
If you're studying for a statistics exam and need to review your data types this article will give you a brief overview with some simple examples.


Because let's face it: not many people study data types for fun or in their real everyday lives.


So let's dive in.


定量与定性数据-有什么区别? (Quantitative vs Qualitative data - what's the difference?)

In short: quantitative means you can count it and it's numerical (think quantity - something you can count). Qualitative means you can't, and it's not numerical (think quality - categorical data instead).

简而言之:定量意味着您可以对它进行计数,并且它是数字(想想数量 -您可以计数)。 定性意味着您不能,而且不是数字(请考虑质量 -而是分类数据)。

Boom! Simple, right?

繁荣! 简单吧?

There's one more distinction we should get straight before moving on to the actual data types, and it has to do with quantitative (numbers) data: discrete vs. continuous data.


Discrete data involves whole numbers (integers - like 1, 356, or 9) that can't be divided based on the nature of what they are.


Like the number of people in a class, the number of fingers on your hands, or the number of children someone has. You can't have 1.9 children in a family (despite what the census might say).

就像班上的人数,您的手指上的手指数或某人的孩子数一样。 一个家庭中不能有1.9个孩子(尽管人口普查可能会说 )。

Continuous data, on the other hand, is the opposite. It can be divided up as much as you want, and measured to many decimal places.

另一方面, 连续数据则相反。 可以根据需要将其划分为多个小数位。

Like the weight of a car (can be calculated to many decimal places), temperature (32.543 degrees, and so on), or the speed of an airplane.


Now for the fun stuff.


定性数据类型 (Qualitative data types)

名义数据 (Nominal data)

Nominal data are used to label variables without any quantitative value. Common examples include male/female (albeit somewhat outdated), hair color, nationalities, names of people, and so on.

标称数据用于标记没有任何定量值的变量。 常见的示例包括男性/女性(尽管有些过时),头发颜色,国籍,姓氏等等。

In plain English: basically, they're labels (and nominal comes from "name" to help you remember). You have brown hair (or brown eyes). You are American. Your name is Jane.

用简单的英语来说:基本上,它们是标签(名义名称来自“名称”,以帮助您记住)。 您有一头棕色的头发(或棕色的眼睛) 。 你是美国人 。 你的名字叫



What color hair do you have?


  • Brown棕色
  • Blonde金发女郎
  • Black黑色
  • Rainbow unicorn彩虹独角兽

What's your nationality?


  • American美国人
  • German德语
  • Kenyan肯尼亚人
  • Japanese日本

Notice that these variables don't overlap. For the purposes of statistics, anyway, you can't have both brown and rainbow unicorn-colored hair. And they're only really related by the main category of which they're a part.

请注意,这些变量不重叠。 无论如何,出于统计目的,您不能同时拥有棕色和彩虹独角兽色的头发。 而且它们只是与它们所属的主要类别真正相关。

序数数据 (Ordinal data)

The key with ordinal data is to remember that ordinal sounds like order - and it's the order of the variables which matters. Not so much the differences between those values.

序数数据的关键是要记住序数听起来像顺序-这是重要的变量顺序。 这些值之间的差异不大。

Ordinal scales are often used for measures of satisfaction, happiness, and so on. Have you ever taken one of those surveys, like this?

顺序量表通常用于满意度,幸福感等的量度。 您是否曾经参加过其中一项调查?

"How likely are you to recommend our services to your friends?"


  • Very likely很可能
  • Likely可能的
  • Neutral中性
  • Unlikely不太可能
  • Very unlikely不太可能

See, we don't really know what the difference is between very unlikely and unlikely - or if it's the same amount of likeliness (or, unlikeliness) as between likely and very likely. But that's ok. We just know that likely is more than neutral and unlikely is more than very unlikely. It's all in the order.

瞧,我们真的不知道极不可能和不太可能之间有什么区别-或可能性与可能性之间是否存在相同的可能性(或可能性)。 但是没关系。 我们只知道,可能性不仅是中立的,而且可能性是非常不可能的。 全部按顺序进行。

定量数据类型 (Quantitative data types)

间隔数据 (Interval Data)

Interval data is fun (and useful) because it's concerned with both the order and difference between your variables. This allows you to measure standard deviation and central tendency.

间隔数据很有趣(而且很有用),因为它与变量的顺序差异有关。 这使您可以测量标准偏差和集中趋势 。

Everyone's favorite example of interval data is temperatures in degrees celsius. 20 degrees C is warmer than 10, and the difference between 20 degrees and 10 degrees is 10 degrees. The difference between 10 and 0 is also 10 degrees.

每个人最喜欢的时间间隔数据示例是摄氏温度。 20摄氏度比10摄氏度高,而20摄氏度和10摄氏度之间的差为10摄氏度。 10与0之间的差也是10度。

If you need help remembering what interval scales are, just think about the meaning of interval: the space between. So not only do you care about the order of variables, but also about the values in between them.

如果需要帮助您记住间隔标度是多少,请考虑一下间隔的含义: 之间的间隔。 因此,您不仅关心变量的顺序,而且关心变量之间的值。

There is a little problem with intervals, however: there's no "true zero." A true zero has no value - there is none of that thing - but 0 degrees C definitely has a value: it's quite chilly. You can also have negative numbers.

但是,间隔有一个小问题:没有“真零”。 真正的零没有任何价值-没有任何东西-但0摄氏度绝对有一个价值:这很冷。 您也可以使用负数。

If you don't have a true zero, you can't calculate ratios. This means addition and subtraction work, but division and multiplication don't.

如果没有真正的零,则无法计算比率。 这意味着加法和减法工作,但除法和乘法却没有。

比率数据 (Ratio data)

Thank goodness there's ratio data. It solves all our problems.

谢天谢地,这里有比例数据。 它解决了我们所有的问题。

Ratio data tells us about the order of variables, the differences between them, and they have that absolute zero. Which allows all sorts of calculations and inferences to be performed and drawn.

比率数据告诉我们变量的顺序,变量之间的差,并且变量的绝对值为零。 这允许执行和绘制各种计算和推论。

Ratio data is very similar interval data, except zero means none. For ratio data, it is not possible to have negative values.

比率数据与间隔数据非常相似,但零表示无。 对于比率数据,不可能有负值。

For instance, height is ratio data. It is not possible to have negative height. If an object's height is zero, then there is no object. This is different than something like temperature. Both 0 degrees and -5 degrees are completely valid and meaningful temperatures.

例如,高度是比率数据。 不可能有负高度。 如果对象的高度为零,则没有对象。 这不同于温度。 0度和-5度都是完全有效且有意义的温度。

Now that you have a basic handle on these data types you should be a bit more ready to tackle that stats exam.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/types-of-data-in-statistics-nominal-ordinal-interval-and-ratio-data-types-explained-with-examples/



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