourself. 尝试其中任何一种,并探索自己。 Its fun :-) 很有趣 :-)


Meaning For dummies: 对于假人的含义:

IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service) : IAAS(基础设施即服务):

  • The base layer 基础层

  • Deals with Virtual Machines, Storage (Hard Disks), Servers, Network, Load Balancers etc 处理虚拟机,存储(硬盘),服务器,网络,负载均衡器等

PAAS (Platform As A Service) : PAAS(平台即服务):

  • A layer on top of IAAS IAAS之上的一层

  • Runtimes (like java runtimes), Databases (like mySql, Oracle), Web Servers (tomcat etc) 运行时(如Java运行时),数据库(如mySql,Oracle),Web服务器(tomcat等)

SAAS (Software As A Service) : SAAS(软件即服务):

  • A layer on top on PAAS PAAS上的一层

  • Applications like email (Gmail, Yahoo mail etc), Social Networking sites (Facebook etc) 电子邮件(Gmail,Yahoo邮件等),社交网站(Facebook等)等应用程序

To quickly relate consider the below Google's offerings: 为了快速建立联系,请考虑以下Google产品:

IAAS : Google Compute Engine (One can develop programs to be run on high performing google's computing infrastructure) IAAS: Google Compute Engine(一个人可以开发要在高性能Google的计算基础架构上运行的程序)

PAAS : Google App Engine (One can develop applications and let them execute on top of Google app engine which take care of the execution) PAAS: Google App Engine(一个人可以开发应用程序,并让它们在负责执行的Google App Engine之上执行)

SAAS : Gmail, Google+ etc (One can use email services and extend email/google+ based applications to form newer applications) SAAS: Gmail,Google +等(可以使用电子邮件服务,并扩展基于电子邮件/ google +的应用程序以形成较新的应用程序)

Popularity 人气度

Company Wise Popularity 公司明智的人气

Cloud computing is dominated by 云计算由

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS), 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)
  2. Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine Google Compute Engine,Google App Engine
  3. Microsoft Azure 微软Azure
  4. There are many small and medium scale cloud operators that include IBM, Oracle etc. 有许多中小型云运营商,包括IBM,Oracle等。

Most of the popularity around these services owe to the reputation of the company and the amount of investments being made by these companies around the cloud space. 这些服务的大部分流行归因于公司的声誉以及这些公司在云空间周围进行的大量投资。

Type of Service Wise Popularity 服务类型明智程度

  1. PAAS (Platform as a Service) is more popular among developers as they can put all their concentration on developing their apps and leave the rest of management and execution to the service provider. PAAS(平台即服务)在开发人员中更受欢迎,因为他们可以全神贯注于开发应用程序,而将其余的管理和执行留给服务提供商。 Many service providers also offer the flexibility to increase/decrease the CPU power depending upon the traffic loads giving developers cost effective and easy & effortless management. 许多服务提供商还提供了根据流量负载来增加/减少CPU能力的灵活性,从而为开发人员提供了经济高效且易于管理的解决方案。
  2. SAAS (Software as a service) is more popular among with consumers, who bother about using the application such as email, social networking etc SAAS(软件即服务)在消费者中更受欢迎,他们烦恼使用电子邮件,社交网络等应用程序
  3. IAAS (Infrastructure as a service) is more popular among users into research and high computing areas. IAAS(基础设施即服务)在研究和高计算领域的用户中更受欢迎。


SaaS: Software as a Service Cloud application services or “Software as a Service” (SaaS) are probably the most popular form of cloud computing and are easy to use. SaaS:软件即服务云应用程序服务或“软件即服务”(SaaS)可能是最流行的云计算形式,并且易于使用。 SaaS uses the Web to deliver applications that are managed by a third-party vendor and whose interface is accessed on the clients' side. SaaS使用Web交付由第三方供应商管理的应用程序,并且其接口可在客户端进行访问。 Most SaaS applications can be run directly from a Web browser, without any downloads or installations required. 大多数SaaS应用程序可以直接从Web浏览器运行,而无需任何下载或安装。 SaaS eliminates the need to install and run applications on individual computers. SaaS消除了在单个计算机上安装和运行应用程序的需要。 With SaaS, it's easy for enterprises to streamline their maintenance and support, because everything can be managed by vendors: applications, runtime, data, middleware, O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking. 借助SaaS,企业可以轻松地简化维护和支持,因为一切都可以由供应商管理:应用程序,运行时,数据,中间件,O / S,虚拟化,服务器,存储和网络。 Gmail is one famous example of an SaaS mail provider. Gmail是一个著名的SaaS邮件提供商示例。

PaaS: Platform as a Service The most complex of the three, cloud platform services or “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) deliver computational resources through a platform. PaaS:平台即服务三种平台中最复杂的是云平台服务或“平台即服务”(PaaS)通过平台提供计算资源。 What developers gain with PaaS is a framework they can build upon to develop or customize applications. 开发人员使用PaaS所获得的是可以用来开发或定制应用程序的框架。 PaaS makes the development, testing, and deployment of applications quick, simple, and cost-effective, eliminating the need to buy the underlying layers of hardware and software. PaaS使应用程序的开发,测试和部署变得快速,简单且具有成本效益,从而无需购买底层硬件和软件。 One comparison between SaaS vs. PaaS has to do with what aspects must be managed by users, rather than providers: With PaaS, vendors still manage runtime, middleware, O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking, but users manage applications and data. SaaS与PaaS之间的一个比较是必须由用户而不是提供商来管理哪些方面:通过PaaS,供应商仍然可以管理运行时,中间件,O / S,虚拟化,服务器,存储和网络,但是用户可以管理应用程序和数据。

IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service Cloud infrastructure services, known as “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS), deliver computer infrastructure (such as a platform virtualization environment), storage, and networking. IaaS:基础架构即服务云基础架构服务(称为“基础架构即服务”(IaaS))可提供计算机基础架构(例如平台虚拟化环境),存储和网络。 Instead of having to purchase software, servers, or network equipment, users can buy these as a fully outsourced service that is usually billed according to the amount of resources consumed. 用户不必购买软件,服务器或网络设备,而可以将它们作为完全外包的服务购买,通常根据消耗的资源量计费。 Basically, in exchange for a rental fee, a third party allows you to install a virtual server on their IT infrastructure. 基本上,以租金作为交换,第三方允许您在其IT基础结构上安装虚拟服务器。 Compared to SaaS and PaaS, IaaS users are responsible for managing more: applications, data, runtime, middleware, and O/S. 与SaaS和PaaS相比,IaaS用户负责管理更多内容:应用程序,数据,运行时,中间件和O / S。 Vendors still manage virtualization, servers, hard drives, storage, and networking. 供应商仍在管理虚拟化,服务器,硬盘驱动器,存储和网络。 What users gain with IaaS is infrastructure on top of which they can install any required platforms. 用户通过IaaS获得的收益是基础架构,他们可以在该基础之上安装任何必需的平台。 Users are responsible for updating these if new versions are released. 如果发布了新版本,则用户有责任对它们进行更新。


IaaS, PaaS and SaaS are basically cloud computing segment. IaaS,PaaS和SaaS基本上是云计算领域。

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) - Infrastructure as a Service is a provision model of cloud computing in which an organization outsources the equipment used to support operations, including storage, hardware, servers and networking components. IaaS(基础架构即服务)-基础架构即服务是云计算的一种提供模型,在这种模型中,组织将用于支持操作的设备外包,包括存储,硬件,服务器和网络组件。 The service provider owns the equipment and is responsible for housing, running and maintaining it. 服务提供商拥有设备,并负责设备的安装,运行和维护。 The client typically pays on a per-use basis. 客户通常按使用情况付费。 Ex- Amazon Web Services , BlueLock , Cloudscaling and Datapipe 前Amazon Web Services , BlueLock , Cloudscaling和Datapipe

PaaS (Platform as a Service) - Platform as a Service is one of the GROWING sector of cloud computing. PaaS(平台即服务)-平台即服务是云计算的增长领域之一。 PaaS basically help developer to speed the development of app, saving money and most important innovating their applications and business instead of setting up configurations and managing things like servers and databases. PaaS基本上可以帮助开发人员加快应用程序的开发,节省资金,最重要的是创新其应用程序和业务,而无需设置配置和管理服务器和数据库之类的东西。 In one line I can say Platform as a service (PaaS) automates the configuration, deployment and ongoing management of applications in the cloud. 总而言之,我可以说平台即服务(PaaS)自动化了云中应用程序的配置,部署和持续管理。 Ex: Heroku , EngineYard , App42 PaaS and OpenShift 例如: Heroku , EngineYard , App42 PaaS和OpenShift

SaaS (Software as a Service) - Software as a Service, SaaS is a software delivery method that provides access to software and its functions remotely as a Web-based service. SaaS(软件即服务)-软件即服务,SaaS是一种软件交付方法,可作为基于Web的服务远程访问软件及其功能。 Ex: Abiquo's and Akamai 例如: Abiquo's和Akamai

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