有时会需要这种模式,一个全局变量,需要在程序的任何地方都可以使用它,但是当这个变量出现在不同线程时,就要求系统将这个变量拷贝到各个线程中,这样的话,每个线程内部也可以随时访问本线程的全局变量,但是线程之间的这个变量没有任何关系。这样就避免了锁,会提高程序运行的效率。在java中是ThreadLocal, 在boost中是


在linux下C的方法是 _thread

#ifndef __A_H
#define __A_H
#include <string>using namespace std;
class A {public:string s;int i;
};#endif//c.h#ifndef __C_H
#define __C_H
//#include <boost/thread/tss.hpp>
#include "a.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//using namespace boost;
class C {public://static thread_specific_ptr<A> pool;static __thread A *pool;static void init() {pool = new A();}/*static __thread A *instance() {pool = new A();return pool;} */
};__thread A *C::pool;
#ifndef __LIST_H
#define __LIST_H
#include "c.h"
class list
{public:int start;int step;list(int s,int t):start(s), step(t){C::init();C::pool->i = s;}void inc() {C::pool->i += step;}int get() {return C::pool->i;}
};#endif//main.cpp#include "c.h"
#include "list.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>using namespace std;int i = 1;
int s = 1;
void *run(void *junk) {list ls(i, s);for (int ind = 0; ind < 10; ++ind) {cout << (size_t)pthread_self() << ": "<< ls.get()<<endl;ls.inc();sleep(2);//  cout << (size_t)pthread_self() << ": "<< ls.get()<<endl;}}int main() {pthread_t t_a, t_b;pthread_create(&t_a, NULL, run, (void *)NULL);sleep(2);i += 1000;s = 5;pthread_create(&t_b, NULL, run, (void*)NULL);pthread_join(t_a, NULL);pthread_join(t_b, NULL);return 0;

g++ -lpthread  main.cpp -o test


1085499712: 1
1095989568: 1001
1085499712: 2
1095989568: 1006
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1095989568: 1011
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1110722880: 1
1110722880: 2
1121212736: 1001
1121212736: 1006
1110722880: 1011
1121212736: 1012
1110722880: 1017
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1110722880: 1041
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1110722880: 1047
1121212736: 1048
1110722880: 1053
1121212736: 1054


#ifndef __C_H
#define __C_H
#include <boost/thread/tss.hpp>
#include "a.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace boost;
class C {public:static thread_specific_ptr<A> pool;//static __thread A *pool;//static void init() {//  pool = new A();// }/*static __thread A *instance() {pool = new A();return pool;} */
};thread_specific_ptr<A> C::pool;
//__thread A *C::pool;
#endif// list.h
#ifndef __LIST_H
#define __LIST_H
#include "c.h"
class list
{public:int start;int step;list(int s,int t):start(s), step(t){//C::init();C::pool.reset(new A);C::pool->i = s;}void inc() {C::pool->i += step;}int get() {return C::pool->i;}

g++ main.cpp -I~/boost -lboost_thread -lpthread -o test

1086380352: 1
1117477184: 1001
1086380352: 2
1117477184: 1006
1086380352: 3
1117477184: 1011
1086380352: 4
1117477184: 1016
1086380352: 5
1117477184: 1021
1086380352: 6
1117477184: 1026
1086380352: 7
1117477184: 1031
1086380352: 8
1117477184: 1036
1086380352: 9
1117477184: 1041
1086380352: 10
1117477184: 1046



thread local storage相关推荐

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  4. SAP Spartacus 如何使用 API 从浏览器 local Storage 读取数据

    如下图所示,SAP 电商云 UI,用户的购物车 ID,持久化在浏览器的 local storage 里: 运行时,通过封装好的函数 getStorage 读取: 为什么会触发 State module ...

  5. 使用浏览器的 Local Storage 真的安全吗?

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