Table of Contents












当使用的索引密集聚集时,XArray实现非常有效。对对象进行哈希处理并将哈希值用作索引将不能很好地执行。XArray针对小索引进行了优化,但是对于大索引仍然具有良好的性能。如果索引可以大于, ULONG_MAX则XArray不是您的数据类型。XArray最重要的用户是页面缓存。


普通指针可以直接存储在XArray中。它们必须对齐4个字节,这对于从kmalloc()和 返回的任何指针都是正确的alloc_page()。对于任意用户空间指针或函数指针而言,它不是正确的。您可以存储指向静态分配的对象的指针,只要这些对象的对齐至少为4。






从初始化XArray开始,DEFINE_XARRAY() 对于静态分配的XArray或xa_init()动态分配的XArray都要初始化。刚初始化的XArray NULL 在每个索引处都包含一个指针。

然后,您可以使用设置条目,xa_store()并使用获取条目xa_load()。xa_store将用新条目覆盖任何条目,并返回存储在该索引处的先前条目。您可以使用xa_erase()而不是xa_store()使用 NULL条目来调用。从未存储到的条目,已删除的条目和最近NULL存储到的条目之间没有区别。

您可以使用来有条件地替换索引中的条目 xa_cmpxchg()。像一样cmpxchg(),只有在该索引的条目具有“旧”值时,它才会成功。它还返回该索引处的条目。如果它返回与“旧”相同的条目,则xa_cmpxchg()成功。


您可以使用来查询条目上是否设置了标记 xa_get_mark()。如果不是该条目,则NULL可以通过使用在其上设置标记,xa_set_mark()并通过调用从条目中删除该标记xa_clear_mark()。您可以通过调用询问XArray中的任何条目是否设置了特定标记xa_marked()

您可以通过调用将条目从XArray复制到纯数组中 xa_extract()。或者,您可以通过调用遍历XArray中的当前条目xa_for_each()。您可能更喜欢使用 xa_find()xa_find_after()移至XArray中的下一个当前条目。


有时您需要确保后续调用xa_store() 不需要分配内存。该xa_reserve()函数将在指示的索引处存储保留的条目。普通API的用户将看到此条目包含NULL。如果不需要使用保留的条目,则可以调用xa_release() 以删除未使用的条目。如果与此同时有另一个用户存储到该条目,xa_release()则不执行任何操作;相反,如果您希望该条目成为NULL,则应使用xa_erase()。使用xa_insert()上的保留条目将失败。


最后,您可以通过调用从XArray删除所有条目 xa_destroy()。如果XArray条目是指针,则您可能希望先释放这些条目。您可以通过使用xa_for_each()迭代器遍历XArray中的所有当前条目来实现此目的。




使用xa_store()xa_cmpxchg()xa_insert() 将迎来条目被分配。与普通的XArray不同,存储 NULL会将该条目标记为正在使用中,例如xa_reserve()。要释放条目,请使用xa_erase()(或者xa_release()如果您只想释放条目,则使用NULL)。



xa_store()xa_cmpxchg()xa_alloc(), xa_reserve()xa_insert()功能采取以防XArray需要分配存储器来存储这个条目的gfp_t参数。如果要删除该条目,则无需执行任何内存分配,并且指定的GFP标志将被忽略。

不可能分配任何内存,特别是如果您传递一组限制性的GFP标志时。在这种情况下,函数将返回一个特殊值,可以使用将其转换为errno xa_err()。如果您不需要确切地知道发生了哪个错误,使用起来 xa_is_err()会更有效率。


使用Normal API时,您不必担心锁定。XArray使用RCU和内部自旋锁来同步访问:


  • xa_empty()
  • xa_marked()


  • xa_load()
  • xa_for_each()
  • xa_find()
  • xa_find_after()
  • xa_extract()
  • xa_get_mark()


  • xa_store()
  • xa_store_bh()
  • xa_store_irq()
  • xa_insert()
  • xa_insert_bh()
  • xa_insert_irq()
  • xa_erase()
  • xa_erase_bh()
  • xa_erase_irq()
  • xa_cmpxchg()
  • xa_cmpxchg_bh()
  • xa_cmpxchg_irq()
  • xa_store_range()
  • xa_alloc()
  • xa_alloc_bh()
  • xa_alloc_irq()
  • xa_reserve()
  • xa_reserve_bh()
  • xa_reserve_irq()
  • xa_destroy()
  • xa_set_mark()
  • xa_clear_mark()


  • __xa_store()
  • __xa_insert()
  • __xa_erase()
  • __xa_cmpxchg()
  • __xa_alloc()
  • __xa_reserve()
  • __xa_set_mark()
  • __xa_clear_mark()

如果您想利用锁来保护要存储在XArray中的数据结构,可以在调用xa_lock() 之前调用xa_load(),然后在调用之前对找到的对象进行引用计数xa_unlock()。这将防止商店在查找对象和增加引用计数之间从数组中删除对象。您也可以使用RCU避免取消引用释放的内存,但是对此的解释超出了本文的范围。



void foo_init(struct foo *foo)
{xa_init_flags(&foo->array, XA_FLAGS_LOCK_BH);
}int foo_store(struct foo *foo, unsigned long index, void *entry)
{int err;xa_lock_bh(&foo->array);err = xa_err(__xa_store(&foo->array, index, entry, GFP_KERNEL));if (!err)foo->count++;xa_unlock_bh(&foo->array);return err;
}/* foo_erase() is only called from softirq context */
void foo_erase(struct foo *foo, unsigned long index)
{xa_lock(&foo->array);__xa_erase(&foo->array, index);foo->count--;xa_unlock(&foo->array);

如果要从中断或softirq上下文修改XArray,则需要使用xa_init_flags(), XA_FLAGS_LOCK_IRQ或初始化数组XA_FLAGS_LOCK_BH


与中断上下文共享XArray也是可能的,或者使用xa_lock_irqsave()两个中断处理程序和进程上下文,或xa_lock_irq()在进程上下文和xa_lock() 在中断处理程序。一些较常见的模式有帮助的功能,例如xa_store_bh()xa_store_irq(), xa_erase_bh()xa_erase_irq()xa_cmpxchg_bh() 和xa_cmpxchg_irq()





高级API基于xa_state。这是一个不透明的数据结构,您可以使用XA_STATE() 宏在堆栈上声明。该宏初始化了准备开始在XArray周围移动的xa_state。它用作游标以维护XArray中的位置,并让您一起进行各种操作,而不必每次都从顶部重新启动。

xa_state也用于存储错误。您可以致电 xas_error()以检索错误。所有操作都将在继续操作之前检查xa_state是否处于错误状态,因此您无需在每次调用后检查错误;您可以连续拨打多个电话,并且只能在方便的时候进行检查。XArray代码本身当前生成的唯一错误是ENOMEM和 EINVAL,但是它支持任意错误,以备您自称 xas_set_err()

如果xa_state ENOMEM出错,则调用xas_nomem() 将尝试使用指定的gfp标志分配更多的内存,并将其缓存在xa_state中,以备下次尝试。这个想法是您采用xa_lock,尝试操作并放弃锁。该操作尝试在持有锁定的同时分配内存,但是更有可能失败。放开锁后,xas_nomem() 可以尝试分配更多的内存。true如果值得重试该操作(即存在内存错误并且 分配了更多的内存),它将返回。如果它先前已经分配了内存,并且没有使用该内存,并且没有错误(或某些不是not的错误 ENOMEM),那么它将释放先前分配的内存。



名称 测试 用法
节点 xa_is_node() XArray节点。使用多索引xa_state时可能可见。
兄弟 xa_is_sibling() 多索引条目的非规范条目。该值指示此节点中的哪个插槽具有规范条目。
重试 xa_is_retry() 该条目当前正在由具有xa_lock的线程修改。包含该条目的节点可以在该RCU周期结束时释放。您应该从数组的开头重新开始查找。
xa_is_zero() 零条目的显示NULL方式与普通API相同,但在XArray中占据了一个条目,可用于保留索引以备将来使用。这是通过为分配的条目分配XArray来使用的NULL




您可以使用xas_init_marks()将条目上的标记重置为其默认状态。通常,所有标记都是清除的,除非XArray被标记为XA_FLAGS_TRACK_FREE,在这种情况下,标记0被设置,所有其他标记都被清除。将一个条目替换为另一个条目 xas_store()不会重置该条目上的标记;如果要重设标记,则应明确地进行。

xas_load()会走xa_state尽可能靠近入口,因为它可以。如果您知道xa_state已经移至该条目并且需要检查该条目没有更改,则可以使用 xas_reload()保存函数调用。

如果您需要移至XArray中的其他索引,请调用 xas_set()。这会将光标重置到树的顶部,这通常会使下一个操作将光标移到树中的所需位置。如果要移至下一个或上一个索引,请调用xas_next()xas_prev()。设置索引不会使游标在数组中移动,因此在移至下一个或上一个索引时不需要保持锁定。

您可以使用搜索下一个当前条目xas_find()。这等同于xa_find()xa_find_after(); 如果光标已移至某个条目,则它将在当前引用的条目之后找到下一个条目。如果不是,它将在xa_state的索引处返回条目。在大多数情况下,使用xas_next_entry()而不是移动到下一个当前条目xas_find()将节省函数调用,但以发出更多内联代码为代价。

xas_find_marked()功能是相似的。如果尚未遍历xa_state,它将被标记xa_state的索引处返回条目。否则,它将返回xa_state引用的条目之后的第一个标记条目。该xas_next_marked() 功能等效于xas_next_entry()

当使用xas_for_each() 或迭代XArray的范围时xas_for_each_marked(),可能需要暂时停止迭代。该xas_pause()函数存在用于此目的。完成必要的工作并希望恢复后,xa_state处于适当的状态,可以在上次处理条目之后继续迭代。如果您在迭代时禁用了中断,那么暂停迭代并重新启用每个XA_CHECK_SCHED条目的中断是一种很好的方式。

xas_get_mark()xas_set_mark()和 xas_clear_mark()功能需要xa_state光标已移动到xarray适当的位置; 如果您已致电xas_pause()xas_set() 之前致电,他们将无能为力。




您可以通过使用XA_STATE_ORDER() 或xas_set_order()调用来创建多索引条目xas_store()xas_load()使用多索引xa_state进行调用会将xa_state移到树中的正确位置,但是返回值没有意义,可能是内部条目,NULL甚至当范围内存储了条目时也是如此。调用xas_find_conflict() 将返回该范围内的第一个条目,或者该范围内NULL没有条目。该xas_for_each_conflict()迭代器将每一个重叠指定范围项遍历。







/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
/** eXtensible Arrays* Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation* Author: Matthew Wilcox <>** See Documentation/core-api/xarray.rst for how to use the XArray.*/#include <linux/bug.h>
#include <linux/compiler.h>
#include <linux/gfp.h>
#include <linux/kconfig.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/types.h>/** The bottom two bits of the entry determine how the XArray interprets* the contents:** 00: Pointer entry* 10: Internal entry* x1: Value entry or tagged pointer** Attempting to store internal entries in the XArray is a bug.** Most internal entries are pointers to the next node in the tree.* The following internal entries have a special meaning:** 0-62: Sibling entries* 256: Zero entry* 257: Retry entry** Errors are also represented as internal entries, but use the negative* space (-4094 to -2).  They're never stored in the slots array; only* returned by the normal API.*/#define BITS_PER_XA_VALUE  (BITS_PER_LONG - 1)/*** xa_mk_value() - Create an XArray entry from an integer.* @v: Value to store in XArray.** Context: Any context.* Return: An entry suitable for storing in the XArray.*/
static inline void *xa_mk_value(unsigned long v)
{WARN_ON((long)v < 0);return (void *)((v << 1) | 1);
}/*** xa_to_value() - Get value stored in an XArray entry.* @entry: XArray entry.** Context: Any context.* Return: The value stored in the XArray entry.*/
static inline unsigned long xa_to_value(const void *entry)
{return (unsigned long)entry >> 1;
}/*** xa_is_value() - Determine if an entry is a value.* @entry: XArray entry.** Context: Any context.* Return: True if the entry is a value, false if it is a pointer.*/
static inline bool xa_is_value(const void *entry)
{return (unsigned long)entry & 1;
}/*** xa_tag_pointer() - Create an XArray entry for a tagged pointer.* @p: Plain pointer.* @tag: Tag value (0, 1 or 3).** If the user of the XArray prefers, they can tag their pointers instead* of storing value entries.  Three tags are available (0, 1 and 3).* These are distinct from the xa_mark_t as they are not replicated up* through the array and cannot be searched for.** Context: Any context.* Return: An XArray entry.*/
static inline void *xa_tag_pointer(void *p, unsigned long tag)
{return (void *)((unsigned long)p | tag);
}/*** xa_untag_pointer() - Turn an XArray entry into a plain pointer.* @entry: XArray entry.** If you have stored a tagged pointer in the XArray, call this function* to get the untagged version of the pointer.** Context: Any context.* Return: A pointer.*/
static inline void *xa_untag_pointer(void *entry)
{return (void *)((unsigned long)entry & ~3UL);
}/*** xa_pointer_tag() - Get the tag stored in an XArray entry.* @entry: XArray entry.** If you have stored a tagged pointer in the XArray, call this function* to get the tag of that pointer.** Context: Any context.* Return: A tag.*/
static inline unsigned int xa_pointer_tag(void *entry)
{return (unsigned long)entry & 3UL;
}/** xa_mk_internal() - Create an internal entry.* @v: Value to turn into an internal entry.** Internal entries are used for a number of purposes.  Entries 0-255 are* used for sibling entries (only 0-62 are used by the current code).  256* is used for the retry entry.  257 is used for the reserved / zero entry.* Negative internal entries are used to represent errnos.  Node pointers* are also tagged as internal entries in some situations.** Context: Any context.* Return: An XArray internal entry corresponding to this value.*/
static inline void *xa_mk_internal(unsigned long v)
{return (void *)((v << 2) | 2);
}/** xa_to_internal() - Extract the value from an internal entry.* @entry: XArray entry.** Context: Any context.* Return: The value which was stored in the internal entry.*/
static inline unsigned long xa_to_internal(const void *entry)
{return (unsigned long)entry >> 2;
}/** xa_is_internal() - Is the entry an internal entry?* @entry: XArray entry.** Context: Any context.* Return: %true if the entry is an internal entry.*/
static inline bool xa_is_internal(const void *entry)
{return ((unsigned long)entry & 3) == 2;
}#define XA_ZERO_ENTRY      xa_mk_internal(257)/*** xa_is_zero() - Is the entry a zero entry?* @entry: Entry retrieved from the XArray** The normal API will return NULL as the contents of a slot containing* a zero entry.  You can only see zero entries by using the advanced API.** Return: %true if the entry is a zero entry.*/
static inline bool xa_is_zero(const void *entry)
{return unlikely(entry == XA_ZERO_ENTRY);
}/*** xa_is_err() - Report whether an XArray operation returned an error* @entry: Result from calling an XArray function** If an XArray operation cannot complete an operation, it will return* a special value indicating an error.  This function tells you* whether an error occurred; xa_err() tells you which error occurred.** Context: Any context.* Return: %true if the entry indicates an error.*/
static inline bool xa_is_err(const void *entry)
{return unlikely(xa_is_internal(entry) &&entry >= xa_mk_internal(-MAX_ERRNO));
}/*** xa_err() - Turn an XArray result into an errno.* @entry: Result from calling an XArray function.** If an XArray operation cannot complete an operation, it will return* a special pointer value which encodes an errno.  This function extracts* the errno from the pointer value, or returns 0 if the pointer does not* represent an errno.** Context: Any context.* Return: A negative errno or 0.*/
static inline int xa_err(void *entry)
{/* xa_to_internal() would not do sign extension. */if (xa_is_err(entry))return (long)entry >> 2;return 0;
}/*** struct xa_limit - Represents a range of IDs.* @min: The lowest ID to allocate (inclusive).* @max: The maximum ID to allocate (inclusive).** This structure is used either directly or via the XA_LIMIT() macro* to communicate the range of IDs that are valid for allocation.* Two common ranges are predefined for you:* * xa_limit_32b - [0 - UINT_MAX]* * xa_limit_31b    - [0 - INT_MAX]*/
struct xa_limit {u32 max;u32 min;
};#define XA_LIMIT(_min, _max) (struct xa_limit) { .min = _min, .max = _max }#define xa_limit_32b   XA_LIMIT(0, UINT_MAX)
#define xa_limit_31b    XA_LIMIT(0, INT_MAX)typedef unsigned __bitwise xa_mark_t;
#define XA_MARK_0       ((__force xa_mark_t)0U)
#define XA_MARK_1       ((__force xa_mark_t)1U)
#define XA_MARK_2       ((__force xa_mark_t)2U)
#define XA_PRESENT      ((__force xa_mark_t)8U)
#define XA_MARK_MAX     XA_MARK_2
#define XA_FREE_MARK        XA_MARK_0enum xa_lock_type {XA_LOCK_IRQ = 1,XA_LOCK_BH = 2,
};/** Values for xa_flags.  The radix tree stores its GFP flags in the xa_flags,* and we remain compatible with that.*/
#define XA_FLAGS_LOCK_IRQ   ((__force gfp_t)XA_LOCK_IRQ)
#define XA_FLAGS_LOCK_BH    ((__force gfp_t)XA_LOCK_BH)
#define XA_FLAGS_TRACK_FREE ((__force gfp_t)4U)
#define XA_FLAGS_ZERO_BUSY  ((__force gfp_t)8U)
#define XA_FLAGS_ALLOC_WRAPPED  ((__force gfp_t)16U)
#define XA_FLAGS_ACCOUNT    ((__force gfp_t)32U)
#define XA_FLAGS_MARK(mark) ((__force gfp_t)((1U << __GFP_BITS_SHIFT) << \(__force unsigned)(mark)))/* ALLOC is for a normal 0-based alloc.  ALLOC1 is for an 1-based alloc */
#define XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1 (XA_FLAGS_TRACK_FREE | XA_FLAGS_ZERO_BUSY)/*** struct xarray - The anchor of the XArray.* @xa_lock: Lock that protects the contents of the XArray.** To use the xarray, define it statically or embed it in your data structure.* It is a very small data structure, so it does not usually make sense to* allocate it separately and keep a pointer to it in your data structure.** You may use the xa_lock to protect your own data structures as well.*/
/** If all of the entries in the array are NULL, @xa_head is a NULL pointer.* If the only non-NULL entry in the array is at index 0, @xa_head is that* entry.  If any other entry in the array is non-NULL, @xa_head points* to an @xa_node.*/
struct xarray {spinlock_t   xa_lock;
/* private: The rest of the data structure is not to be used directly. */gfp_t      xa_flags;void __rcu *   xa_head;
};#define XARRAY_INIT(name, flags) {                \.xa_lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(name.xa_lock),     \.xa_flags = flags,                 \.xa_head = NULL,                   \
}/*** DEFINE_XARRAY_FLAGS() - Define an XArray with custom flags.* @name: A string that names your XArray.* @flags: XA_FLAG values.** This is intended for file scope definitions of XArrays.  It declares* and initialises an empty XArray with the chosen name and flags.  It is* equivalent to calling xa_init_flags() on the array, but it does the* initialisation at compiletime instead of runtime.*/
#define DEFINE_XARRAY_FLAGS(name, flags)                \struct xarray name = XARRAY_INIT(name, flags)/*** DEFINE_XARRAY() - Define an XArray.* @name: A string that names your XArray.** This is intended for file scope definitions of XArrays.  It declares* and initialises an empty XArray with the chosen name.  It is equivalent* to calling xa_init() on the array, but it does the initialisation at* compiletime instead of runtime.*/
#define DEFINE_XARRAY(name) DEFINE_XARRAY_FLAGS(name, 0)/*** DEFINE_XARRAY_ALLOC() - Define an XArray which allocates IDs starting at 0.* @name: A string that names your XArray.** This is intended for file scope definitions of allocating XArrays.* See also DEFINE_XARRAY().*/
#define DEFINE_XARRAY_ALLOC(name) DEFINE_XARRAY_FLAGS(name, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC)/*** DEFINE_XARRAY_ALLOC1() - Define an XArray which allocates IDs starting at 1.* @name: A string that names your XArray.** This is intended for file scope definitions of allocating XArrays.* See also DEFINE_XARRAY().*/
#define DEFINE_XARRAY_ALLOC1(name) DEFINE_XARRAY_FLAGS(name, XA_FLAGS_ALLOC1)void *xa_load(struct xarray *, unsigned long index);
void *xa_store(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, void *entry, gfp_t);
void *xa_erase(struct xarray *, unsigned long index);
void *xa_store_range(struct xarray *, unsigned long first, unsigned long last,void *entry, gfp_t);
bool xa_get_mark(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, xa_mark_t);
void xa_set_mark(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, xa_mark_t);
void xa_clear_mark(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, xa_mark_t);
void *xa_find(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long *index,unsigned long max, xa_mark_t) __attribute__((nonnull(2)));
void *xa_find_after(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long *index,unsigned long max, xa_mark_t) __attribute__((nonnull(2)));
unsigned int xa_extract(struct xarray *, void **dst, unsigned long start,unsigned long max, unsigned int n, xa_mark_t);
void xa_destroy(struct xarray *);/*** xa_init_flags() - Initialise an empty XArray with flags.* @xa: XArray.* @flags: XA_FLAG values.** If you need to initialise an XArray with special flags (eg you need* to take the lock from interrupt context), use this function instead* of xa_init().** Context: Any context.*/
static inline void xa_init_flags(struct xarray *xa, gfp_t flags)
{spin_lock_init(&xa->xa_lock);xa->xa_flags = flags;xa->xa_head = NULL;
}/*** xa_init() - Initialise an empty XArray.* @xa: XArray.** An empty XArray is full of NULL entries.** Context: Any context.*/
static inline void xa_init(struct xarray *xa)
{xa_init_flags(xa, 0);
}/*** xa_empty() - Determine if an array has any present entries.* @xa: XArray.** Context: Any context.* Return: %true if the array contains only NULL pointers.*/
static inline bool xa_empty(const struct xarray *xa)
{return xa->xa_head == NULL;
}/*** xa_marked() - Inquire whether any entry in this array has a mark set* @xa: Array* @mark: Mark value** Context: Any context.* Return: %true if any entry has this mark set.*/
static inline bool xa_marked(const struct xarray *xa, xa_mark_t mark)
{return xa->xa_flags & XA_FLAGS_MARK(mark);
}/*** xa_for_each_range() - Iterate over a portion of an XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index of @entry.* @entry: Entry retrieved from array.* @start: First index to retrieve from array.* @last: Last index to retrieve from array.** During the iteration, @entry will have the value of the entry stored* in @xa at @index.  You may modify @index during the iteration if you* want to skip or reprocess indices.  It is safe to modify the array* during the iteration.  At the end of the iteration, @entry will be set* to NULL and @index will have a value less than or equal to max.** xa_for_each_range() is O(n.log(n)) while xas_for_each() is O(n).  You have* to handle your own locking with xas_for_each(), and if you have to unlock* after each iteration, it will also end up being O(n.log(n)).* xa_for_each_range() will spin if it hits a retry entry; if you intend to* see retry entries, you should use the xas_for_each() iterator instead.* The xas_for_each() iterator will expand into more inline code than* xa_for_each_range().** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the RCU lock.*/
#define xa_for_each_range(xa, index, entry, start, last)        \for (index = start,                        \entry = xa_find(xa, &index, last, XA_PRESENT);     \entry;                         \entry = xa_find_after(xa, &index, last, XA_PRESENT))/*** xa_for_each_start() - Iterate over a portion of an XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index of @entry.* @entry: Entry retrieved from array.* @start: First index to retrieve from array.** During the iteration, @entry will have the value of the entry stored* in @xa at @index.  You may modify @index during the iteration if you* want to skip or reprocess indices.  It is safe to modify the array* during the iteration.  At the end of the iteration, @entry will be set* to NULL and @index will have a value less than or equal to max.** xa_for_each_start() is O(n.log(n)) while xas_for_each() is O(n).  You have* to handle your own locking with xas_for_each(), and if you have to unlock* after each iteration, it will also end up being O(n.log(n)).* xa_for_each_start() will spin if it hits a retry entry; if you intend to* see retry entries, you should use the xas_for_each() iterator instead.* The xas_for_each() iterator will expand into more inline code than* xa_for_each_start().** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the RCU lock.*/
#define xa_for_each_start(xa, index, entry, start) \xa_for_each_range(xa, index, entry, start, ULONG_MAX)/*** xa_for_each() - Iterate over present entries in an XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index of @entry.* @entry: Entry retrieved from array.** During the iteration, @entry will have the value of the entry stored* in @xa at @index.  You may modify @index during the iteration if you want* to skip or reprocess indices.  It is safe to modify the array during the* iteration.  At the end of the iteration, @entry will be set to NULL and* @index will have a value less than or equal to max.** xa_for_each() is O(n.log(n)) while xas_for_each() is O(n).  You have* to handle your own locking with xas_for_each(), and if you have to unlock* after each iteration, it will also end up being O(n.log(n)).  xa_for_each()* will spin if it hits a retry entry; if you intend to see retry entries,* you should use the xas_for_each() iterator instead.  The xas_for_each()* iterator will expand into more inline code than xa_for_each().** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the RCU lock.*/
#define xa_for_each(xa, index, entry) \xa_for_each_start(xa, index, entry, 0)/*** xa_for_each_marked() - Iterate over marked entries in an XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index of @entry.* @entry: Entry retrieved from array.* @filter: Selection criterion.** During the iteration, @entry will have the value of the entry stored* in @xa at @index.  The iteration will skip all entries in the array* which do not match @filter.  You may modify @index during the iteration* if you want to skip or reprocess indices.  It is safe to modify the array* during the iteration.  At the end of the iteration, @entry will be set to* NULL and @index will have a value less than or equal to max.** xa_for_each_marked() is O(n.log(n)) while xas_for_each_marked() is O(n).* You have to handle your own locking with xas_for_each(), and if you have* to unlock after each iteration, it will also end up being O(n.log(n)).* xa_for_each_marked() will spin if it hits a retry entry; if you intend to* see retry entries, you should use the xas_for_each_marked() iterator* instead.  The xas_for_each_marked() iterator will expand into more inline* code than xa_for_each_marked().** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the RCU lock.*/
#define xa_for_each_marked(xa, index, entry, filter) \for (index = 0, entry = xa_find(xa, &index, ULONG_MAX, filter); \entry; entry = xa_find_after(xa, &index, ULONG_MAX, filter))#define xa_trylock(xa)       spin_trylock(&(xa)->xa_lock)
#define xa_lock(xa)     spin_lock(&(xa)->xa_lock)
#define xa_unlock(xa)       spin_unlock(&(xa)->xa_lock)
#define xa_lock_bh(xa)      spin_lock_bh(&(xa)->xa_lock)
#define xa_unlock_bh(xa)    spin_unlock_bh(&(xa)->xa_lock)
#define xa_lock_irq(xa)     spin_lock_irq(&(xa)->xa_lock)
#define xa_unlock_irq(xa)   spin_unlock_irq(&(xa)->xa_lock)
#define xa_lock_irqsave(xa, flags) \spin_lock_irqsave(&(xa)->xa_lock, flags)
#define xa_unlock_irqrestore(xa, flags) \spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(xa)->xa_lock, flags)
#define xa_lock_nested(xa, subclass) \spin_lock_nested(&(xa)->xa_lock, subclass)
#define xa_lock_bh_nested(xa, subclass) \spin_lock_bh_nested(&(xa)->xa_lock, subclass)
#define xa_lock_irq_nested(xa, subclass) \spin_lock_irq_nested(&(xa)->xa_lock, subclass)
#define xa_lock_irqsave_nested(xa, flags, subclass) \spin_lock_irqsave_nested(&(xa)->xa_lock, flags, subclass)/** Versions of the normal API which require the caller to hold the* xa_lock.  If the GFP flags allow it, they will drop the lock to* allocate memory, then reacquire it afterwards.  These functions* may also re-enable interrupts if the XArray flags indicate the* locking should be interrupt safe.*/
void *__xa_erase(struct xarray *, unsigned long index);
void *__xa_store(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, void *entry, gfp_t);
void *__xa_cmpxchg(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, void *old,void *entry, gfp_t);
int __must_check __xa_insert(struct xarray *, unsigned long index,void *entry, gfp_t);
int __must_check __xa_alloc(struct xarray *, u32 *id, void *entry,struct xa_limit, gfp_t);
int __must_check __xa_alloc_cyclic(struct xarray *, u32 *id, void *entry,struct xa_limit, u32 *next, gfp_t);
void __xa_set_mark(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, xa_mark_t);
void __xa_clear_mark(struct xarray *, unsigned long index, xa_mark_t);/*** xa_store_bh() - Store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @entry: New entry.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** This function is like calling xa_store() except it disables softirqs* while holding the array lock.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling softirqs.* Return: The entry which used to be at this index.*/
static inline void *xa_store_bh(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index,void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{void *curr;xa_lock_bh(xa);curr = __xa_store(xa, index, entry, gfp);xa_unlock_bh(xa);return curr;
}/*** xa_store_irq() - Store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @entry: New entry.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** This function is like calling xa_store() except it disables interrupts* while holding the array lock.** Context: Process context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling interrupts.* Return: The entry which used to be at this index.*/
static inline void *xa_store_irq(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index,void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{void *curr;xa_lock_irq(xa);curr = __xa_store(xa, index, entry, gfp);xa_unlock_irq(xa);return curr;
}/*** xa_erase_bh() - Erase this entry from the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index of entry.** After this function returns, loading from @index will return %NULL.* If the index is part of a multi-index entry, all indices will be erased* and none of the entries will be part of a multi-index entry.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling softirqs.* Return: The entry which used to be at this index.*/
static inline void *xa_erase_bh(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index)
{void *entry;xa_lock_bh(xa);entry = __xa_erase(xa, index);xa_unlock_bh(xa);return entry;
}/*** xa_erase_irq() - Erase this entry from the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index of entry.** After this function returns, loading from @index will return %NULL.* If the index is part of a multi-index entry, all indices will be erased* and none of the entries will be part of a multi-index entry.** Context: Process context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling interrupts.* Return: The entry which used to be at this index.*/
static inline void *xa_erase_irq(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index)
{void *entry;xa_lock_irq(xa);entry = __xa_erase(xa, index);xa_unlock_irq(xa);return entry;
}/*** xa_cmpxchg() - Conditionally replace an entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @old: Old value to test against.* @entry: New value to place in array.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** If the entry at @index is the same as @old, replace it with @entry.* If the return value is equal to @old, then the exchange was successful.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock.  May sleep* if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: The old value at this index or xa_err() if an error happened.*/
static inline void *xa_cmpxchg(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index,void *old, void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{void *curr;xa_lock(xa);curr = __xa_cmpxchg(xa, index, old, entry, gfp);xa_unlock(xa);return curr;
}/*** xa_cmpxchg_bh() - Conditionally replace an entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @old: Old value to test against.* @entry: New value to place in array.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** This function is like calling xa_cmpxchg() except it disables softirqs* while holding the array lock.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling softirqs.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: The old value at this index or xa_err() if an error happened.*/
static inline void *xa_cmpxchg_bh(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index,void *old, void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{void *curr;xa_lock_bh(xa);curr = __xa_cmpxchg(xa, index, old, entry, gfp);xa_unlock_bh(xa);return curr;
}/*** xa_cmpxchg_irq() - Conditionally replace an entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @old: Old value to test against.* @entry: New value to place in array.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** This function is like calling xa_cmpxchg() except it disables interrupts* while holding the array lock.** Context: Process context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling interrupts.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: The old value at this index or xa_err() if an error happened.*/
static inline void *xa_cmpxchg_irq(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index,void *old, void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{void *curr;xa_lock_irq(xa);curr = __xa_cmpxchg(xa, index, old, entry, gfp);xa_unlock_irq(xa);return curr;
}/*** xa_insert() - Store this entry in the XArray unless another entry is*         already present.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @entry: New entry.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Inserting a NULL entry will store a reserved entry (like xa_reserve())* if no entry is present.  Inserting will fail if a reserved entry is* present, even though loading from this index will return NULL.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock.  May sleep if* the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 if the store succeeded.  -EBUSY if another entry was present.* -ENOMEM if memory could not be allocated.*/
static inline int __must_check xa_insert(struct xarray *xa,unsigned long index, void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock(xa);err = __xa_insert(xa, index, entry, gfp);xa_unlock(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_insert_bh() - Store this entry in the XArray unless another entry is*          already present.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @entry: New entry.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Inserting a NULL entry will store a reserved entry (like xa_reserve())* if no entry is present.  Inserting will fail if a reserved entry is* present, even though loading from this index will return NULL.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling softirqs.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 if the store succeeded.  -EBUSY if another entry was present.* -ENOMEM if memory could not be allocated.*/
static inline int __must_check xa_insert_bh(struct xarray *xa,unsigned long index, void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock_bh(xa);err = __xa_insert(xa, index, entry, gfp);xa_unlock_bh(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_insert_irq() - Store this entry in the XArray unless another entry is*         already present.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @entry: New entry.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Inserting a NULL entry will store a reserved entry (like xa_reserve())* if no entry is present.  Inserting will fail if a reserved entry is* present, even though loading from this index will return NULL.** Context: Process context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling interrupts.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 if the store succeeded.  -EBUSY if another entry was present.* -ENOMEM if memory could not be allocated.*/
static inline int __must_check xa_insert_irq(struct xarray *xa,unsigned long index, void *entry, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock_irq(xa);err = __xa_insert(xa, index, entry, gfp);xa_unlock_irq(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_alloc() - Find somewhere to store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @id: Pointer to ID.* @entry: New entry.* @limit: Range of ID to allocate.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Finds an empty entry in @xa between @limit.min and @limit.max,* stores the index into the @id pointer, then stores the entry at* that index.  A concurrent lookup will not see an uninitialised @id.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock.  May sleep if* the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 on success, -ENOMEM if memory could not be allocated or* -EBUSY if there are no free entries in @limit.*/
static inline __must_check int xa_alloc(struct xarray *xa, u32 *id,void *entry, struct xa_limit limit, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock(xa);err = __xa_alloc(xa, id, entry, limit, gfp);xa_unlock(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_alloc_bh() - Find somewhere to store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @id: Pointer to ID.* @entry: New entry.* @limit: Range of ID to allocate.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Finds an empty entry in @xa between @limit.min and @limit.max,* stores the index into the @id pointer, then stores the entry at* that index.  A concurrent lookup will not see an uninitialised @id.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling softirqs.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 on success, -ENOMEM if memory could not be allocated or* -EBUSY if there are no free entries in @limit.*/
static inline int __must_check xa_alloc_bh(struct xarray *xa, u32 *id,void *entry, struct xa_limit limit, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock_bh(xa);err = __xa_alloc(xa, id, entry, limit, gfp);xa_unlock_bh(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_alloc_irq() - Find somewhere to store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @id: Pointer to ID.* @entry: New entry.* @limit: Range of ID to allocate.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Finds an empty entry in @xa between @limit.min and @limit.max,* stores the index into the @id pointer, then stores the entry at* that index.  A concurrent lookup will not see an uninitialised @id.** Context: Process context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling interrupts.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 on success, -ENOMEM if memory could not be allocated or* -EBUSY if there are no free entries in @limit.*/
static inline int __must_check xa_alloc_irq(struct xarray *xa, u32 *id,void *entry, struct xa_limit limit, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock_irq(xa);err = __xa_alloc(xa, id, entry, limit, gfp);xa_unlock_irq(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_alloc_cyclic() - Find somewhere to store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @id: Pointer to ID.* @entry: New entry.* @limit: Range of allocated ID.* @next: Pointer to next ID to allocate.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Finds an empty entry in @xa between @limit.min and @limit.max,* stores the index into the @id pointer, then stores the entry at* that index.  A concurrent lookup will not see an uninitialised @id.* The search for an empty entry will start at @next and will wrap* around if necessary.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock.  May sleep if* the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 if the allocation succeeded without wrapping.  1 if the* allocation succeeded after wrapping, -ENOMEM if memory could not be* allocated or -EBUSY if there are no free entries in @limit.*/
static inline int xa_alloc_cyclic(struct xarray *xa, u32 *id, void *entry,struct xa_limit limit, u32 *next, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock(xa);err = __xa_alloc_cyclic(xa, id, entry, limit, next, gfp);xa_unlock(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_alloc_cyclic_bh() - Find somewhere to store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @id: Pointer to ID.* @entry: New entry.* @limit: Range of allocated ID.* @next: Pointer to next ID to allocate.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Finds an empty entry in @xa between @limit.min and @limit.max,* stores the index into the @id pointer, then stores the entry at* that index.  A concurrent lookup will not see an uninitialised @id.* The search for an empty entry will start at @next and will wrap* around if necessary.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling softirqs.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 if the allocation succeeded without wrapping.  1 if the* allocation succeeded after wrapping, -ENOMEM if memory could not be* allocated or -EBUSY if there are no free entries in @limit.*/
static inline int xa_alloc_cyclic_bh(struct xarray *xa, u32 *id, void *entry,struct xa_limit limit, u32 *next, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock_bh(xa);err = __xa_alloc_cyclic(xa, id, entry, limit, next, gfp);xa_unlock_bh(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_alloc_cyclic_irq() - Find somewhere to store this entry in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @id: Pointer to ID.* @entry: New entry.* @limit: Range of allocated ID.* @next: Pointer to next ID to allocate.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Finds an empty entry in @xa between @limit.min and @limit.max,* stores the index into the @id pointer, then stores the entry at* that index.  A concurrent lookup will not see an uninitialised @id.* The search for an empty entry will start at @next and will wrap* around if necessary.** Context: Process context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling interrupts.  May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 if the allocation succeeded without wrapping.  1 if the* allocation succeeded after wrapping, -ENOMEM if memory could not be* allocated or -EBUSY if there are no free entries in @limit.*/
static inline int xa_alloc_cyclic_irq(struct xarray *xa, u32 *id, void *entry,struct xa_limit limit, u32 *next, gfp_t gfp)
{int err;xa_lock_irq(xa);err = __xa_alloc_cyclic(xa, id, entry, limit, next, gfp);xa_unlock_irq(xa);return err;
}/*** xa_reserve() - Reserve this index in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** Ensures there is somewhere to store an entry at @index in the array.* If there is already something stored at @index, this function does* nothing.  If there was nothing there, the entry is marked as reserved.* Loading from a reserved entry returns a %NULL pointer.** If you do not use the entry that you have reserved, call xa_release()* or xa_erase() to free any unnecessary memory.** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock.* May sleep if the @gfp flags permit.* Return: 0 if the reservation succeeded or -ENOMEM if it failed.*/
static inline __must_check
int xa_reserve(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index, gfp_t gfp)
{return xa_err(xa_cmpxchg(xa, index, NULL, XA_ZERO_ENTRY, gfp));
}/*** xa_reserve_bh() - Reserve this index in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** A softirq-disabling version of xa_reserve().** Context: Any context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling softirqs.* Return: 0 if the reservation succeeded or -ENOMEM if it failed.*/
static inline __must_check
int xa_reserve_bh(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index, gfp_t gfp)
{return xa_err(xa_cmpxchg_bh(xa, index, NULL, XA_ZERO_ENTRY, gfp));
}/*** xa_reserve_irq() - Reserve this index in the XArray.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index into array.* @gfp: Memory allocation flags.** An interrupt-disabling version of xa_reserve().** Context: Process context.  Takes and releases the xa_lock while* disabling interrupts.* Return: 0 if the reservation succeeded or -ENOMEM if it failed.*/
static inline __must_check
int xa_reserve_irq(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index, gfp_t gfp)
{return xa_err(xa_cmpxchg_irq(xa, index, NULL, XA_ZERO_ENTRY, gfp));
}/*** xa_release() - Release a reserved entry.* @xa: XArray.* @index: Index of entry.** After calling xa_reserve(), you can call this function to release the* reservation.  If the entry at @index has been stored to, this function* will do nothing.*/
static inline void xa_release(struct xarray *xa, unsigned long index)
{xa_cmpxchg(xa, index, XA_ZERO_ENTRY, NULL, 0);
}/* Everything below here is the Advanced API.  Proceed with caution. *//** The xarray is constructed out of a set of 'chunks' of pointers.  Choosing* the best chunk size requires some tradeoffs.  A power of two recommends* itself so that we can walk the tree based purely on shifts and masks.* Generally, the larger the better; as the number of slots per level of the* tree increases, the less tall the tree needs to be.  But that needs to be* balanced against the memory consumption of each node.  On a 64-bit system,* xa_node is currently 576 bytes, and we get 7 of them per 4kB page.  If we* doubled the number of slots per node, we'd get only 3 nodes per 4kB page.*/
#define XA_CHUNK_SHIFT      (CONFIG_BASE_SMALL ? 4 : 6)
#define XA_CHUNK_SIZE       (1UL << XA_CHUNK_SHIFT)
#define XA_CHUNK_MASK       (XA_CHUNK_SIZE - 1)
#define XA_MAX_MARKS        3
#define XA_MARK_LONGS       DIV_ROUND_UP(XA_CHUNK_SIZE, BITS_PER_LONG)/** @count is the count of every non-NULL element in the ->slots array* whether that is a value entry, a retry entry, a user pointer,* a sibling entry or a pointer to the next level of the tree.* @nr_values is the count of every element in ->slots which is* either a value entry or a sibling of a value entry.*/
struct xa_node {unsigned char   shift;      /* Bits remaining in each slot */unsigned char  offset;     /* Slot offset in parent */unsigned char    count;      /* Total entry count */unsigned char    nr_values;  /* Value entry count */struct xa_node __rcu *parent;    /* NULL at top of tree */struct xarray  *array;     /* The array we belong to */union {struct list_head private_list;   /* For tree user */struct rcu_head  rcu_head;   /* Used when freeing node */};void __rcu    *slots[XA_CHUNK_SIZE];union {unsigned long  tags[XA_MAX_MARKS][XA_MARK_LONGS];unsigned long marks[XA_MAX_MARKS][XA_MARK_LONGS];};
};void xa_dump(const struct xarray *);
void xa_dump_node(const struct xa_node *);#ifdef XA_DEBUG
#define XA_BUG_ON(xa, x) do {                   \if (x) {                   \xa_dump(xa);               \BUG();                 \}                      \} while (0)
#define XA_NODE_BUG_ON(node, x) do {                \if (x) {                   \if (node) xa_dump_node(node);      \BUG();                 \}                      \} while (0)
#define XA_BUG_ON(xa, x)    do { } while (0)
#define XA_NODE_BUG_ON(node, x) do { } while (0)
#endif/* Private */
static inline void *xa_head(const struct xarray *xa)
{return rcu_dereference_check(xa->xa_head,lockdep_is_held(&xa->xa_lock));
}/* Private */
static inline void *xa_head_locked(const struct xarray *xa)
{return rcu_dereference_protected(xa->xa_head,lockdep_is_held(&xa->xa_lock));
}/* Private */
static inline void *xa_entry(const struct xarray *xa,const struct xa_node *node, unsigned int offset)
{XA_NODE_BUG_ON(node, offset >= XA_CHUNK_SIZE);return rcu_dereference_check(node->slots[offset],lockdep_is_held(&xa->xa_lock));
}/* Private */
static inline void *xa_entry_locked(const struct xarray *xa,const struct xa_node *node, unsigned int offset)
{XA_NODE_BUG_ON(node, offset >= XA_CHUNK_SIZE);return rcu_dereference_protected(node->slots[offset],lockdep_is_held(&xa->xa_lock));
}/* Private */
static inline struct xa_node *xa_parent(const struct xarray *xa,const struct xa_node *node)
{return rcu_dereference_check(node->parent,lockdep_is_held(&xa->xa_lock));
}/* Private */
static inline struct xa_node *xa_parent_locked(const struct xarray *xa,const struct xa_node *node)
{return rcu_dereference_protected(node->parent,lockdep_is_held(&xa->xa_lock));
}/* Private */
static inline void *xa_mk_node(const struct xa_node *node)
{return (void *)((unsigned long)node | 2);
}/* Private */
static inline struct xa_node *xa_to_node(const void *entry)
{return (struct xa_node *)((unsigned long)entry - 2);
}/* Private */
static inline bool xa_is_node(const void *entry)
{return xa_is_internal(entry) && (unsigned long)entry > 4096;
}/* Private */
static inline void *xa_mk_sibling(unsigned int offset)
{return xa_mk_internal(offset);
}/* Private */
static inline unsigned long xa_to_sibling(const void *entry)
{return xa_to_internal(entry);
}/*** xa_is_sibling() - Is the entry a sibling entry?* @entry: Entry retrieved from the XArray** Return: %true if the entry is a sibling entry.*/
static inline bool xa_is_sibling(const void *entry)
{return IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_XARRAY_MULTI) && xa_is_internal(entry) &&(entry < xa_mk_sibling(XA_CHUNK_SIZE - 1));
}#define XA_RETRY_ENTRY     xa_mk_internal(256)/*** xa_is_retry() - Is the entry a retry entry?* @entry: Entry retrieved from the XArray** Return: %true if the entry is a retry entry.*/
static inline bool xa_is_retry(const void *entry)
{return unlikely(entry == XA_RETRY_ENTRY);
}/*** xa_is_advanced() - Is the entry only permitted for the advanced API?* @entry: Entry to be stored in the XArray.** Return: %true if the entry cannot be stored by the normal API.*/
static inline bool xa_is_advanced(const void *entry)
{return xa_is_internal(entry) && (entry <= XA_RETRY_ENTRY);
}/*** typedef xa_update_node_t - A callback function from the XArray.* @node: The node which is being processed** This function is called every time the XArray updates the count of* present and value entries in a node.  It allows advanced users to* maintain the private_list in the node.** Context: The xa_lock is held and interrupts may be disabled.*     Implementations should not drop the xa_lock, nor re-enable*     interrupts.*/
typedef void (*xa_update_node_t)(struct xa_node *node);/** The xa_state is opaque to its users.  It contains various different pieces* of state involved in the current operation on the XArray.  It should be* declared on the stack and passed between the various internal routines.* The various elements in it should not be accessed directly, but only* through the provided accessor functions.  The below documentation is for* the benefit of those working on the code, not for users of the XArray.** @xa_node usually points to the xa_node containing the slot we're operating* on (and @xa_offset is the offset in the slots array).  If there is a* single entry in the array at index 0, there are no allocated xa_nodes to* point to, and so we store %NULL in @xa_node.  @xa_node is set to* the value %XAS_RESTART if the xa_state is not walked to the correct* position in the tree of nodes for this operation.  If an error occurs* during an operation, it is set to an %XAS_ERROR value.  If we run off the* end of the allocated nodes, it is set to %XAS_BOUNDS.*/
struct xa_state {struct xarray *xa;unsigned long xa_index;unsigned char xa_shift;unsigned char xa_sibs;unsigned char xa_offset;unsigned char xa_pad;        /* Helps gcc generate better code */struct xa_node *xa_node;struct xa_node *xa_alloc;xa_update_node_t xa_update;
};/** We encode errnos in the xas->xa_node.  If an error has happened, we need to* drop the lock to fix it, and once we've done so the xa_state is invalid.*/
#define XA_ERROR(errno) ((struct xa_node *)(((unsigned long)errno << 2) | 2UL))
#define XAS_BOUNDS  ((struct xa_node *)1UL)
#define XAS_RESTART ((struct xa_node *)3UL)#define __XA_STATE(array, index, shift, sibs)  { \.xa = array,                   \.xa_index = index,             \.xa_shift = shift,             \.xa_sibs = sibs,               \.xa_offset = 0,                    \.xa_pad = 0,                   \.xa_node = XAS_RESTART,                \.xa_alloc = NULL,              \.xa_update = NULL              \
}/*** XA_STATE() - Declare an XArray operation state.* @name: Name of this operation state (usually xas).* @array: Array to operate on.* @index: Initial index of interest.** Declare and initialise an xa_state on the stack.*/
#define XA_STATE(name, array, index)                \struct xa_state name = __XA_STATE(array, index, 0, 0)/*** XA_STATE_ORDER() - Declare an XArray operation state.* @name: Name of this operation state (usually xas).* @array: Array to operate on.* @index: Initial index of interest.* @order: Order of entry.** Declare and initialise an xa_state on the stack.  This variant of* XA_STATE() allows you to specify the 'order' of the element you* want to operate on.`*/
#define XA_STATE_ORDER(name, array, index, order)       \struct xa_state name = __XA_STATE(array,       \(index >> order) << order,     \order - (order % XA_CHUNK_SHIFT),  \(1U << (order % XA_CHUNK_SHIFT)) - 1)#define xas_marked(xas, mark)   xa_marked((xas)->xa, (mark))
#define xas_trylock(xas)    xa_trylock((xas)->xa)
#define xas_lock(xas)       xa_lock((xas)->xa)
#define xas_unlock(xas)     xa_unlock((xas)->xa)
#define xas_lock_bh(xas)    xa_lock_bh((xas)->xa)
#define xas_unlock_bh(xas)  xa_unlock_bh((xas)->xa)
#define xas_lock_irq(xas)   xa_lock_irq((xas)->xa)
#define xas_unlock_irq(xas) xa_unlock_irq((xas)->xa)
#define xas_lock_irqsave(xas, flags) \xa_lock_irqsave((xas)->xa, flags)
#define xas_unlock_irqrestore(xas, flags) \xa_unlock_irqrestore((xas)->xa, flags)/*** xas_error() - Return an errno stored in the xa_state.* @xas: XArray operation state.** Return: 0 if no error has been noted.  A negative errno if one has.*/
static inline int xas_error(const struct xa_state *xas)
{return xa_err(xas->xa_node);
}/*** xas_set_err() - Note an error in the xa_state.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @err: Negative error number.** Only call this function with a negative @err; zero or positive errors* will probably not behave the way you think they should.  If you want* to clear the error from an xa_state, use xas_reset().*/
static inline void xas_set_err(struct xa_state *xas, long err)
{xas->xa_node = XA_ERROR(err);
}/*** xas_invalid() - Is the xas in a retry or error state?* @xas: XArray operation state.** Return: %true if the xas cannot be used for operations.*/
static inline bool xas_invalid(const struct xa_state *xas)
{return (unsigned long)xas->xa_node & 3;
}/*** xas_valid() - Is the xas a valid cursor into the array?* @xas: XArray operation state.** Return: %true if the xas can be used for operations.*/
static inline bool xas_valid(const struct xa_state *xas)
{return !xas_invalid(xas);
}/*** xas_is_node() - Does the xas point to a node?* @xas: XArray operation state.** Return: %true if the xas currently references a node.*/
static inline bool xas_is_node(const struct xa_state *xas)
{return xas_valid(xas) && xas->xa_node;
}/* True if the pointer is something other than a node */
static inline bool xas_not_node(struct xa_node *node)
{return ((unsigned long)node & 3) || !node;
}/* True if the node represents RESTART or an error */
static inline bool xas_frozen(struct xa_node *node)
{return (unsigned long)node & 2;
}/* True if the node represents head-of-tree, RESTART or BOUNDS */
static inline bool xas_top(struct xa_node *node)
{return node <= XAS_RESTART;
}/*** xas_reset() - Reset an XArray operation state.* @xas: XArray operation state.** Resets the error or walk state of the @xas so future walks of the* array will start from the root.  Use this if you have dropped the* xarray lock and want to reuse the xa_state.** Context: Any context.*/
static inline void xas_reset(struct xa_state *xas)
{xas->xa_node = XAS_RESTART;
}/*** xas_retry() - Retry the operation if appropriate.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @entry: Entry from xarray.** The advanced functions may sometimes return an internal entry, such as* a retry entry or a zero entry.  This function sets up the @xas to restart* the walk from the head of the array if needed.** Context: Any context.* Return: true if the operation needs to be retried.*/
static inline bool xas_retry(struct xa_state *xas, const void *entry)
{if (xa_is_zero(entry))return true;if (!xa_is_retry(entry))return false;xas_reset(xas);return true;
}void *xas_load(struct xa_state *);
void *xas_store(struct xa_state *, void *entry);
void *xas_find(struct xa_state *, unsigned long max);
void *xas_find_conflict(struct xa_state *);bool xas_get_mark(const struct xa_state *, xa_mark_t);
void xas_set_mark(const struct xa_state *, xa_mark_t);
void xas_clear_mark(const struct xa_state *, xa_mark_t);
void *xas_find_marked(struct xa_state *, unsigned long max, xa_mark_t);
void xas_init_marks(const struct xa_state *);bool xas_nomem(struct xa_state *, gfp_t);
void xas_pause(struct xa_state *);void xas_create_range(struct xa_state *);/*** xas_reload() - Refetch an entry from the xarray.* @xas: XArray operation state.** Use this function to check that a previously loaded entry still has* the same value.  This is useful for the lockless pagecache lookup where* we walk the array with only the RCU lock to protect us, lock the page,* then check that the page hasn't moved since we looked it up.** The caller guarantees that @xas is still valid.  If it may be in an* error or restart state, call xas_load() instead.** Return: The entry at this location in the xarray.*/
static inline void *xas_reload(struct xa_state *xas)
{struct xa_node *node = xas->xa_node;if (node)return xa_entry(xas->xa, node, xas->xa_offset);return xa_head(xas->xa);
}/*** xas_set() - Set up XArray operation state for a different index.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @index: New index into the XArray.** Move the operation state to refer to a different index.  This will* have the effect of starting a walk from the top; see xas_next()* to move to an adjacent index.*/
static inline void xas_set(struct xa_state *xas, unsigned long index)
{xas->xa_index = index;xas->xa_node = XAS_RESTART;
}/*** xas_set_order() - Set up XArray operation state for a multislot entry.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @index: Target of the operation.* @order: Entry occupies 2^@order indices.*/
static inline void xas_set_order(struct xa_state *xas, unsigned long index,unsigned int order)
#ifdef CONFIG_XARRAY_MULTIxas->xa_index = order < BITS_PER_LONG ? (index >> order) << order : 0;xas->xa_shift = order - (order % XA_CHUNK_SHIFT);xas->xa_sibs = (1 << (order % XA_CHUNK_SHIFT)) - 1;xas->xa_node = XAS_RESTART;
#elseBUG_ON(order > 0);xas_set(xas, index);
}/*** xas_set_update() - Set up XArray operation state for a callback.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @update: Function to call when updating a node.** The XArray can notify a caller after it has updated an xa_node.* This is advanced functionality and is only needed by the page cache.*/
static inline void xas_set_update(struct xa_state *xas, xa_update_node_t update)
{xas->xa_update = update;
}/*** xas_next_entry() - Advance iterator to next present entry.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @max: Highest index to return.** xas_next_entry() is an inline function to optimise xarray traversal for* speed.  It is equivalent to calling xas_find(), and will call xas_find()* for all the hard cases.** Return: The next present entry after the one currently referred to by @xas.*/
static inline void *xas_next_entry(struct xa_state *xas, unsigned long max)
{struct xa_node *node = xas->xa_node;void *entry;if (unlikely(xas_not_node(node) || node->shift ||xas->xa_offset != (xas->xa_index & XA_CHUNK_MASK)))return xas_find(xas, max);do {if (unlikely(xas->xa_index >= max))return xas_find(xas, max);if (unlikely(xas->xa_offset == XA_CHUNK_MASK))return xas_find(xas, max);entry = xa_entry(xas->xa, node, xas->xa_offset + 1);if (unlikely(xa_is_internal(entry)))return xas_find(xas, max);xas->xa_offset++;xas->xa_index++;} while (!entry);return entry;
}/* Private */
static inline unsigned int xas_find_chunk(struct xa_state *xas, bool advance,xa_mark_t mark)
{unsigned long *addr = xas->xa_node->marks[(__force unsigned)mark];unsigned int offset = xas->xa_offset;if (advance)offset++;if (XA_CHUNK_SIZE == BITS_PER_LONG) {if (offset < XA_CHUNK_SIZE) {unsigned long data = *addr & (~0UL << offset);if (data)return __ffs(data);}return XA_CHUNK_SIZE;}return find_next_bit(addr, XA_CHUNK_SIZE, offset);
}/*** xas_next_marked() - Advance iterator to next marked entry.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @max: Highest index to return.* @mark: Mark to search for.** xas_next_marked() is an inline function to optimise xarray traversal for* speed.  It is equivalent to calling xas_find_marked(), and will call* xas_find_marked() for all the hard cases.** Return: The next marked entry after the one currently referred to by @xas.*/
static inline void *xas_next_marked(struct xa_state *xas, unsigned long max,xa_mark_t mark)
{struct xa_node *node = xas->xa_node;void *entry;unsigned int offset;if (unlikely(xas_not_node(node) || node->shift))return xas_find_marked(xas, max, mark);offset = xas_find_chunk(xas, true, mark);xas->xa_offset = offset;xas->xa_index = (xas->xa_index & ~XA_CHUNK_MASK) + offset;if (xas->xa_index > max)return NULL;if (offset == XA_CHUNK_SIZE)return xas_find_marked(xas, max, mark);entry = xa_entry(xas->xa, node, offset);if (!entry)return xas_find_marked(xas, max, mark);return entry;
}/** If iterating while holding a lock, drop the lock and reschedule* every %XA_CHECK_SCHED loops.*/
enum {XA_CHECK_SCHED = 4096,
};/*** xas_for_each() - Iterate over a range of an XArray.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @entry: Entry retrieved from the array.* @max: Maximum index to retrieve from array.** The loop body will be executed for each entry present in the xarray* between the current xas position and @max.  @entry will be set to* the entry retrieved from the xarray.  It is safe to delete entries* from the array in the loop body.  You should hold either the RCU lock* or the xa_lock while iterating.  If you need to drop the lock, call* xas_pause() first.*/
#define xas_for_each(xas, entry, max) \for (entry = xas_find(xas, max); entry; \entry = xas_next_entry(xas, max))/*** xas_for_each_marked() - Iterate over a range of an XArray.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @entry: Entry retrieved from the array.* @max: Maximum index to retrieve from array.* @mark: Mark to search for.** The loop body will be executed for each marked entry in the xarray* between the current xas position and @max.  @entry will be set to* the entry retrieved from the xarray.  It is safe to delete entries* from the array in the loop body.  You should hold either the RCU lock* or the xa_lock while iterating.  If you need to drop the lock, call* xas_pause() first.*/
#define xas_for_each_marked(xas, entry, max, mark) \for (entry = xas_find_marked(xas, max, mark); entry; \entry = xas_next_marked(xas, max, mark))/*** xas_for_each_conflict() - Iterate over a range of an XArray.* @xas: XArray operation state.* @entry: Entry retrieved from the array.** The loop body will be executed for each entry in the XArray that lies* within the range specified by @xas.  If the loop completes successfully,* any entries that lie in this range will be replaced by @entry.  The caller* may break out of the loop; if they do so, the contents of the XArray will* be unchanged.  The operation may fail due to an out of memory condition.* The caller may also call xa_set_err() to exit the loop while setting an* error to record the reason.*/
#define xas_for_each_conflict(xas, entry) \while ((entry = xas_find_conflict(xas)))void *__xas_next(struct xa_state *);
void *__xas_prev(struct xa_state *);/*** xas_prev() - Move iterator to previous index.* @xas: XArray operation state.** If the @xas was in an error state, it will remain in an error state* and this function will return %NULL.  If the @xas has never been walked,* it will have the effect of calling xas_load().  Otherwise one will be* subtracted from the index and the state will be walked to the correct* location in the array for the next operation.** If the iterator was referencing index 0, this function wraps* around to %ULONG_MAX.** Return: The entry at the new index.  This may be %NULL or an internal* entry.*/
static inline void *xas_prev(struct xa_state *xas)
{struct xa_node *node = xas->xa_node;if (unlikely(xas_not_node(node) || node->shift ||xas->xa_offset == 0))return __xas_prev(xas);xas->xa_index--;xas->xa_offset--;return xa_entry(xas->xa, node, xas->xa_offset);
}/*** xas_next() - Move state to next index.* @xas: XArray operation state.** If the @xas was in an error state, it will remain in an error state* and this function will return %NULL.  If the @xas has never been walked,* it will have the effect of calling xas_load().  Otherwise one will be* added to the index and the state will be walked to the correct* location in the array for the next operation.** If the iterator was referencing index %ULONG_MAX, this function wraps* around to 0.** Return: The entry at the new index.  This may be %NULL or an internal* entry.*/
static inline void *xas_next(struct xa_state *xas)
{struct xa_node *node = xas->xa_node;if (unlikely(xas_not_node(node) || node->shift ||xas->xa_offset == XA_CHUNK_MASK))return __xas_next(xas);xas->xa_index++;xas->xa_offset++;return xa_entry(xas->xa, node, xas->xa_offset);
}#endif /* _LINUX_XARRAY_H */


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