
11-Memory Management Examples相关推荐

  1. Memory Management in AIR / AS3 / Flash Garbage Collection.

    Memory management and garbage collection in Flash Player is a well debated topic. Some think that th ...

  2. 2015.12.21 内存管理(memory management)

    Memory Management 1.什么是内存管理? 程序在运行过程中管理内存分配的过程,当需要内存的时候就申请一片内存空间,不需要就释放掉. 2.如何去管理内存 站在分配对象拥有权的角度来操作内 ...

  3. 给Unity开发者的C#内存管理(第一部分) C# Memory Management for Unity Developers (part 1 of 3)

    原文地址:http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/WendelinReich/20131109/203841/C_Memory_Management_for_Unity_Deve ...

  4. [iOS]Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide 高级内存管理编程指南(官方文档翻译)

    Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide - 高级内存管理编程指南(官方文档翻译) 版权声明:本文为博主原创翻译,如需转载请注明出处. 新博客文章地址: ...

  5. Item 36. Class-Specific Memory Management

    Item 36. Class-Specific Memory Management 在类中声明operator new 和 operator delete 成员就可以实现类自己的内存分配与管理. cl ...

  6. [翻译] - Inside SQL Server 2000's Memory Management Facilities

    原文地址:Inside SQL Server 2000's Memory Management Facilities     翻译:RicCC Ken Henderson     Microsoft ...

  7. Operating System Concepts--chap9 Memory Management;

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    这一章节的memory management内容覆盖从bare-machine approach到paging和segmentatio ...

  8. Java (JVM) Memory Model – Memory Management in Java

    原文地址:http://www.journaldev.com/2856/java-jvm-memory-model-memory-management-in-java Understanding JV ...

  9. Objective -C Memory Management 内存管理 第一部分

    Objective -C Memory Management  内存管理  第一部分 Memory management is part of a more general problem in pr ...

  10. Three Memory Management Models

    摘自<Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Combined Volumes1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2 ...


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