


def countPrimes(n):"""itype -> intrtype -> intrtype -> list"""




def countPrimes(n):primes = []if n < 2:return 0, primesfor i in range(2,n):if isPrime(i):primes.append(i)return len(primes), primesdef isPrime(k):"""itype: int, >=2rtype: int"""r_isPrime = Truefor i in range(2,k):if k%i == 0:r_isPrime = Falsereturn r_isPrime
from time import process_time
t1 = process_time()
n = int(input("Input a positive integer: "))
count_primes, primes = countPrimes(n)
t2 = process_time()print("The number of primes within {} is {}:".format(n,count_primes))
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(t2-t1))
Input a positive integer:  10000The number of primes within 10000 is 1229:
Elapsed time: 2.875



但是这样地算法存在冗余,太耗时了。 对n=20,我们只需要检查

  • 20=2*10
  • 20=4*5
  • 20=
  • 20=5*4
  • 20=10*2 观察到只需要检查20在小于



def isPrime(k):"""itype: int, >=2rtype: int"""r_isPrime = Truefor i in range(2,int(k**0.5)+1):if k%i == 0:r_isPrime = Falsereturn r_isPrime
from time import process_time
t1 = process_time()
n = int(input("Input a positive integer: "))
count_primes, primes = countPrimes(n)
t2 = process_time()print("The number of primes within {} is {}:".format(n,count_primes))
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(t2-t1))
Input a positive integer:  10000The number of primes within 10000 is 1229:
Elapsed time: 2.5625



。 发现其实还有冗余,如果已知2为素数,那么就不应该多余地去检查4,6,8这些2的倍数。按照这样的原理,演化到下一个算法。

素数筛-Sieve of Eratosthenes


def countPrimes(n):if n < 2:return 0, primesprime_sieve = [1]*nprime_sieve[0:2] = [0,0]for i in range(2, n):if prime_sieve[i]:for j in range(i*2, n, i):prime_sieve[j] = 0return prime_sieve.count(1), [index for index,value in enumerate(prime_sieve) if value == 1]
from time import process_time
t1 = process_time()
n = int(input("Input a positive integer: "))
count_primes, primes = countPrimes(n)
t2 = process_time()print("The number of primes within {} is {}:".format(n,count_primes))
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(t2-t1))
Input a positive integer:  1000000The number of primes within 1000000 is 78498:
Elapsed time: 0.28125

筛掉倍数后,算法表现提升显著,还有可以提升的空间。 - for i in range(2, n):是在遍历所有小于n大于等于2的正整数,当n=20,我们不需要遍历所有的大于

def countPrimes(n):if n < 2:return 0, primesprime_sieve = [1]*nprime_sieve[0:2] = [0,0]for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1):if prime_sieve[i]:for j in range(i*2, n, i):prime_sieve[j] = 0return prime_sieve.count(1), [index for index,value in enumerate(prime_sieve) if value == 1]from time import process_time
t1 = process_time()
n = int(input("Input a positive integer: "))
count_primes, primes = countPrimes(n)
t2 = process_time()print("The number of primes within {} is {}:".format(n,count_primes))
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(t2-t1))
Input a positive integer:  1000000The number of primes within 1000000 is 78498:
Elapsed time: 0.1875

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 外层的循环范围优化了,现在考虑内层循环for j in range(i*2, n, i):。 当n=20,i=5时会筛掉10,15,20,25...,但是这10,15,20已经被素数2,3筛掉。小于当前素数的因数,要么是更小的素数,要么是更小的素数的倍数,当前素数与这些因数相乘,肯定被筛过了,所以只需要从

def countPrimes(n):if n < 2:return 0, primesprime_sieve = [1]*nprime_sieve[0:2] = [0,0]for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1):if prime_sieve[i]:for j in range(i**2, n, i):prime_sieve[j] = 0return prime_sieve.count(1), [index for index,value in enumerate(prime_sieve) if value == 1]from time import process_time
t1 = process_time()
n = int(input("Input a positive integer: "))
count_primes, primes = countPrimes(n)
t2 = process_time()print("The number of primes within {} is {}:".format(n,count_primes))
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(t2-t1))
Input a positive integer:  1000000The number of primes within 1000000 is 78498:
Elapsed time: 0.15625




以此来看,本文截至此处目前最好的素数算法为Sieve of Eratosthenes。代码:

def countPrimes(n):if n < 2:return 0, primesprime_sieve = [1]*nprime_sieve[0:2] = [0,0]for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1):if prime_sieve[i]:for j in range(i**2, n, i):prime_sieve[j] = 0return prime_sieve.count(1), [index for index,value in enumerate(prime_sieve) if value == 1]

Euler's Sieve




def countPrimes(n):if n < 2:return 0, primescur_list = list(range(2, n))primes = []while True:cur_prime = cur_list[0]backup_list = cur_list.copy()for j in backup_list:if j*cur_prime not in cur_list:breakcur_list.remove(j*cur_prime)primes.append(cur_prime)cur_list.pop(0)if cur_prime**2 > n:primes.extend(cur_list)breakreturn len(primes), primesfrom time import process_time
t1 = process_time()
n = int(input("Input a positive integer: "))
count_primes, primes = countPrimes(n)
t2 = process_time()print("The number of primes within {} is {}:".format(n,count_primes))
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(t2-t1))

Input a positive integer: 1000 The number of primes within 1000 is 168: Elapsed time: 0.013890345999996612
Input a positive integer: 10000 The number of primes within 10000 is 1229: Elapsed time: 0.36447122299999535
Input a positive integer: 100000 The number of primes within 100000 is 9592: Elapsed time: 49.40181045400001



  • 2020/04/03: 感谢评论区 @天空和云 的提醒,修改了两处代码。
  • 2020/02/15: 更新了欧拉筛法,思路正确但是代码有缺陷。


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