


The goal of this problem is to implement a variant of the 2-SUM algorithm (covered in the Week 6 lecture on hash table applications).
The file contains 1 million integers, both positive and negative (there might be some repetitions!).This is your array of integers, with the ith row of the file specifying the ith entry of the array.Your task is to compute the number of target values t in the interval [-10000,10000] (inclusive) such that there are distinct numbers x,y in the input file that satisfy x+y=t. (NOTE: ensuring distinctness requires a one-line addition to the algorithm from lecture.)




from time import clock
start=clock()def myhash(val):return val>>15f=open('algo1-programming_prob-2sum.txt','r')
valnew=[True for x in range(6103503)]
tlist=[0 for x in range(-10000,10000+1)]
print('read complete')
vallist=[int(val) for val in tmp.split()]
print('convert to set@int complete')
for val in vallist:val_key=myhash(val-minval)if valnew[val_key]==True:valnew[val_key]=[val]else:valnew[val_key].append(val)
print('hash complete',len(valnew),len(vallist))for val in vallist:firkey=myhash(-10000-val-minval)seckey=myhash(10000-val-minval)if firkey<len(valnew):if valnew[firkey]!=True:for tmp in valnew[firkey]:if tmp+val in range(-10000,10000+1):tlist[tmp+val+10000]=1if firkey<len(valnew):if valnew[seckey]!=True:for tmp in valnew[seckey]:if tmp+val in range(-10000,10000+1):tlist[tmp+val+10000]=1print('output: ',sum(tlist))finish=clock()
print finish-start##read complete
##convert to set@int complete
##('hash complete', 6103503, 999752)
##('output: ', ***)
##480.193410146##user@hn:~/pyscripts$ python 2sum_hash.py
##read complete
##convert to set@int complete
##('hash complete', 6103503, 999752)
##('output: ', ***)




The goal of this problem is to implement the "Median Maintenance" algorithm (covered in the Week 5 lecture on heap applications). The text file contains a list of the integers from 1 to 10000 in unsorted order; you should treat this as a stream of numbers, arriving one by one. Letting xi denote the ith number of the file, the kth median mk is defined as the median of the numbers x1,…,xk. (So, if k is odd, then mk is ((k+1)/2)th smallest number among x1,…,xk; if k is even, then mk is the (k/2)th smallest number among x1,…,xk.)In the box below you should type the sum of these 10000 medians, modulo 10000 (i.e., only the last 4 digits). That is, you should compute (m1+m2+m3+⋯+m10000)mod10000.




from time import clock
from heapq import heappush,heappop
data=[int(val) for val in tmp.split()]
out=[0 for x in range(len(data))]#rudeway with high complexity
#17s running time
def rudeway(data,out):for ind in range(len(data)):b=data[0:ind+1]b.sort()out.append(b[(len(b)+1)/2-1])return sum(out)%10000#print(rudeway(data,out))#use heapq, minus(min heap)=max heap
def heapway(data,out):lheap=[]rheap=[]out[0]=data[0]tmp=sorted(data[0:2])out[1]=tmp[0]heappush(lheap,-tmp[0])heappush(rheap,tmp[1])for ind in range(2,len(data)):if data[ind]>rheap[0]:heappush(rheap,data[ind])else:heappush(lheap,-data[ind])if len(rheap)>len(lheap):heappush(lheap,-heappop(rheap))if len(lheap)>len(rheap)+1:heappush(rheap,-heappop(lheap))out[ind]=-lheap[0]return sum(out)%10000print(heapway(data,out))finish=clock()
print finish-start

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