by Howard Lo


坎宁安法则又称“卑鄙的人” (Cunningham’s Law AKA Getting Answers From Snobby People)

From “struggling developer” to “occasionally struggling developer”


序幕 (Prelude)

I’m a self-taught developer. I didn’t get a computer science degree. Not even close.

我是一个自学成才的开发人员。 我没有获得计算机科学学位。 差远了。

I read 10% of one programming book, and 5% of another. The rest came from Google error messages, posting on Stack Overflow, and attempting to run before I could walk. I’ve got the banged up knees to prove it.

我读了一本书的10%,另一本书的5%。 其余的来自Google错误消息,发布在Stack Overflow上,并在我走路之前尝试运行。 我已经屈指可数了。

My first project was an e-commerce website, fully loaded with a shopping cart, products, inventory, pricing, sales pricing, reviews, ratings, images, and most importantly checkout. It sounds pretty standard now. I mean, what e-commerce site doesn’t have checkout?

我的第一个项目是一个电子商务网站,里面装有购物车,产品,库存,价格,销售价格,评论,评分,图像,最重要的是结帐。 现在听起来很标准。 我的意思是,哪个电子商务网站没有结帐?

But for me as a new programmer, this was like me to build the Titanic from scratch.


Granted, you don’t really build anything from scratch anymore. There are hundreds of pre-made pieces you can stitch together to shave days or weeks off your development schedule (if this is news to you, you should do some internets).

当然,您不再真正从头开始构建任何东西。 您可以将数百个预制件拼接在一起,以节省几天或几周的开发进度(如果这对您来说是个新闻,则应该进行一些互联网连接)。

But it doesn’t matter how many pre-made pieces of the Titanic there are — attaching the front half to the back half is still pretty damn hard.


I’ve always hated using textbooks. In college I managed to pass a lot of science courses for medical school prep without ever buying the textbooks. The worst thing about textbooks is that you can’t ask the textbook any questions.

我一直讨厌使用教科书。 在大学里,我成功地通过了许多医学院预科课程的科学课程,而从未购买过教科书。 关于教科书的最糟糕的事情是你不能问教科书任何问题。

Google is awesome because you can ask it questions and it will, in a way, answer them. But sometimes my questions are too generic. I also didn’t know what things were called, so asking Google would often spit out a generic answer — or 50 very specific answers. But which specific answer was the correct one for my specific case?

Google很棒,因为您可以提出问题,并以某种方式回答它们。 但是有时候我的问题太笼统了。 我也不知道该怎么称呼,所以问Google常常会吐出一个通用答案-或50个非常具体的答案。 但是,对于我的具体情况,哪个特定答案是正确的?

Stack Overflow was heaven-sent for a lot of problems I had, but asking a question had a turn around time. My founder and I were poor, so having our “company” wait 24 hours for someone to get back to me on my stupid question was…out of the question.

堆栈溢出是我遇到的许多问题的天堂,但是提出问题却需要时间。 我的创始人和我都很穷,所以让我们的“公司”等待24小时让有人就我的愚蠢问题找我,这是……无法解决的。

And thats when I discovered IRC.




互联网乌龟 (The Internet Tortoise)

For those of you born in a year that starts with the number 2, IRC is an old form of chatting on the internet . This was before texting or even AOL Instant Messenger became a thing. (Do you all remember AOL instant messenger? Damn we’re old!)

对于那些出生于以数字2开头的年份的人来说,IRC是在互联网上聊天的一种古老形式。 这是在发短信甚至AOL Instant Messenger成为问题之前。 (你们都还记得AOL即时通讯程序吗?该死的我们已经老了!)

So you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that good old IRC was still alive and kicking on It turns out, a ton of experienced developers hang out in various channels on freenode’s IRC servers — from senior developers, to start-up hackers, to core contributors for major open-source projects. And of course, snobby people.

因此,当我发现良好的旧IRC仍在运行并在freenode.net上运行时,您可以想象我的惊讶。 事实证明,大量经验丰富的开发人员在freenode的IRC服务器上的各种渠道中闲逛-从高级开发人员到初创黑客,再到大型开源项目的核心贡献者。 当然是卑鄙的人。

IRC is great because the help is professional, free, and instant.


So here’s the generalized and slightly exaggerated problem: the senior developers are busy managing and enslaving the junior developers. The startup hackers are busy hacking their startup a third arm. The core contributors are answering all the hard questions about their projects.

因此,这是一个普遍的,有点夸张的问题:高级开发人员正忙于管理和奴役初级开发人员。 初创黑客正忙于将他们的初创企业入侵第三部门。 核心贡献者正在回答有关其项目的所有难题

Newbies like me, we get left with the snobby guys.


A typical snobby guy response to your newbie question:


“You could’ve easily Googled the answer in the same amount of time it took you to ask it here.”




“You should read this [500 page] book on programming first. It’ll answer all your questions.”

“您应该首先阅读这本[500页]的编程书籍。 它会回答您所有的问题。”

and everyone’s favorite:


“Read the docs.”


That last one is only valid if the docs aren’t confusing and aren’t organized by a developer who thinks that UX is a myth.


But otherwise, not productive. I needed a strategy that would:

但否则,将无法产生成果。 我需要的策略是:

  1. get my question answered ASAP尽快回答我的问题
  2. not piss anyone off, so that I can ask another question later不要惹恼任何人,以便我以后再问一个问题

I came up with a strategy, only to find out later that someone else had come up this strategy first. So their name is on it — not mine.

我想出了一个策略,后来才发现有人首先提出了这个策略。 因此,他们的名字就在上面-不是我的。

坎宁安定律 (Cunningham’s Law)

“The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it’s to post the wrong answer.”


This technique is snob kryptonite.


And wrong answers to a internet snob is like (spoilers!) Sansa Stark to Littlefinger — they just can’t let it go. All you have to do is make a second account to take the fall.

对互联网势利小人的错误答案就像(剧透!)Sansa Stark对Littlefinger一样-他们只是放手而去。 您所要做的就是注册第二个帐户以承担秋季的费用。

First, you use your real account to ask the stupid question:


“How do I tie my shoes?”


Then, on your second account thats going to take the fall, answer incorrectly with:


“You can’t tie them. You have to buy new shoes.”

“你不能绑他们。 你必须买新鞋。”

Now, if you listen carefully, you can almost hear the angry fingers smashing into the keyboards at 200 wpm through your monitor as the entire chatroom comes alive to oust the false prophet.

现在,如果您认真听讲,当整个聊天室都活跃起来以赶走假先知时,您几乎可以在监视器上以200 wpm的速度通过显示器听到愤怒的手指砸向键盘的声音。

And nobody is going to reply with:


“dude, go ask your parents how to tie your shoes”


…when my oblivious and benign reply to that would easily be,


“but that guy already said to buy new shoes, why should I ask my parents?”




奖金提示( 因为我喜欢你) (Bonus Tips (Because I like you))

Cunningham’s law is great, and it really works. But there are some other tactics I’ve picked up when dealing with internet folks that Cunningham never mentioned. Here are some amendments to his law that will help you get your answers quicker:

坎宁安法则很棒,而且确实有效。 但是,在与互联网人士打交道时,我有一些其他的战术是坎宁安从未提及的。 以下是对他的法律的一些修正,这些修正将帮助您更快地获得答案:

  1. Swallow your pride. Don’t try to win arguments. Sometimes, when you’re discussing JavaScript, things can get heated. When things get heated, your question tends to go unanswered. What’s more important, your question or the argument? It’s in your interest to lose the argument and to steer the conversation back to your original question.

    放下你的骄傲。 不要试图赢得争论。 有时,当您讨论JavaScript时,事情会变得很热烈。 当事情变热时,您的问题往往无法得到解答。 您的问题还是争论更重要? 失去论点并将对话引导回原始问题符合您的利益。

  2. Try a bit first. Most people don’t want to help you unless you try or at least seemed like you’ve tried. It helps you build your understanding, but it removes one less unproductive thing they could say. Try to answer your question first, and then describe what you’ve tried. It sounds way better, and it gets you your answer faster.

    先尝试一下。 除非您尝试或至少看起来像您已经尝试过,否则大多数人都不想帮助您。 它可以帮助您建立理解,但可以消除他们可能会说的一无是处的事情。 首先尝试回答您的问题,然后描述您尝试过的事情。 这听起来好多了,而且可以更快地为您解答。

  3. Don’t ask to ask. “Hey I was wondering if I can ask a question about JavaScript?” To which the snobs will reply, “I don’t know, can you?” Just ask.

    不要问问。 “嘿,我想知道我是否可以问有关JavaScript的问题?” 势利者会回答:“我不知道,可以吗?” 只是问问。

  4. Don’t get emotional. Sometimes snobby people can really get on your nerves. It used to happen to me on a daily basis, and it’s usually from the same guy. Don’t get emotional because then you’ll say something really stupid and you’re done for. Stay calm, and ask your question.

    不要情绪激动。 有时那些卑鄙的人真的可以惹您生气。 过去,这种情况每天都在我身上发生,通常是来自同一个人。 不要情绪激动,因为那样的话,您会说出一些很愚蠢的东西,您已经做好了。 保持镇静,问你一个问题。

  5. Don’t feel entitled. I get the feeling that a majority of the people in a given channel don’t like the snobs, yet don’t speak up because #avoiddrama. Don’t feel entitled to receive help because then you become a snob — and now you have no friends in the channel. Remember, you aren’t paying them the $60 per hour they probably get paid at their job.

    没资格。 我感到给定频道中的大多数人不喜欢势利小人,但因为#avoiddrama而没有大声疾呼。 感觉没有资格获得帮助,因为那样您就成为势利小人-现在该频道中没有朋友。 请记住,您并不是付给他们每小时60美元的报酬。

  6. Show them your code. You’ll quickly discover that for some topics, no one wants to help you until you show them your code. Use things like JSFiddle, Github Gists, and dpaste to share your code. Different channels and topics have their own preferences, so be sure to ask which they prefer.

    向他们显示您的代码。 您会很快发现 对于某些主题,直到您向他们展示您的代码之前,没有人愿意帮助您。 使用JSFiddle , Github Gists和dpaste之类的东西来共享您的代码。 不同的频道和主题都有自己的喜好,因此请务必提出自己的偏好。

  7. Secret weapon: Pretend to be a woman (unless you already are one and aren’t getting help—then try pretending to be a 10-year-old). Yup, tried it. Yup, it works. I’m 100% for workplace equality, but the fact is, people tend to help women a lot more than they help men. If you’re really really desperate, use a female name and play the damsel in distress card. You can also play the “I’m a kid developer” card. Remember, I said to swallow your pride.

    秘密武器 :假装自己是女人(除非您已经是一个人并且没有得到帮助-然后尝试假装自己是10岁)。 是的,尝试过。 是的,它有效。 我对工作场所平等的要求是100%,但事实是,人们对女性的帮助要比对男性的帮助大得多。 如果您真的绝望,请使用女性名字,在遇险卡中扮演少女。 您还可以打出“我是儿童游戏开发者”卡片。 记住,我说过要吞下你的骄傲。

I made, a tool that lets you collect emails here on Medium (and other places). Oh look, here is one now:

我制作了 ,该工具可让您在Medium(和其他地方)的此处收集电子邮件。 哦,看,现在是一个:

Looking for my older stories? I’ve got some. Here.Looking for older stories is a PITA on Medium. Click here for a

寻找我的老故事? 我有一些 这里。 寻找较旧的故事是中级的PITA。 单击此处获取快捷方式。

Also, I’m giving away my free eBook on starting up a startup. Especially good for people who don’t know what the hell they are doing:

另外,我还将赠送免费的电子书,以帮助您启动创业公司。 对于不知道自己在做什么的人特别有用:

First 10 people to subscribe get my free eBook.How to startup your startup as a

前10位订阅者可获得我的免费电子书。 如何以无人启动您的启动。

Man, these rabbut things are like everywhere now.




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