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参考文章1:Python 绘制 柱状图

# 创建一个点数为 8 x 6 的窗口, 并设置分辨率为 80像素/每英寸
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=80)
# 再创建一个规格为 1 x 1 的子图
# plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
# 柱子总数
N = 10
# 包含每个柱子对应值的序列
values = (56796,42996,24872,13849,8609,5331,1971,554,169,26)
# 包含每个柱子下标的序列
index = np.arange(N)
# 柱子的宽度
width = 0.45
# 绘制柱状图, 每根柱子的颜色为紫罗兰色
p2 = plt.bar(index, values, width, label="num", color="#87CEFA")
# 设置横轴标签
# 设置纵轴标签
plt.ylabel('number of reviews')
# 添加标题
plt.title('Cluster Distribution')
# 添加纵横轴的刻度
plt.xticks(index, ('mentioned1cluster', 'mentioned2cluster', 'mentioned3cluster', 'mentioned4cluster', 'mentioned5cluster', 'mentioned6cluster', 'mentioned7cluster', 'mentioned8cluster', 'mentioned9cluster', 'mentioned10cluster'))
# plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 10000, 10))
# 添加图例
plt.legend(loc="upper right")


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@File    : 测试拟合平面.py
@Time    : 2020/9/8 9:23
@Author  : Dontla
@Email   : sxana@qq.com
@Software: PyCharm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from numba import jit# 加载数据
def load_data(file_path):# 读取数据npzfile = np.load(file_path)# x, y, z = npzfile['arr_0'], npzfile['arr_1'], npzfile['arr_2']return npzfile['x'], npzfile['y'], npzfile['z']# 计算拟合片面
def cal_flat(x_, y_, z_):# 取样点数量point_num = len(x_)print('len={}'.format(point_num))# 创建系数矩阵Aa = 0A = np.ones((point_num, 3))for i in range(0, point_num):A[i, 0] = x_[a]A[i, 1] = y_[a]a = a + 1# print(A)# 创建矩阵bb = np.zeros((point_num, 1))a = 0for i in range(0, point_num):b[i, 0] = z_[a]a = a + 1# print(b)# 通过X=(AT*A)-1*AT*b直接求解A_T = A.TA1 = np.dot(A_T, A)A2 = np.linalg.inv(A1)A3 = np.dot(A2, A_T)X = np.dot(A3, b)print('平面拟合结果为:z = %.6f * x + %.6f * y + %.6f' % (X[0, 0], X[1, 0], X[2, 0]))# 计算方差R = 0for i in range(0, point_num):R = R + (X[0, 0] * x_[i] + X[1, 0] * y_[i] + X[2, 0] - z_[i]) ** 2print('方差为:%.*f' % (3, R))return X# 绘制三维深度散点图及拟合平面
def show_flat(X):# 展示图像fig1 = plt.figure()ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')ax1.set_xlabel("x")ax1.set_ylabel("y")ax1.set_zlabel("z")# ax1.scatter(x, y, z, c='r', marker='o')ax1.scatter(x, y, z, c='r', marker='.')x_p = np.linspace(-200, 1480, 168)y_p = np.linspace(-200, 920, 112)x_p, y_p = np.meshgrid(x_p, y_p)z_p = X[0, 0] * x_p + X[1, 0] * y_p + X[2, 0]ax1.plot_wireframe(x_p, y_p, z_p, rstride=10, cstride=10)plt.show()# 计算深度误差
def cal_error_distribution(x_, y_, z_, coefficient_):# 计算误差error = z_ - (coefficient_[0, 0] * x_ + coefficient_[1, 0] * y_ + coefficient_[2, 0])return error# 统计各个区间误差的数量
def count_error_number(depth_error_, column_num):# 提取负向最大深度误差和正向最大深度误差error_max = np.max(depth_error)# print(error_max)    # 23.39967553034205error_min = np.min(depth_error)# print(error_min)  # -18.65760653439031# 柱子宽度error_width = (error_max - error_min) / column_num# print(column_width) # 1.6822912825892944# 创建柱子高度序列column_height_sequence = np.zeros(column_num)# 统计每个柱子包含深度点的数量for error in depth_error_:index = int((error - error_min) // error_width)# 当深度误差error等于最大深度误差的时候,下标会溢出,所以要加个判断限制一下if index == column_num:# print(dep)  # 23.39967553034205index -= 1column_height_sequence[index] += 1# print(column_height_sequence)return column_height_sequence# 绘制柱状图
def draw_histogram(column_height_sequence_):# 创建一个点数为 8 x 6 的窗口, 并设置分辨率为 80像素/每英寸plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=80)# plt.figure()# 再创建一个规格为 1 x 1 的子图# plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)# 柱子总数N = len(column_height_sequence)# 包含每个柱子对应值的序列values = column_height_sequence_# 包含每个柱子下标的序列index = np.arange(N)# 柱子的宽度width = 1# 绘制柱状图, 每根柱子的颜色为紫罗兰色# p2 = plt.bar(index, values, width, label="num", color="#87CEFA")p2 = plt.bar(index, values, width, label="num", color="#87CEFA")# 设置横轴标签plt.xlabel('error/mm')# 设置纵轴标签plt.ylabel('number of points')# 添加标题plt.title('D435 error Distribution(500mm)')# 添加纵横轴的刻度index_new = []for index_ in index:if index_ % 100 == 0:index_new.append(index_)# print(index_new)index_new_content = []for index in index_new:error_max = np.max(depth_error)error_min = np.min(depth_error)index_new_content.append(error_min + (error_max - error_min) * index / N)index_new_content_string = [str(i) for i in np.around(index_new_content, decimals=1)]# plt.xticks(index, (#     'mentioned1cluster', 'mentioned2cluster', 'mentioned3cluster', 'mentioned4cluster', 'mentioned5cluster',#     'mentioned6cluster', 'mentioned7cluster', 'mentioned8cluster', 'mentioned9cluster', 'mentioned10cluster'))plt.xticks(index_new, index_new_content_string)# plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 10000, 10))# 添加图例plt.legend(loc="upper right")plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__':# 加载数据x, y, z = load_data('./data/500mm/4_1599623292.4111953.npz')# 拟合平面并返回平面函数系数coefficient = cal_flat(x, y, z)# 绘制平面及深度散点# show_flat(coefficient)# 计算深度误差depth_error = cal_error_distribution(x, y, z, coefficient)# 统计各个误差区间的数量(柱状图各个柱子高度)column_height_sequence = count_error_number(depth_error, 1000)# 绘制柱状图draw_histogram(column_height_sequence)


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