
Fully Customizable Headers – Each page can have it’s own custom header with different height and background image or slider.AJAX Animations ON/OFF – Choose between 4 fluid AJAX animated transitions between pages for a creative experience or turn AJAX off to create a classic website. Besides the predefined animations, create your own scenario by choosing animation type for any page individually.Bonus Parallax Pages – SATELLITE7 comes with an amazing bonus feature – easy to create Parallax pages perfect for presentations, microsites or a new homepage.Interactive Elements – Counters, pie charts, horizontal progress bars, icon progress bars, elements with animation, elements fade inCustom Post Formats – SATELLITE7 supports following custom blog post formats: Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Video, AudioPortfolio – Choose between 6 different portfolio single layouts and 4 different portfolio list layouts combined with different number of columnsBlog Masonry Layout – Make your blog page display in masonry layoutLayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin ($15 value) – Create a responsive (mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effectsEasy-To-Use Powerful Admin Interface – SATELLITE7 comes with very intuitive, easy to use admin interface. Add unlimited sliders and slides while you are editing page/post/portfolio, add unlimited portfolio images or videos while editing your portfolio item, add unlimited parallax section to any page.Retina Ready – This theme includes high resolution iconsSmooth Scroll – This theme includes smooth scroll ON/OFFMultiple Sidebars – Create unlimited custom sidebars and choose them on global or post/page levelFully Customizable Mega Menu – Customize both standard and mobile menu, create wide or normal sub-menus at the same time, choose wide menu layout with or without iconsSide Menu – SATELLITE7 comes with an amazing side menu widget area.Modern, Professional Design – This theme is designed by a team of professional designers focused on user-experience and unique design style.Fully Responsive – SATELLITE7 is a fully responsive WordPress theme and works perfectly on all screen sizes and mobile devices.Extremely Customizable – Unlimited colors and sizes for all elements, 500+ Google fonts and a robust backend offers a solution for a variety of business or personal uses.Flexible Layout – Use our demo layout or create your own visually different experience using our modular shortcodes and feature-rich backend.Modular Shortcodes – Get creative with unlimited combinations of easy-to-use shortcodes and quickly create any type of page you like.WPML Ready – Fully compatible with WPML plugin – create multilingual web sitesTranslation Ready – This theme is fully prepared for translation to any language using po & mo filesSearch Engine Optimized – Search engines will easily index any page of your website because of the integrated search engine support. Set meta keywords and description for each individual page and increase SEO ranking.Perfect Code – Coded in HTML5, CCS3 and jQuery, this skillfully constructed theme is 100% valid.Modular Contact Page – You can set any combination between Google maps, Contact Form and regular content.Child Theme Ready – Create child theme starting from included dummy child theme.


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